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Why do you love Skullgirls so much?


New Member
Jan 23, 2014
Reaction score
Parasoul Ms. Fortune
Sorry if this thread already exist.
Question is easy.
Is it because characters? Is it because graphics? Is it because gameplay? Story? Difficulty?
What makes you come back on this forum, play the game and so on?

I like graphics and gameplay. I've never seen fighting game with this good look.
And characters designs are awesome. (like Squigly or Cerebella)

I like the plot.
I like fast fighting games. I like a lot of mixups, and a loose system that lets players do what they want.
I like the humor and personality of chars like peacock, fortune, and valentine.
I like the good netcode and strong online community.
It's undoubtedly Annie.

The first thing that drew me in was the great visual design, especially the creative and interesting moves. As time went on I grew to love the gameplay and story as well.
The main draws for Skullgirls for me were the fact that you could pick your team size, and Mike's balancing philosophy that a character shouldn't be terrible in one area because they're good in another.

Also, I like not having to commit to every single button press by being able to cancel stuff on whiff.
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Reactions: musica and SHODAN
Beautiful characters, original attacks, fantastic gameplay and story I don't get. I love everything about this game.
Pretty much everything.

I mean I could sit here and nitpick the small stuff all day but, on the whole its just a fantastic game in every aspect.
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Reactions: Dime
Because it's so satisfying when I'm able to FADC off a bound into a hyper-drive MAX X-ray.
Before I played Skullgirls, I hated fighting games. I was of the convention that they all had bad storylines, uninteresting characters, cold, callous fanbases, and...basically, in order to stand a chance, you had to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to learning combos and such.

Then Skullgirls came crashin' through the window and smashed all those conventions to pieces.

The plotline was excellent, the characters were actual characters! Even though I had next-to-no experience, even a fool like me could learn to play! And then I came to these forums and was surprisingly warmly accepted...man, it was good times and broken conventions all around. The highly appealing, fluid animation style and the rich voices were icing on the cake, but the big thing was singlehandedly destroying everything I thought I knew about fighting games and the fighting game community.
originally, which was way back in the days of 2007 and the rumors surrounding the old old version, it was just those crazy designs.

but when it actually came out, the writing in story mode just surprised me with how the character's personalities were more about defying those designs rather than being defined by them.

Painwheel spent more time being hotblooded and active rather than following the cliche of depressed about "being a monster" (look at certain recent episodes of KLK for examples of THAT)
Peacock telling Marie that she's sorry but she admits the obvious that the Skullheart will eventually make her go crazy. Then vigilante JUSTICE.
Valentine being KYOOOOOJIIIII. Right down to being a ninja.
Honorable mention goes to Cerebella's THIS CAT IS NOW DIAMONDS ending. I think that left an impression on a lot of people. Especially that cat.

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Reactions: Broseidon Rex
It's not unusual.
Along with everything already mentioned, the Skullgirls Community is just one of the nicest Fighting Game Communities I have ever interacted with.

Back when I played Ranked Matches on the 360 version of the game, I received tons of "ggs" and other respectful messages, and if you can believe it, I don't think I ever received even one disrespectful message.

Every single other online Fighting Game I have played gets me super paranoid when I receive a message, because the vast majority of the time, it would be mean and hurtful. I have never had to worry about that with Skullgirls.
Mostly the No Bullshit approach to fighting games and the really cool characters.
And it just feels good. Have you ever hit PW's s.Fierce? Man that thing is so awesome it looks like it makes my whole house shake.
And like, everything is so beautiful and unique....
Dude I just love this game, I don't know what else to say.
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Reactions: Osmiumsmith
I love the character/plot designs and how fluent the animation is
Style, music, and characters- hoping the story gets some more focus in the sequels as Squigly's story mode really showed the potential.
Seems characters are most favorite thing on this game.

After the generic awfulness that is your average fighting game character, it makes sense.
It has the best developer.

It has the best community.

It has a really good engine and mechanics.

It has the best art.

All I can ask for is a larger community. Maybe lucking out on a publisher that makes it rain money so we can have a bigger roster.

Skullgirls is really fun, and I don't think there's much that can be done to make it better except just having "more" of what's already great about it.
Extremely kind community, most balanced 2d fighter i've seen, i'm a sucker for jazz and wonderfully done art
Also i do enjoy the fact this game will keep eternally impressing me
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Reactions: SmashBlade
the people are great, i havent had this much fun in ages with a fighting game since MvC2 and Soul Caliber, a lot of open minds for ideas and good mod staff and developer staff as well. whats not to love?
Art, music, lore and characters.
I Love how u can feel how much love is put in every Char it makes so much fun to play them evry Char was mede with love thats wh.
Oh and the Gameplay is also nice :3
Because I like the features of marvel but I'm too poor at Marvel 2, I hate marvel 3's mechanics, and I dont think anyone plays marvel 1 that isn't on GGPO

that and this one has everyone I like ever working on it.
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Reactions: Squire Grooktook
Its the first team/assist game that I understand...the overall flow of a SG match is satisfying... the subtle humor is amazing...the community Is awesome.and I like anime babes...
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I'm surprised no one brought up the sound effects! Easily one of my favorite things about this game. That hit sound is just so satisfying.
I'm going to stay a part of this community until it learns to stop running face first into happy birthday lvl 3, and then my job will be done and I'll disappear. Generations from now Scholars will wonder whether or not Zidiane ever existed. Some will speculate that Zidiane was actually imaginary, created by the community to help it deal with it's inability to comprehend blocking Diamonds.
Some will speculate that Zidiane was actually imaginary, created by the community to help it deal with it's inability to comprehend blocking .

Never gonna happen
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Reactions: Zidiane