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The Wulf Den

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i admit that the damage for Band Bella and Beo are all good in my eyes, but i don't go for the optimal combos but ones that leave for good options for resets or burst baits. and I go for quick high risk, high reward neutral game. This can be most obvious when i have Cerebella on point and i throw out a brass assist and use tumbling run to close up the gap and go into battle but or pummel horse.

Edit: oh and as bella i don't do command grabs. I find them to be very dangerous if i leave the opponent alive, they can tag out and recover all that red health.
Hey @TricksterDel, it's good to have you here and I hope you stick around.
There have actually been five new palettes since the Firefighter, so have all six!
Firefighter & OriginalView attachment 7422

Naked Snake & The Ultimate Warrior
View attachment 7423

Kanji Tatsumi & Unknown/Original
View attachment 7424
Hahaha, some of the eyes are closed in these screenshots, sorry.
Thanks! He finally got a Kanji palette, yes!
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You know I've been watching this thread for awhile now and don't think I've played any of you guys. I do hope to add Beowulf as the anchor to my team but we'll see, he does seem to have good symmetry with Cerebella however not so much Peacock. Need to explore more though.
You know I've been watching this thread for awhile now and don't think I've played any of you guys. I do hope to add Beowulf as the anchor to my team but we'll see, he does seem to have good symmetry with Cerebella however not so much Peacock. Need to explore more though.
How do you plan to run him anchor? Start point then raw tag/safe DHC out or just running him raw? What assist would you run?
I haven't really decided what assist to have Beowulf use. Basically I'm very good/comfortable with Peacock/Bella. So that would relatively stay the same, just adding beowulf behind that as I think Cerebella/Beo have good synergy, or so I'm hoping.
I haven't really decided what assist to have Beowulf use. Basically I'm very good/comfortable with Peacock/Bella. So that would relatively stay the same, just adding beowulf behind that as I think Cerebella/Beo have good synergy, or so I'm hoping.

Bella/Beo isnt Band/Beo tier (but what is?) but its damn good.
Things that annoy me right now:

- Assists coming out backwards during fisherman slam 95% of the time.
- Wulf Cannon AND chair both dropping on 2 characters giving very few options to actually combo 2 characters. You basically HAVE to confirm the happy birthday and straight away launch, but then air combos are finnicky with different weights/sizes anyway, so good luck.
should you even be allowed to call assist during fisherman splash it is technically a special/grab?
Things that annoy me right now:

- Assists coming out backwards during fisherman slam 95% of the time.

you can get around this one by calling the assist in grab mode neutral and doing slam right after the call, last time I tested this worked with things like brass knuckles.
you can get around this one by calling the assist in grab mode neutral and doing slam right after the call, last time I tested this worked with things like brass knuckles.
With Squigly 2HP assist it still faces the wrong way some of the time, all the time if you do the backwards slam.

It is tight enough to link off of that even if she does face the right way.
This happens because when you are calling out assists and doing the grab finisher the opponent's position in relationship to Beo's can switch sides, there for assists that have shortish range can switch themselves up in the middle of the grab finisher making them go in the wrong direction. Filia's updo is a prime example of this, and can be fixed by doing the correct timing of plinking the grab finisher and the assist call out at the same time. I find the best assist to use is Filia's Ringlet Spire Mp version.
beo/bella is op a bit over 7k for two bars??? sheeeeeesh
beo/bella is op a bit over 7k for two bars??? sheeeeeesh
wouldn't call that crazy, bella can hit 9k with 1 bar on her own. 7k is pretty much average damage with characters
wouldn't call that crazy, bella can hit 9k with 1 bar on her own. 7k is pretty much average damage with characters
Yeah but she's gotta actually work hard for that 9K.
The Ultimate Showstopper/Leap combo deals massive damage for very little effort.
Showstopper -> Leap (Killa) does about the same damage as Showstopper -> Fenrir Drive, though. If the latter wasn't considered OP since game launch, surely neither will the former.
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Well then whoever told me that it does a lot of damage is a dirty liar.
At least it looks a lot cooler.
It's just two big hits with 360 > leap, it makes you feel better about yourself.
I am saddened.

I initially wanted to rant about the why of it here, considering how the Wulf Den is one of the few places that seem yet untouched by the powers that be. It ended up on the long side though, plus it could turn things a bit too much towards a specific topic, so I posted this instead.
delayed till tonight this week.

still ugc stream.
I'm trying to figure out combos that don't involve the hop->j.mp->s.hk link to hold myself over until I can get the link down consistently. (I can get it 50% of the time now) But man, it's so disconcerting to lose 700-800 damage on heavy characters just because they fall too quickly to get repeated cr.HP juggles. I'm trying to extend with s.mp or s.mk into cr.hp, which works on lights, but for heavies it feels like it's either not physically possible to get the attacks out in time, or it's a really, really tight window to get it...
I'm trying to figure out combos that don't involve the hop->j.mp->s.hk link to hold myself over until I can get the link down consistently. (I can get it 50% of the time now) But man, it's so disconcerting to lose 700-800 damage on heavy characters just because they fall too quickly to get repeated cr.HP juggles. I'm trying to extend with s.mp or s.mk into cr.hp, which works on lights, but for heavies it feels like it's either not physically possible to get the attacks out in time, or it's a really, really tight window to get it...

hitting mediums on heavies off of cr HP is impossible (in my experience anyway) without burning otg, if you want to save your otg you are better off doing cr lp, or a tighter timed cr lk (if you want to use lp later in the combo maybe)
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The Retiring from Retirement Thread is locked, no explanation whatsoever.
These moderators are out to get us, they can't handle too much of The Wulf Pack.
because there were already another beta gameplay thread
or maybe there dosnt need too be two identical threads?????
Hey could you fucking explain? What thread is the Retirement Thread identical to?
'Cause it's certainly not this thread. Y'all are shit at your job lately.
Which are the two identical threads in question? Whichever is the second (which surely is not the Wulf Den) would be best linked in the last post of retiring to avoid confusion.

Edit: 'zenned
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Retiring from Retirement was a thread for gameplay speculation, Beta Wulf is a thread for actual existing gameplay discussion. It's indeed only natural that the second largely replaced the first once the character became playable.

@Arcana Please add a "Now that Beowulf is in beta, discussion on his present and future gameplay has been moved to the Beta Wulf thread" or similar post at the end of Retiring from Retirement for clarification. It's been going on for 3,5 months and 32 pages, lets not end it without a deserved explanation like that.
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yah I can do that

to be fair i didnt even realize it was locked until denizen posted it
no update this week I guess??

Mike said something vague about technical difficulties on hooking stuff up to the stream.

so...waiting on those patchnotes in a day or two right?
I'm holding out hope that they'll figure something out eventually, but,
I desperately needed those endorphins man...
You can tell some hype shit is going on in the background while the stream watches the Darkstalkers main menu.
I fell asleep and woke up soaked in sweat so I'm watching Akira shirtless.
So far it's a crappy night but at least I didn't miss updates.
might get updates in like a couple minutes.
Alright, we got some kinda updates with ultra-loud game audio in a tiny screen in the corner of the stream,

-Beowulf has 2 Level 3's, one is a super grab mode where attacks do more hits and damage than usual, the other is the 3-Wolf-Moon-Punch.

More to come.
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