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The Super Best Friends Thread

Favorite Zaibatsu Member?

  • Matt

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Pat

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Woolie

    Votes: 37 32.7%
  • Liam

    Votes: 17 15.0%
  • Zach

    Votes: 3 2.7%

  • Total voters
Omikron ended and it made me want more from it.
Omikron casted a blight upon the channel.

They kept fucking with the cage games and eventually opened up the one Cage game they should have let go.

Hopefully the channel will be there for DETROIT: ANOTHER SHITTY DAVID CAGE GAME
The suffer-age is over, but at what cost?

At least we're now in the Chewie and Fuckface redemption arc.
And then there's the Matt retrieval arc.
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Papa Pimp Gripes is the new Matt.
i agree
pat's premarital sex was the undoing of the channel
titanfall 2 has been very fun, but also i'm super hyped for more Dark Souls.

I wonder if they'll ignore the warnings and explore the firelink graveyard.
i agree
pat's premarital sex was the undoing of the channel
he can fix the curse if he just marries Paige.
but he's too much of a coward.

With Liam gone and Matt on break I hope the channel pulls through.
Pat and Woolie can carry a let's play well enough to keep them going until Matt comes back
plus it's not like they don't have backlogs
Command Mission is still updating, after all, and they have a bunch of fisticuffs ready
all we really lost presently was Unleashed, which is unfortunate.
Automata is probably dead now.
Woolie on the podcast said he wants to play Nier, so maybe he can pick up the reigns for the LP.
all we really lost presently was Unleashed, which is unfortunate.

Liam said he wants to finish Unleashed. He's just having a problem finding a timetable with Matt & Woolie.
I actually wish this would kill Fisticuffs and they'd just play 3S every week or something. There have only been a handful this entire year worth watching at and least half were scrublords.
I don't want Fisticuffs to end though.

I like seeing how far the barrel scraping can actually go.
though, I would like some kinda "last friday of the month is a game we like to play" sort of deal
I would love a Friday Night FIGHTLORDS for them just showing off/replaying fighting games they love.
i want an entire week of them mastering every character in Dong Dong Never Die
I'd also like the idea of them playing around in Overwatch, Woolie having training sessions in his fighting games, etc.
How long have they been stuck at 600k subs? And their videos barely get any views nowadays.
I hope they don't completely disband, these guys are so fun.
I'm so glad Liam didn't leave before Blazblue CF. At least they got to enjoy that game together
Dark Souls will save the channel, but only if Woolie doesn't take 5 min to open every chest.
Dark Souls will save the channel, but only if Woolie doesn't take 5 min to open every chest.
they don't even appear until Sen's.

I can't help just think of all the wacky encounters in EVERY zone I want to see:
- That one black knight in the burg. Also HAVEL.
- Everything in Blighttown (sadly not including its legendary frame rate).
- The darkroot hydra. And getting followed up with the Dusk stuff and getting to Art and Manus.
- The traps at Sen's. Also getting Tarkus to solo the boss. I know some don't like npc summons, but you gotta get Tarkus.
- Painted World. Probably some comments about the latest DS3 DLC being a huge let down. WHERE'S PRISCILLA? Yorshka and the Painter aren't really acceptable substitutes.
- The late game lordvessel stuff culminating in Lost Izalith because everyone does that last. You know why.
- The Finale with sick parry battles.
Just a small wishlist.
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Reactions: Stairwayyy
Don't worry, knowing Woolie and his constant need to stop after 3 steps, it'll only be about 3 years by the time we hit the first one.
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Just watching the newest one-off episode and I am more amused than I should be the evil empire in that game is called "The NEP"
I hope the best for all of them, I got to meet Matt, Woolie, and CrimeTina recently they were angels.
saw matt was playing streets of rage and it got me thinking:

we really need new beat 'em ups. retro games of all genres are popping up again and again, but it feels beat 'em ups have been pretty much left behind.

and that the ones that do happen to show up from time to time, don't have particularly satisfying or complex gameplay.
we really need new beat 'em ups. retro games of all genres are popping up again and again, but it feels beat 'em ups have been pretty much left behind.
Yakuza 0 literally releases in the west today.
Yakuza 0 literally releases in the west today.

And I'll be picking up my copy today. Ryu ga Gotoku for life.
i mean specifically of the 2D variety.
Mother Russia Bleeds has been universally praised as far as I've seen, perhaps give that a look?
Looks like a lot of people in the comments are upset for the very foreseeable and avoidable reason of they Lpers not practicing their games.

Like, in one shot bad game lps no one cares, so shit like that Turok video for example, no one cares if they suck.

But in skill based games, I don't think it's too much to ask to practice the video game, because being bad at them in a long LP starts to slog on a portion of the viewerbase. (Like the Metroid LP, there's a reason Liam had to save it. Nuzlocke as well.)

Like, I'm a telecommunications technician, I can't just stop learning at my job or else I'll be bad at my job.

I really dont think asking someone to be fairly competent at a game they're playing for their job is too much.

And the weirdest part is that Woolie CAN be competent at a point but then goes straight back to shit.

I understand enjoying yourself at your job, but they kind of conflate VIDEO GAME=JOB, when it's more like entertainment is their job, and video games are their medium.
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Well, take note, this is ALSO Woolie's first time playing this game specifically, so he wants to enjoy it as such. Like, yeah, Pat's there to help, but he can't just make Woolie do what he doesn't want to do (Pat did try to convince him not to use the Tarkus armor now that he can wear Havel, which I agree he should)

Like, I think people need to realize these guys aren't walkthroughs, or expert play throughs. They're entertainers trying to also enjoy their job. That said, I ultimately believe nearly every youtuber who focuses only on negative comments needs to grow thicker skin.

Tl:dr, I think people need to not look at them as anything more than entertainers but they also need to stop being big babies.
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people complained that Pat played ahead in Bloodborne and did offscreen grinding in DaS3
and now they complain that woolie is doing poorly in a game he's going in blind too????

like fuck off, what the fuck you even want
I blame this more on the Souls community being massive salt lords and demanding every playthrough go exactly the way they want it.
Actually, I've been very happy with the DS1 playthrough so far. I wanted Tarkus and, darn it, WE GOT TARKUS.

Honestly, I have more just been wondering "Who even owns the IP rights to Primal Rage?"

Oh well, at least we have Riptor still around these days (best clever girl in KI).
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Actually, I've been very happy with the DS1 playthrough so far. I wanted Tarkus and, darn it, WE GOT TARKUS.

Honestly, I have more just been wondering "Who even owns the IP rights to Primal Rage?"

Oh well, at least we have Riptor still around these days (best clever girl in KI).
Apparently the rights belong to Midway
Who were assimilated into WB Games
them maybe?
i mean, yeah, I like Tarkus too, but Woolie can wear Havel's set, and he wants big poise for big bois, so it is kind of counter-intuitive.

I also mainly blame Woolie's closet role player habits.