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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Ridley's sideB has to be a command grab I don't care if that makes him too much a Bowser clone I need to grind my enemies into the ground. While also moving forward. In the air.
You know, I did the new york fables thing as a joke but it fits really fucking well with nintendo characters.
If only I wasn't the only person on this forum that reads new york fables, maybe someone would care.

Honestly, every newcomer so far has been really different, mechanic-wise (aside from Villager and Wii Fit Trainer, who just have weird movesets) so I'm looking forward to some more interesting fighters. I did like the one Chrom "leak" that gave him a vulnerary as a move he can do three times per stock to replenish health in place of a counter like the other FE reps.
That's not super original, though...
I mean, it's better than getting literally Marth 2, but it's not like a healing move is anywhere near as cool as Rosalina having a starfy puppet or Lil' Mac and his KO meter.
The big reason that I don't really want Chrom, though, is that you could make him a marth costume and it would be 100% accurate to the series. I either want a strategist (with all specials being various summons of FE:Awakening characters) or Anna. I'd vouch for Hector too, but he has no fucking chance, he's not even technically the main character of the game he's in. I mean, we have so many great and unique characters in fire emblem that the last thing I want is just another lord.
The big thing about the strategist, though, is that none of the fire emblem characters actually represent fire emblem as a game. The whole thing is about teamwork and comradery and then marth and ike are just like "lol just gonna run in solo." The strategist with all summons for his/her specials would be perfect to represent that entire 99% of the game aside from occasionally having Ike say "I fight for my friends!"
I'd rather have Andy from Advance Wars be the strategy character with an actual strategic moveset. Let him summon buildings that spawn the units they used as an AT, give him a rocket launcher that needs to be manually aimed before firing, generally make him an advanced character that is a monster for people with careful planning and a great ability to think ahead.

Plus, it would be a good excuse to put all that great AW music in the game, like the Allied Super CO Power theme. :P
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I think that SSB 6 thing is either an Arcade or DLC update.

Also, I have no expectations or wants for the stream tomorrow since it'll more than likely have all that I want and more, except for one thing.
All I ask is for a release date.
I think that SSB 6 thing is either an Arcade or DLC update.

Also, I have no expectations or wants for the stream tomorrow since it'll more than likely have all that I want and more, except for one thing.
All I ask is for a release date.
You and your expectations, All i'm expecting is Iwata talking in broken English and some kind of in-game visuals.:PUN:
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that sounds too expensive
4 New models that each only get one attack? Not really that big of a deal for this series.
If it wasn't obvious his/her normals and smashes wouldn't be summons. Just swords and magic and shit.

I'd rather have Andy from Advance Wars be the strategy character with an actual strategic moveset. Let him summon buildings that spawn the units they used as an AT, give him a rocket launcher that needs to be manually aimed before firing, generally make him an advanced character that is a monster for people with careful planning and a great ability to think ahead.
Would be fine with this, but that's an almost entirely unrelated playstyle so they could absolutely coexist.
4 New models that each only get one attack? Not really that big of a deal for this series.
If it wasn't obvious his/her normals and smashes wouldn't be summons. Just swords and magic and shit.
So, your Robin moveset would kinda sorta be like the Smash equivalent of Yuna in Dissidia, plus some independent actions? Interesting.
I mean, there's no point in hoping for something specific since it'll more than likely be 20 whole minutes of Smash Bros, more or less.
Wanting something in content specifically will spoil the whole experience
4 New models that each only get one attack? Not really that big of a deal for this series.
If it wasn't obvious his/her normals and smashes wouldn't be summons. Just swords and magic and shit.
just seems like kind of a waste to fully model 4 character only to have them appear briefly during the tactician's attacks
just seems like kind of a waste to fully model 4 character only to have them appear briefly during the tactician's attacks
It's not even a big deal tho. 4 models, oh no. It's not like they're making hundreds more for the actual game.
yeah but
only one attack for each character
that lasts all of a few seconds at best
how does that even capture the act of commanding and guiding units in a battle
even with all the rest that they're making
those 4 complete models
for those 4 attacks
for something that doesn't even really work
just seems like a waste
I agree for the most part. Which is why when anyone suggests a character that acts as a "summoner" in the sense of having things appear briefly only to disappear in an instant doesn't really have much merit at all.

I'm just saying that 4 more models isn't a big deal.
Also guys, anyone notice that the Smash Direct page has the entire roster up until now at the bottom of the page?
Food for thought.

Well, maybe they don't want to have to explain all the confirmed characters. You can see for yourself. I don't think really of anything else coming from that. Though it would be cool if, as they reveal the characters, they automatically add them to that. That'd be cool.
Out of all the possible newcomers, I'd love to see Palutena as the next playable to be revealed. Fingers crossed.
So, your Robin moveset would kinda sorta be like the Smash equivalent of Yuna in Dissidia, plus some independent actions? Interesting.
Was thinking of yugi in jump ultimate stars, but that works too.

Did you have any specific ideas on what the summons did, Horseman?
Was thinking up special would be a pegasus knight (probably Sumia, because she actually did this in one of the cutscenes) swooping down and picking you up. Would be pretty cool in that it would look like they were swooping in as a deus ex machina when you used it to get back to an edge. Side special would be Frederick on his horse lancing opponents, like a piercing projectile that probably has a lot of recovery frames.
Neutral/Down I didn't really decide on, because there's so much potential for moves. Lon'qu with a sword slash or counter? Lissa healing you? Tharja or Henry shooting a projectile, maybe a curse that debuffs? Gaius stealing from enemies? Panne turning into a giant mutant bunny? Vaike doing his Vaike thing?
I would probably do Vaike throwing an axe at an arc, and tharja shooting a slow moving dark magic projectile that slows enemies (or some other debuff) on hit for good zoning tools.
Final smash would probably end up being (spoilers) grima (end of spoilers), but I would rather it be a team-up attack similar to pokemon trainer's. Could also be naga, perhaps?

yeah but
only one attack for each character
that lasts all of a few seconds at best
how does that even capture the act of commanding and guiding units in a battle
even with all the rest that they're making
those 4 complete models
for those 4 attacks
for something that doesn't even really work
just seems like a waste
By that logic we need to take out assist trophies and pokeballs, since this would basically be a slightly shorter version of them being used as specials.
It's not exactly the same as a turn based strategy game because you're never going to capture turn based strategy in a platform fighter without making a really shitty and obviously terrible gimmick, but it would definitely capture the friends working together as a group to defeat their foes. It's the concept of showing the comradery/friendship aspects of fire emblem, since that's the one prevailing theme in nearly every fire emblem game- friendship, depending on your friends, etc.
Rellek: Yeah, either Palutena to get the leak talk done with once and for all, Chrom to get the Awakening rep talk out of the way or Pac-Man to finally have an answer on if Namco is getting a rep in Smash.

Horseman: Oh, Yugi in Jump Stars, that makes much more sense.
Palutena is very likely, I think, not even counting that leak.

And I still don't understand why people don't want Miis , they're a part of history, it'd be a crime for them not to be in some way
But Horseman, then there's the issue of the moves being interrupted. Like the pegasus knight pick up animation, would it just poof if they get hit or would they continue on with the move even if you're sent flying?
Some folks on Smash Boards think Shulk might be revealed since the director of the Xeno series talked abotu being excited for Smash Direct.
I can see that, but again, trying not to hope for some stuff in particular
Some folks on Smash Boards think Shulk might be revealed since the director of the Xeno series talked abotu being excited for Smash Direct.
I can see that, but again, trying not to hope for some stuff in particular
EVERYONE is fucking excited for Smash Direct. That's like saying the sky is blue.
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Also, for the Smash Direct tomorrow
I suggest having both the Youtube link (It'll be there too), and the Smash Direct page on speed dial
If the Nintendo Direct/Ustream starts lagging out of control, head over to Youtube where there'll be less lag.
Looks like there might be another Smash after Smash 4, an updated version of Smash 4, or that Smash 4 will be delayed, coming 2015.

Thoughts? Personally I'm fine with all but another Smash in just one year. An updated version of Smash 4 would be okay as long as we get Smash 4 this year and the update is downloadable. Smash 4 being delayed, I'd be okay with as long as it's justified with more characters and stages, not Masterpieces or something trivial.
Ultra Smash 4, Pichu is going to be a charge character,
Also this makes sense a little because last I heard nintendo was trying to make a brand new console to be on par with XB1 and PS4, that is not the Wii u, and we all know Smash comes out only when a new Nintendo console is announced
I want an Anna moveset that has her throw random items from the Fire Emblem series around a la Faust or Teddie.

That'd be the greatest.
But Horseman, then there's the issue of the moves being interrupted. Like the pegasus knight pick up animation, would it just poof if they get hit or would they continue on with the move even if you're sent flying?
You would probably fall off the pegasus, and the pegasus knight's animation would continue but the hitbox would disappear. There could even be a little "oh no" reaction from Sumia when you get knocked off. For the others it wouldn't really be an issue since you're not directly interacting with the character.

I want an Anna moveset that has her throw random items from the Fire Emblem series around a la Faust or Teddie.

That'd be the greatest.
Anna would be great, at this point she has by far the most unique powers out of any fire emblem character... Aside from merchant stuff, she's a playable trickster, she's in charge of a portal that leads to alternate dimensions, and she has an army of clones. If we don't get PC she's the next best thing.
Just please not another generic lord, I'm kind of sick of it at this point. If chrom comes out and they don't do anything to separate him from marth I'm going to murder everything. Literally everything.
Also, for the Smash Direct tomorrow
I suggest having both the Youtube link (It'll be there too), and the Smash Direct page on speed dial
If the Nintendo Direct/Ustream starts lagging out of control, head over to Youtube where there'll be less lag.

I'll be at my University and they have supes fast internet so I'm safe.

I want an Anna moveset that has her throw random items from the Fire Emblem series around a la Faust or Teddie.

That'd be the greatest.

Anna would be good for sure. I do want Chrom though, cause I do like him a lot. If Ike is back, then yeah, some other Awakening Rep is in order (we would hit the blue-haired swordsman limit)
Or maybe it was a typo or something along those lines. I love how Sakurai entertained the idea of DLC being "really cool" and everyone is taking it to mean that there will absolutely be DLC in the future. Especially things as huge as a MAJOR GAME UPDATE and ENTIRELY NEW CHARACTERS
I don't think it means a delay, especially given how far we are in development.
And someone on Smashboards pointed out it wouldn't make much sense to hire if it's mid-way or near the end of development.
Especially things as huge as a MAJOR GAME UPDATE and ENTIRELY NEW CHARACTERS

Well, Sakurai cited Fallout 3's DLC as DLC "done right" (minus being paid), so if there was DLC at all, it would most likely be a substantial update. Like, for instance, two to four character and one to three stages in a "pack".

Personally I don't think there will be DLC, but if there is, it would be bigger.

Also the whole Smash 6 thing is most likely a typo.
Personally I don't think there will be DLC, but if there is, it would be bigger.

Also the whole Smash 6 thing is most likely a typo.
I agree in that it's unlikely we'll be getting DLC. Now patches might be likely if we end up finding a game breaking glitch and those kinds of things are ok with me.

And It's been speculated to be a typo of some kind. I think that's likely what it was. The guy likely thought the WiiU and 3DS versions were 4 and 5.
Maybe, since it got taken down we can't really know.
And funnily enough, we haven't gotten Online of SSB 4 confirmed yet, but let's be honest, we know it's gonna happen.
Why would it not?
I mean, Kid Icarus Uprising got Multiplayer and we all expected it to be singleplayer only.
Though if we do get Online Multiplayer yeah it's gonna get patches probably