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What got you into skullgirls, and why are you staying?

Panties lots of panties. ..nah I happened to surf youtube and saw it by accident. Dismissed it as it was called skullgirls and two characters at the time (bella and filia) used head based attacks.
Later I was craving a new game and the art and peacock were convincing enough

Edit: I stay cause I like the lore gameplay and community
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This was the first fighting game I've ever played seriously. When I first tried out MvC3, I thought I hated fighting games because I would lose on the second to hardest mode and have to go back to Normal mode. Online was even worse. When I tried out Skullgirls' demo. I sucked at it game too. It was a horrible experience at first, but then I found it fun to play the Tutorial mode. Then I tried out Nightmare mode, which was fucking awful for me, even after training. So I looked up some vids on Youtube on how to do attacks and I had JUST found out about special attacks and different motions. The first few motions like QCs were easy, but my barriers were DPs and Charge specials, but I learned eventually on pad.
I could say that 2013 was the beginning of my fighting game initiation, but 2014 was the Renaissance, when I found that I was the one that sucked and not because I didn't have an arcade stick, but because I was not practicing enough, so I commit my time to learning fighting games.
What kept me staying was two things: the social aspects of competition and because I wanted to suddenly make a fighting game of my own(which I still heavily contemplate). I love the community, even though a few people might actually dislike me, becuase they are both friendly and critical. I learn from the people around me, I know the ins and outs of fighting games thanks to the 1 year of experience I have with this forum, and I love Painwheel. As for me wanting to make a fighting game, I'm very willing to learn what makes Skullgirls Skullgirls and what makes other fighting games other fighting games, For example, right now I play Tekken as well so I can learn from both a 2D and 3D perspective. I will stay with this franchise for as long as I can and want.
I wrote way too goddamn much!
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The following video was the first thing I saw about the game and really caught my attention.
Peacock's Level 3 and Filia's playstyle were the ones that I really loved and I wanted to watch the other Friday Night Fight videos for more.
At first I didn't play fighting games all that much. Street Fighter II got me a bit interested in trying out the fighitng game genre and I liked the fast-paced gameplay of MVC 2. When I saw the colorful animation, the team options, and more, I really wanted to give this thing a whirl. I practiced and struggled to learn combos, work on my defense, and even play with any other characters with different playstyles. Although there are things that I still need to learn, I feel more confident playing the game. I am staying because I enjoy the community, the streams, and finding out more combos/techniques is fun.
Pretty sure I saw the early fighting footage a long time ago, and then years later, IGN released Peacock's trailer.
So then I basically went on an information hunt, looked at the upcoming release very closely (Even though I need to play it more), and just kept my eyes open.

I'm staying because of Peacock & Marie (god few stories are written as well as that), but as well as the interesting setting, and I wanna know where the story goes
The kickstarter / indiegogo was where I first found out about SG. The characters looked unique and well animated.
I stayed for the quality game and the sexy, sexy development process.
I was browsing my favourite porn/hentai/bestiality/pantysniffing website and saw an add for an awesome new fighting game. "Hot 2D fighting!" it said, "All hearts can break, but not, without a fight" it said. Naturally I was instantly hyped and climaxed on my Sengoku Basara? night sheet and looked up all the footage I could, listening to Sex_Z explain everything right their game would do.

Jokes aside I saw some video of the alpha on YT somehow (I think SRK posted it) with Filia vs Filia. Game looked like it had potential so I kept my eye on it, I was right. Remember the good ol' days of waiting for Friday Night Fights? Ah....good times.
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I first downloaded the demo of it around 2011 when I still had an Xbox. Back then I had no idea what it was and only played it for a few minutes because I didn't like fighters. Then a couple years later while I'm talking to a friend on steam she recommended I play this game called Skullgirls, so I looked it up and decided to buy it since it was only $15. Once I started I realized that it was the same game from before, this then opened the gate to fighting games for me. After laptop went to heaven though I rebought it on PS3 because I was having withdrawals from not playing it. The rest is history and ever since I've scavanged for every piece of info, lore, art, and anything else I could/can stick my nose in
I was kidnapped and brainwashed by my local FGC group, after the initial doses of smash and SSF4 seemed to have no effect, they attempted Blazblue continuum shift extend, it was then that the subject started responding. One late afternoon several pairs of jiggly boobs and panty shots were brought into the mix, only to be dumped for a band. The Band Is love, The Band Is life, Never Look Back :D. At least until beowulf, team husbando for life
2014 was the hottest year of FGC years for me.
Skullgirls wasn't really my first fighting game, but damn, people were talking about it way too much where I live, so I hopped onto PSN, bought Skullgirls and its DLCs, and jumped into the craziness that is the 'Skullgirls'.
Also, 100+ Combos on quick matches. Still figuring out how one 'Skullgirls Got Cookies?' user does it.
Another one of my favorite reasons for staying is how the Devs created a group of musical DLCs (And a wrestler and a robot). Who couldn't resist a walking Jazz Concert? or a mortally challenged opera singer? or even an Egyptian lounge singer that has her own bizarre (and ofcourse, Nightmare Fuel-ish) story? That reason alone kept me from quitting around August/September(?), due to all the players that are now given the chance to choose more characters, and now play with them online, which makes me happier than before because of the character variations.

Note about the Skullgirls Got Cookies? : It's a subtle reference to a certain gaming episode that has Valentine's VA, a Let's play of a certain character, and 'Dulce De Leche'.
Wanted to play fighting games but had no one to play with. Didn't have stable internet for xbox live nor did I want to pay for it. So I just practiced combos for the most part. Moved to a different country and got better internet, still didn't want to pay for xbox live so I got into pc gaming. Skullgirls comes out on PC been playing Squigly ever since and went to my first EVO.
I started following this game when Ms. Fortune was announced. The way her game play was som'in that fit my style and I loved the punz. So you can say Ms. Fortune is why I started.

Also the amazing amount of detail that goes into every sprite's animation. All hand drawn was another icing to the already epic cake before me.
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Can I just add that Skullgirls is one of the best looking fighting games I've played this generation past. It's one of the most aesthetically pleasing pieces of eye-candy right alongside KOFXIII, imo.

Can't tell if you're that one dude who plays Persona

I dabbled.
Can I just add that Skullgirls is one of the best looking fighting games I've played this generation past. It's one of the most aesthetically pleasing pieces of eye-candy right alongside KOFXIII, imo.

I dabbled.
Bring back yamazaki.

But yeah this looks really REALLY good.

Definitely up there with KOF XIII, SFIII Third Strike, and Garou Mark of the wolves
My cousen told me about it i liked the characters but i felt it was missing something Maybe
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Friends forced me to play it with em. Took a liking to Filia. Come to love my local scene so I enjoy hanging out with em whenever possible.
Short version: Lauren Landa.

Long version: In a bizarre confluence of events, I happened to see (and really enjoy) Madoka Magica about 2 years late. Since by that point it had been dubbed, and I tend to buy the DVDs/BDs for series I like (which is about 5 so far, not much of a TV person), I also saw the dubbed version, and really liked her as Kyoko.

Later, I saw the Poccola costumes YouTube video linked from videos of remixes of Madoka music (I tend to obsess over music, as an aside, I just discovered BBCSE thanks to the Steam release, can't get enough of Condemnation Wings), and that reminded me the game existed at all. I'd been feeling airdasher withdrawal as my group of friends had stopped playing GGXXAC+ (my formative fighting game, thanks to those friends) and I couldn't get any of them interested in Melty, so this was a wonderful surprise. Because of that Poccola video, I discovered not just the Madoka costume references, but also that all but Fortune's were referencing the character's respective VA's role in the show. I then saw TotalBiscuit's review of it and decided to go for it, since it was on Steam.

Ironically, I don't play Squigly. I started with her and Filia (as I love my rushdown), but was informed at the first locals that Squigly is something of an expert character, and that I should probably use Fortune instead. At this point I play Fortune (with Mami colours, naturally) and Fukua (with Shadow colours, since my name, and black always works).

As for the T&A, I don't really notice it. The art style makes everything cute rather than sexy. I only think about it in the context of other people noticing, though that did hold me up from buying it for about an hour.

I stay for the community, the fact that it has such a well-done PC version, the netcode, and the input buffer.
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The Artwork looks amazing, and I wanted to get into a traditional fighter (coming from Melee and PM). I heard it's a great gateway fighter form multiple sources and bought it.

I stay because I want to get good, and always wanna be the face of the characters I like :D
I'm going to go ahead and share this story. This is how NorCal's Skullgirls scene got started, actually.

I had first heard of Skullgirls when it was competing with Melee for the EVO spot. At the time I couldn't believe some dumb fanservice game like Skullgirls could even hope to compete with melee. I went into EVO 2013 playing Melee and left the event wanting to try marvel.

Fast forward to late august/september, and Biz Casual brought the game over for me, toxicat, and @Beamsprouts to try. It was pretty fun, but I didn't really start to get into it until it came out on pc. Biz_Casual gifted it to me, and it escalated from there. I was all over that game.

Fast forward a few months, I had joined MMG to help run events and managed to get Skullgirls in there just to see who would show up. This is where @Jayford showed up and destroyed us all. I was the only person able to take a game off of him in tournament. He said he was impressed with how good we were at the game since we had only played it for a couple months. The game continued to be at alpha clash, and this is where @fastturtle and @Bit_Strife came in. We eventually decided to go to SCR, and we entered the scene from there.

Now without a doubt, we're one of the stronger regions for the game.

I keep playing because I really love the gameplay, the story, , all of the little things that were added that make the game special, and above all the people I've met playing it. The game is still a ton of fun to me, so I'm going to keep playing it for as long as I can!
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I was trying to get more into the genre, and loved the art. I stick around because it is one of the most balanced and fun fighters I've ever played. I want to leave because fighting Peacock is obnoxious.
The animation and the art style got me into it. I stayed cause Lab Zero genuinely cares about their audience, who knew that a strong player/developer relation would produce such a good game, right?
My friend decided to buy a game on my wishlist and I decided to get it too. I got hooked on to quotes, references, music, character design. Stayed because I felt like I could learn to play this game in comparison to SF4 on the keyboard. My friend left and I'm still here because of the same reasons. Also love the palettes references. Oh and community is nice :)
I was raised a Catholic so I can't tell a lie
The Zone-Tan Animation was the one that was the most recent interest point, though it's also my Boyfriend kept telling me about this game by saying, and I quote,
It's Waifu Abuse Simulator 2014
among many other things, too. What kept me interested after that damn tutorial (Still have 2 missions in it to complete, Cerebella and Fukua, because 360 motions = Cannot do) was I played Filia's story mode, and the ending was just, damn, it was a very short story, but felt pretty damn intense. So I'd say what keeps me interested is swinging tits and pretty damn intense story endings. Not so much a fan of online play, because people rekt me with 50 hit combos as I'm more of a single person type. Though I still won't be happy until I can defeat my Boyfriend in a match.
I took an interest in Skullgirls for several reasons.
  • It's a fighting game, which before its release, was a genre I had fairly recently gotten into, and I was always up for more to try out.
  • The art style, while divisive for some, I actually really liked. It looked unique for a game of its type, when usually I see other fighting games take a somewhat realistic appearance or go straight-up anime. Plus, I've always dug the noir-type settings, and Jazz is one of my favorite genres of music.
  • The fact that it had an all-female cast (at the time) was also a factor that really appealed to me. I identify as female, so whenever a video game can give me the option to play as a female, and in the case of Skullgirls gave me plenty of different ones to choose from, I greatly appreciate it.
It just hit all the right notes for me. And in addition to the above, my biggest reason for sticking with Skullgirls is mainly just because I think it's fun as hell.
A buddy of mine introduced me to the both the game and the genre back when Big Band was still in Beta. The art and general silliness drew me in, and that's why I'm staying. That and Big Band. He's the best.
Got me: A thread on SRK, Mike Z was involved and I liked his 3s, GG and combo vids so I had faith/curiousity, the game was stunning.

Keeps me: all you wonderful people, the gameplay, the whole package, I believe in Mike Z and Lab Zero and want to support and show my gratitude for their effort. It is the best made fighter to date imo. It doesn't have a ton of bells and whistles but its playable on online and training mode has useful shit Capcom, NRS, SNK, ASW, etc.
Got me: @Nekro_Surge showed me Ms. Fortune's Trailer when she was revealed. I REALLY like the artwork and style >w<

Keeps me: I REALLY LIKE THE ARTWORK!!! OwO That and the game is really fun to play. I just need to invest more time into it when I can X3
Got me: It was a new fighting game and I play everything I can get my hands on

What stopped me iniatially: Long-ass SDE raw tag combos, ain't nobody got time for that

What got me back: PC edition and forcing the SG Oceanic group to flourish. Undizzy = moar burst baits and shorter combos.

What keeps me in: GGPO netcode, helping the Aus community get better, talking shit on forums and streams. It's one of the FGs I'm most experienced with now so I can keep returning things I learn into SG and use SG as a microcosm of my overall fighting game ability, since it does test a HEAP of skills... Though it doesn't test -every- skill equally, and some situations common in other fgs aren't so common in SG but w/e.
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Sry. OTL
It's okay, I still loved your game back then. <3
WiiDude83Rebirth did a 2 part video on Top 10 Hardest Fighting Game Bosses, I was watching it until Marie (And her sexy legs) was announced. Now when people say fighting game bosses are hard, I tend to find proof on their opinion. On my birthday I got a 50$ steam card, i bought Skullgirls (Along with Squigly, the color pack, and few other games) and instantly started playing the second it finished downloading. I was ASTONISHED, the game has a nice soundtrack and the art style (excluding the boobs and booties) is so good, I took after it, making a (dear god don't kill me) folder jam packed with Skullgirls Fan Characters. I started playing, with my former main, Ms. Fortune (my main is Fukua now). When I get to Marie, I constantly spammed Fiber Uppercut, making quick haste in defeating her.

Im stayin for RFortune,
And much more to come
(And thats not a penis joke)
When Skullgirls was first getting shown off, I saw the Filia and Cerebella introduction trailers and thought this was just a fanservice-y type of game and almost dismissed it entirely, but then I saw Peacock's trailer and that changed everything. I love the old cartoons that she's based off of and I still think custom assists and variable team sizes are some of the most creative ideas ever in a fighting game. I keep playing today since the game is so fun and well balanced.
Additional here since no-one's gonna read an edit to my post anyway:
Another thing I like that I don't see much in other games I play is the contrast of light themes to dark. I mean, one minute there's Peacock on the couch watching cartoons with jaunty music or Fukua being Filia's wet dream (Yes I actually thought this) , then you have stuff like Squigly's backstory or Eliza's ending.
And I guess another thing that got me interested was I was browsing Gelbooru once, and saw that one image at the end of Eliza's story with Mummified Filia and Concubine Fortune and I thought that was genuine hentai or something, not ingame art. I sent it to my boyfriend and he told me it was from 'Waifu Abuse Simulator 2015' and I guess I also got interested in this game by wanting to see that for myself?

Lawl, I thought I was looking at Pron.