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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

Idea/Question: Since team attacks are sort-of fighting-game style combos and these combos build Iddhi, will it be possible to juggle dead enemies for extra post-battle healing?
Idea/Question: Since team attacks are sort-of fighting-game style combos and these combos build Iddhi, will it be possible to juggle dead enemies for extra post-battle healing?
In VP juggling could give you magic crystals that raised your gained exp in that battle, but I think they want post-battle healing to be only with Iddhi.
In VP juggling could give you magic crystals that raised your gained exp in that battle, but I think they want post-battle healing to be only with Iddhi.
That's exactly what I'm thinking: at the end of a battle, if you can keep juggling a dead Goomba, you'd consequently build Iddhi from the juggle, which in turn would lead to healing once the battle's done.

If there's juggling at all. Which there might not be.
That's good. It's always better to have a character standing out rather than one blending too much in the BG.
Of course, but I ment you can tell she's a 2D char in a 3D field. Just blend it a lil better and the Fore/Backgrounds will look great. *chin stroke* like Skullgirls.
That's good. It's always better to have a character standing out rather than one blending too much in the BG.
While this is true she currently sticks out so much it's rather jarring, I'm sure this won't be the case forever though, Skullgirls does a great job of characters not blending in without looking so out of place that it's distracting, LZ is more than capable of finding a balance.

Then again whenever I look at Skullgirls it has the benefit of idle animations because I don't really look at screenshots, so that may also be part of it.
@Mike_Z Since blocking works by holding a characters assigned button, how will that affect enemy aoe abilities? Specifically, are there going to be any enemy abilities that can hit the full party? I can imagine that being a hassle for controller users in the heat of the moment.
Told a friend of mine about Indivisible. about 3 hours later I noticed he changed his steam avi to Ajna. I think I hooked another sucker person that's excited for the game.
Looking at the "B1-B4" under the characters, can we hope that the corresponding buttons will update on the HUD if we change the controls? Would be rather usefull for keyboard players.
It's a prototype, don't hope toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Although we do have the functionality with the HUD itself, I may not get to implementing it.
Also the button config will help you with that.

on blocking are you holding your attack button to block? that seems like an accident waiting to happen. since you hold L1 + character button to use iddhi wouldn't it be good to have say L2 + character button to block? is blocking a turn action that runs out after the opponents turn is over or is it an active action like in fighting games?
Blocking is an action that can only happen during enemy attacks. Attacking is an action that can only happen during not-enemy-attacks.
(As an analogy, in Skullgirls PP is dash if you aren't blocking, and pushblock if you are. It is possible to mess up, but you improve on that with skill.)

Idea/Question: Since team attacks are sort-of fighting-game style combos and these combos build Iddhi, will it be possible to juggle dead enemies for extra post-battle healing?
Once the last enemy dies, that's it. Other enemies, yes.
If there's juggling at all. Which there might not be.
There is mad juggling.

@Mike_Z Since blocking works by holding a characters assigned button, how will that affect enemy aoe abilities? Specifically, are there going to be any enemy abilities that can hit the full party? I can imagine that being a hassle for controller users in the heat of the moment.
There totally are wider enemy attacks, and you hold multiple buttons. It's not as hard as you think because you can't do anything ELSE during that time, but it does require some finesse.

Hold on, people talked about some Megaman game that had a healing mechanic like that.
Also the later Wild ARMs games.

The backgrounds look completely 3d rendered so i was wondering will the camera be able to tilt and yaw and not just pan up and down? kinda like how the pause camera works in smash bros. Kinda would like to take snap shots like in smash with this game.
For the prototype? No.
also will there be an option to toggle the meters and stuff on and off as you fight? select button maybe? Nice feature to have if you just want to look at the art as you fight.
For the prototype? No.
Do they each get three different iddhi attacks using up, down, or neutral press'?
For the prototype? No.
I'm a slight bit worried regarding the method of blocking, but only because I use a keyboard and tend to have issues with... I think it's called ghosting. I fear being unable to block with everyone at once without having to use an abstract/uncomfortable control scheme simply because my keyboard will not accept too many specific keys being pressed at once.
For the prototype? No, I have no time to rework macros.
It is certainly a shame you haven't managed to acquire a $10 gamepad in the decades such things have existed...
Not everyone will be padding though Mike. You may want to look into the issue for Keyboard players, as it is a real problem with many keyboards. But.. you know.. for the non-prototype.... unless you like, already planned it or som'in..
Not everyone will be padding though Mike. You may want to look into the issue for Keyboard players, as it is a real problem with many keyboards. But.. you know.. for the non-prototype.... unless you like, already planned it or som'in..
Thanks! I appreciate the suggestion to do extra work on a free thing, for people who might not donate!
I'm loving the updates. While I know the environment ones are still being polished, but as they are, Ajna kinda stands out too much.. you can see the stark difference between her and the stage area. I'm sure that'll get ballanced out when it's worked on more.
You want characters to pop from the background for the same reason you want them to have distinct silhouettes. However, she'll look a lot more connected to the stage once she has a shadow.
It's a prototype, don't hope toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Although we do have the functionality with the HUD itself, I may not get to implementing it.
Also the button config will help you with that.

Blocking is an action that can only happen during enemy attacks. Attacking is an action that can only happen during not-enemy-attacks.
(As an analogy, in Skullgirls PP is dash if you aren't blocking, and pushblock if you are. It is possible to mess up, but you improve on that with skill.)

Once the last enemy dies, that's it. Other enemies, yes.

There is mad juggling.

There totally are wider enemy attacks, and you hold multiple buttons. It's not as hard as you think because you can't do anything ELSE during that time, but it does require some finesse.

Also the later Wild ARMs games.

For the prototype? No.

For the prototype? No.

For the prototype? No.

For the prototype? No, I have no time to rework macros.
It is certainly a shame you haven't managed to acquire a $10 gamepad in the decades such things have existed...

I haven't asked about the music, outside of the trailer theme, how much tracks will be presented in the prototype?
Not everyone will be padding though Mike. You may want to look into the issue for Keyboard players, as it is a real problem with many keyboards. But.. you know.. for the non-prototype.... unless you like, already planned it or som'in..
I think everybody's forgotten the amount of work Lab Zero and Mike did in making things accessible for a variety of old things and what's been an issues with keyboards for years.

Sure, it'd be nice to make things work with the keyboards that do ghosting *again* but let's not assume they don't know it's a thing already.
There totally are wider enemy attacks, and you hold multiple buttons. It's not as hard as you think because you can't do anything ELSE during that time, but it does require some finesse.
I took out my logitech when I read the blog post and I know that it's doable in practice. I guess my concern is the frequency and variation of aoe abilities.
I took out my logitech when I read the blog post and I know that it's doable in practice. I guess my concern is the frequency and variation of aoe abilities.

people who can't press all four face buttons with their thumb will probably be able to map those buttons to the shoulder buttons. and vice versa for the shoulder buttons. Maybe there will be two controller setups one for battle and one for exploration so if you do use the shoulder buttons for battle you won't have to use those same buttons to jump or use the ax during exploration. Jumping with R1 would be kinda weird.
people who can't press all four face buttons with their thumb will probably be able to map those buttons to the shoulder buttons. and vice versa for the shoulder buttons. Maybe there will be two controller setups one for battle and one for exploration so if you do use the shoulder buttons for battle you won't have to use those same buttons to jump or use the ax during exploration. Jumping with R1 would be kinda weird.
I mean that it feels fine for me and it feels doable if I had to rapid press it. I am just curious about the frequency and configurations of aoe spells available. I'm used to RPG's that have more traditional front and back lines but the diamond shape of VP and Indivisible mess with that convention.
I mean that it feels fine for me and it feels doable if I had to rapid press it. I am just curious about the frequency and configurations of aoe spells available. I'm used to RPG's that have more traditional front and back lines but the diamond shape of VP and Indivisible mess with that convention.
In VP, the front is your front 3 people, and the back is the single person. And the only difference was that you couldn't physically attack people in the back without arrows or magic, no defense buff or anything.

In the Indiv prototype there is no back, anyone can attack anywhere. "AOE" isn't really AOE, it's, if I do a big sword swipe to someone else and you are standing in range of it vertically or horizontally, you will get hit by it.
In the Indiv prototype there is no back, anyone can attack anywhere. "AOE" isn't really AOE, it's, if I do a big sword swipe to someone else and you are standing in range of it vertically or horizontally, you will get hit by it.
So "aoe" is dictated by attack animation and relative position gotcha.
It's a prototype, don't hope toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Although we do have the functionality with the HUD itself, I may not get to implementing it.
Also the button config will help you with that.

Well it was a question for the full game, not prototype. For the prototype I'll be satisfied if it just runs properly and is fun. :P

I'm not the type of person to demand things from a free product.
Reminds me of how the Indivisible and TFH crowdfunding campaigns are starting near the same time


A Girl and her Clumsy Alpaca
Digital painting by Julia Blattman
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Thanks! I appreciate the suggestion to do extra work on a free thing, for people who might not donate!
Hearing that sure thing makes me want to support you!
@Mike_Z legit curiosity since I'm far from a programmer (Like, I literally broke a pre-made code with something as simple as changing color.) but does programming a action rpg feel different then programming a fighting game?
As an art analogy, using to use the same brush to paint realistically or abstracty I guess?
Actually, if you think about it - if aoe attacks are going to work on WYSIWYG basis, then Indi needs somewhat elaborate hitboxes so players won't get mad when some attack will or will not connect when it shouldn't or should visually.
Actually, if you think about it - if aoe attacks are going to work on WYSIWYG basis, then Indi needs somewhat elaborate hitboxes so players won't get mad when some attack will or will not connect when it shouldn't or should visually.

Maybe I missed something with the way the battle system works (haven't been following the specifics of Indivisible's combat system), but does a game without movement even need hitboxes? "Getting hit" could be triggered by a timer that's synced up with the moves animation instead of most costly hitboxes.

Enemy attack starts

If (party members in range are not blocking AND 15 frames have passed since attack started) then
party members in range.HP - 1;

(I'm sure this is not how ID does, maybe it uses hitboxes for player combos? I dunno I'm not paying attention. I wonder if Paper Mario 2 uses timers instead of hitboxes though?)
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I'm still trying to figure out what this even means

I think he means ebony plays all dlc characters so of course they are going to support L0.
Late (as always), gotta mention the resplendent logo reveal in the recent Friday blog update:
Love the custom typography.

Speaking of linguistic symbols, the screenshot demonstrating Razmi's healing spell has a huge, white and magenta colored sahasrara symbol. That's the crown chakra. First time seeing the chakra theme extending beyond the logo and Ajna's name. Makes me wonder if the other chakras will be used in a similar fashion. Like vishuddha can be used to cure status ills or anahata could be used for a haste buff.
Speaking of linguistic symbols, the screenshot demonstrating Razmi's healing spell has a huge, white and magenta colored sahasrara symbol. That's the crown chakra. First time seeing the chakra theme extending beyond the logo and Ajna's name. Makes me wonder if the other chakras will be used in a similar fashion. Like vishuddha can be used to cure status ills or anahata could be used for a haste buff.
Those colors are all placeholders, stolen from existing Skullgirls characters when I didn't have any in-game assets to test them on. :]