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The Wulf Den

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Sure, the chess kingdom is someplace i'd love to see a stage for, but it will probably never happen. If SG1 is confined to New Meridian, i'd imagine SG2 was planned for Canopolis, with Chess, Dragon and Gigan nations getting involved in SG3
Oh man so much that I have missed. Better catch up reading this thread.

I also cannot see his logo as it's covered by his hood what the heck.
It's a question mark for now. Beowulf is probably The Riddler.
aw shoot... a thanks giving update? can't click on spoilers, must wait until 1 am Sunday. Then i'll be back in my dorm with my Pc baby. thank god i did all of my final project ahead of time so i can mess around. and there is an empty stage? thinks back to the epic poem and that of "Herorot Hall" and how it is abandon every night before Grendel would attack. Let's see if Beowulf will take some more pages out of the poem. I also suggest reading the poem in it's oldest form the English is quite different and is kinda fun.
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can't click on spoilers, must wait until 1 am Sunday.
Will you not be back by Saturday?
I have the tourney set for Saturday so you can stream, am I gonna have to reschedule again?
I discovered what seems to be an unfinished move for beowulf that wasn't mentioned in the patch notes:

This move can be done with QCF+any K button. It doesn't do anything, but I assume it'll be a move for later
Gets down on all fours, gets into a beastly stance, QCF+K. My very biased prediction is that it's the first few frames of a command dash where Beowulf runs at the opponent like a wolf. It could be anything though.
Like Water said, he still doesn't have his crowd hype mechanic yet.
okay. the bus ride is like 7 hours. i have to get to the station at 6:40 pm Sat. night. I know that this inconvenient for you as well as me. but my family wanted me to be with them for thanksgiving, and the beo release ect ect, what ever. I WOULD DO THE STREAM ON THE BUS (thanks megabus for having power outlets and wifi) but i only have a laptop and she isn't meant to play video games nor stream. If want this stream it's going to happen on Sunday... I guess... sigh....


Edit: CAN'T CLICK ON SPOILERSSSSSSSSS ARRRRRRRGGGGG. *have to unwatch this dang thread for now.*
It's probably a hold move that leads into a command dash, but at the moment not sure what it could be. Maybe it leads into a DP or something?
Do we have Salty! tonight or is it gonna be UGC Live tomorrow?
well from the sounds of things it's a very unfinished move that I'm guessing Mike forgot to mention in the patch notes. whoops~ also i think it's UGC, not 100% but i think we had Salty last week.
If there's an update tomorrow then I guess that's when we'll find out.
I thought I remembered seeing an animation way back of Beowulf in that position, moving like he was taking deep breathes and shaking. Could be crazy though...
OOOOOHHH~ Just you wait, cause when I get back I'm gonna wipe the floor of you guys.


when i get back... right... sunday. fuck me.
My secret technique is watch Arcana streams and badly copy him
I'm so pro with the wulf I haven't even played SG in at least a month and could still beat everyone
B-B-But that's impossible!

UNLESS!! You're actually...


No... noooooooooo

I am actually...

None of you have fought the best Wulf yet though...


but I faced you.
hmmmmmm how about this cats and kittens. For the streamed Tourny we will crown the winner of the whole thing the leader of the Pack. eh? how does that sound?
Hey hey hey, save it for the Betawulf Tourney, which is now scheduled for November 30th 3:00PM EST.
For the streamed Tourney we will crown the winner of the whole thing the leader of the Pack.
Nah man, the title of Alpha Wolf can't be given to the strongest.
It's given to the one most fit to lead.
It's given to the one most fit to lead.

Well then gimme dat title because I'm about to lead all yall mutha truckers to your home, the trash can.

Inb4 i lose all my matches.
It's given to the one most fit to lead.
That's the best save I've heard in a while :Y
I've got my hopes on Ninja. He's great
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It is UGC (I'll be there btw *cough**cough* X3)

Dude. No. It's Rebel Up tomorrow (Saturday). And it's at Super Arcade, not UGC.
Dude. No. It's Rebel Up tomorrow (Saturday). And it's at Super Arcade, not UGC.
Oh, It's honestly hard to figure out where you guys are doing stuff lol I assume it was all at one location.
Just mad you got bodied.
This was all that was left. :PUN: Because you got bodied.

u wot m8 I sware on me mum
Hey hey hey, save it for the Betawulf Tourney, which is now scheduled for November 30th 3:00PM EST.
Given Saturday obligations, too early for me to be available more likely than not.

Y'all niggas consider yourself lucky.
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