• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Them's Fightin' Herds

So I used two different emails when i contributed (the one tied to my credit card and my personal email which i actually wanted to be attached to the donation), how do i know i used the right one to get into the backers' forums? am I able to see it while the admin's approving it or whatever?
Fulfilling some life long dreams right now. This is what I meant to do.

I wonder if the merging of the Skullgirls and Pony fandoms will spell doom
I wonder if the merging of the Skullgirls and Pony fandoms will spell doom
To be fair, that kinda already happened due to Skullgirls' Indiegogo way back when, what with Lab Zero offering the Z-engine to Mane6.
Man it's been a long time, some new streams came in a few days ago.

  • Pom has her Level 3 Puppy, a very large, :BIG: sized mom dog that can perform 3 different moves.
  1. A delayed bark that autoguards (distinct from armor?) and gives the dog collision, allowing you to wall people in like Carl.
  2. A bite followed by a delayed bite that launches, you have to fill in the gap with at least one move i think
  3. A command throw that looks similar to Nekhbet Nekhbreaker
  • Pom also has her level one super, a Lunch Rush of puppies.
  • Paparika and Tianhuo were shown to have all or almost all of their normals timed, despite still not having "models"
  • Both can now perform rather complex combos, but with only sketches it's very hard to tell what their attacks even are.
  • Tianhuo has a semi functional magic meter that allows her to fly, it builds faster when you are close to the opponent and slower if you are far away.
  • Was shown to have complex fly cancel combos and a command dash/attack, general execution reminds me of our good friend Painey.
  • Paparika has most of her normals and one magic special that allows her to throw an apple.
  • Apple hits the opponent like a projectile then rests on the ground to be eaten.
  • The idea is supposed to be that if you or the opponent presses the button that was used to release the apple while standing over it, you regain some life/bar but are locked into an eating animation where you cannot block, think Teddie's muscle milk unblockable setups.
  • She will get more items soon, and can only throws six items, or six magic segments worth of items per round.
  • Ways to regain magic as Paparika are being considered
I LOVE the fact that Momma Dog has a command grab, and that you can move her around freely. It's like she's worth the 3 magic now, unlike a certain bear I know...
Please regain magic for Paprika. I never mained Pinkie but the fact that you couldn't reuse your items felt really dumb. I feel like Johnny's coins are ok to be limited because they carry a great reward but aren't integral to his gameplan. I feel like these items are/will be a little more important...
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I can understand not wanting infinite healing to drag out the match/troll, but there should definitely be some way to get it back. I assume they will settle on a hard-to-land, laggy command grab or super, something like Platinum's "Dramatic Sammy" grab.
I'd wait to play it before making that judgement. If they are sufficiently strong items and Paprika is sufficiently strong enough without them, then it becomes an interesting choice of "when do I use this item". That would differentiate the character and gameplay from the more Faust-like gameplay of "go for set up into item".

I can see preferring one over the other, but I don't think it should *have* to be one way over the other.
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According to the 4 worklog threads in the backers forum, most of them updated within just the last week, with the last one giving an update just shy of 2 weeks ago. And usually you can at least expect one of those threads to be updated in any given new week. It's actually pretty frequent.
Yeah, we're just used to the Lab Zero style of having some kind of work stream up regularly. Which is really nice but also totally not the norm.

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I'm getting some serious guilty gear vibes with oleander and pom's knockdown setups.
TFH had some dev streams which are now available on youtube. Digging the hell out of Pom's scared shitless look.
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Like the Vonnegut quote said, let's see what she's made of :P
Sorry to necro this thread -

Okay... so during the donation drive for this game, I threw in enough money to suggest a:

lobby sprite prop,

lobby sprite,

a backer palette

...to the developers. I decided back then that I wanted the Skullgirls Community to decide these things, and it looks like it's time to send my input over to the developers. Suggestions are greatly appreciated! If there's anything related to lobby sprites, palettes, and props that you'd like to see in TFH, please post in this thread by September 19th. I'll have polls set up afterward. Thanks! (Don't worry about who I'm gonna main, so things for any character are welcome)

Also, an obligatory:

Be aware that, as mentioned in the Indiegogo campaign page, these are subject to a sanity check by Mane6, and a legal check by Mane6’s lawyer, and might be vetoed at our discretion. We'll try to accomodate as much as possible, but if it's not feasible for technical/legal reasons to include your chosen palette, we'll be contacting you to ask for an alternative replacement. Palette zones per character are not yet final, and might change up to live release. Fan-submitted content must be original, and fully owned by the backer.
idk make a Peacock palette for Velvet or something. And the prop is... a bomb. I don't know what a lobby sprite is but that one is also a bomb.
what? Peacock Colours for Velvet? nah, since she's all dapper it's gotta be Parasoul.

prop could be George i'm fine with that.

Lobby Sprite... hmmm the symbol for Lab Zero maybe?
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Lobby Sprite... hmmm the symbol for Lab Zero maybe?

Fan-submitted content must be original, and fully owned by the backer.
EDIT: oh original ideas only
I wasn't trying to say that people shouldn't suggest stuff that is based on other games/characters like a Peacock palette (and I don't think that TFH is saying that either). Suggesting a trademarked symbol representing another company would not be appropriate (I doubt either Lab Zero or the TFH devs would thank you) and that is exactly the sort of thing that sentence I quoted is meant to stop.
Someone needs a hotrod palette with silly flames drawn on them :P

Maybe for a sprite it could be one of the more well known or popular SG ocs? I dunno how viable that would be since OCs are fully owned and can be transfered between continuities by the owners, so long as its not Juju? That's the only way I could see representing SG in any real way via this.
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Are there any copyrights on the pink ribbon for Breast Cancer Research? That might be a nice idea for a prop. Not only would it mark a good cause, but it would also represent where this whole thing got started in the first place, for both LabZero and Mane6.

A George Lobby Sprite would be cute as hell too, but yeah, I guess that's unlikely huh? The standard bomb might work though.
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That said, I don't think a pink ribbon is the way to go. It's a little random
Still noting it!
Hey, thanks for the responses guys.

So we have:

Lobby Sprite Props: http://www.strawpoll.me/11262809
Pink Ribbon (Breast Cancer)

Lobby Sprite: (Character avatar that can be used to walk around the lobby screens) http://www.strawpoll.me/11262815
Road Roller

Backer Palette: http://www.strawpoll.me/11262821
Peacock Velvet
Parasoul Velvet
Bewear Paprika
Hotrod Palette (I'm guessing Tianhuo? Please clarify)

If you're interested, please follow the strawpoll links and vote by 11:59 PM on Friday. Thanks everyone!
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