• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Yu-Wan's Diner, AKA The Skullheart Lounge/Off-Topic Thread

Oh, don't even get me started on the download process. I mean, that has to be the most seductive part if the game!
Inbefore Duckator comes here and shows his desktop full of Double's combo notes and stuff.
And Wing Zero showing his desktop that is cluttered with images of Filia.
or probably @Night Phyre showing his desktop with only one file in it, named "Beowulf's Story Mode Leaked!" just to make us salty.
So am I allowed to talk about how great Cerebella is in this thread?
Make a Cerebella Lovers Anonymous
So am I allowed to talk about how great Cerebella is in this thread?

Cere has a thread over here. So, I guess she might be too on-topic? Quick, we need a distraction! We need to get off topic!
Umm who here likes Civilization 5? I do. Don't much care for beyond earth but I FUCKING LOVE XCOM (Mostly because I think there's too much zombies and not enough alien invasions in games).
Guys if dapurp gets 50 viewers on her stream she'll shove her face in her birthday cake on camera!
I need to make a better goddamn effort to post on Skullheart... I may not have much time to play anymore, but dammit I can at least engage with the community...
Yes...you should post more ser duckie.
Gimme fish
Also anyone want to see more about Aeon,Venus,minette and Annie?
i want slayer memes
So, if this is a reopening, why'd the other thread get kill?
Wait, this IS a reopening, right?

Addendum: Thank you, Zealot. Automatic code is still kinda confusing for me, Technologically I, like, totally live in the nineties, it's so retroooo....
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You forgot to close the italics.
Now who wants to join my colony, where we grow the tallest flowers, and eat lasagna?

These lovely drawings were done by some artists at Lab Zero.
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Whenever and however Tom gets into the game continuity, he needs to be voiced by Verne Troyer.
Since this is an off topic thread anyone here watch or play any good games or movies recently? I'm right now in the middle of fallout 4.
Spelunky and Nuclear Throne are pretty rad. I've also been playing Melty Blood, but I'm sure you already know that : ) .
I've been reading the Kara No Kyoukai novels then watching the movie adaptations.
That's all I've been doing in the game and movie department and I would recommend them.
Since this is an off topic thread anyone here watch or play any good games or movies recently? I'm right now in the middle of fallout 4.
Beat the plot the other day as a punchy charismatic character. Just grinded eight levels to get a jetpack for that power armor I almost never use. Pretty much ignored crafting except for "it would be convenient for there to be a bed and box right here. And now there is!"

It's funny, I actually had a harder time fighting a Deathclaw in power armor than without, because PA doesn't let you equip power fists. After reading that my Iron Fist perk tree doesn't affect super sledges, which I tried using against the Deathclaw in question, I'm going to head out to the Glowing Sea to see if I have better luck in power armor, simply unarmed.

Played Shadowrun: Dragonfall before FO4; hard to get into the gameplay, but the story was fan-frigging-tastic. And this was my introduction to Shadowrun, so I was delightfully amazed by the level of pun in "Aztechnology."
Since this is an off topic thread anyone here watch or play any good games or movies recently? I'm right now in the middle of fallout 4.
Watched ju on, you should too.
Found some weeb game called skullgirls, its pretty bad.
head out to the Glowing Sea to see if I have better luck in power armor, simply unarmed.
Just tried this. Worked better than super sledge, at least.. I'm still better off with a hazmat suit and power fist than power armor, though. Which is sad, I do enjoy the jetpacks a lot.

Might be worth picking up the Blacksmith perks to improve Power Armor, uh, arms. Then grab Blitz.

On the other hand, I just grabbed two shiny heavily discounted Skyrim DLC's I've been wanting to try.
Watched ju on, you should too.
Found some weeb game called skullgirls, its pretty bad.


Can't poke with s.HP
For the people who aren't subbed to my thread, you still should know about this :
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I'm more concerned with the fact that you decided to necro a pinned thread than climate change.
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So what do you guys think of climate change? :3
Lol. It was "Global warming" for a while, then it became "climate change" when it was realized that the Earth wasn't getting any warmer. It's a hoax.