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Report Skullgirls OST and Digital Art Compendium Now Available For Purchase


Getting back into the swing of things
The updated soundtrack and the Digital Art Compendium are both now available for purchase on the official website, here.

The soundtrack, priced at 14.99 USD, includes the complete Skullgirls OST. The Digital Art Compendium, priced at 24.99 USD, includes character art, frames, environmental art, and other things. The Digital Art Compendium was originally only available to backers of the Indiegogo campaign, but it is now available to non-backers.

A second edition/disc 2 of the soundtrack is in the works for iTunes and Amazon so that those who bought the original soundtrack don't need to re-buy the entire OST.

It is also great to note that Lab Zero gets some of the profit when the soundtrack and Digital Art Compendium are bought, as well.
YAY! I got into SG after the indiegogo campaign, so I've always been envious of those people who where able to get the digital art compendium. I'm so glad I can now, thanks so much Lab Zero!
$25 is a bargain! For anyone sitting on the fence about the DAC, this is how it breaks down into seven folders:

ArcadeSticks - almost two dozen high-res fight stick designs
Character Art - model sheets and action shots
Environment - high-res stage background paintings
Frame Dump - the biggest section, every character subdivded by every type of motion. The line art, default palette, and shading have been "baked" into large single-layer PNG frames.
Keyart - character specific posters (like in the opening) and other art
ProductionArt - miscellaneous promotional images (t-shirt designs, concept art, etc.)
Story - every piece of the stories (backgrounds and talking heads)
More art than you could ask for! Well, a section that officially addresses the fantastic palettes in some capacity (like a record of references) would have been nice...

I'm curious if this DAC for sale has the fixed Filia/Fukua transparent eye issue that reappeared in the latest update.
Does the soundtrack include the PS4 instrumental version of "In a Moment's Time"?
The Keyart part are the poster in 300 dpi to print and put in my wall?
Not 300 dpi, but still quite large.
It does.
And a palette reference chart is a bunch of work and would likely necessitate including copyrighted artwork or names. I'm sure you and the community can come together and make their own. :D
Oh yeah, we've been making things before colors were even finalized.

I totally understand. 351 palettes to be baked in the same frame export process is way too much. It is far easier for us to use our own screenshots.

As for officially proclaimed references, maybe not knowing is okay (and I can see the legal caution of not declaring one thing is inspired by another thing). I mean, look at Parasoul #20. The story is an IGG Backer wanted a yellow and pink pony palette, but to me it is an Umbrella palette. The way it was cleverly made (Krieg lookin' like Hungern), it can work as both.
legal caution of not declaring

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure we're able to publicly declare what references we're making or whatever. My concern would be over selling a Digital Art Compendium that included reference images of copyrighted characters, or including text of copyrighted game/IP titles in some sort of chart.
A second edition/disc 2 of the soundtrack is in the works for iTunes and Amazon so that those who bought the original soundtrack don't need to re-buy the entire OST.

just to clarify, does that mean that the OST currently available does not include the newer tracks, or does the OST here currently available include everything and the disc 2 will only serve to complete the collections of backers and people who bought the OST previously? I assume the latter due to the use of the term "complete" but I just want to make sure.
just to clarify, does that mean that the OST currently available does not include the newer tracks, or does the OST here currently available include everything and the disc 2 will only serve to complete the collections of backers and people who bought the OST previously? I assume the latter due to the use of the term "complete" but I just want to make sure.
The OST being sold on the website has new tracks from the original OST (hence the term "Updated OST"). If I'm correct, disc 2 will provide backers/people who have already purchased it the extra tracks. It should be the latter, but I'm not definite, so if someone would mind clearing that up.
just to clarify, does that mean that the OST currently available does not include the newer tracks, or does the OST here currently available include everything and the disc 2 will only serve to complete the collections of backers and people who bought the OST previously? I assume the latter due to the use of the term "complete" but I just want to make sure.

The OST being sold directly through skullgirls.com/store is EVERYTHING. There is no need for a "disc 2" for that.

The "disc 2" we plan on releasing will include everything that the original release (on iTunes, Amazon, etc) did NOT include.

If you bought the original release, and you don't want to buy those tracks again, then you should wait for "disc 2" to come out whenever that happens. If you never bought the original release, you can buy the full version right there on the site and you'll have everything and won't have paid twice for any of the tracks.

So, yeah, basically what @Meow-Professor said.
This is great. I bought three tracks on iTunes from the original OST, and have been waiting for the new music since SGE hit PS3 over a year ago. I'll be picking up at least three more tracks once they release.
This is great. I bought three tracks on iTunes from the original OST, and have been waiting for the new music since SGE hit PS3 over a year ago. I'll be picking up at least three more tracks once they release.

why not just buy all the OST doesn´t be cheaper? tought.
why not just buy all the OST doesn´t be cheaper? tought.
I'm really tight on money right now, and have just a few absolute fav tracks (Empty Arena, Bath of Teftnut, & maybe NM Rooftop), but I'll consider the full OST when details arrive. :)