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Personal Wut?! Todd will be here in spirit with you...

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took forever for me to find it. FukuaTwerkTeam heavily approves of this work. Big Butt sisters do work.....

Please make something real cool for me like an akuma fukua with 22# palette filia with the cool posing thingy.
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So I draw Bella and Go-heeeey, let's stop right there and give out high fives!
I take it one still embarrasses you.
lol really? hey man as long as y
I take it one still embarrasses you.

By a lot! And it will never go away

Because my ideas are different than others. Sometimes people don't understand
So do you mean you got peer pressured into drawing it or you got ridicule for it?
I've gotten a ton of fan mail and then there's the ratio of hate mail. And I read all of it. I dunno how to reply to someone that says "stop doing this, your ideas, suck and go die" within an anonymous. I dunno, but I wish hate mail would just go away. No one should receive hate for what they like.

I know people say "If you get a 100 positive reactions and 1 negative reaction, you'll only remember the negative one".
Seeing as they couldn't be bothered to leave a return address, they are probably trolls, and feeling down about it is exactly the reaction they wanted. Don't let them win.
Negative feedback sucks. There's nothing wrong with constructive critique or criticism but when people say "go die, i hate you, you ruined my favourite character" isn't really nice. I know I say things but if something legitimately sucks then it sucks. But when something you see has effort, you don't just don't dis it. It's not nice. And sadly, I seen a lot of this from Sonic fans mostly. To be honest, that fanbase deserves to be trolled, they don't have the greatest reputation because of how they portray themselves.

Even though SEGA tries their best, the fans still troll them.

I've gotten a ton of fan mail and then there's the ratio of hate mail. And I read all of it. I dunno how to reply to someone that says "stop doing this, your ideas, suck and go die" within an anonymous. I dunno, but I wish hate mail would just go away. No one should receive hate for what they like.

View attachment 6267

There's a lot of hate for people that support gamergate. Sometimes hatred is the proff you're doing the right thing, but the others aren't mature enough to understand it or just hate anything different from what they like
Negative feedback sucks. There's nothing wrong with constructive critique or criticism but when people say "go die, i hate you, you ruined my favourite character" isn't really nice. I know I say things but if something legitimately sucks then it sucks. But when something you see has effort, you don't just don't dis it. It's not nice. And sadly, I seen a lot of this from Sonic fans mostly. To be honest, that fanbase deserves to be trolled, they don't have the greatest reputation because of how they portray themselves.

Even though SEGA tries their best, the fans still troll them.
To be fair, we are talking about seeing Goku's junk. I know that was something I could've gone without seeing.

But yeah, Sonic fans can get beyond creepy. Also, if Sega tried their best to appease fans, we would've had a new Jet Set Radio like 6-7 years ago.
@DukeMagus Hmmm. I agree. I do see a lot of things that look unordinary but I ask whats the influence behind to understand the core idea of a concept. It helps to better understand why something is made.
To be fair, we are talking about seeing Goku's junk. I know that was something I could've gone without seeing.

But yeah, Sonic fans can get beyond creepy. Also, if Sega tried their best to appease fans, we would've had a new Jet Set Radio like 6-7 years ago.
To be fair, we are talking about seeing Goku's junk. I know that was something I could've gone without seeing.

But yeah, Sonic fans can get beyond creepy. Also, if Sega tried their best to appease fans, we would've had a new Jet Set Radio like 6-7 years ago.

Hmmmm. Yet another factor many can agree with. Sega's primary focus seems to be marketing Sonic as much as they can. I do like their other franchises. Nights especially.
Your artistic mastery I hope is never whats under fire. The only sort of complaints you should reasonably get are "Why no color?" or "WTF dude? I didn't need to see that". None of this "Go Die" stuff.

Hmmmm. Yet another factor many can agree with. Sega's primary focus seems to be marketing Sonic as much as they can. I do like their other franchises. Nights especially.
Maybe you should draw something NiGHTS related.
I want a third one but I know Sega has misunderstood why people have mixed to negative feelings on the second one.
Your artistic mastery I hope is never whats under fire. The only sort of complaints you should reasonably get are "Why no color?" or "WTF dude? I didn't need to see that". None of this "Go Die" stuff.

Maybe you should draw something NiGHTS related.
I want a third one but I know Sega has misunderstood why people have mixed to negative feelings on the second one.

If only I were a master photoshopper, I'd receive more opportunities. Sadly this came to bite me back when I noticed 86d didn't want any grayscale art. So i'm like "lol why go in balls deep in e-mails and gas my head up thinking I had something...ONLY to be let down when you realized they want digital art. Why hype someone who draws in one medium really well and then say "we want you but you need to go digital now." That's another story inning of itself. It's not their fault. But I'm not going to continue talking about them since I feel they STILL need to step up their Skullgirls shirts. They don't suck at all, but the BlazBlue designs are just "prettier".

The anons are right though when they say where's the color. Like c'mon, I should be aboard the photoshop train already. I at least give them hints of color in like eyes and somehow a lot of random people like that. I should step it up. They are absolutely right! Still a lot of things I want. There are positives though, I placed 3rd in that drawing contest Galaxy Trail hosted. I'm proud of that. :)

SEGA however, when it comes to NiGHTS seem to have him in spinoffs. I'm not complainin' because I main the shit outta that guy. I never played the first game or the wii game but I'm well aware of how amazing the music is. I never drew NiGHTS before but I will try someday. I just need to find 30 minute music extension of Paternal Horn. I'm glad the Saturn version is on PSN. I can freely play that when I feel ready to buy it as well as Rayman Revolution. I applaud UBISoft for re-releasing Rayman 3. That was a game I always felt curious about for years. I never once heard or read anything bad about Rayman games except for Rabbids. People just got tired and wanted normal games.
1. If you learned to do digital art, You could do so many things. Probably could become the next ZONE if you wanted to go that route. XD
2. Wii game focused heavy on a Disney-esce story, had the framerate die during in-game cutscenes & had a focus away from the time-attack stages, which are easily the best part of that game (also wiimote controls were basically busted, but they were nice enough to have classic controller support). Original NiGHTS is pure score-attack stagesand a few FMV scenes.
3. I have been tempted to fling you it on Steam for awhile when I had $10 just sitting in my steam wallet, but a friend needed cheering up. You may still find yourself hit with a copy if you stall on it more.
4. All this talk of art has given me inspiration to draw a character of mine I haven't drawn since...2008? Should I make a Tumblr for it...
@ToDDaBeLLa Your work is pretty awesome man forget the haters that say such heinous things.I've been looking at your work and I gotta say your ideas are something really creative. As always learn, will yourself, stay positive and it ain't no thang.
1. If you learned to do digital art, You could do so many things. Probably could become the next ZONE if you wanted to go that route. XD
2. Wii game focused heavy on a Disney-esce story, had the framerate die during in-game cutscenes & had a focus away from the time-attack stages, which are easily the best part of that game (also wiimote controls were basically busted, but they were nice enough to have classic controller support). Original NiGHTS is pure score-attack stagesand a few FMV scenes.
3. I have been tempted to fling you it on Steam for awhile when I had $10 just sitting in my steam wallet, but a friend needed cheering up. You may still find yourself hit with a copy if you stall on it more.
4. All this talk of art has given me inspiration to draw a character of mine I haven't drawn since...2008? Should I make a Tumblr for it...

Dude, I dunno if I want to take the Zone route. I'd have to learn ho to animate. I feel animation opens thousands of doors for many people too. Lookit at what happened to him, he does work for Lab Zero and it is because the team knows what he does and he's like...super popular. I don't see anyone hating on that guy, he has his stuff laid out right. Also, if NiGHTS 1 is basically about farming a high score, I can work with that. Score hoarding is something I like to do. I'd be a better player at Freedom Planet if I didn't try to score attack it. As far as making a tumblr dude, I recommend doing it. Make it! It's got a great search engine and sadly, I find it to be more useful than Google's search engine.
As far as making a tumblr dude, I recommend doing it. Make it! It's got a great search engine and sadly, I find it to be more useful than Google's search engine.
My only issue is i've already used my online tag for a different tumblr, though I suppose I could just re-purpose that tumblr.
The first drawing of 2014 is just in the digital coloring phase, but like a moron when I scanned the picture into my computer I forgot to uncheck it being scanned in as a .jpeg, so now I have to brush pixel by pixel removing artifacing on the image. ...Or I probably could get some sort half-decent photo editing software and not use MS Paint for coloring.

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@ToDDaBeLLa Your work is pretty awesome man forget the haters that say such heinous things.I've been looking at your work and I gotta say your ideas are something really creative. As always learn, will yourself, stay positive and it ain't no thang.

Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it! I don't worry about haters though, but it sucks that people have to always deal with them. There will always be someone who just hates what you do no matter what the genre is. Sadly that's just how the internet works. It's like rapper beef: someone is always dissing someone for publicity.

My only issue is i've already used my online tag for a different tumblr, though I suppose I could just re-purpose that tumblr.
The first drawing of 2014 is just in the digital coloring phase, but like a moron when I scanned the picture into my computer I forgot to uncheck it being scanned in as a .jpeg, so now I have to brush pixel by pixel removing artifacing on the image. ...Or I probably could get some sort half-decent photo editing software and not use MS Paint for coloring.


Recommendations for paint software (BESIDES Photoshop) Paint tool Sai, Manga Studio and Corel Painter. I hear Manga Studio is like...........really really REALLY good. It's like if Paint Tool Sai went super, Manga Studio would be the result
Recommendations for paint software (BESIDES Photoshop) Paint tool Sai, Manga Studio and Corel Painter. I hear Manga Studio is like...........really really REALLY good. It's like if Paint Tool Sai went super, Manga Studio would be the result
I remember I once used a program called Ultimate Paint because it had a function to change every instance of a color to another and you could play with its sensitivity range. I probably could've fixed this in 5 seconds if I still had it and had memory on how to use that tool.
Recommendations for paint software (BESIDES Photoshop) Paint tool Sai, Manga Studio and Corel Painter. I hear Manga Studio is like...........really really REALLY good. It's like if Paint Tool Sai went super, Manga Studio would be the result

Well there's Krita desktop -free-, but I haven't used much, just expect learning how to get use to it.
Well there's Krita desktop -free-, but I haven't used much, just expect learning how to get use to it.
I'll play around when I finish cleaning up pic of Shanto.
Is it easier to get better at color shading or enhancing your art style?

Honestly, my art style isn't anywhere close to how it is in my head. The one I have while envision stuff ranges from YuYu Hakusho Anime to TheGoggledGamer's current avatar. My current skill is like the Pokemon Anime team if they were pretty drunk.
As Commissioned by Todd via Twitter:
I'd totally use that as a wallpaper if that got cleaned up, colored and given a background.

Just finished a few sketch requests for someone. nothing else to do. If anyone wants to commission or interested let me know. Seriously, commission me. Do it.


No plans to reveal the full image soon. I will work on this. I promise before Halloween it will be done. For now ask yourself something about this teaser: why is Raven looking pissed? What could be the cause of her annoyance?

Any guesses? No? Nothing? OOHH!!!
Tune in next week on ToDDaBeLLa Z!!
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Ravens pissed 'cause beast boy turned into a dog and shit on the carpet.
Look, it's another Squigly illustration! Remember that sketch I posted awhile back? Yeah...that turned into this, but under a few circumstances. I wanted it to look more like the super (yeah, we all get hit by that nonsense) and then of course, changes took root. Not a bad thing. I have a few images I want to do since my commissions slots are open. This was one of them. The link to all that information is on my signature. Yeah sure, why not!

I have a friend who says my art would make cool designs for shirts and posters. My friend has access to such equipment and he's taken a few of my pics and got it done (no, not anyone from EightySixed, they want "color" submissions). It's just something we do for fun sometimes.

You can also view the sketch attached to this post below also to see the many changes!



  • squiglysing027.jpg
    526.1 KB · Views: 432
Can't lie, I'm jealous of the way you're good at shading what tools are you using?

Don't be jealous. But I'm sure you mean you use it as influence to push yourself. As of late, I've stripped my tools to just 2H, 2B, HB, F and 7B. I use to use a bunch of pencils but I started to just simplify my self to no more than 5.
Oh believe me the jealousy is more of a kudos for putting the time in I actually use all but F and 7b do you use tortillions or paper stumps
Oh believe me the jealousy is more of a kudos for putting the time in I actually use all but F and 7b do you use tortillions or paper stumps

Dude..I haven't used stumps in so long. I use to use them which took my mages quite awhile. Now I just don't use them anymore. I dunno why. However, when looking at the comparison, I used them for the first one.

As far as paper goes as well, I use bristol. 11x14 or 14x17. Very awesome material to draw with.
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