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Toonami Thread

aw snap! we getting grim reminders in English on weekends now!

Now if only they'd pick up the Kamen Rider Kabuto dub.....
Yeah it was cheesy, but the Toonami in the Phillipiones had it on the air and I want it in HD too....

and I asked the tumblr too....

(not sorry)
Well, I never got around to watching it. Maybe I should.

All I know about it is that giant meat people use ultraviolence and that the manga is still running so we don't actually learn anything.
I know a lot of people don't like the show or really care about it, but the important part is that Toonami has another huge show in its block. This is really great news for Toonami
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I forgot entirely about Anime Mirai and didn't see Harmoine coming. 10/10. It is really great when you go into it knowing it was created by students. If you haven't watched it yet you should.
It was pretty obvious this was coming eventually, but I'm thrilled nonetheless since I haven't seen the Japanese dub.
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the hype has kind of died down on it.

AoT isn't bad but it's nowhere near the level of good as the hype made it out to be. especially in the most recent stuff in the manga. it's still not bad.
Oh man it's even better the second time around. This show is so fucking good, in my eyes it totally surpassed the hype as well as my expectations. If anyone here disagrees with me and is thinking of giving me their own opinion, talk to the fucking hand 'cause the face ain't listening.
All of a sudden Black Lagoon got better after Rock decided to be the hardest motherfucker ever and philosophically owned Revy's sorry ass. Yeah man you stare down the barrel of that gun and let that homicidal bitch know what's up.
i've never seen Attack on Titan, but having been spoiled to certain things . . .

I've heard even manga readers still have no idea what's in the Mystery Basement of Eren's Dad.

And that nothing get explained in general.
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All of a sudden Black Lagoon got better after Rock decided to be the hardest motherfucker ever and philosophically owned Revy's sorry ass. Yeah man you stare down the barrel of that gun and let that homicidal bitch know what's up.

Attack on Titan was good. Not great, just good. I'm sure it gets better though.

But Black Lagoon....holy fuck tonight's episode was amazing.
I just started watching the first two episodes of Black Lagoon, and I like where this is going.
Watched AoT and Space Dandy last night, both for the first time.

AoT's first episode was pretty darn good. So many anime require slogging through the first few episodes (or even the first season) before it gets interesting, but that episode did a good job of introducing the settings, conflict, and characters.

That episode of Space Dandy was the most adorable, "DAAAAAW" inducing thing I've ever seen in a show where the main protagonist always talks about boobies. Seriously, though, it was pretty good. I like the style and it was pretty funny.
What happened to the indifference train, did it derail?
there's still some indifference from what I can tell.
I'm just watching it for a friend is all.
I promised him I'd give it a fair chance and I'm honoring that.
But giving it a fair chance doesn't mean I won't rip the piss out of it
so there's that too.
at least you know who the best character is.
oh yeah
I'll never mask that I find Armin to be a delightfully well-done character for this series (backhanded compliments ahoy!)
Armin's cool and all, I love him as a character and as the smart guy of the group, but I have to give the position of my favorite character to Levi. He doesn't become important until halfway through the season though.
Even though I've already seen Attack on Titan, I think the dub version is great.

Also that Black Lagoon episode was awesome, but man I swear time goes by to fast when I'm watching that show.

Also I saw this and thought "this is just great".
how the heck does Black Lagoon even work on tv that show was a swearstorm
is it like that one Deadman episode it's just bleeps everywhere
hell, Code Geass had full frontal nudity and table defiling.

I'm not surprised Black Lagoon could get through with just the swears.
how the heck does Black Lagoon even work on tv that show was a swearstorm
is it like that one Deadman episode it's just bleeps everywhere

Fuck is the only word bleeped. I give props to Toonami for letting most of the content stay in. Hell, they show the full opening uncensored.
Jeez, and I thought I was bad with my fucking language.

Across 12 fuckin' episodes

24 episodes actually. This covered both seasons and they still have the Roberta OVA to cover.
Cursing is an art, an art of language that can only be mastered through verbal discipline, something Revy lacks.
In the words of Will Smith in I, Robot, "Stop cussing, 'cause you're not good at it."
what is fuck
baby don't fuckin' hurt me
no more
I dunno Zen, she's pretty good at just popping it off.
Good cussing is knowing when not to cuss. You can't just toss it around like hot sauce on a spicy sentence sandwich, it overpowers the flavor.