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The Wulf Den

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aw dammit did I miss the zen-punching train? shiet
I'm staying up all night to do some reading response essays so if anyone wants to fight just message me on Steam.
I gotta work on this:
and it's due in less than 4 hours.
putting square pegs into round holes... in the milk cartons.
this is gold, 9funny19me
this is gold, 9funny19me

ikr I laughed so hard at my own joke, it was kinda sad. lol

I gotta work on this:

<abstract sorcery intensifies>

and it's due in less than 4 hours.

what is it? Looks cool.
I think I might have done something like this before in Art class
don't know what the hell it's called though, and I can't explain it very well. :P
Kuz pls
Do my eyes deceive me? Wulf Den actually playing the game?

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Do my eyes deceive me? Wulf Den actually playing the game?
Oh don't get all high and mighty Mr. I'm-actually-really-good-at-this-game.
I've always played, I'm just not good at it. It's only recently that I've been able to play the not deserted PC Version, which is why I've been playing more often and been talking about it more.
It's not about being good or not. Snarkiness aside, it's always good to see a Skullheart name become a player within reach.
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Sorry, I just react to even a hint of elitism in a person's tone. I don't think you meant it that way, but that whole Skullfan Thread made me aggressive about that sort of thing. Whatever, I'm just happy to be playing with the real Skullgirls Community rather than sparse PSN Community.
Rakurin this is too much, what are you doing.
I'm just happy to be playing with the real Skullgirls Community rather than sparse PSN Community.
Hey, we exist god damn it.
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Sorry that I cant afford a big ole cumpooter.


Like actually please I like fighting people from Skullheart
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I can't be online as much as I used to be, because I'm without wireless at the moment,
but like add me on PSN, I'll fight ya'll.
prepare to win
Once Eliza drops i will be on Ps3 more often so i hope to run into all the console people!
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I keep running into this solo all orange Fukua on PSN and man I'm sick of fighting him or her

They are actually pretty good but always solo Fukua
All the time
Every weekend
It drives a man to tears
Napalm Tears
one of these days we're just going to have run down Mike Z and ask him politely if it is possible that Skull Girls can be cross playable. so some one on a console can play a person on a PC. It would really tie the whole community together in a nice little bow instead of this segregation that we have right now.
Sorry for the ignorance, but I'm quite curious, why is not possible?
I keep running into this solo all orange Fukua on PSN and man I'm sick of fighting him or her

They are actually pretty good but always solo Fukua
All the time
Every weekend
It drives a man to tears
Napalm Tears
Would his username happen to be Mabufudyne? Because I think I've been fighting him a lot too.
Would his username happen to be Mabufudyne? Because I think I've been fighting him a lot too.

Nah that's not him
But I do fight Mabufudyne too
His solo Parasoul is pretty good
I always have entertaining Solo vs Solo Soul matches with him
Whenever I fight him I always try to pick the Mitsuru color before he does cause I'm a jerk
Sorry for the ignorance, but I'm quite curious, why is not possible?

It's possible, but it usually comes down to the companies not working well together.
They'd have to get Microsoft, Sony and Steam to all agree, which they don't even do for bigger games.
Sony and Steam may do it because Final Fantasy 14 is cross platform, but that would leave Microsoft out.
Just more obstacles Lab Zero would have to go through with no guaranteed result.
I keep running into this solo all orange Fukua on PSN and man I'm sick of fighting him or her

They are actually pretty good but always solo Fukua
All the time
Every weekend
It drives a man to tears
Napalm Tears

OH YOUR PSN IS FAMILIAR!!! i'm not sure if you remember me but i usually am the white val with blonde hair and the green/blonde haired parasoul
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Steam is not middleware for PS3 thats why
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