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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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Beowulf is naturally a chick magnet, so he needs the butt magnet to cancel out his sexy field, lest he be ravaged by fan girls day in and day out.
Beowulf is naturally a chick magnet, so he needs the butt magnet to cancel out his sexy field, lest he be ravaged by fan girls day in and day out.
Oh I was thinking that the butt magnet's used to attract chicks.

OK that was wrong.
Ok, looking at Beowulf there is one thing that immediately springs to mind when it comes to wrestling moves. He needs a modified Rainmaker called Wulf's Rain.
That Triple Wolf Moonsault MUST be in the final moveset! It's damn awesome!

And it backs up my demand for Crispin Freeman to voice Beowulf. Because didn't he play Regal in Tales of Symphonia? And didn't he have a similar move?
I have always been on team Kyle Herbert since like forever.

I mean the character is described as kamina-ish...so why not just get Kamina?

He showed up for the breast cancer drive after all.
Makeshift Intro.png
No it's not the fact that this intro is adorable and that Beowulf is clearly in touch with his inner child.
It's the fact that his symbol is clearly painted on that flimsy paper. Yes I know that everything is subject to change, but this is colored in concept art that was the first of few shown at a major public event.
I think it's safe to say that this will be his official symbol.
No it's not the fact that this intro is adorable and that Beowulf is clearly in touch with his inner child.
It's the fact that his symbol is clearly painted on that flimsy paper. Yes I know that everything is subject to change, but this is colored in concept art that was the first of few shown at a major public event.
I think it's safe to say that this will be his official symbol.
Lets just hope we get some of the inner child in his voice...

Some one like Me?
it was popularized by japanese wrestlers specifically starting from the great kabuki and then handed down to the great muta during his nwa run and then later tajiri. Sure it does show up with western wrestlers like gangrel, roxxi laveuz, and hornswaggle but those aren't exactly what one would call respectful of the moves heritage...

like Gangrel is a vampire who spits blood. Roxxi is using voodoo magic when she uses the mist..and hornswaggle did it because the wwe don't know how leprechauns work. Which while not japanese they aren't exactly good uses of the move. If anything those are all examples of novelty. Tensai had it briefly but I feel like that was acceptable because he used it following his run as the best gaijin big man wrestler in new japan since big van vader. But anyway, from a standpoint of theme it really has nothing to do with vikings, or wolves it's just a wrestling move really. But just because a move is cool does not mean that Beowulf should have that move. Like just because I love me some kevin steen package piledriver does not mean that it would fit beowulf.

Like typically the coloured mist is supposed to be used by smaller wrestlers to disable tougher opponents by temporarily blinding and disorienting them. Beowulf in his discryptions is more about brawn..and ripping limbs off of giants and stuff.

It just seems like a random move to add. Whereas with like a japanese lariat, there is a major theme of it being used by big strong american dudes to basically tear people inside out. And to boot it was used by a guy named bruiser brody who also wore furs and journeyed around the world trying to fight the strongest guys possible.

It'd be like giving valentine Orchid's fatality where she kills a person with boobs...just because she's a girl with big boobs.

Now Tuscan milk mist that makes sense to me in the best way possible cause it fits Ahad's vision of the character in the concept art despite it being a terrible waste of milk. It's a mist attack that doesn't step on japanese tradition while at the same time fitting the character and coming off as an homage rather than racial appropriation. Like spitting water in people's face or fireballs or beer or sake. Less Muta more Toru Yano.


Like I love the mist but sometimes it doesn't fit. Also here have a gif.
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Mist Stuff

Wow, Sorry if I sound too ignorant but I always thought that Raiden from SNK uses that stuff because he was gross and likes to play dirty, I didn't know that was an actual real move.
Well it is still a pretty dirty move cause you are basically blowing stuff in people's eyes and it definitely fits a heel character like Raiden. However, Raiden as a whole is also an homage to previously mentioned Vader and japanese style wrestling as well. Vader was a tough sob but he also at times played the cowardly bully as well. Much like Raiden.

Along with all the mist stuff Raiden blows fireballs which was actually invented in the west by a certain sheik who happens to be like iron. A technique that has since become rare but universal. Might actually even be a bit more fitting for beowulf if we are going with the viking tribalism thing.

Also a bit of trivia mists have different kayfabe (in character) effects:

These are the mist properties (although they have been mentioned already but here is a brief reminder).

Green- The commonly used mist which is said to obstruct the opponents vision.

Red- Quite often used but is said to Burn the eyes. Used by Gangrel which was known as Blood Mist.

Black- Said to blind the opponent for several weeks. Tajiri used this on Nidia

Blue- Sends the opponent to sleep.

Yellow- Paralyzes the opponent.

Purple- Cause momentarily distraction and memory loss.

And also looking at Raiden a bit.


Here is a picture of Raiden from an older game.


And here is Vader.

Gifs of Vader murdering people.



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Vader is the epitome strongstyle; a giant white dude doing stuff that looks super brutal against smaller, Japanese opponents that over sell the hits. I don't really see that for Beowulf.
I was just bringing it up because he brought up raiden really. Like if anything I've sort of probably written entirely too much about about how beowulf should probably not play speckled with wrestling trivia.

But at least it doesn't cause eye bleed like the "How do you think beowulf should play" ot.
Now that I think about it, isn't every pro wrestler fighting game character just hitting as hard as possible? Has any character done anything to suggest that the fighting style is based on not actually hurting the other guy?
I don't believe that I can name any off hand..Like my main conclusion as a wrestling fan is that zangief and others want to commit murder bia botched piledriver rather than wrassling people.
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Well, they are participating in actual fights. Most pro wrestling moves wouldn't exactly work on a sandbagging or actively resisting opponent. Sometimes, botches happen as a result of trying to power through that.
I mean it's a suspense of disbelief thing. If you know pro wrestling is fake and know behind the scenes stuff, naturally wrestling characters in videogames look a bit more negligent or even deadly. Whereas if we just let it be fake and don't think about it too much it just looks cool.
I took plenty of photos from the EVO panel so I have a question for you. Are you ready for some concept art?!



Okay then.

For the love of god don't quote this entire post if you do reply. Delete everything but the individual images you want to talk about and keep them in spoiler tags or this page will get fucking gigantic really quick.

EDIT: Also, please remember these are CONCEPTS. What you see in here may never go farther than these doodles and is not guaranteed to end up in Beo's actual moveset.


Standing Idle concepting


Crouching concepting



No wrestling character is complete without stomps.






Listen to that Sweet Chin Music.


Sweet Chin concepted from the opposite side. It's important to check out moves like these from multiple angles to see which looks more interesting.


A lot of Beowulf's moves are being designed with two modes in mind - him holding the chair and him without it.






The idea of this is that it could be either a drop kick OR a grab.
It's a little hard to make out here, but you can see the sillhouette of the character Beowulf is throwing in the bottom series.


Wouldn't be Skullgirls without memes.


Sorry for the blur. This image was only up for a short time and my camera couldn't adjust very well to it.
The idea is that Beo is trapping the opponent in The Hurting, then picking them up, spinning them and slamming them down.


This needs to happen.


Presented without comment.






There was a bit of talk about how Beowulf could interact with Hurting. In the above he can do a regular elbow drop, but if Hurting was deployed he could bounce on it for extra height and distance.




One of my favorite things from the panel. Beowulf takes a hit, but in true wrestling style completely overplays how hard he was hit then counters into a grab.




A concept for a chairless block.


Another of my favorite parts. Beowulf possibly being able to recall the chair by tugging on a string the audience can't see.


Because yes.


Emlan continues to have some of the most entertaining ideas for these things.






Alex spoke again about chair interaction, like how here a standard low kick could be raised to hit higher if done with the chair.


Without chair it's a dive kick. With chair it adds a flaming projectile that sets the chair.


More moves showcasing With and Without Chair properties.


A dash grab that does a suplex and causes ground bounce.


Everyone's favorite intro.


Possible win pose.






Hard to see this one, but Beo uses his wolf hood to grab the opponent at a distance then pulls them in and flips them over behind him.


Ideas for Hurting usage where if an attack would launch the opponent or send them sliding and they hit the chair it keeps them in hitstun, allowing a followup.


Standard throw. Pick em up and fuck em across the room.




Hard to see the middle here. Beowulf stomps the ground which causes a knockdown on the opponent and flips the chair back to him.


Early color palette map.
Beo's maps are really detailed and will allow a ton of variations. It's hard to see here but his face is palettized heavily to allow Ultimate Warrior style face paint, complete with Argyle pattern on his forehead. Beo's has a tight shirt on so it can be done to look like he's barechested. He also has the argyle pattern palettized on his chest. Even his arm hair is attached to his palette so they can be toggled on and off for costumes.
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I'm all for him being the taller of 'normal sized' characters. That's what I wished(a friend of mine insisted Beo would be a very short wrestler, like Rey Misterio, around 1,60m)
If they stuck with and implemented what they said at Anime Expo about Beowulf being 6'2ish, that should make him the tallest in the game outside of Big Band and maybe Double.
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