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Indivisible PROTOTYPE Speedrunning & Secrets Discussion


No.1 Skullgirls player in Idaho
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
NW OR / Boise ID
Double Filia Eliza
Thread specifically for the Indivisible prototype.
This post will be updated with quick links to secrets and speedrunning strategies.

Official speedrunning contest information here

Current Best Speedrun Times:
Post in this thread to get your time added here.

Official contest categories:

Clearest (100%):
havick9 - 13:33.50 - Contest Winner - [video]
Senvy - 13:43.33 [video]
thelaffingman1 - 17:22.15 [video]

CaioLugon - 2:56.35 - Contest Winner - [video]
MysticSpirit - 2:59.39 [video]
infected melon - 3:05.08 [video]

CaioLugon - 3:25.39

TheGamaniac - 11:49.40 [video]

TheGamaniac - 6:26.75 [video]
Overview video by Kai
How to disable tutorials

Some non-obvious move properties:
Razmi's down attack slows an enemy until that enemy's next attack. Use it right after the enemy attacks for maximum effect.
Razmi's super is a heal, and will revive allies when used with 3 Iddhi meter.
You can view the map and switch between axe and bare hands by pressing the button you assigned to super.
Ajna's super with bare hands is a weak heal that always revives allies.
Getting out of the boss pit
Hidden room

Clear messages:
"Clear" Complete the prototype normally.
"Clear?" Complete the prototype without killing the final boss.
"Zen clear?" Complete the prototype without killing anything.
"Mostly clear" Find a secret.
"Clearest" 100% complete.
The rest of this thread does not have spoilers hidden.
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Yeah was thinking maybe I'd try recording some runs of it. Doubt I can beat the best times, but I'd like to show my subscribers the game with some decent play.
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There is also another part to the secret that I know of, it is really small though

In the place where you get the axe? I think it is, there is a fight with a silver and gold armoured sword goblin thing. I don't know if this leads on to further fights, I couldn't find anything last night when I first found the secrets.
hm. Also, I'll pull this from the other topic:
This little odd rock is before the rather Large Black and green Rolly Polly dudes. It's not really seen anywhere else..
I do find that little gold bit a bit conspicuous, cannot find a like one elsewhere, I've explored quite a lot and can't find much more at the moment.
I've found longer versions of that tile, but it's usually clustered with others and shaded with the area, so I counted them out... but yeah, that's the only tile that really sticks out and says "I could be som'in interesting!!"
I also noticed that when you find the first secret, Ajna flashes in white. Could it be some kind of secret power up? I think you might need the first secret before you can get the second one.
..... or.. could be the other way around? o.o I went over there after I already had secret #1...
Should this thread be labelled for spoilers?

Hmm I didn't notice there was a white flash. What would the white flash do, though? If it is a hidden powerup it has to have something to do with ONE of the keys we bound right?

EDIT: When you change weapons, orange is axe and white is unarmed.
Something to do with unarmed?
working my way out of the pit now. I have an Idea I am gonna try


Getting... closer....

damn. It hopped away when I got right there.
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Did Ajna flash at least? Cause I'm starting to think I might have been mistaken on that.
I feel like we've overlooked something in regards to this other secret. I'm just running out of places to speed boost. I've tried speed boosting everything lol.
So I made my way back into the room but this time Speed up to the cat. Took a swing at it with the axe and guess what?
Nothing. Actually som'in happened... A Skullgirls "Invincibility" spark popped up while it was in it's jumping back animation... hmmmmm.....
I did the speed boost and I ended up over on the other side. I don't think it's important, but seems weird that you can be over here.

Has anyone tried to "pet" the cat with unarmed c.attack? I've made to the cat room a couple of times but he always teleports away.
Yeah I got nothing, maybe there's a speed thing or a no axe thing or some such.

EDIT: @BrandX+
That was the very first thing I tried, actually after I escaped the pit 24 hours ago or so, I couldn't find anything there except the edges of some art
Has anyone tried to "pet" the cat with unarmed c.attack? I've made to the cat room a couple of times but he always teleports away.
I'll give it a shot. It might do the Skullgirls Invince spark. On the way now then (unless someone has beaten me to it)
Yeah I got nothing, maybe there's a speed thing or a no axe thing or some such.

EDIT: @BrandX+
That was the very first thing I tried, actually after I escaped the pit 24 hours ago or so, I couldn't find anything there except the edges of some art

Ah I see. Well it was worth a try.
I love doing this to the boss, even though it's more aesthetic than anything.

anyways after this I'll climb outa the pit and try the "petting the kitty" idea.
Yeah the arena seems to be centered better when you fight the boss on the other side. I managed to do that once too.
So some things i've done that have amounted to nothing

- Exploration, not that there couldn't be more stuff around, but I've looked a lot
- Dashed into most walls
- Done all fights without axe equipped (this turned out to be nothing anyway, no white flash)
- Tried to light candles
- Punched/Axed a whole lot of stuff
- Trying to get to the cat before it disappears, nothing though I didn't try crouch jabbing it
- Filling out the map

Probably a bunch more things I tried, but yeah, I'm doing some pretty dumb stuff, so now you can laugh at me.
Oh I also spent about 30 minutes messing with the off coloured tile and then tried to do things in every map square above it, as if it was pointing to something.

EDIT: Fizzx mentioned raging demon input b1 b1 forward b2 super

Anything is worth a try, right?
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I'm actually confused by something. Mike said you don't need the axe until the part where the axe is visually stuck in the wall after the armoured goblin thing in the second temple.

Does this mean there is a way to get through vines before you get the axe?
Pretty sure Mike meant that you don't need to wall climb with the axe till that point.
part of me is hoping this isn't some Megaman 9 secret... I'm sure they're not that mean to us... ri--right?? o.O
...Oh that was crafty. I won't spoil it for the rest of you, but it most definitely exists!


  • Indivisible Allclear.png
    Indivisible Allclear.png
    276.8 KB · Views: 1,373
...Oh that was crafty. I won't spoil it for the rest of you, but it most definitely exists!
... hint pls?
I finally got out of the pit... and I got nothing but the secret most people have found. Hmmphh... where are you secret?!

EDIT: I'm... gonna scream soon.
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AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't do itttttt. Tell me some kind of hint (please) for I am too dumb and have played for too long to figure anything out!
Still not giving *all* of it away, especially since it felt REALLY good to figure it out alone, but for those of you who really REALLY want hints, double-spoilered just in case.

You need to get... creative. If you aren't careful, you can lock *yourself* out from being able to open the secret & need to restart all the way from the beginning. At least you don't need NG+ for this.
I was wondering if it is some sort of touch screen functions Do we have to click on stuff?
You need to get... creative. If you aren't careful, you can lock *yourself* out from being able to open the secret & need to restart all the way from the beginning. At least you don't need NG+ for this.
That makes it sound like you don't have to fight the boss....