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The Wulf Den

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Perhaps it's his unique pose, perhaps it's the flawless flair of his cape, or perhaps it's how well his tights fit. Whatever it is, it has captured me. Within the man in this animated image I see a little bit of myself, or rather I see the person that I will one day be.

Tiger & Bunny, I will remember this name.
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Zen, Clawesome, you guys will love Tiger & Bunny. probably the anime most deserving of a second season and one of the most unique ideas for an anime ever.

If you love the idea of masked heroes in any way, shape, or form, then you will love Tiger & Bunny

And technically I was the one who brought up Kotetsu....
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Oh man, I love youse mugs for mentioning Tiger and Bunny, I love it so much. Aaaaargh, when's the second movie coming out? I saw a teaser trailer for it some point last year. :/
the second film was released 2 months ago in Japan, so it will be a while before we can get it on DVD and then get fansubs and then buy it ourselves with all that Wally Wingert voiced Kotetsu goodness.

seriously, you guys have no idea how much manly tears I shed for Tiger & Bunny. and how much kawaii tears I shed for Kaede....
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Although you're probably right Sano, I would be careful with telling me what I will or won't like. I'm sad to say that I have a tendency to dislike things more if someone hypes it up, just out of spite and skepticism. I also tend to put off watching a show the more someone asks me to watch it.

I think I just tend to not do what people tell me to do. Hmm...
And technically I was the one who brought up Kotetsu....
LOOK OUT, WE GOT AN ATTENTION HOG HERE. I'm being funny, don't take it personally.
Denny, I don't think many would take that offensively here, especially Sano.

Unfortunately every darn time I come in here y'all are talking about some off of track show that could potentially shape Beowulf, or something like that. So, wish I could join in on a convo. Wait... I wonder how Beowulf would compare to Denizen?

3+3 is where the good fights are at.
That avatar.
I admit, I just finished Tiger & Bunny again recently so I am on a little bit of a high from that.


Kotetsu and Beowulf would definitely Crusher Bros though
I still want to know what @Lavama means by how Beowulf would compare to me. Is he talking about fighting?

'Cause I like fighting and I like talking about fighting.

Let's talk about fighting.
Walrus that is a question I can't answer, simply because I can't remember them all. However, if you want to see fighting on a level which I will never reach then turn on FOX on your television. RIGHT NOW.
OK, but what was the biggest amount of Spiral Energy you had to use in one fight?
One time comes to mind, the match that would decide whether or not I would make it to the second day of the county tournament in high school. I pumped out a shit ton of spiral energy in that match.

What does the number 6 mean DDB, tell me your secrets, let me into your mind.
Oh right, amount of spiral energy.
Enough about me though, let's do the thing that's most likely to start a shitstorm.

Let's talk about who could beat who in Skullgirls.
DDB would beat all of you, but hes bad

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It's true I'd whoop ya all.
If we were afk.
I still want to know what @Lavama means by how Beowulf would compare to me. Is he talking about fighting?

'Cause I like fighting and I like talking about fighting.

Let's talk about fighting.
Both fighting and how you act.
If anyone is going to Ignition or UFGTX, I'll face off against you in casuals (or if I run into you in the brackets).

Been slacking on buying Internet so this is the only way I can challenge anyone anymore.
Both fighting and how you act.
1. How would I do against Beowulf in a fight? Well let's assume it's a fight to the death. Beowulf is armed with The Hurting so to be fair let's say I'm armed with a hand-and-a-half sword. Let's assume a one on one, toe to toe match on even footing. Beowulf would beat me. I mean I'm no slouch but the fact of the matter is that there's no way I can win against him. I wouldn't say the same for the rest of the cast though...

2. How do I act when compared to Beowulf? I'm not loud, rambunctious, and larger than life like he probably is. Beowulf would be a party starter while I'm more of a party ender. Still I think we would get along when it comes to more serious subjects.

I'm gonna stop talking about myself now, I'm starting to feel like an attention whore. Speaking of parties, how rad do you think Beowulf's parties are?
Eh, I hear they're BYOC's...
Eh, I hear they're BYOC's...

That's cool.

I like sitting in chairs I bring from home anyway. Sitting in chairs that are already at the party? No class.
If beowulf could hang out with one celebrity in our world, i would want him to hang out with lil Wayne.
have Beowulf hang out with Hiroshi Fujioka. Because he was Segata Sanshiro....
And the first Kamen Rider. Can't forget that.
well, yeah, but I'm trying really hard to not make people mad at my KR fanboyisms. Plus, Fujioka is a really cool guy in real life who loves acting, and he does this cool thing when he writes his name and it makes me think Beo would do it too.
Well, yeah, but I'm trying really hard to not make people mad at my KR fanboyisms.
Jeez I'd hate to see what you'd be like if you weren't trying.

If The Ultimate Warrior were still alive he and Beowulf would make the ultimate tag team duo.
Jeez I'd hate to see what you'd be like if you weren't trying.

If The Ultimate Warrior were still alive he and Beowulf would make the ultimate tag team duo.
I was really bad when I first got into it....

also, I'm just gonna quote what wikipedia said Fujioka does that makes me think of Beowulf:

"Fujioka writes his name with the ideographic comma at the end (after the kanji for "Hiroshi" (弘?)), saying "It is meant to remind me to reconsider myself and what it is that I need to achieve. It shows that I am not yet finished with my tasks and must continue working toward their accomplishment."

It makes me think of Beo coming out of retirement....
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No have him hang out with lil wayne. Because at the end of the day, beowulf can omega drive the shit out of him for all the bullshit music he puts on the radio.
I actually happen to like some of the bullshit that Lil' Wayne puts out, but I agree that Beowulf would be doing the right thing in giving him a stone cold stunner.

Bieber too, that little shit needs an ass whooping.
I've learned that if you take a Bieber song, remove vocals and 8-bitize, chances are you'll get some cool stuff.

(Then again, replace "Bieber song" with "anything" and the rule still applies)

That or just hand over the microphone to Heavy for similarly amusing results.
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Off topic but I just lost a bet and now have to get a tramp stamp of this
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