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Who Ya'll Like: Encore (& Knuckles) [Bimonthly, Tuesdays, 5pm PST]


Formerly Dolfy
Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
New England (With McPeanuts!)
Ms. Fortune Squigly Double
What is this:
Who Ya'll Like was a weekly show that Keninblack used to run. It was THE stream for high level sets and settling any beef between players. We retired it a long time ago, and it's time to bring it back. The community is bigger, there are TONS more players now, the game is finished, and we really should take advantage of the online play. I propose THREE SETS OF FT7S players are welcome to suggest matches.

Where will this be:
My stream, twitch.tv/dolfinht and that is where it'll be STAYING. No eSports, no nothing. No bots banning people for random shit. No other people streaming it (besides maybe someone like peanuts if he wants to). It's there, and it's there to stay.

When is this happening:
Bimonthly at 5PM PST. That's 8PM EST.
EVERY OTHER TUESDAY, second and fourth weeks (for now). This means our first one will be on January 12, 2015

Who is commentating:
Me. Peanuts if he's around and wants to. Fenster if he wants to. Cloudking if he wants to. Fosh if he wants to. Otherwise i'll roll solo. If you've commentated with me before then hit me up tho.

Who is playing:
For the next episode, we'll be concluding with Duckator vs Dekillsage! But I'm still looking for two more sets.

Chat Rules:
Copypasta has to be funny
Memes encouraged
If Funbun_ speaks always reply with DAESuppy
McPeanuts is Old

Match History

(vod lost rip)
Pickles vs FuLLBLee D: (4-7)
LazyDiablos vs Socks (7-1)
Beamsprouts vs ShadeMoneh (7-0)
Bang Camaro vs SakuraBlossoms(7-6)

KhaosMuffins vs Winnie (2-7)
Liam vs MegamanDS (7-3)
Hirokuni vs Worldjem (2-7)

AcFan vs JoshB (2-7)
Dawn111 vs Biz Casual (7-1)
Fizzxwizz vs Deer (7-6)
[BONUS] Bud_Shredder420 vs TBD (5-2)

Zidiane vs Midiman (4-7)
MPGame vs Duckator (4-7)
Mocktopus vs MikeZ (7-3)

Trickstar vs Gllt (4-7)
Fosh vs Drewski (2-7)
McPeanuts vs Clawmaster (7-0)
PlatinumPad vs MikeZ (7-3)
Lazydiablos vs Cloudking (7-4)

Luweewu vs Dagwood (7-5)
Grey's Anatomy vs Emp_Mayors_Moms_Wifi (5-0)
Lilman vs ShadeMoneh (3-7)
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My stream, twitch.tv/dolfinht and that is where it'll be STAYING. No eSports, no nothing.
I've already got a channel all set up, just PM me each time for the stream key ;^)
Joking aside, I think as soon as a title is decided on we should probably ditch the Who Y'all Like in the thread title out of respect for Kenin.

I would love to watch Shade vs Lazy and Yaya vs Someone!

The community could use some streams to look forward to.
How long do you anticipate these taking?
Slapfest is on Tuesdays at 6pm PST.
Well, let's look at the worst case since that's probably the thing we care about most for overlap.

A game of SG to timeout takes 3 minutes (more or less) and a FT7 can have up to 15 games. That's about 45 minutes of gameplay give or take per set. Throw in 15 minutes for lobby screens, crashes, etc. that can all go wrong and so that a set nicely takes about an hour. If the show is rolling by 4:10PM PST the stream will probably wrap up around 7PM PST? At the absolutely worst, anyway.

[e] ye, I'll be down to commentate if'n you want Dolfy.
Well count me out indefinitely, Tuesday nights I work
But memes is why Squigly has a raging demon!
But memes is why Squigly has a raging demon!
i'm sorry but I've come to a point where I find the whole SG memes thing to be quite annoying and childish.





but yeah, if WYL:Encore comes back then hooray.

I'll even try out to play. who knows who cares

whatever. i'm going back to bed so i can get over this cold.
holy shit puhlease bring this back so i have a chance to actually watch it live
because i never did before ;_;7
i'm sorry but I've come to a point where I find the whole SG memes thing to be quite annoying and childish.

another one
i'm sorry but I've come to a point where I find the whole SG memes thing to be quite annoying and childish.





Do you even read what you type before posting?

I'd like to commentate this tuesday if thats alright
I'm usually not available between 5PM and 6PM so if I'm playing it will have to not be then.
This is a compendium of sg memes :
I have no shame.
Literally the greatest thing I've ever seen
4 pm is a little early though, when did the last WYL start?

Whatever that was was fine.
I'm perfectly fine moving the time! Please just give me suggestions on when to move it.

Tuesday is the only day of the week that's going to work for me, however. Sorry.
Out of curiosity, how long until this will also feature Dante from Devil May Cry?
Please be kind to east coast. Salty is bad enough with starting super late.
I'd love to play!