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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

lol at mike switching from final atrium

EDIT: So If I understand correctly, we still get absolute guard for the duration of the pushblock, just lose it as soon as the pushblock ends?
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Will the pushblock change stop you from accidentaly fuzzy-guarding yourself with pushblocks? (I think this is a thing that can happen at the moment)
PBGC + call assist being completely trivial to do with little commitment might make other PBGC options strictly inferior in comparison, which probably isn't great. I guess we'll see how that works
How the fuck has no-one else thought of doing PBGC call invul assist until a buff was made to make it 100% brainless as opposed to 90% brainless!?!??!?!

I can't be the only person who actually explores the game and uses its game mechanics, can I?
How the fuck has no-one else thought of doing PBGC call invul assist until a buff was made to make it 100% brainless as opposed to 90% brainless!?!??!?!

I can't be the only person who actually explores the game and uses its game mechanics, can I?
Because now you can be blocking the entire duration and mash assist with very little effort. Before you would have to not block while simultaneously inputting the assist call during the the very brief moment of not blocking and then immediately block again to avoid getting both of you killed.

Before you would risk both the point and assist, now you are really only risking your assist.

I'd be ok if you were not allowed to call assists (and maybe not be allowed to tag?) if you are holding back during the pbgc window.
How the fuck has no-one else thought of doing PBGC call invul assist until a buff was made to make it 100% brainless as opposed to 90% brainless!?!??!?!

I can't be the only person who actually explores the game and uses its game mechanics, can I?

Before, it wasnt mashable with no timing needed. And completely safe sans high low mixups. Now all you have to do is pushblock then mash assist and you will get it early everytime. Whereas before you had to wait to come out of pushblock naturally (not a pbgc) or you had to input f+assist macro during the variable 4 frame window that pbgc inputs are allowed, and then return the stick back to blocking, before you get hit.

Now all you have to do is pushblock and mash assist... I dont see there being any real correlation between the 2 when execution is considered.
Hmm okay I see. It's an effort and mashability thing. I always thought it was easy because I could do it in situations that weren't completely airtight like during pressure or whatever, but if this change makes it so that you could PBGC mash assist during something like Cerecopter then yeah that's pretty damn significant.
guys we haven't even seen these changes. i just want to see this PBGC thing and get ready to lab it out.
Hmm okay I see. It's an effort and mashability thing. I always thought it was easy because I could do it in situations that weren't completely airtight like during pressure or whatever, but if this change makes it so that you could PBGC mash assist during something like Cerecopter then yeah that's pretty damn significant.

Yep thats it. Mashing assist during untight blockstrings isnt what is being discussed really. Thats always been there and always been an effective tactic, specifically needing to pushblock OR mash dp assist but not both. Now though, besides ease of execution, which is still the most substantial problem, you also have the ability to pushblock and also call assist very close to eachother rather than having to like call assist and then immediately pushblock, or ppushblock and wait the entire duration to call an assist.

Basically its a hyper defensive buff. And I'm not sure im totally against it since i think defense in sg is kinda lacking on some fronts, but this just doesnt sit well with me... Probably because of the ability to full combo from defensive assists.

Another way to look at it is as a great kind of defensive os. You get to push the opponent away and call an assist to block them off of you, even if the assist doesnt hit, it still puts up a wall for you to get through if the pushblock worked and knocked you away, or if the pushblock didnt work and was mistimed in the middle of a lockdown or against an assist, you still get your dp coming in and ruining shit.

For very easy execution this seems a bit powerful. But i could be wrong and am strictly talking theory right now.

I'll be flying in in a couple of hours though so we can get some practice in and see how it really goes in game versus on paper... Whenever the beta change decides to come out.
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where are these new changes everyone is talking about? All is see in the beta notes is the one with Christmas double...
I remember asking for Random Color Select a LONG time ago. Back in Vanilla days. Never thought it'd end up happening.

When's Random Assist Select?


I had this up in like 10 mins after he finished the changes.

I don't think Val or Double need buffs.
Fortune stuff is cool.
PBGC stuff will be interesting to try.
Absolute Guard is not affected by the PBGC change. It still ends at the same time.
yea i was kinda like wtf at the double buff tbh. definitely dont think that move needs more block stun.
it was minus 11, now its minus 6 point blank, meaning doubles opponent still has advantage. Now it just means that the opponent gets a low/throw rather than a conversion on an otherwise low defense character.
Does it still have that weird gap between hits where blockstun might end?

Edit: Thought it was butt
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When's Random Assist Select?


I had this up in like 10 mins after he finished the changes.

I don't think Val or Double need buffs.
Fortune stuff is cool.
PBGC stuff will be interesting to try.
Absolute Guard is not affected by the PBGC change. It still ends at the same time.

Double doesn't need buffs. Snaps her in because she is free. Riiiiggghhhttt
No, j.HP is just too good. Doesn't mean she doesn't have other stuff that's good.

Both of those moves need hitbox/hurtbox fixes.
True. At what ken said.

But tbqh the only problem i have with double is her damage seems kinda on the lower side for the amount of movement she has.

I dont think doubles j.hp is to good. I can beat it near at will with many characters, and others i can just avoid it. Its good, very good but doesnt seem busted at all imho.
I don't think Double needs buffs either.

I really think she should be the bar for balance in this game. She's always felt solid. Meaningful strengths, meaningful weaknesses, can fit just about anywhere on a team (though she is better second or third), and she uses meter well.

Val buffs I'm very iffy on. If you've played a good Val... she's definitely not in a bad place.

I hate any assist buff, and I hate doubly any DP assist buff... though I'm not sure how this PBGC thing will play out.
No, j.HP is just too good. Doesn't mean she doesn't have other stuff that's good.

Both of those moves need hitbox/hurtbox fixes.

Double's point abilities really don't need to be nerfed dude.
Bella j.mp, bella j.lk, bella j.hp
Parasoul j.lp
Band j.lk (beats the stuffing out of double j.hp, as well)

Doubles j.hp may be the best all around jump attack in the game, but what it has in its jack of all trades benefits it loses in specialty circumstances, or at least tends to.
Remove the 2 frames of Vulnerable startup to LK hornet bomber. Edit: woops got mixed up with the +2 vul frames on assist.

Double is completely and utterly free if she is made to block right now, this is her biggest problem. At least if LK Bomber is made fully invul startup she has SOME gtfo option that doesn't require her to be in the corner or have 3 meters, even if the return isn't great.
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Immediate opinion on changes

PBGC ease of use: Great, will probably just lead to more dead characters at the end of the day
Double change: No opinion either way
-Angles on projectiles: no opinion
-Vial effects not ending on normal/special hit: really strong
-Bypass: She has corner to corner so doesn't really give her something she didn't by letting her side switch if she's in corner, gives her conversion off air bypass so should be a buff to fun and looks if nothing else
What does PW, Val, or Squig have that makes them better than Double on defense?

Oh maybe some invuln start up on lk.buer (imagine those PBGC > lk.buer)?

I kid. I kid.
What does PW, Val, or Squig have that makes them better than Double on defense?

Oh maybe some invuln start up on lk.buer (imagine those PBGC > lk.buer)?

I kid. I kid.
DHC into catheads :P
I'm overreacting.

Who do you think I am, ASW? I'm not saying nerf it into the ground.

I'm saying do this:


They end up working the same except now you can actually AA j.HP and bomber won't beat things clean despite not being invincible.

Technically, all of Double's moves should have hurtboxes in them since she doesn't have weapons, she just morphs into things, so everything is part of her body.