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What am I even doing anymore?(Kyu's Diary)


aspiring game dev-ish~
Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
Vancouver, B.C
Painwheel Unknown Unknown
Jan 20, 2015
This will be fun to make. I'm not experienced in the fighting game genre, but I pay pretty good attention to what happens so I'll be recording them here on.

I'm usually floating between a lot of characters and I still am. I played Squigly for awhile and got a few combos down(not very high dmging ones). Though she's totally the cutest character in the cast, I like Fukua's playstyle(semi rush, with projectiles). I've been trying to do the Peacock, Bella team. Mostly been practicing the Midscreen BnB in the general BnB compendium which I've almost got down. The j.MP into delayed j.HK keeps getting me, then right after that the j.LP(mash) is so difficult being right-handed and on keyboard. It seems like the timing for delayed j.HK depends on opponent? It seemed easier when I practiced on Eliza. It's like 7 -9 j.LPs before the j.HP.

While practicing for Cerebella and Fukua BnBs, I'm having difficulties because of alternating between cr. and st in Fukua's first BnB. I've read up on a Fukua Compendium

Ah and the other day while playing online with bella and sucking at hit confirming, whenever my cr.MP is blocked, I use diamond drop almost right after. I believe thats called tick throw? Yea I just searched it up. Pretty cool :)

Man I love Val's EKG Flatliner. Also Beowulf's wolf thing is so COOOL.

Character/Team Goals: Bella/Peacock
Solo Fukua
Any flight cancel into crossovers.

s.mp->j.mp->crossunder, fake, fly cancel
s.hk(1)->high reset
s.hk(2)->air grab, fake high to low j.mk,
s.hk(3)->cross under. j.mp,j.mk,j.hk /air grab
light nails->j.hp->fc->j.hk
s.hk(3)->flight cancel->j.mk cross over

j.hk or j.hp->fc-> grab
s.mp->j.mp->whiff j.mk->fc grab

M shadow
cr.hk crossunder
j.lp,j.mk, j.hk crossover
j.lp,j.mp, cross over
j.mp, j.mk, cross under

Significant Normals:

s.mk-This thing amazing +10 frames on hit. Grounds the opponent if the enemy is in the air during combo and knocks them a bit forward.
s.hp- 1 hit of armor = reversal option for people like Parasoul also works as an OS
- Stuffs things like Lock n Load, and brass knuckle
s.hk-Surprise overhead, putting space and giving you a free head
s.lp -You'd think this one isn't very special, but the fact that j.hk lets you maneuver under the opponent means you need to auto correct sometimes.

Crouching: cr.lk-every combo starter. short range but its way better than using cr.lp to hit the opponent
cr.lp- Seen it be used for a burst bait. Those robonekomimis
cr.hk- Gives you head and works as an awkward AA for pesky people that love to hang above you. Not very practical
cr.hp-your launcher is there anything else to say?
cr.mk-this is a sweep, moves you forward. More info later.

j.lp-short range, hits below, quick. Not really gonna stuff someone in the air with this often. A djc pressure tool
j.lk-Time to stuff those pesky people who are lighter than you and love hanging above you with your foot of justice
j.mp-Your main djc, crossover tool. Don't use this to challenge someone in the air.
j.mk- Justice Crushing Foot v2. Mostly a combo filler but its your only move that reaches that far downwards. Use it like you would use parasoul j.lp. Spam it cuz it looks cool.
j.hp-Can actually crossover, but it requires super specific positioning and timing. After that you can djc j.lp or j.mk to continue the combo which they'd probably get hit by.
But seriously, this doesn't have too much stun, but it stops people from just running at you.
j.hk-It does many things
-sets up resets
-Gives you one of the highest vertical heights
-can crossover


No Head

Resets: 1. cr.hp-> j.lp->j.mp(all hits)
2. s.mp->cr.mk-> assist->m.danger requires a certain height also unsafe
2.1 s.mp->cr.mk crossunder hit (requires specific height),
3. Assist call mid combo->neutral dj above heads->j.mp

Facts: Did you know? you can link/chain all your ground moves from s.mp and s.mk
-stop dropping combos (practice them more)
-learn less complicated burst baits and put them in practice
-learn to DHC and judge DHC dmg to kill
-learn to pushblock more (I don't really panic)
-learn to call assist for pressure while they haven't push blocked yet
-learn to use meter cuz I really suck at that. I just reset all day with beo.
-learn to decide when to reset, also practice putting an opponent in a loop till death in training room because I really cant do it T_T

Robo Fortune
-I know one universal BnB that is pretty easy
-Work on air game with super jumps
-Work on converting without j.mp(it scales too much)
-Work on utilizing headrones and L danger (using it at least once and properly)
-execute more types of resets
-do different things in neutral game
-use s.hp more and cancel it into lasers
-start match with s.hp if it seems favorable
-use mines more and position to push block enemy into them
-use s.hp up back
-djc pressure
-know enemy air moves that last nearly forever for magnet super

-learn a less complicated burst bait
-learn another BnB because the current one I drop a lot like 50% of the time- jokes I dont
-learn more things to do in chairless beo
-put the things I have wrote down into practice to see if they actually work.
-also learn a combo that works on heavier characters
-safe hop
-when j.hp meets enemy in air, cancel into L wulf blitzer

Squigly -Pretty much EVERYTHING
-practice some more resets
-Calm down and just SBO for pressure
-Confirm off of j.hp with SBO
-Stancel like Hancel
-Control the air
-use more dmging combos when you can punish obviously
-use j.lk

Big Band
-Finish learning BnB
-practice resets in training and in matches
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Been busy with school :O, but I did get some practicing done. I'm still stuck on the same cerebella combo at the same point (the mashing j.LP), I'm thinking I should try another combo in the meantime. I've also spent a little time with beowulf just getting used to his special moves and mechanics. He's so sick!! I can't wait to play his story and hear his voice.

So I read http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/motivation-for-beginners.458/ not because I'm losing motivation, but it was a great read :) I'll come back to it sometime again.

I also spent some time reading this http://shoryuken.com/srk/FightingGamePrimer.pdf . Very Good read.

Big Band Corner: 8.8k only BB and double too hard on heavies
cr.lk, cr.mk, cr.hp
cr.mk, s.hk, M brass
cr.mp, s.hp
j.mk, j.hp
j.lk,j.mk,j.hp m A train, SSJ

Important note: After ending clinch in headbutt, hitting the character at different heights during the fall will change launching height enabling different things and etc.

Beowulf resets: 1. Chair cr.HP-> j.lk or j.lp-> j.mk -> j.HP reset opportunity on ground need hop

1.1. Chair cr.HP -> j.lp->j.lk->j.mp or j.mk->j.hp (same result as above except leaves enemy closer to you)
1.2 Chair cr.hp -> j.lp->j.lk->j.hp
2. chairless cr.Hp->forward jump -> j.lk->j.mk -> reset opportunity on ground(if delayed, can be linked into chains, works on lightweights)
2.5 chairless cr.HP ->s.lp ->s.mp-> cmd grab
2.6 chairless cr.HP ->j.lp -> j.mk -> reset opportunity on ground (Parasoul only, can be linked)
2.7 chairless cr.HP -> walk under -> s.lp
2.8 chairless cr.Hp -> j.lp -> slightly delayed j.lk-> cr.lk reset or continue combo
3. Chair Toss(L)->s.mp->command grabff
3.5. Chair Toss(L)->hop. mk or no hop->cmd grab (no hop mk is fastest)
4. chair cr.HP -> j.lp ->j.hp -> light wulf blitzer-> blitz down on left or right side Ambiguous cross up with wulf blitzer, uses OTG
4.5 chair cr.HP -> j.lp -> medium wulf blitzer cross up right(1) -> opposite direction blitz 2
5. cr.lk ->cr.mp -> s.hp ->M chair toss -> go low, cross over, anything while the chair falls
5.1 cr.lk -> cr.mp ->chair cr.hp -> M chair toss-> delay any attack until chair falls.
can hop atk, dash jump j.lk cross over, j.mk
6. chair cr.hp->j.lp->j.mp->j.mk->jump, air grab OR hop cross over(easiest) (works on everyone except bb and double)
6.1 chair.cr.hp->j.lp->j.lk->j.mp-> jump, air grab OR hop crossover(difficult)
6.2 chair.cr.hp->j.lp->delayed j.lk->jump air grab OR hop crossover(difficult)

7.OTG reset landing ->cr.lp->cr.lk ---->cr.lk
s.lp->delayed s.lk

8. CORNER cr.lk->cr.mp->s.hp or s.hk->wulf blitzer(L), wulf blitzer(1)->low reset
9. CROSSOVER chairless cr.hp -> super jump forward -> j.lp -> j.lp or j.lk
10. cr.lk, cr.mp, s.hk, call assist, M blitzer

1. After any Flight->j.lp or j.lk-> low or grab
2. cr.hp->H buer-> Flight-> j.mk-> low or grab
3.s.hk(2)->nails, assist call-> flight

Filia and Fukua only. You are as close to corner as possible and you go cr.lk, s.mk, s.hk->A-train. Spacing is incredibly key in this setup. You will know you spaced correctly when you are standing in front of the knuckle at the very edge of the screen and the enemy gets shot out behind you anyways.

Ground Normals

1.s.lp->s.mp or s.mp->s.hp cross over?

Standing in front of the knuckle, timing s.mp correctly will hit the enemy while facing left s.hp will auto correct.

2. s.hp
Standing in front of the knuckle, s.hp will pull the enemy left however, you can uncombo into napalm shot to keep them on the right.

Timed correctly, you can hit them on either side or just go for air grab :P

Air Normals

1. j.mk or j.lp or j.lk
Standing in front of the knuckle, timing any button correctly will leave them in behind you. To do this one efficiently try to hit any of the buttons close to the ground.

2. down j.mk->j.mk
Standing in front of the knuckle, timing down j.mk will either leave them in front or behind you uncomboing and leading to j.mk which will hit both sides.

3.j.mp ->cr.lp(optional)
jumping before they enemy comes out and hitting j.mp will pull them to the left. cr.lp timed correctly will leave them on the right.

1 L Napalm Toss set up in the hip level?

Ground Normals

1. s.mp, s.lp, s.hp, s.mk
Standing in front of the knuckle, timing s.mp correctly will pull the enemy to the left of you.

2. s.lk, s.mk, s.hk
Standing in front of the knuckle, whiffing any of these buttons will leave the enemy on the right while seemingly move to the left.

Standing in front of the knuckle, s.lp will give the same effect as above, s.mp will stop the enemy on the right. It is much harder to pull this one off.

Air normals

1. Down j.mk
Standing in front of the knuckle, timing down j.mk correctly will still pull the enemy to the left or fail while you are in the air.

2. Hold j.mk

Standing in front of the knuckle, timing j,mk correctly will pull them to your left or fail leaving them on the right.

3. j.hp->cr.hp

Standing in front of the knuckle, the napalm mine will pull them to your left when you hit j.hp. Facing right and cr.hp will hit them while they are on your left.

4. j.mp, j.lp, j.lk, j.hk
The napalm mine will pull them to your left

2 L Napalm Toss about hip level

1. Dash under + BB body block
Standing in front of the knuckle, you can dash towards BB when the mines explode. The enemy will suspend in the air slightly because of Big Band's body. Dashing forward can leave you on the right or on the left. There is a lot of hitstun from this. You can also jump over and do what ever.

2. Jump over j.mp

Standing in front of the knuckle, jumping at the correct time with j.mp will pull them over you to your left or fail leaving them on the right.
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umm....hello. the compendium is not finished and i'm the one working on it. if you have any questions just tag me and i will respond

Oh Hey! Thanks for writing the compendium it was very helpful. I'm looking forward to the reading the rest.
I don't know how to do this tag thing you're speaking of though.
about the cerebella combo, this might help you a bit

specially this video:

about the cerebella combo, this might help you a bit

specially this video:

Oh my thanks. I practiced the j.LP x3 and got it to work once which is great. I can't seem to keep the timing in between them. My fingers want to press faster :).

I didn't get to play much the past week, but I think my third member of my dream team will be Parasoul.
Not only is she lovely, but I find it pretty cool to put charging moves in order to recover from H attacks. Also her walking animation is lovely. She will take some time to get used to. She's just lovely. I am pretty used to canceling Fukua's attacks into the fireball, but not the light drill. That one has the best uhh I think the term is recovery frames or something? I don't know what you mean by +5 on hit, but I assume its just very safe. @Dreamepitaph
Oh my thanks. I practiced the j.LP x3 and got it to work once which is great. I can't seem to keep the timing in between them. My fingers want to press faster :).

I didn't get to play much the past week, but I think my third member of my dream team will be Parasoul.
Not only is she lovely, but I find it pretty cool to put charging moves in order to recover from H attacks. Also her walking animation is lovely. She will take some time to get used to. She's just lovely. I am pretty used to canceling Fukua's attacks into the fireball, but not the light drill. That one has the best uhh I think the term is recovery frames or something? I don't know what you mean by +5 on hit, but I assume its just very safe. @Dreamepitaph
Um on hit L drill is +5 but -3 on block. its very good if you want to keep safe.
This week I spent some time on Parasoul. I spent a little time learning a simple three chain combo and continuing combos after a b.HK which ended up being cr.MK. cr.MK was very fun to use for me because it looked like Ryu's Low forward good range, good damage and safe.

I didn't try the approach of learning a BnB with Parasoul this time rather I'm going to take the combo learning process more slowly.

So after reading Dreamepitaph's fukua guide, I found it very helpful to know which moves are good priority moves so I decided find a Parasoul guide. I watched this one

I spent some time looking at links and chains and then spent time in the training room trying to make my own simple combos. Though my combos probably aren't very effective in practice, I found that this process helped me learn better and kept me more interested in the game besides the aesthetic aspects.

I still haven't looked at a cerebella guide so that will probably be the next thing on my list.
Haven't looked at a cerebella guide yet but I'm making a small update for the things I've noticed.

So on Saturday I watched the brazilian tournament and I loved seeing solo big band. The past week I've been bathing in his voice so seeing him do crazy stuff is awesome. I never knew who Jorge was until this stream and it was amazing watching him fight. I noticed that he tends to jump during resets to chicken block and he just jumped a lot in general with the silly air heavy kick that sends people flying and then he can combo off of it. I was thinking I guess that is jumping on reset attempts is safe against those characters that he vsed I guess???? Another thing I realized was how he jumps backwards and does the giant cymbal then the giant knuckle move. Then I realized hes holding back the whole time to charge for that giant knuckle move.

So since Robo Fortune came out I pretty much fell in love with her because of her Aigis palette. Aigis and Labrys are my favorite characters in Persona. I've never played the Persona games, but their design is just so COOL especially Labry's headband. That thing is cool. Also I want to practice a speedy almost rushdown style character. I've tried Filia and Miss Fortune, but they are too quick? Don't really like them that much. I've also tried out Valentine and she interests me in some ways ;), but only some aspects. I do like her j.HP and her s.HP, but thats about it. I like how her s.HP brings her back kind of like Dudley's move. That move is sick.
Been quite a long time since I posted something...UPDATE TIME!

Thanks to @keninblack.

Over the past 2 weeks since I last posted, I've been practicing a "simple" parasoul combo:
cr.lk -> cr.mk -> s.HP(2) ->L Napalm shot -> s.lp -> s.mp -> b.HK -> Egret Call -> Dash forward -> s.MK(1)->cr.HP -> j.MP -> j.HP -> j.HK -> s.lk(1) ->s.MK(2) ->s.HP(2) ->M napalm shot-> Ready #13

I had trouble in multiple areas during my practices. Sometimes it was the s.lp after napalm shot, sometimes it was just s.HK instead of b.HK. I'm not getting these parts 100% of the time but more like 70-80% of the time which I'm fairly proud of :) I'm currently working on Egret Call -> Dash forward -> s.MK(1). In this part it requires me to egret call and dash forward to s.mk before the enemy hits the ground. I think I'm having trouble finding the timing to do Egret Call after b.Hk and dashing forward right after.
So yesterday I played a number of games online against people that were better than me with solo parasoul or duo with big band and well I noticed a few things.

I am poor at controlling myself in neutral phase. I use j.HP too often and sometimes it puts me in a bad position. That is usually when I use it early in the jump instead of the descent. The other thing I use in the air is j.lp. When I'm in the air and the enemy is on the ground, I use it the same way as I use j.Hp and it whiffs.

On the ground, I don't know my options well. Besides the napalm shots, projectile armor, cr.lk, s.lp. I also have no clue when to use napalm pillar besides in the end of a combo. I hear good things about that move, but I don't know how to use it. Sometimes I use s.lp(2) and it whiffs and I get punished for it because they are in the air in the first hit already. I also use f.hp like its sf4 Rose's roundhouse kick and it whiffs because they jumped.

Also wasn't able to pull off the combo that I have been practicing. Mainly because I couldn't hit confirm or get in to use it.
Small update.

I played a number of online games since last time I updated and I'm getting better with my usage of normals.

I still haven't quite mastered the combo, but I have made progress. I can do the napalm shot into s.lp pretty much 95% of the time now and I've done the combo like 1/20 times better than 1/50 which was what it was before. I had some trouble going from napalm shot(M) to the sniper shot. It seems I didn't input it quick it enough.
Didn't play any online games lately, just spend some time in the training room working on the same stuff. I think I should work on some Beowulf stuff at the same time.

I updated the first post on the page with some goals and progress stuff without comments. Comments go here :)

Anyways while working on the combo I noticed a few things, it seems that I'm having trouble going from
j.HK->s.lk and I'm a little unclear what the problem might be. I suspect two things.
1.I'm just timing my s.lk poorly
2.I'm too high up when doing j.Hk that I don't land fast enough to do s.lk(1) which may be a result of the
dash forward-> s.mk(1). is too quick -> cr.HP launches higher than normal.

Edit: I seem to have a lot of trouble with the part in the air. My j.HK seems to land properly 20% of the time...what could be causing it? I'm going to practice the air chain to s.lk separately for a little.

3. I'm pressing an arrow key during j.Hk->s.lk. It seems to fix something when I dont press anything.

Oh and does anyone have a beowulf BnB in mind that I could learn?
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It's been 11 days since I last posted :O. I've been spending a lot of time playing around with Beowulf's combos and Robo Fortune Heavy Thermite Beam. At the same time, I've spent some time with Robo Fortune to at least get a simple BnB out. It's not quite complete yet though.

I've also been spending sometime with Miss Fortune because I feel that Parasoul's play style isn't my thing, but I really do like Parasoul and the feeling of comboing with her. So I think I'll pick her up again later.
I'm starting to get the hang of L chair toss-> hop.mp-> s.HK. Funny how I thought I would never get it.

I've been playing a lot with beowulf lately in the training room looking for resets which I edit into my first post.

Things I discovered: you can L chair toss -> j.lp->j.mk->j.hp inconsistenly or j.HK otg consistently. I thought you needed to stay grounded after L chair toss to continue the combo.
I thought wulf blitzer always used otg. Actually only the air one. the ground one you can use s.lp, s.lk, cr.lp, cr.lk to avoid the otg.
So it's been quite awhile. I've added a lot of resets for Beowulf. I haven't got around to specifying who it works on, but I'll get to it soon. I tried playing painwheel a little and I tried getting used to her normals. However I really can't play her.

I've been thinking of not playing miss fortune because I don't like her kit all that much. Also I don't really like her assist except el gato kick, but el gato requires you to be headless and tagged out to do.

So unless I decide to start with miss fortune which i don't want to do, yeah...it's not going to happen.

So I took another look at the previous characters I've played, Squigly, Cerebella, Parasoul. I plan to start with Robo Fortune and play the keep away game so I think Cerebella LockNLoad fits well. I still love the animation for LocknLoad<3 Its like me as a kid play acting a power ranger Huuuu Chaaa~

While I was playig Cerebella I realized that j.mk and j.hk were the same as Beowulfs and that Beowulfs j.lk is the same as Zangiefs. Gief<3

Cerebella or Squigly... Cerecopter and LocknLoad or Ashes to ashes. Why not learn them both?

Actually I think lock n load isn't that great of an idea. It kind of covers the same air space as all of robo fortune's lasers. Beaaaaam. Nyaaaa~

So in terms of progress, I'm pretty confident that I get hop j.mk into s.hk 90% of the time. I've gone from spamming s.hk to getting it in a single press. It's starting to happen with all the moves I do with Beowulf. So that is the only link I'm good with. I also want to get consistent with cr.mp after headbutt so I can continue the combo.

Currently I am working on seria cancels bnb for Squigly and I'm finding it quite a bit more enjoyable then when I tried learning any other combo. The feeling is different because it doesn't feel like any other link. Other than the seria cancel part that I'm working on, I'm also working on not spam pressing s.hp. I haven't had much experience playing Squigly so I'm hoping to play her more soon.

BEOWULF CANIS MAJOR with Squigly assist

1. Call Assist->jump-> j.lk or j.hp
1.1 Jump-> Call Assist -> j.lk or j.hp
1.2 Call Assist ->j.hp -> cancel into wulf blitzer


1 s.HP -> Call assist(Hurl) -> MEDIUM DANGER -> CHAIR FALLS OVER HEAD
This training diary is less about training everytime I play with beowulf and more about finding random stuff.

Made a combo (first time) that I've only tested on parasoul. does 6.7k and doesnt pick up chair in the end T_T cuz i can't get close enough to naegling knee lift then da grendel killa.

cr.lk, cr.mp, cr.hp
jmk, j.hp
s.mk, s.hp, L hurtling hurl
hop j.mp
cr.mp, cr.hp
s.lp, s.mp (mic drop), s.hk 3 wulf blitzers
naegling knee left, da grendel killa

I did some weird cross up by accident on parasoul while trying to learn the first BnB on the general compendium for beowulf. Somehow on the rejump, I got j.lp (blocked) -> j.hp cross up. It looked really weird because I thought it wouldnt cross up due to me looking like im still on the same side. I'm trying to reproduce it, but no luck... While learning this bnb, i realized that dash jumping is weird with beowulf.
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I am loving robo fortune's jump cancel so much. I haven't been making use of it much, but its mix up potential is so strong :O

Some somewhat obvious things I'm noting. If your opponent is expect high to low, you can do double high with jump cancel. j.lp will be the quickest double high while the other will be delayed. Jump cancel can be used to crossover or recrossover too. Though dp's might wreck you.

So everyone knows how you can j.hk steer so that ur wub wub wubing below the enemy.
If you get into this position you're to the right and below the enemy
and you jump cancel backwards in this case its <--- you can land j.lk while still facing <-- then cross under so ur facing --->. Works in the other direction ofc. Fun

How I think Robo Fortune should be played : Somehow achieve 3 heads while keep away if possible taunt just for more missiles lockdown. Somehow get time to send out missiles. keep the opponents position locked by using lasers until the missiles hit. Then rush in for the heavy mixups.
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Lately I've been thinking of needing to get my ass whupped more. and Yes I did get my ass wooped. I got to face squigly a lot with robo fortune and I learned somethings.

Robo should be able to challenge Squigly because both of them can go very high. Yet I never did really did. I stayed on the ground a lot and relied on H Hurting Hurl. I utilized L headrone a lot and it kept me safe a lot. When I did go in for pressure, I never air grabbed. WHY DON'T I air GRAB!!!. CLEARLY IF THEY ARE ARE IN THE AIR AND NOT PRESSING ANYTHING THEY"D PROBABLY BLOCK IF I GO IN. Then again I'm not so sure I'm ok with converting air grabs into dmg if I don't have my double jump. Robo fortune's super jump + double jump compared to squigly is just as high BUT robo fortune falls first cuz of weight. HOWEVER IF you superjump j.hk, you actually go higher than squigly.

Oh yeah thats right. To pickup robo fortune ground grab, I need savage bypass or h brass knuckle assist.

Robo fortune is fast enough to convert off of H Hurtling Hurl. Funz

I'm going to start a thing with robo fortune like I did with beo.

Dude. Wait who am i calling dude. I never realized if you hit the enemy in the air with a lazer, they knocked back like 3/4 the screen.
Oh yeah thats right. To pickup robo fortune ground grab, I need savage bypass or h brass knuckle assist.

There's probably other assists too that work to help her convert off of grab, like Big Band's Beat extend and Eliza's Butcher's Blade assist, so if you are concerned about that you should play around with assists. In general there isn't a lot of Robo play so there's a lot more to be discovered with assist synergy, so just try things out.
Today I faced a Peacock and BB. Boy was it frustrating. Not because it was peacock and BB, but because when it came down to me actually getting in to punish, his terrible ping made me lag and drop a lot.

However, I kind of learned how to play beo vs peacock a little. The most useful tools were H Hurtling Hurl and the arm sweep. I only used sweep if I was in range to hit peacock. I didn't use it to punish BB assist call. Beowulf is too fat to neutral jump over george's airshow so I had to stick to the ground mostly. Beowulf's hops are amazing :) Also near the beginning of the match I was wishing I had Robo. Now I don't. Beo's sweeps are too amazing.
I've got to work on punishing the teleport. I always see it happening, but my cr.lk are too slow to hit her. I ran Beo and Squigly btw I forgot to mention.

I managed to sneak in stance charging with squigly vs BB. I kept getting caught by H Giant Step.
to get over airshow as beo you can super jump and blitzer, but yeah chairless sweep is your best friend in that matchup
Curiosity got the better me and I went into a room labeled Casual Matches- Expert. Clearly knowing what I was getting myself into, I braced myself. Inside was a boss, @worldjem. Many times I was brutally beaten in many 3v3 matches and after every match I got up and questioned myself, "The room was labeled expert , why am I here?" Then it happened. One time out of all the matches we had, I took down one of his characters. Yay :)

Anyways notes from the matches. Man not having beowulf's dp assist up all the time makes keep away with robo fortune quite difficult. Even more difficult when the opponent has savage bypass and it looks like I can never punish it because it comes in with Shadow Clone (M). With Robo Fortune I use H beam too much. I used to use L beam and M beam a lot in the air, but I've been getting away with it too much. I realized that j.hp and M air laser isn't that safe. I thought it was. The thing I want to take away the most from this match that is totally different from 90% of all the other matches I've had is this. Good use of assists. I noticed that during that fight I was losing sight of the assist being called among all the things happening. I think I was panicking.

I had a number of matches with @Shadowfury333 later and I did quite well. I was actually expecting myself to lose. The one thing I did well in this match was mix up my L ground laser and H air laser. Those were really the only ones I used. Sometimes I did superjump backwards j.hk into L laser, but not very often. Its quite unsafe without anything protecting my buttoms. Maybe I should learn BB? Nah I will deal with it or not use super jump j.hk into L laser. What worked well was my zoning because he wasn't really blocking...

From the two sets today I have a few serious issues. My current BnB for Robo Fortune is hard to use on light characters. I need to properly pick my times to use j.hp with Squigly. I love that button too much. At the same time when I use j.hp and meet the enemy in the air, I need to cancel with wulf blitzer or else I'm going to get punished. I did it sometimes, but that was when it whiffed. I need to learn to use my other hop attack options. I always opt for j.hp which is bad...

Also from the two sets today, I worked on a few things. Laser mixups as I have already mentioned. I was able to do my nasty canis major-> cremation mix up. It's terribly dirty. There is a weakness though. The BnB that I practiced a lot with Beowulf, I was able to execute it once I'm pretty happy. I gotta play more to give it more chances to happen. I used j.hk more with robo cat which means j.mp less which is great. I panicked with my push blocking quite a bit against Shadow, but eventually I did manage it. Executed one more reset with Beowulf. I USED MY METER PROPERLY AND DHCED PROPERLY YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
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Heh, those were some odd matches. You did get yourself properly adjusted to my starts, though. That first game was especially surprising, as I thought Cat Scratch chained into snapback, but apparently it doesn't, so I couldn't get that double-snap out of the gate.

Also, I point that out because that adjustment to my starts was the only reason I didn't get another double-snap opportunity like that. Throwing out assists at game start is really risky, and generally not recommended. As with everything, it's not always bad, but always doing it is punishable.

Also, you expected to lose? I expected to lose too (and screwed up my inputs often enough to really piss myself off, which didn't help. Main reason I stopped blocking was me trying to get back into combos to make up for the earlier bad inputs), so I'm not sure why you expected to lose.
Months ago I saw you play on a stream and I didn't think I could beat you then. Since its been sometime I guessed maybe both of us had improved, but maybe you would still beat me.

Yeah I realize calling assist dangerous in the start of the match, but yea I'm willing to take the risk. Whether you punish the call immediately or not, I thought I could land a laser on you anyways to stop you. I'm not sure if I did, but sometimes I called assist and did the armored saw attack. I guessed I was pretty safe because you usually didn't start with a sweep and miss fortune doesn't have a hit grab.
My practice has been spotty for the last month or two, and I was also trying to do fiber loops and other new (for me) setups, neither of which seemed to pan out. Not being used to Robo and Beo doesn't help either, and Squigly requires some character-specific considerations from Fortune occasionally, since she is so thin.
For the past few sets I've been playing, I've been trying my best to abuse the crap out of my Normals and L & M danger. Specifically I've been playing with cr.mk, s.hp, s.hk.

Oh yeah fun fact about Robo Fortune. So I'm sure people knew you could link light moves from s.mk, but did you know you can also link s.mp? Furthermore, you can link/chain any move from s.mp(all hits) including itself. Electrocution therapy inc.
When I chose my team I only thought of two things. I want to play Robo and I want Beo with Squigly assist. I didn't think that my team would work well together. But as I play my team more I am liking it more and more. Squigly anchor is quite questionable, but I really don't know who else to put as anchor. Actually I have had interest in Cerebella and Big Band, Big band more so than Cerebella. I would choose H brass knuckle assist. This would allow me to play keep away better and pick up from Robo's grabs, but I lose out on a lockdown assist and heavy knockdown assist setup. I do have another lockdown on my team that is Robo's but she is my point. I also don't get to convert off of s.hp.

If I would play another team it would be Robo, Beo, BB or Beo, Squig, BB.

I feel like Robo needs a DP and a lockdown. She doesn't need a horizontal assist like H brass knuckle although H brass knuckle is fun. I tried starting a round with magnet super. It doesn't work that way...XD. Good read, but it can just get stuffed.

I played some games with @Meow-Professor and I did quite well against her Filia. I managed to use my normals pretty well until I started losing matches consecutively. I think I know what I did wrong. I started playing quite straightforward with my robo playstyle. Then I picked it up again. Mixing up between j.mp, j.mk, j.hp, j.hk. Utilizing s.hp into hp lazer since I had no assist to convert. I gotta try s.hp->m danger->lvl 3. I noticed that I'm not choosing my air normals well enough. There are times when j.mp or even j.hk would be a better choice when closer range and crossing up. The other thing is to not use j.hk against someone below you. The move doesn't have a hitbox for an enemy below really.
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So somehow I found myself learning BB lately because frankly he feels foreign to me compared to all the other characters ive played. It feels like I'm playing skullgirls for the first time when i try doing j.hk into tympani drive.
I don't know what I'm going to do w/ squigly. I like beo as 2nd in a team of 3 but I wouldnt mind Beo, squig, bb. I think I like Robo, Beo, BB and Beo, Squig, BB. All i hear these days at work is Tritonal-Anchor. So I asked BB to meet me behind the gym to confess. And I asked, "Will you be my anchor?". T_T

Moving on, I've been playing with BB assist. Brass knuckles for trying to make combos with. Boy does the dmg go straight up. I've found that L chair, hop j.mp, s.hk whiffs on double BUT if I just add rush punch before after s.hk into L chair, hop.j.mp, s.hk works. Hard to do though. And DAMN IT LOOKS HELLA COOL when u arm super with brass knuckles. Giant fists :)
I've seen some scary BB+Squigly play involving assist calls between them, so I'd look into that as a possible way to go. I can't remember who was doing that kind of play off-hand, though.
I think Fuzzy_Snugs does that? I'll consider it. I think I'm starting to shift away from squigly because of focusing on BB.

So as for my side of the sets I had with @Meow-Professor.

BigBand: This problem/situation is something that is rather interesting. It's my use of special moves. I am so used to not using a lot of special moves from playing Beowulf and Robo. I am kind of special move- trigger happy with BB. Because I'm not used to using them especially the charge motion except with Parasoul. Parasoul's charge moves are for completely different purposes. Then its also the same situation with Robo's lasers at times. I'm choosing the wrong strength to use. Most commonly I use H train instead of M train. Next, I need to go to the training room and check ranges to convert off of L Giant Step. I still need to work on combos cuz I keep doing the same first two strings which is fine for now because even then I'm screwing them up. Oh and teching in the right direction...

Matchups: I've kind of figured out the string that goes into fastfall->reset. Just kind of.

General: I don't know if I'm doing this anymore, but after every block string I would up-back. Confirms will always be a thing so I don't always end in giant step or command grab.

Oh yeah positive things. I'm starting to block crossups which is extremely positive. I tend to see crossups, but I block low in the other direction instead of high in the other direction
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Quick entry right after some matches. I feel so annoyed that my mind thinks my cr.lk will always hit, but in fact BB and Robo have one of the shortest cr.lk ranges. I'm also annoyed at myself for thinking every time I press a button, it will come out before the enemies. But clearly I don't know my +/- on block. Also I realize that the combo I keep executing on my beo is for the wrong weights.

Lately, I've worked on more combos on Beowulf's but although I know them in training, they aren't coming out in matches. Instead I'm getting a mash of stuff. So that means I need more match practice.

Big Band resets. I know them as well, but they aren't coming out. I'm going to edit my first post with big band now.
first of all this is like a week late but AFAIK fuzzy does not play big band his team is squigly/eliza. Yaya mains squig/band and dekillsage has been known to play it on occasion (I think he did it in a game in combo breaker top 16 but I don't remember who it was vs) so you can look at them, I think they use beat extend assist though. Brass is better for Beo though so you'll have to decide which you want.

secondly, it's useful of course to know the specific +/- of moves but it's a good rule of thumb that your blockstring is going to be - on block, even if it's safe, so if you do a blockstring your opponent will almost always get to press buttons before you. Special moves have a general tendency to be - on block but this is not always the case (squigly's QCF + LK, arpeggio I think this is, is actually +1 on block). Basically, just because something is safe does not mean you will be able to act before your opponent.

the big band compendium (http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/big-band-compendium-read-this-for-combos.2853/) is a really good resource for BB resets
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I've been playing with Painwheel lately and so far I really like her. I play her like shes a normal character most of time(not flying) which isn't really a good thing. I love her buttons in the air like how all of them have different momentums in them. I don't really understand yet.

As for putting her in a team...it would probably be Painwheel, Robo, BB. The assists...I have no clue. Although I like the idea of Painwheel with H Beam, I would rather use Collimating Saw. For BB, I like H brass knuckles because it works well with Robo, but beat extend is always great. For Painwheel, no clue. I've seen some people use the throw, but I personally don't like it. So maybe cr.mp.

Sooo with the things I've noticed, lets start with the good things. I can see a lot of crossover resets coming, but my reactions are far too slow. Whether they are crossovers or crossunders. I'm also falling for a lot of fake crossunders.The bad things. I have quite a lot of execution problems. I'm having dhc problems with painwheel atm because deathcrawl seems to crossover, but it doesnt and I'm too late sometimes entering the next super. I also have a problem with inputting combos. Sometimes I'm too rushed and my heavy move comes out before my medium, dropping the combo.
Yep. I really like Painwheel however I don't like PW in a team of 2 or 3 with my other characters (Squigly, BB, Beo, Robo) except maybe Squigly. So sometime in the future I'll probably pickup Eliza and play PW, Eliza as a duo.

Not much of an update, but I can finally do Big Band's midscreen only BnB somewhat reliably. I struggle with the two chains after H beat extend. I struggle with some of Big Band's air->ground chains. I can almost do all of Painwheel's midscreen BnB. It's always finding the timing for j.hp(3)->j.hk that I struggle with. At the same time I'm trying to learn more chains because I feel very inflexible with Painwheel's combo structure.

So far, I don't know if its because the characters are slower or not, but I feel most comfortable with my Beowulf and Robo. Like I feel confident doing any type of chain they might have. Well except for Robo's j.mk->j.hp->j.mk-j.lk. That one is a little difficult, but I don't really see why I would want to know that air chain.
Ugh gosh I feel like crap. I don't think I should try playing Eliza anymore. When I play her I just feel like I'm Big Band and start doing charge moves for no good reason. I will keep Painwheel though. Shes adorable in her own way. After not playing with people for a week or so my execution feels like crap. I forgot my PBGC timing until 30 games in then I was starting to get it. I'm still making bad decisions in my combos. Going for a reset path instead of just finishing it.

I realized I'm not airthrowing at all...I'm not thinking about the enemy jumping unless I'm looking to A-train...
The Cerecopter pressure is so irritating.

I keep falling for Parasoul's j.lp->j.hp especially the j.hp.


Blocking: It has turned into trash. Gotta polish it up.

Beowulf: After watching iDante play more often, I'm starting to use H Hurtling Hurl more, but I'm not converting off of it although I practiced it in the training room. I'm still autopiloting with Beowulf. J.hp. I really hate when I go for a hop and I'm intending to do a button, but instead I press it and it whiffs because I pressed it too late. I'm just throwing out Gigantic Arm willy nilly T_T.

Big Band: My A trains are the best ;) I incorporated one reset into my arsenal. GJ myself!! :) Although I know more I'm just....needing more practice. I'm trying to use beat extend as a reversal. Been meaning to learn more chains. Air Chains.

Robo: Dammit when will I learn a combo that works on lights!!!?!?!?

Painwheel: I'm not fly canceling when I think I inputted it...Gotta work on that. Painwheel is starting to grow a rhythm on me.

@Pickles Which strength of beat extend do I use as reversal?
@Meow-Professor Forgive for not posting this on your thread, but I don't have much to say. I'm stuffing your fast fall reset with Filia. Now maybe a good time to learn a new one?
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Which strength of beat extend do I use as reversal?

I assume you mean assist cause that's what I mentioned but I'll answer both questions.

For assist: L extend is far and above the most used strength as an assist. Faster than the other options and hits higher earlier so it's better as an anti-air. I know a few people who use different versions but L is definitely the one I'd recommend.

As a reversal: M extend is mostly useless as a reversal IMO, you'll want to be using either L or H if you decide to reversal.
A note about all versions: every strength of beat extend is only invulnerable until the move becomes active (i.e. once it can hit the opponent it is no longer invincible). That said:

L extend is again the fastest version and it becomes active high in the air so it's really the only version that works against high jump-in attacks. The downsides are that 1) it's not throw-invincible and 2) there is a single frame of vulnerable startup before invulnerability kicks in, so L extend actually loses to meaty enough attacks.

M extend is slower than L but faster than H, is also vulnerable to throws, and the active hitbox starts at about the chest height of most characters (so not big band's chest height), so it'll get beaten by any attack that is hitting big band from above.

H extend is the slowest version and has the same active hitbox as M (so it loses to high meaty jumpins as well), but is notable in that it is the only version that is throw invincible.

tl;dr for reversals, use L against jumpins and H if you think they're gonna throw. H also works against grounded attacks too because the hitbox coming out low will still hit most grounded opponents.

You may have noticed that due to the single frame of vulnerability on L extend that NO versions of beat extend will work against meaty air attacks that hit big band above the height that M and H extend come out at. Be wary of this.
Ahhh sorry this is so late
Some things from our matches:
You upback in combos against Cerebella basically always. Multiple times I feinted command grab resets and you fell for it every time. Keep the fact that I can feint the grabs in mind and start blocking low more.
You really need to start using resets more. I'm pretty sure you know a few, but it is rare you would actually use one against me. A few times you would throw in a grab or a mix-up, but otherwise you would just do full combos.

You also need to find a combo with Robo-Fortune that doesn't sideswap lighter characters in the corner. A few times you could have kept me in the corner but you sideswapped me and put yourself in the corner instead, letting me pressure you more easily.

Otherwise I can't really think of much to say.