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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Have to say I confused her with Ragyo from Kill la Kill at first.
doesnt help that I watched the episode right before bed
I have this weird feeling Palutena might get an announcement next week since tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of Kid Icarus: Uprising's release.

If not, this trophy of Phosphora was the reason.
Phosphora is a cutie so I don't mind looking at her trophy
Oh, that wily ole' Sakurai!
Hey, anything referencing my favorite game of all time is welcome by me :)

Seriously if you haven't played KI:U play it. If you don't "get" the controls play it until you do. If you think the characters are annoying, play it until you love them.

It's so good, and yet when I went on Reddit today everyone was hating it and I wanted to punch a brick wall
kiu just lacked a lockon function
that's all it needed, really
kiu just lacked a lockon function
that's all it needed, really

There's AutoAim in the options that works like a lock on. Plus, all the shots home so if you miss, unless you are literally shooting the opposite direction, it'll hit.
Sakurai just tweeted

『新パルテナ』2周年のお祝いメッセージを送ってくださったかた、ありがとうございます。気が付かなかった……。 その後を振り返ると、『スマブラ3DS/WiiU』の開発は結構急ピッチですね。

It's him saying thank you to someone who brought up the Kid Icarus Uprising 2 year anniversary and that he noticed it, and that Smash WiiU/3DS's development is going well.

Hint at Paluena?
oh guys. New leak, apparently the character select screen.

Not sure... this one is kinda legit looking. Good character selection. Seems believable. BUT for now I won't trust it until we get at least a confirmation on Issac.

Why is Madoka there when they already have Jesus?
UGH! No more clones Nintendo!
Sakurai just tweeted

It's him saying thank you to someone who brought up the Kid Icarus Uprising 2 year anniversary and that he noticed it, and that Smash WiiU/3DS's development is going well.

Hint at Paluena?
You never know, that's quite feasible
Reserving avatar bets until a Direct is announced.
So where is this Phosphorous chick from? Looks pretty cool.

I have this weird feeling Palutena might get an announcement next week since tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of Kid Icarus: Uprising's release.

If not, this trophy of Phosphora was the reason.

Newcomers don't just get randomly announced, sorry.

However we can probably expect one from the April Direct, which definitely could be Palutena. After that, you'll have to wait till E3.
If it's April I'd put more money on a Fire Emblem reveal. Tons of Fire Emblem games were released in Japan in April. Including Awakening. and Blazing Sword, Hector confirmed
she's cutie patootie
nice voice too
Kari Wahlgren is a cool lady
That seems REEEEEALLY early to be releasing it. I would think that the official release date would be announced at least two months before whatever date it is.
Yeah, right. Not enough revealed characters to make it feasible.
that's ~two weeks from now
based on what we have experienced with two weeks
shit is a long ways off
But it's my birthday...

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M-my birthday was march 18th and no one drew for me :(
You should TELL!
Gamestop, you're not feeding me these lies again. I know better by now.
I dunno, I brought in Pokemon HeartGold and it made me $30. Not bad for a game that launched at $40.
Sep 15 is my birthday, but I don't need drawings since Smash will release within a week of then anyway. Sorry DDB, you'll have to reprimand your parents for planting the seed 5 months too early.

So there’s a 50/50 chance that it may come out in April.

You're not really taking that seriously are you? There's no way it'd be due for release in a little over 2 weeks without us knowing already. And there's no way it's releasing before Mario Kart.