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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

You're not gonna start posting that titty video here now are you?
I missed you, son ;~;

BuRn iN hElL

Uhm Cloud looks cool and the Midgar stage is incredible but when's dat der December Direct.
BuRn iN hElL

Uhm Cloud looks cool and the Midgar stage is incredible but when's dat der December Direct.
I still love you.
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BuRn iN hElL

Uhm Cloud looks cool and the Midgar stage is incredible but when's dat der December Direct.

Apparently GameStop is listing the DLC for the 5th, but there's no way there won't be at least a WEEK of build up until it. It's a big-ass announcement. I mean, they want everyone there when Wonder-Red gets announced hey wait don't go
GameStop listing DLC dates? That's


It's not super weird, you can buy some DLC via cards from them. Not sure about Nintendo's stuff, but yeah. It's weird.

I mean isn't the Game Awards or something tonight? We might get a preview or a date for it then.
I mean, it's not like Sakurai hasn't done a "THE DLC IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW GET IT GO GO GO".
family reunion

But December 5th is way too soon. I would imagine they would announce the date of the Direct a week in advance and during the Direct pull an E3 like 'oh and IT'S OUT NOW GO PLAY THAT SHIT'
I expect a direct a week or two from now, or even one closer to the end of the month
either way I have Xenoblade Chronicles X to keep me company
There's plenty of Knuckles move sets on the Vault. Not sure about Lyn personally and don't feel like actually looking.
The PMDT's version looks a lot more interesting and polished than anything I've seen on Brawl Vault, which is to be expected given that they've had him in development for years now. They were able to recreate his glide mechanic from his own games, and his down-smash can burrow into the ground and then control where he pops out. One of my favorite things about PM is all these crazy technical feats you'd never expect possible from PSA hacking.

Anyway, apparently a dev build featuring a nearly finished Knuckles and Lyn as well as WIP Isaac and Sami got leaked on 4chan a little bit ago, so at least we are getting to see what they had.
Why do people hate GameXplain?I've never watched it
Why do people hate GameXplain?I've never watched it

I like them, but a lot of people think their voices are so utterly terrible that their entire channel should never be mentioned.

Also something something viewwhores something something they don't care about games, only about money
The PMDT's version looks a lot more interesting and polished than anything I've seen on Brawl Vault, which is to be expected given that they've had him in development for years now. They were able to recreate his glide mechanic from his own games, and his down-smash can burrow into the ground and then control where he pops out. One of my favorite things about PM is all these crazy technical feats you'd never expect possible from PSA hacking.

Anyway, apparently a dev build featuring a nearly finished Knuckles and Lyn as well as WIP Isaac and Sami got leaked on 4chan a little bit ago, so at least we are getting to see what they had.
Actually, that is PSA hacking =p While I only Animate, a friend of mine does the PSA code, which say I want Ajna to have Axe Wall Tethering, he's able to script it to work the way I want it. Not many people now the seriously deep PSA code like my friend does, so course anything that's in PM will be better as it was comprised of the best of the best. Hell, I was asked to help animate way back in the day but turned it down, knowing I rarely produce on time. The code's there, just gotta work it =3
I know, I'm saying it's stuff you'd never expect anyone to be able to pull off given how difficult it is to work with. The PMDT has created plenty of things once thought impossible.

Anyway, spent a while playing with the leaked build, and wow. Really cool stuff that's tragic it'll never see completion.

Knuckles is amazingly fun, not only does he have the glide but he can also climb walls (kinda getting into some dangerous 3.02 Project Recovery territory here though...), and the dsmash is damn cool. He seems polished enough to have been released, only thing he's missing is a Final Smash.

Lyn's mostly done but has a few troublesome bugs. Trying to load any of her alt palettes will crash (someone said they managed to put together a fix for this though), and her down-B looks like it's supposed to be another Counter but it doesn't do anything. I'm not sure if side-B is working as intended or not, it's a command dash that looks like you're supposed to be able to attack with it but as far as I can tell you can't. I'm not the biggest fan of more swords, but the speed at which she can keep throwing out hitboxes is kinda fun, and the animations are really good. I like her uptilt, which has additional hits if you press the button again.

Isaac is very unfinished, some of his moves are still Toon Link's (kind of hilarious to see him plucking bombs), and he's very buggy, sometimes warping around randomly. But he's got some pretty cool concepts that are by far the most interesting in here. Many of his normals have him both swing his sword and make vines and stuff pop up for an extra ranged hitbox. His side-B is a shrunk down version of his Assist Trophy's Move Psynergy, which is pretty cool to play with as a harassment or edgeguarding tool. But what's most interesting of all is his grab: instead of grabbing right in front of him, he holds out his hand and a spark appears about two character lengths away from him, and that's where the grab hitbox is. It's not like ranged tether grabs though, it'll just whiff if you're any closer than that, and when it connects instead of bringing them in he'll just hold the opponent there at a distance like he's Force Choking them or something. Release points seem to be a bit inconsistent when you throw them though, dthrow tends to teleport, but again the animations just look awesome. He'd be such a blast to play if he was fixed up, imagine trying to chaingrab with this.

Turns out Sami is not in the leaked build, though some footage of her did get leaked. There's not much to see though, pretty much just a model over Snake with little to no PSA work done yet. It's a nice model though I guess.

That beautiful new ZSS remodel they recently teased is also missing from this leaked build, sadly. Looks like we'll be stuck with the Brawl boobsocks model for good.

But at least we did get Headband Puff. Oh how I've missed you and your glorious physics. <3
Could always replace Zss with a working version of Kit Ballard (who is also the very first 100% imported model)

edit: oh yeah.. he never got around to completely updating that metal shader for her... eh.. still looked nice.


Not an official confirm but AHAHAHAHA!!!
I mean honestly though

Out of the remaining two DLC characters for Smash 4 after Cloud, one of them has to be Wolf. Like Lucas he's a quick and easy fixin' and Snake or Ice Climbers sure as hell ain't coming back.
That beautiful new ZSS remodel they recently teased is also missing from this leaked build, sadly. Looks like we'll be stuck with the Brawl boobsocks model for good.

Look around a little and you will find that the official 3.61 release was leaked too. All the new stuff they promised is out there in the wild. The new characters that weren't meant for public consumption are in the older developer build from September, so you can mix and match them if you want.

The official build is being treated like if Tribute Edition was released unedited with all 6 ponies finished as the final work of Mane6 at that point in time, and the developers pretended like it never happened. All without a C&D of course.
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Yeah, I saw we got another leak. Apparently that build was meant to be released back on Halloween and had all sorts of fixes, wonder why it never did? They can't have been planning this shutdown far in advance given that they were just posting a bunch of Art Tuesday updates all the way up to last week.

Also, turns out the first leak does have files for Sami in it, but she's not on the CSS/Clone Engine to be accessible. But you can swap her files over Snake to see her. Not much to see though, they barely even started changing a few moves.
I'll be playing a bit of Smash tonight if anyone wants to jump in; just send a friend request to: TaNooki-kun
I'll reply back here once I start up the room.

Mains: Wii Fit Trainer, Zelda
Secondary: Bowser, Samus, Little Mac, Lucina
Oh yeah sure. This thread has been meaning to get some actual games in for who knows how long. About time some of us do that.
Oh yeah sure. This thread has been meaning to get some actual games in for who knows how long. About time some of us do that.
Gotta' get ready for Cloud; I don't want to be rusty when the time comes for him to drop! ^_^
Okay, I registered you, BeatNinja; the room is up now. Let's have a good one! You can use Custom Specials if you want.
I can say at least

I'll do better than my pathetic Canadian counterpart.
straight outta onett, five mothafuckas on the Runaway, get bailed out by a kid more than once a day
I knew it would be smack dab in the middle of December.
Last chance for basically any DLC characters as far as I would assume.

C'mon, K. Rool, every other character I wanted is out, pls
I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention, have they announced before now that this is the end of new content? It's rather disappointing since they've been pumping stuff out at a decent rate.