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What got you into skullgirls, and why are you staying?

Been there since the beginning

he he!
I got into Skullgirls on a whim. There wasn't much of a reason other than it was another fighting game and I enjoy playing such games casually.

I started with tutorials, training, and eventually passed single player nightmare mode. After my feeling of self-achievement I felt like it was time for my first online match. I hosted a lobby and was hoping someone would find me and play with me, hopefully be a noobie like me. I nearly didn't go through with it and thought about playing another game instead, but I decided to try. @ClarenceMage came in and invited me to the SG Oceanic group (SGOCE), then proceeded to body my arse. After many games I joined the chat and was introduced to the others. Being a casual being hastly thrown into a competitive group was intimidating at first, but I enjoyed the challenge and did the best I could to 'git gud'.

What keeps me staying and why is the community in Skullgirls compared to other fighters. I recently came back from Romania visiting my fiancée and was introduced to the EU scene whilst I was there. Everyone in EU and SkullbatsEU were pretty nice to each other and myself. @Muro was really welcoming and and pretty kind. Criticism from people had purpose and wasn’t rude. @IsaVulpes gave me good criticism I took to heart and have worked on since I’ve came back to Aus. I wish I could have played more with everyone and I even promised some people I would play with them, however, issues happened and I had to take care of my fiancée who got sick and in return I got sick as well after, so i couldn't play those people and feel pretty bad for that.

I feel Skullgirls itself has helped me change as a person as well. Made friends, had fun, wanting to improve myself, have something to look forward to everyday. I wouldn't want to think of a world where I didn't take that step to commit to hosting that lobby, because I’m too happy where I am now and the community I’m apart of now.
pretty nice to each other and myself. @Muro was really welcoming and and pretty kind.
Huh, I've got him on Steam, didn't know he'd pop up like that :0
I bought this game during 2013 Winter sale because I wanted to play a fighting game with good netcode, since offline isn't an option where I live. I also like the artstyle, gameplay, music and characters. Tried SF4 Ultra, but lag kills any hope of doing combos consistently, so I don't think I'm going to move on to any other fighting game anytime soon.
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Zone's twitter brought me to the game, The artwork and art-deco styling pulled me in enough to buy it, despite me not playing fighting games (maybe a little smash brothers back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), My complete failure to comprehend playing on a 360 pad got me into stick building, and Sharpie's stream kept me coming back. Now all I have to do is get better at playing.
I got into it, actually, through a good friend of mine, who was getting into fighting games at the time. When I first saw it, I just kept asking what this waifu fanservice crap was. I eventually bought it and fell in love instantly. The reason I stay here is the artstyle. It's so nice and refreshing coming from Blazblue and its generic anime artstyle into this cartoonishly proportioned breath of fresh air. The actual gameplay is also amazing, though, so that helped too.
Fighting games have always been one of my favorite genres of video games, but it was the art of the talented people that made it that got me to Skullgirls.

Rewind to the 2007. Paul Robertson's Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 was an interesting short that lead me to Kings of Power 4 Billion% in 2008. Three of the artists (Paul, Jon, Mariel) that made the short film joined with two other artists (Brian, Matt) to post on a visublog that I started to follow.

The Mecha Fetus Visublog

PERSONA aka Jonathan Kim
EU03 aka Brian Jun
Radrappy aka Matt Braly
Paul Robertson
Mariel Kinuko Cartwright

I've been following them ever since then. Several projects later, this eventually lead to Skullgirls. (Note: Paul and Radrappy are not a part of Lab Zero.)
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Usually in fighting games, I find who I like and I stick to that character. In terms of Skullgirls those characters are Squigs and every character in Duck's team (Though I may replace Filia with Fukua cuz reasons) What's making me stay is my love for fighting games and the hype for further experimentation Ill be doing with all said characters.
I came for dat ass

But I stayed for dat bass


In all honesty though, I was first exposed to Skullgirls when my friend showed it to me. The art style and the easy to learn controls enthralled me and the rest was history.
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Originally, I picked up the SG demo off PSN on a whim cuz I was bored of SF4, it looked interesting so I figured I'd try it. I loved the artstyle, but didn't really enjoy team games at the time so I didn't do anything past the tutorial it offered. This was a bummer since the game looked promising.

Fast forward to a few months after Encore dropped, I said eff it I'm determined to play this game it looks really really cool, plus I wanted to force myself to learn a team game. So I bought Encore on PS3, really loved the artstyle, the huge variety of moves that the cast has and how dynamic each character really is, and I instantly got hooked. Started watching all the matches I could find on Youtube ( granted I had 0 idea as to what the hell was going on ) and heard about skullheart, my local scene, etc...

The reason I've stayed is mostly because I feel like the game really is one of the better made fighting games. It's fun as hell, has a good feel to it and isn't overly complex or unreasonable for anybody to get pretty good at it. It gets constant love from the developers, who also frequently communicate with the community for feedback and all that jazz. plus the skullgirls community has also been super helpful and friendly, and I probably wouldn't have stuck around if that weren't true.

oh and panty shots...actually mostly just for panty shots, fuck everything else I wrote
I'm gonna have to tell you guys the truth...

Came for the T n' A, stayed for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THE F*CK ELSE!
Fortune face.png
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Got this game from Playstation Plus, before that I barely knew this game existed. As soon as it was announced I was excited because I have and always had an affinity for fighting games; as soon as I googled it I was hooked. First, this games' style bombarded me with it's edge. I was tired of 3DCG, I was even more tired of sprite animation no matter how clean, this was different and sexy in every sense of the word. Then I found out about the IGG Campaign and what a huge success it was, that gave me solace that at least there was a set group of people that felt this game was worthwhile. Skimming through the IGG page and feeling shitty I missed out on contributing and reaping those sweet rewards I found out all DLC was going to be released for free for a limited time after each release regardless if you paid into the IGG or not. GREAT! That's literally what sold me, the humanity behind the developers. I got BigBand right before he became Pay to Play, which was the luckiest thing because the all girl cast did kinda' alienate me although I can't tell you why I didn't start wanting to REALLY play until I gave BigBand a spin. So I'm playing, playing, playing, start reading up on the game itself and it's community and everyone and their mother is raving about the tutorial. Now, I've been playing fighting games all my life and I knew I had no REAL skill or technique for that matter, I was just a competent button masher that wasn't afraid of blocking. I played through the tut, something I almost never do; and was head over heels at how rich and in depth the thing was! Finally, I thought, now I know what I'm NOT doing. This game has reignited the hunger in my belly to actually learn and become competent at a genre I've loved since Capcom VS SNK Millenium. That's why I'm staying.
Peacock drew me in, characters and balanced gameplay kept me here. Love that old-timey cartoon style.
I saw a bit of this game on a YouTube channel (super best friends play) and thought it looked interesting. Upon further exploration I found it very interesting. I crumpled under steam pressure and bought it before waiting for a sale. I was not disappointed.

Although right now, I'm slow and I'm garbage at the game, I want to keep playing and get good. Not to mention all the personality this game has, the music, the characters, the art, the old-time film theme, the witty dialogue. All so good.
I got started when Encore became free on Psn for Gold Members. I gave it a shot and loved the art style and easy pick up and play style. And when a guy whose as combo dumb as me can pull off something resembling a cool combo I knew this was somthing special. Unfortunately due to money troubles I had to cancel my Gold Membership but finally scratched the money to buy it and havent looked back.
I might be getting back into Skullgirls because my younger cousin found it and bless his heart he's not good enough to play anyone online.

Where can I find some recent high level Skullgirls matches on YouTube?
What got me:

4. An assist based fighter that isn't marvel, always wanted to REALLY Learn an assist fighter, but mvc3 was bad and mvc2 was old and had a lot of executional stuff that I just don't have time to even try to learn.
5. Custom assists
6. Painwheel

What keeps me playing:

The fact that I want to get better, since I'm not the best in my small region. Being the best doesn't matter to me so much, the only thing I really care about is getting better and learning stuff because learning is fun, especially when one is already decently proficient at something that they like.

To me, sg has ALOT of room for the community to grow. We've broken the game down very little up to this point which means that there's SO MUCH to discover still. It's a good time to love the game since we are past the initial beginner phase and are all on the skill building/new but not obvious tech phase.

Also, though this goes without saying on some levels, SG has the best executional mechanics in a fighting game as far as I'm concerned. Nothing is TOO hard to learn executionally speaking as far as I'm concerned when it comes to having to know some high executional stuff just to compete. I don't think any sg character sits in that kind of spot and it makes me very happy.

I feel like sg is a great spiritual successor to mvc2 and ST. Has cheap EASY stuff like ST, but also has zoning stuff and lockdown stuff kinda like mvc2.

The only real problem I find with sg as a whole is that most characters don't have super effective ways of pressuring upper opposite corner camping.

But that's a small thing in the big scheme of things.
1) Zone's Filia flash.

2) Because i fucking love everything about the game, even the salty community.
I was lucky enough to play SG when it was at E3. Loved it. Bought it day 1.

Even though Mike Z is great and has been constantly updating the solid foundation he built and listens to the community(parasol bomb jump:D), I stayed because of GGPO. I really love GGAC, but i don't play it anymore because the online sucks.

Even during SG vanilla with HK bomber and ToD, i didn't mind playing. When Sev would ToD me with parasol, i never got mad at the netcode. It was me who fucked up at neutral/inputs.
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The only negative aspect is that hardly anyone plays it...got to wait at least 5 mins at a time to get a fight and it is always some Asiatic person who plays the game too much....
1) How adorable squigly was....
2) Free and fast pace combat
3) The "physics".
I got interested in the game because of the custom team sizes and Painwheel/Doubles designs looked so cool (also it was $15)

stayed because the game has a great feel to it (and its a lot of fun)
Read a Game Informer article about this new fighting game called "Skullgirls" for PS3 that used hand drawn sprites and was said to be the next generation of VS. gameplay and I was like "shit, I need this"
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I was actually a part of the indiegogo campaign because I was very much into the "Fighting is Magic" project that was going to gain the Mike Z engine if Skullgirls got enough profit. I contributed and found myself intrigued by the entire universe of skullgirls. I got a fight pad, got a PC to play it and was ready for the world. But then... the character votes happened... Eliza was ok. In fact, I was totally fine with Eliza. But then Beowulf happened over Annie or Minette and I quit Skullgirls indefinitely. Haven't played since that day.

But I still like browsing around here to see developments in the game or story :)
I was actually a part of the indiegogo campaign because I was very much into the "Fighting is Magic" project that was going to gain the Mike Z engine if Skullgirls got enough profit. I contributed and found myself intrigued by the entire universe of skullgirls. I got a fight pad, got a PC to play it and was ready for the world. But then... the character votes happened... Eliza was ok. In fact, I was totally fine with Eliza. But then Beowulf happened over Annie or Minette and I quit Skullgirls indefinitely. Haven't played since that day.

But I still like browsing around here to see developments in the game or story :)

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my friend accidentally sent me a youtube link to an exhibition video of supers
fell in love with cerebella
I got into it after seeing a gif of peacock on another forum. don't even play with peacock.
I'm staying because I want to be good at an awsome fighting game!
First heard of it online somewhere I think. Later overheard one of my friends talking about it at school so I decided to check it out in detail. From what I saw, I was fairly interested. Then the steam winter sale came around and I picked it up. Played a story mode or two but stopped playing because I didn't have time. Picked it up again thanks to a friend linking videos in a skype group. Now I'm hooked.
I heard about it on Tumblr. Not sure how exactly, but I did.
The pace and the art drew me in, and held me firm.
I'm an art whore, I won't deny it, but even if the art is 'bad', if I find a charm to it, I like it. Thankfully Skullgirls is beautiful, so no worries. And what's not to love about big boobs bouncing at mach 1?
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The fact that it makes people unable to take the game seriously and draws 95% of the fgc away from it

But they play DOA/ AH/ whatever game with a girl bouncy her tits all another games thats very ironic lol
The fact that it makes people unable to take the game seriously and draws 95% of the fgc away from it
Who needs them, I have all of the friends I need.

But yea, I get that it's a major turn-off for a lot of audiences, but I like it.
I heard about SG originally back when it was just Alex's idea on the old pre-Mike engine with the Anna Killers background.

Oh wow I feel old. I just quick search of SRK and found a post I made in a thread about it dated 2006.

Well, i've heard people talking: hey, skullgirls is good, is a very balanced game, and etc, and then i saw the video on the super best friends channel where they play skullgirls and i was like: so, it is a fast paced fighting game, but i can play with only 1 character, that is awesome. And then i bought for xbox 360.

I'm staying because pressing buttons in this game is so satisfying, is like playing bayonetta or devil may cry, so i want to put more cool combos and etc, i pretend to get the pc version soon (i hope my pc runs it), because i need to fight more people online, i don't find much people on xbox live to play. Oh, and i loved Filia, Beowulf, Peacock and Squigly.