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Street Fighter V

He just needs a new hat is all.

yeh i think we have enough anime thanks to Netalli's going cosmic v-trigger.

Q just needs to be extra fancy with his suit. maybe a pocket watch with gold chain. yeah classy Q. He has a life you know, taking some lady out for dinner.
Why Turn A? Why even a gundam?

Everyone knows grunt suits like Zakus and Leos are the best.
because he ain't no zaku, boy. No Zaku!

plus the Turn A has a mustache
perfect for conceal Q's identity
I really like how powerful Necalli looks. That one-handed, facegrab slam is boss.

That said, and this is probably going to be unpopular, but his Super Saiyan mode is the one thing about him that doesn't at all appeal to me. I'm just old enough to have missed the rise of DBZ here in the states, so I have zero nostalgia/hype/whatever about it.
I'm just old enough to have missed the rise of DBZ here in the states, so I have zero nostalgia/hype/whatever about it.
I've thought DBZ was worthless trash since I was a kid, I like the V-Trigger because I like the implications about the character. Also that sort of transformation wasn't invented by DBZ.
Exactly! The teaser had me thinking the chalky-whiteness was face paint, and the ridiculous "V" on his face was his darker, actual skill color.

Turns out it isn't paint, they're supposed to be scars. I trust it is a work in progress. If Zangief and Sagat make it in, I hope their scars aren't so flat and painted-on as Necalli's.

And look at his teeth. For a savage soul-eating ancient warrior that can barely say "Devour-our-our," he certainly has some nice teeth. Must have a good dental plan in the rainforest.
ancient warrior that can barely say "Devour-our-our," he certainly has some nice teeth. Must have a good dental plan in the rainforest.
He could be some sort of Illuminati experiment.

It would be a weird direction, but not an impossible one.
I've thought DBZ was worthless trash since I was a kid, I like the V-Trigger because I like the implications about the character. Also that sort of transformation wasn't invented by DBZ.

That's absolutely true, but DBZ was enough of a phenomenon, that it's all I think of anytime I see it.
He could be some sort of Illuminati experiment.

It would be a weird direction, but not an impossible one.

There are definitely hints that Necalli is involved with the Illuminati

He has a similar build as Gill (even a similar hair style when in V Trigger)
"A hidden genius" is revealed when in V Trigger (multiple personality?)
He is able to project energy

Getting some experimental vibes with this guy
There are definitely hints that Necalli is involved with the Illuminati

He has a similar build as Gill (even a similar hair style when in V Trigger)
"A hidden genius" is revealed when in V Trigger (multiple personality?)
He is able to project energy

Getting some experimental vibes with this guy

If Necalli is involved with the Illuminati they can Tye Urien in to the story
If Necalli is involved with the Illuminati they can Tye Urien in to the story

I agree with you on that
There are so many connections going on that Urien would easily fit in
He just needs a new hat is all.

Hah, I actually like that! Maybe for Alts, he could have the 70s Robo-detective look, but also maybe a less formal, but still hiding in plain sight outfit (baseball cap, hoodie/jacket/hoodie-jacket-Alex-Mercer combo)

When they going to reveal Q is Chun's Dad for maximum horribleness?
Hopefully never. If that ever comes to pass, I'm taking a week off to drunkenly sob at that horrible direction they've taken such an awesome character...
No the dumb ass mask that makes Q look like a stupid ass, generic ass robo that only weebs would like doesnt bother you.

It's the piece of info that may or may not be true infuriates you.

Then again it's not like the dumb anime mask is gonna become a thing either, but still.
again, the Udon comics hint that it is a possibility.
True, but, as much as I like Udon, the stories are not canon (though some people are arguing hints of the Charlie book will find their way in the game), but also, one of the possible identities the officer said is Chun Li's dad as you said, but the other is that he's a lone vigilante, the other is that he's a robot made by the government, and the other one is that he's a line of robots.

My problem with making Q Chun Li's dad is this:

-Doesn't mesh with the limited and obscure hints we've been given in the game sprites and his ending.
  • In most of the art, Q's skin in a brownish tone- he could be black, or a tanned white, Hispanic, Latin, or Asian person, though if you look at my research, you'll see sprites of his crouching hK, standing mk and jumping mk where you can see his legs exposed above the socks and his skin is clearly dark brown
  • David is potentially venturing into "he doth protest too much" when talking to Juliana about the details on Q, they have similar taste in clothing, and the camera focuses on him more than Richard Bagman (the older gentleman in the ending)
  • Even if Bison never used Q because he deemed him a failure and worthless as a bargaining chip to Chun Li, he'd be a source too important to waste or let him wander unchecked. If he's got that much power, but is sloppy, he wouldn't risk him getting away as a loose end, he'd have him killed or dissected. He is ludicrously strong, it's clear by his movement (his crashing down intro) the quaking many of his actions cause. and the nature of his Deadly Double combo, that he's veeeeery dangerous even if he's unrefined as a fighter.

-Chun Li has been a thorn in Bison's side forever, why wouldn't he use the fact that he's mutated and enslaved her dad to break her spirit or send him after her? Especially after all the years between SF 3 and 4 (and 5?)

-It's a huge wast of a fun enigma character and is just a lazy tacked on idea. I don't know why they haven't outright said Chun li's father is dead, but it's clear he is. Bison would have utilized that ace in the hole. With Q, you can make him a truly unique guy with his own history, destiny and future. Even if he's tied to Shadaloo, he could shed light onto a whole new aspect or program that was being worked on, or if he's tied to the Illuminati/Gill's Secret Society brethren, then bam, more info on the mysterious new guys! Also bringing him back just for a "I know you're in there!" fight would be cringey, it just jumbles up his limited, but powerful impact on Chun Li. Great father, great officer, friend to Gen, fantastic martial artist, mowed down in his prime in his pursuit for justice. If there were gradual hints, I could accept it, but with all these years and nothing showing there's more to his fate than death hurts all three characters.

I know things are subject to change, but when Q was made, I highly doubt that the planned anything in advance for him. He doesn't even really have any notable interactions with characters. Urien and Akuma say some obscure things while Oro makes a joke about him looking like something out of the 70s ( A reference to Robot Detective K). Yet Chun Li has nothing connecting him to her.

The trajectory of events in the Udon books are rather different and the official SF canon, but if they were to continue on and make him her dad in the book, it would still be a weird fit. In the books, I believe Cammy and the Dolls murdered him on the spot (I can't remember much, but I remember them having a crazy fight; poor bugger put up a good fight, but was snuffed out in the end)

This mega post is getting a bit long hah, sorry. It proves, I'm obsessed, rather knowledgeable...and have no life :p

all I'm saying is

can all rock the white mustache
i don't see why Q can't
he needs to conceal his identity
and what better way
than a mustache
a white mustache
I'm...I'm slowly being drawn into your White Mustache Organization...it's...so...Majestic! :o
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I only said Q being Chun's dad was only a possibility.
I never said it was the ONLY possibility they mentioned.

I need to find the comic, but if I remember correctly, it also mentioned the idea that there are an army of Qs, and other things.

and just like that, I found it.

one of the theories is that he's a vicilante of justice, a robot, an army, possibly Chun's dad. it's more of a little love letter to Q and his mysteries.

they don't give a definitive answer of who Q is.
woah I like this Q guy (never played street fighter) he reminds me of that robot detective from metropolis.

If I had a ps4 I'd definitely check out sf5 though, it looks good so far
the stories are not canon (though some people are arguing hints of the Charlie book will find their way in the game)
Uh, isn't the entire point of the Charlie book that it is canon?
I only said Q being Chun's dad was only a possibility.
I never said it was the ONLY possibility they mentioned.

I need to find the comic, but if I remember correctly, it also mentioned the idea that there are an army of Qs, and other things.

and just like that, I found it.

one of the theories is that he's a vicilante of justice, a robot, an army, possibly Chun's dad. it's more of a little love letter to Q and his mysteries.

they don't give a definitive answer of who Q is.
True, heh, I admit I got carried away. I've just heard that idea (Q= her dad) coupled with others before and I feel they're selling things short for Chun Li, her dad and Q himself. I mean, I admit, I've got a whole idea of how Q comes to be and such, so I'm heavily biased.

Uh, isn't the entire point of the Charlie book that it is canon?
Yup, my fault, should have worded that better. I haven't read the book (I sooo badly want to and am sad they only sold 300 copies - hopefully they'll sell a 2nd run) but I heard that it nicely fits in with the established Udon comic canon, but that elements from it are going to be/most likely utilized for SF5.
but I heard that it nicely fits in with the established Udon comic canon
Odd, from what I heard it does affirm certain aspects of the old comics but also directly contradicts others.