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Weird or Unusual headcanons

Okay this is admittedly more fan speculation but does anyone get a Dante's inferno vibe from the ASG labs as a whole? Ya know, 9 labs, 9 levels? Plus Lab 8's theme is called "Paved with good intentions."
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  • When not fighting or making weapons, Stanley is a bit of a nervous wreck.
  • Big Band isn't a fan of techno, but he does occasionally enjoy Electro-swing
  • Ileum was actually really pretty before her scarring happened. She was also a bit of a jerk in her youth before she grew out of it.
  • Before they became directors and projects, Avian and Brain Drain were friends and were originally hired as assistant scientists for Grieger.
  • Stanley helped build the Ottomo robot, then called mighty metal man.
  • Hive is the only one who's parents weren't killed in the Great War/Nancy's rampage.
  • The artificial skullgirl blood Brain Drain has is a heavily modified sample of either Nancy's (during the process of turning into) or Selene's skullgirl blood.
Maybe it's just me but I think these last couple of ideas you posted (the nation parallels included) actually make too much sense to be "weird or unusual headcanons".
Heck! It wouldn't surprise me if they end up matching the canon, either partially or entirely.

My only weird, non joke headcanons are that Eliza owns a art collection depicting her in several styles, ranging from her pre-parasite days to current times and covering the Skullverse equivalents of ancient Egyptian art, Van Gogh, William Blake, Picasso, Rodin, Rembrandt, etc. and that she has a collection of skull cups made of her most distinguished enemies (Delilah's being her most prized possession), all lacquered and covered in gold leaf.

(PROTIP: I'm not really good at these things... -_-" )
Maybe it's just me but I think these last couple of ideas you posted (the nation parallels included) actually make too much sense to be "weird or unusual headcanons".
Heck! It wouldn't surprise me if they end up matching the canon, either partially or entirely.

My only weird, non joke headcanons are that Eliza owns a art collection depicting her in several styles, ranging from her pre-parasite days to current times and covering the Skullverse equivalents of ancient Egyptian art, Van Gogh, William Blake, Picasso, Rodin, Rembrandt, etc. and that she has a collection of skull cups made of her most distinguished enemies (Delilah's being her most prized possession), all lacquered and covered in gold leaf.

(PROTIP: I'm not really good at these things... -_-" )

That's actually not that weird at all, given Eliza's vanity, but is somewhat unusual, and we don't know for sure how the Skullgirls verse was built, other than it was more or less an alternate version of ours. Plus very few hints have been given about Rommelgrad other than its a city of a small country, it was occupied and the Slavers took over it.

plus unusual doesn't always mean odd. It can also mean stuff rarely talked about.
Plus very few hints have been given about Rommelgrad other than its a city of a small country, it was occupied and the Slavers took over it.
Actually Rommelgrad itself is a small country.
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Actually Rommelgrad itself is a small country.
I thought Alex mentioned Rommelgrad was a city in a small country in the most recent lore stream?
"Two weeks" actually means we need to get stronger.

There are no firemen in the Canopy Kingdom.
Why not? I know this is "Weird or Unusual Headcanons" but I'm curious.
They all got axed.

In seriousness, Parasoul shoots napalm, yeah? Well, it all disappears instantly after detonation, implying that fire is mostly just not a thing. Squigly's fire attacks don't actually light anyone on fire, implying that most other sources don't, either. So there is no demand for firefighters.
Leduc has a crush on Squigly ever since he saw her and Leviathan walking around the Lab one day. He's too shy to walk up to her and occasionally asks Hive for help. He's also scared of Leviathan beating him up.
if im right both him and Squigly should be the same age (squigly was 14 when she was killed)
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On topic:
  • Given the revelation that Big Band's stage has three modes, including one with escaped Lab Members, a majority of Lab 8 are probably MIA at best. They're probably still hiding out during the attack.'
  • Labs are primarily spread in across in Maplecrest, with some at the outskirts of Maplecrest and New Meridian.
  • Avian's pet peeves includes extreme messes, people stealing shit from him and threatening the labs. That said, Avian has the patience of a Saint.
  • All the directors of Labs have a weekly poker game. Grieger wins most of the time due to a stone cold poker face that puts Brain Drain to shame.
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All the directors of Labs have a weekly poker game. Grieger wins most of the time due to a stone cold poker face that puts Brain Drain to shame
I'll have to respectfully disagree with that last bit if not just because I can't stop imagining Brain Drain, at the night's end, after plucking everyone for every last penny they got, with both arms scooping all the money in the table towards him and singing Poker Face in his monotone, raspy robotic voice.
~Can't read my, can't read my
No they can't read my poker face
(He's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No they can't read my poker face
(He's got to love nobody)~
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Is it just me or all Undeadtoon's headcanons are about the Labs?
A little, admittedly. I have headcanons about the Medici too but they're kinda chaotic. Plus the Labs are interesting to me. I'll vary it in a bit.
I'll have to respectfully disagree with that last bit if not just because I can't stop imagining Brain Drain, at the night's end, after plucking everyone for every last penny they got, with both arms scooping all the money in the table towards him and singing Poker Face in his monotone, raspy robotic voice.
~Can't read my, can't read my
No they can't read my poker face
(He's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No they can't read my poker face
(He's got to love nobody)~

And now I have coffee all over my monitor from suddenly laughing so hard. Both from the mental image and from the sheer fact he of all people sings.
Okay, Medici edition:
  • Tom's got a weird cross between a Brooklyn rage accent and a Chad accent. Ottomo speaks like a posh English man.
  • Taliesin hates country music.
  • Lorenzo's favorite past time to to play chess with pieces that resemble important figures in Canopy politics.
  • Tom is simultaneously jealous of and creeped out by Brain Drain.
  • Vitale likes to golf and garden.
  • Ottomo/Tom are surprisingly good cooks.
  • Tom is a cynical Enlightenment thinker in a room full of romantics (Philosophically speaking)
  • Lorenzo, in his youth, was a bigger Kavorka man then Vitale.
  • Dahlia knits when not committing mass murder or crimes against humanity.
  • Taliesin will sometimes try to coddle other instruments to spite Muse. This tends to backfire horribly on him.
  • Cerebella's parents abandoned her
  • Beatrix started off similar to Cerebella, naive and good hearted. Working for the Medici and them deliberately making her steady envy worse is why she's a bitter person.
  • Taliesin, despite working for the Medici, isn't completely loyal to them. He's more loyal to the circus and would rather die playing it's requiem then flee the downfall of the Medici.
  • The circus lacks a freakshow, but used to have one.
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In seriousness, Parasoul shoots napalm, yeah? Well, it all disappears instantly after detonation, implying that fire is mostly just not a thing. Squigly's fire attacks don't actually light anyone on fire, implying that most other sources don't, either. So there is no demand for firefighters.
Hahaha that is sooo dumb and it's perfect for this thread.
Anyway here is a bit of my own weird head canon.
  • Feng has a slight Chinese accent and when she gets angry she sometimes rambles in her native tongue.
Firefighters are the best...
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Annie's show has actually been in reruns for the past 30 years. Most of the episodes look about the same so nobody's realized, yet.
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Annie's show has actually been in reruns for the past 30 years. Most of the episodes look about the same so nobody's realized, yet.
They actually filmed so much of it in advance that they didn't need to make any new ones.
Even more, Annie gets credited as a different actress every few years, to throw suspicion off her true identity
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Hahaha that is sooo dumb and it's perfect for this thread.
Anyway here is a bit of my own weird head canon.
  • Feng has a slight Chinese accent and when she gets angry she sometimes rambles in her native tongue.
Firefighters are the best...

Hey everyone is allowed to have their own idea here.
Hey everyone is allowed to have their own idea here.
Sorry, I take it personally when it comes to Firefighters, I was raised by one and I plan to become one someday, after I finish a few years in the Military of course.

We're getting off topic.
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Sorry, I take it personally when it comes to Firefighters, I was raised by one and I plan to become one someday, after I finish a few years in the Military of course.

We're getting off topic.
Fair enough, although I would prefer if you gave more constructive advise instead.
Fair enough, although I would prefer if you gave more constructive advise instead.
I didn't know we were actually supposed to be taking this thread seriously. I thought this was just a joke thread since we already have a Head Canon Thread, hence my lack of constructive criticism.
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Back on Topic:
  • Franz wasn't always such a warmonger in his youth. Part of the reason Nancy started praying and eventually wished on the Skullheart for peace was because she was starting to get disturbed with Franz' escalating war efforts.
  • Double is in her civilian identity, a local Saint in Canopy.
  • Physically, Double is similar to a giant, sentient (to an extent, at least enough to interdependently think, plan and manipulate.) mass of cancer cells.
  • Double has tried to target Eliza as a potential Skullgirl candidate.
I didn't know we were actually supposed to be taking this thread seriously. I thought this was just a joke thread since we already have a Head Canon Thread, hence my lack of constructive criticism.
It's really more of a All headcanons, both crack and serious, as long as they are unusual or not well known headcanons, if that makes sense.
Beowulf and Parasoul dated, but it was a rocky relation ship (don't ask me I don't even know, I just thought of it randomly and it stuck with me)
Skullgirls is just a retelling of Pokemon Platinum, but the pokemon are people, (Mother=arceus, Aeon=Dialga, Venus=Palkia, Skullheart=Darkrai, Cresselia=Annie, Azleaf=Leviathan Mespirt=Dr.Avian Uxie=Braindrain Shaymin=Umbrella)
Beowulf and Parasoul dated, but it was a rocky relation ship (don't ask me I don't even know, I just thought of it randomly and it stuck with me)
I think it would be more likely that Beowulf and Valentine dated since Beowulf is like 5+ years older than Parasoul.
-Adam and Beowulf are like the Noxus Brothers from League of Legends (Darius and Draven). They were both in the military, but while Adam excelled and became a high ranking officer, Beowulf was too much of a showman. So he ended up in the wrestling ring.
-After Beowulf retired, he started working in an ice cream shoppe. Adam brings Umbrella there frequently and they chat about current events.
-Hearing about the return of the Skullgirl from Adam, Beowulf decided to come back out of retirement to aid his country in the fight against the Skullheart.
-The ice cream shoppe is run by a fellow by the name of Hrothgar Heorot. The shoppe itself is called Happy Heorot Hall.
-Grendel hates ice cream. A lot. His mom hates it more.
-Grendel got a mechanical arm after his was ripped off by Beowulf.
-Grendel's mom wasn't killed by Beowulf, but crippled. Now Grendel searches for the Skullheart to bring back to his mother.
-Beowulf and Annie know each other. Beo has even appeared on her show.
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-Grendel hates ice cream. A lot. His mom hates it more.
Would Grendel be Lactose intolerant?
Would Grendel be Lactose intolerant?
I didn't really think of why. That's a very good reason, though! I just wanted him to have a reason to hate Happy Heorot Hall. Grendel's mom hates getting brain freeze. She hates anything that hurts her head.
I didn't know we were actually supposed to be taking this thread seriously. I thought this was just a joke thread since we already have a Head Canon Thread, hence my lack of constructive criticism.
Lol don't worry, I wasn't /actually/ offended. I was joshin'.