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Street Fighter V

I love Cody. I hope it isn't Cody. This also makes things weird, if it is him, Cody is a "classic Street Fighter character"? I guess that means we're not stuck with SFII only returns (other than the 4).

Haha, well if it is a return, then the Siliconera prophecy (R. Mika, Alex, Karin, Urien) will be put to the final test.
That's already dead, we're not getting Alex and Urien.

Personally, I think Boxer. We have Claw and Dictator, might as well finish the trifecta.
You're forgetting Sagat is one of the 4. But yeah, I feel Vega and Bison is a really weird catch combination if they were the only Shadaloo reps.
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Boxer makes sense. There needs to be more charge characters involved. I want to say Cody or Guile, but the blonde population is high enough as it is even with the predicted roster becoming a reality.
and let's face it. Boxer Claw and Dictator all come together in one package, you can't have just Dictator and Claw in the game by themselves.
They even trade names xD
that was for legal reasons. Mike Tyson was accused of rape the same year SF2 was coming out and well... M.Bison was Boxer at the time so the similarities were pretty close.
that was for legal reasons. Mike Tyson was accused of rape the same year SF2 was coming out and well... M.Bison was Boxer at the time so the similarities were pretty close.
Yeah, i know.

But i'm thinking, while i think Sagat is a possibility, he is not together with shadaloo anymore, so, he is not as necessary as boxer or claw.
You know, they've been pushing this as the worldwide SF game, one release everywhere on two systems that are interconnected and supposedly world wide multiplayer.

Why would they not just go ahead and fix the names? I wouldn't care what they were, but they should have one name period and this was the time to do it.
They did that with Charlie, since he's officially Nash everywhere now

the others are probably grandfather clause'd in
Charlie doesn't really count though, he's Charlie Nash, they didn't switch his name to Sagat.

The ones who are the actual offenders not getting fixed is silly.
They've been using those changed names for more than a decade (two decades now?) so it'll be weird to change them now.
I'm just saying they should have used the one opportunity they had where it would make sense to make character names universal. Anyone who cares what characters are called knows about the switch, and probably calls them by their descriptions anyway, so while it would certainly take a bit of adjustment, it wouldn't actually be THAT weird. And adjusting would only be for half the audience either way.
and let's face it. Boxer Claw and Dictator all come together in one package, you can't have just Dictator and Claw in the game by themselves.
Yeah, what is this, Alpha 2?

Please let it be Alpha 2.
I don't think there's a good way to explain the SF2 bosses' names being switched around in-universe this time around. Charlie had the convenience of the fan theory about his last name being Nash (which was later canonized), and his name change in SFV makes sense because the old Charlie is pretty much dead. The SF2 bosses have no such excuse.
Since it wasn't posted here before as far as I can see:
Charlie's winquote vs Necalli: "I have no intention of losing. Especially in a battle between monsters..."
and let's face it. Boxer Claw and Dictator all come together in one package, you can't have just Dictator and Claw in the game by themselves.

Street Fighter EX3.

As for the names, weren't the Shadaloo bosses universalised in SFxT? At least I know that unlike in SFIV, jap VA were using english versions instead of japanese. I also didn't see japanese versions in any of the SFV builds shown so far.
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That's just the JP VAs using the localized names because this is the localized SFXT, they say the JP names in their version

Same thing happened in MVC3 with JP voices still calling out for "Mr. Wright" instead of "Naruhodo-kun"
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Its urien! And what we "seeing" in the pic is the substitute of your unblockable attack.
Fight me.
Urien is from mediterranean and the show will be in Dubai...Illuminati confirmed.
None. Where's Sakura?
It's not like I like the SFII cast any more than you do. Sakura isn't a long time no see character, and I don't know that I'd call her a classic Street Fighter character since she isn't from Street Fighter and came around in Alpha 2.

If she counts on that side it would at least mean that we don't have yet another 2 SFII characters so sure, bring on Sakura. And then give Karin.

Do we know when the event is? It's tomorrow right?
Tomorrow, in Dubai, having a hard time finding a time, but will keep looking.
Sakura isn't a long time no see character, and I don't know that I'd call her a classic Street Fighter character since she isn't from Street Fighter and came around in Alpha 2.
If being in the franchise for 20 years by the time of SFV's release doesn't count as being "classic," I don't know what would.

Not that we're going to escape the continued SF2 wankery in this roster, I'm just going to be pretty unenthused with each upcoming SF2 returner that gets announced. Like, Sagat returning would have me the least unhyped, and even then there's probably 5 to 10 characters from other games I'd rather see over him.

EDIT: In fact, I can name 10 right now: Juri, Poison, Sakura, Rose, Rufus, Necro, Alex, Eagle, Urien, and Hakan. Throw in Makoto for an easy #11.
....GOT IT.
Yeah, I thought of that too, though it's certainly not it. I'd be really mad if it was though, Sean would be cool eventually, but as the only SFIII rep at launch? No.

If being in the franchise for 20 years by the time of SFV's release doesn't count as being "classic," I don't know what would.
Being in SFII. As said though, I hope you're right.

Not that we're going to escape the continued SF2 wankery in this roster, I'm just going to be pretty unenthused with each upcoming SF2 returner that gets announced. Like, Sagat returning would have me the least unhyped, and even then there's probably 5 to 10 characters from other games I'd rather see over him.
I feel the exact same way, though our lists are somewhat different. Also, Birdie is already in.

Off the top of my head Juri, Rose, Necro, Alex, Urien, Dudley, Makoto, Sodom, Karin, Cody, and I'm sure if I bothered to actually think about it there would be more.
I won't turn a blind eye to facts, and I do think it's gonna be Balrog and not my beloved Cody, because the boxer adds up and Cody simply doesn't.

I'm still mad though >:[