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YO LORENZO! YO MAMA! - 4th Medici portrait speculation + art by me


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Oct 13, 2024
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Ok, because I am delusional and insane, I have a headcanon-theory about this thing:

The dude who appears in Filia’s memories:


See the 4th guy? That’s definitely a Medici. Now, I’ve been seeing some people say that is Irvin based on the face shape and hair. It’s ok, I get it, but I hate to break it to everyone that I don’t think that is Irvin.


Some may say that is Theodore Medici mentioned in the Webtoon. I have no idea if Theodore was mentioned in mobile, I don’t really remember, but I have a lingering feeling about something: I don’t think that is Theodore, but I’ll get into that later.



1. Theodore Medici: Like I said, I don’t think that’s Theodore. Rather, I feel Theodore is the blonde in portrait one. As said in the Webtoon, Theodore Medici has garnered the interest of the law in some way. If he’s the blonde in portrait 1, then it makes sense for him to resemble his father inside and out, unlike his brothers Vitale, who was dumb but willing, and Marcus, who was smart but unwilling. Lorenzo lost an asset the day Theodore died by Marie’s hands.

Again, before anyone says that is Lorenzo, there’s no beard, which Lorenzo has. (Ayo I’m not saying Lorenzo cannot shave, but hey, maybe he just trims his beard a bit)


2. The 4th portrait person: So, if that is not Theodore, who is it? I’m very sure it’s someone we haven’t seen before. Someone who was never revealed. Someone from way before the current events. My main theory is that this person is the first head of the Medicis, long before it became a mafia. Why? Take a look at this.


Did you see this? This could be the same person as the one in the portraits with Leviathan, but with a different way of tying the hair.


It doesn’t make sense for this person to be Theodore because if a parasite leaves the host for another one, the host dies. So let’s say Theodore, Marcus, and Vitale were all together in the Contiello debacle. Obviously, Theodore would’ve died if Leviathan left for Roberto Contiello, and therefore, wouldn’t have loved to be killed by the Skullgirl Marie.

Rather, I think this was the first head of the Medicis. It would still make sense for Leviathan to choose the mystery person in question because Leviathan is a refined parasite with a taste for refined hosts. Who knows, this Medici may have been good friends with the Contiellos and had Leviathan given to them as a dying wish, therefore, strengthening their bond through generations until Double messed it up by giving Selene the skull heart.

TL;DR - My main headcanon/theory states that Theodore is the blonde guy in the Medici tower portraits while the 4th person is the ancestor of the current Medici’s: the first head of the family. The first head loved art and music and forged a bond with the Contiellos and gave Leviathan to them as a gift.

Ok, but I have other headcanons just in case this one may not make sense to some, I’m also open to other headcanons and artworks in this thread, so feel free to add!

(P.S. - My headcanon that this head was a lover of refined arts and music and was a friend of the Contiellos goes for all the imagines I’ll post here).

- It could be Lorenzo’s parent: Well, if we’re simply gonna choose someone related more closely to Lorenzo, then it could be his parent. Then after that, Lorenzo found the life gem at some point then lived until the current timeline. Imagine how cruel it’ll be during the Renoir invasion then young Lorenzo is being held down by the egrets and forced to watch Leviathan get ripped out of his parent’s body and Leviathan escapes to the Contiellos by some means!

- It could be Lorenzo’s lover: Taking this to way longer back then, maybe it was his lover. Who knows, maybe his first love. Then she died and Lorenzo began picking women, being with them, then finally found some closer to the current timeline and had his sons.

- It could have been Lorenzo’s boss: Assuming this mafia shit has been around so long (Skullgirls is fiction - anything can happen if a girl can have a big muscle hat, then this wouldn’t be so weird in-universe), it could’ve been the former boss Lorenzo turned against for the Life Gem, but Lorenzo had a soft spot for his boss who treated him well and still chose to hang the portrait lol.

I personally prefer my headcanons that this was either someone blood-related to Lorenzo or his lover. It’d make more sense for him to frame that person next to the other 3 important people in his family.

I just drew out what I could make out from the given visual info.


Firstly, Alex has explicitly confirmed that the 4 portraits in the Medici Tower are those of Lorenzo and his 3 sons, so the person in portrait #1 is Lorenzo by simple process of elimination.

It doesn't look exactly the same as how Lorenzo appears in the actual story because, mainly, it's just older art. Those portraits were created before the designs were finalised for the story modes. You can clearly see that portrait #2 which is Vitale has significantly greyer hair than his current design.

Theodore Medici's first and only reference was in the Webtoon, but nowhere was it stated that he was Lorenzo's son.
Thanks for the confirmation!

I just got into the game in around June and God, there's lots of open ends in the lore and some info I haven't seen yet! I personally think that's what makes the game more fun for the fans, though! Lots of room for interpretations and creativity, like this one lmao.

However, if there's one thing keeping me on the edge, it's the webtoon. I've heard on reddit that it has been cancelled. Is that true?
Thanks for the confirmation!
No prob!

I just got into the game in around June and God, there's lots of open ends in the lore and some info I haven't seen yet! I personally think that's what makes the game more fun for the fans, though! Lots of room for interpretations and creativity, like this one lmao.
Yeah I totally support people building up theories and speculations. I just like when they are based around known facts, hence my earlier post. I think there is something interesting here but I think it could be polished by running it against confirmed lore a bit more.

I do like questioning established assumptions, like the person next to Leviathan being female rather than male as most people would assume. And the idea that there could be past or present powerful female Medici is interesting.

If you haven't already, do check out my post which has collected lore that were confirmed outside the game or other canon materials. A lot of this information is available on the Fandom wiki, but the Fandom wiki is very poorly curated and there is a lot of fake information on it, so I encourage people to use this.

However, if there's one thing keeping me on the edge, it's the webtoon. I've heard on reddit that it has been cancelled. Is that true?
The Webtoon isn't so much "cancelled", but more that it reached the end of the originally planned amount of chapters. So it could be renewed for more chapters, depending on whether there is enough interest in it.

It's been a while since the run ended and there hasn't been any news for renewal, so I don't have high hopes. But the Webtoon was released years after it was originally announced, so given the average Skullgirls contents' release schedules, there are possibilities that it will return at some point.

The best way of getting the Webtoon renewed is making noise about it and let the powers that be know that there are interests in seeing it continued.
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Yeah I totally support people building up theories and speculations. I just like when they are based around known facts, hence my earlier post. I think there is something interesting here but I think it could be polished by running it against confirmed lore a bit more.
That's really nice to hear! I think, based on the lore, maybe someone indeed looked like this in the Medici family even if it isn't the person in the portrait. Be it the first head, Lorenzo's parent, or, if we're going for someone unrelated by blood, Lorenzo's wife, I think it could still be fine and dandy, because it can also explain why one of the sons (4th portrait) looks similar and also why Lorenzo's sons all came out with brownish hair (lmao I swear I saw in another thread someone wondering why Lorenzo is blonde and his sons have darker hair - yep, this could be the reason).

So, in this case, the 4th portrait guy is indeed Lorenzo's son. The one with Leviathan is a different person and maybe a Medici ancestor.

If you haven't already, do check out my post which has collected lore that were confirmed outside the game or other canon materials. A lot of this information is available on the Fandom wiki, but the Fandom wiki is very poorly curated and there is a lot of fake information on it, so I encourage people to use this.
True. This is why I agree with locking the wiki because some people edit it with fake/wrong info. Those who edit the wikis should be people who can find confirmed sources.

The Webtoon isn't so much "cancelled", but more that it reached the end of the originally planned amount of chapters. So it could be renewed for more chapters, depending on whether there is enough interest in it.

It's been a while since the run ended and there hasn't been any news for renewal, so I don't have high hopes. But the Webtoon was released years after it was originally announced, so given the average Skullgirls contents' release schedules, there are possibilities that it will return at some point.

The best way of getting the Webtoon renewed is making noise about it and let the powers that be know that there are interests in seeing it continued.
Hopefully the webtoon does return. I even have a feeling it could be that one ending that could tie in all the stories into one according to Venus at the end of Double's story. For now, I'll be patient because, I must admit - comics are hard to make.
That's really nice to hear! I think, based on the lore, maybe someone indeed looked like this in the Medici family even if it isn't the person in the portrait. Be it the first head, Lorenzo's parent, or, if we're going for someone unrelated by blood, Lorenzo's wife, I think it could still be fine and dandy, because it can also explain why one of the sons (4th portrait) looks similar and also why Lorenzo's sons all came out with brownish hair (lmao I swear I saw in another thread someone wondering why Lorenzo is blonde and his sons have darker hair - yep, this could be the reason).
Yeah, whoever the sons' mother is having dark hair would make sense. Although it's worth to note that it was also said that Lorenzo has been around for as long as anyone in New Meridian can remember. It is possible that there could be multiple mothers to his 3 sons, and there could be more children we have not been told about.

So, in this case, the 4th portrait guy is indeed Lorenzo's son. The one with Leviathan is a different person and maybe a Medici ancestor.
Yeah, or a Contiello ancestor which would explain Leviathan's appearance. Or even someone who is an ancestor to both families.

Something else interesting that has been pointed out about the picture is that, while the picture composition seems to heavily imply that Leviathan is connected to that person, you actually cannot see the connection point, so he might not be a host at all, and the image is (intentionally?) misleading.

Personally I take the Occam's Razor approach and think that person is a past host of Leviathan lol.
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