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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

I'm Detective Q, a Roidmude hitman. For you... I am the grim reaper.


Got some Drive-Stuff today! The Break Gunner is obviously not as big as the one in the show, but I can hold it with my hand so that's a plus, it's definitely big for a toy intended for children. The Viral Core's are very nicely sculpted, not much color on them, but they are show accurate and as I said the sculpt looks really nice with the details over the cars. Spider has webs, Cobra reptilian like skin and Bat has leather-like molding, very cool looking. The silver parts look nice too. Couldn’t try it out yet, but I will give a heads-up once I get some batteries in this thing.

Also got the gimmick-line Type Wild figure, I'm very impressed with him, the articulation is almost on FiguArts-level, obviously the sculpt and painting is lackluster, but for a kids-toy it does everything it needs to. I will pick up Chaser as well just to have these two to play around with, obviously I will still get the FiguArts next year for my cabinet.

Gaim X Drive Movie Images

Type Fruits as a Wandering Samurai looks pretty good.

They look nice, but I don't dig Rider-Arms that much. Will still be fun to see these in the movie though.
Oh right, we haven't talked about this yet. I'm not sure I like this yet, need to see it in action.

And I hope you watched that Drive episode yet, Go Go Let's Go!
I have just looked into it, I think my anti malware software has a problem with the uploader of the content and so I have excluded and now it is drive time.
and now I have watched the episode, Oh god it has only been 5 days later since I would watch the episode normally but god that was well worth the wait.

It's drive by time.

  • I don't remember if it was always like that but Shinnosuke's suit is looking super snazzy today.
  • Kiriko is annoyed at something, someone has probably forgot something.
  • The chief is still one of the best characters.
  • I like burning solar and in that regard I like that they are using the shift cars for their purposes and that they are ebing used to aid in cases.
  • Type Wild hype also they added him to the intro. I have a feeling that when Shinnosuke gains his next weapon, the handle gun, he will also be picking up type technic.
  • I liked how they handle the mystery of this one with their being a suspicious guy who would probably the roidmude and then they put another character to throw us off while still keeping suspicion on the first but then it turns out the the second guy was actually evil but still not actually the roidmude. Such mind games.
  • Chaser is still awesome although heart and brain were just there to exposit this episode.
  • We get to all of Chaser's form attachments and damn that cliff hanger.
  • My reaction to the cliff hanger as told by Nitoh.
you guys are talking about cliffhangers and photographers and yet no one even made the proper joke.



I'm a little disappointed in you guys. /n\
That sounds really helpful, but is it okay to be watching the videos through there?

Also I realised I failed to make a Kusaka joke as well which shames me.

Although in my hunt for a Kusaka image I found something even better.

you could always just post his rape face.

anyways, will watch the episode after I get off work today.
Isn't nearly every image of kusaka a creepy face or him being moody about that something given that Kusaka is one of the biggest shitlords in all of kamen rider ?

In which I can yes the majority of them are.
Kusaka probably embodies rape-face , if not, invented it. Even his actor knows how much of a dick Kusaka is. Just look at Rider Taisen, he's loving how much of a shitlord Kusaka is and how he can still pull it off.
That is quite impressive that is.

Even though Kusaka was such a massive dick, he did create conflict in the story. Although most of this wouldn't be an issue if people communicated with each other in that series.
Also me making a guess here.

Kiriko is taking the hit because she some sort of robot thingy, at least that is my idea or more probably another shift car will show up to help.
Kiriko is taking the hit because she some sort of robot thingy, at least that is my idea or more probably another shift car will show up to help.

Taking in consideration that Chase is doubting himself in the next episode, I think it just looks like the arrow will hit but it actually misses Kiriko. Belt-San uses the commotion to call the Trideron and they escape, something like that.

If the arrow would hit but is blocked by something or Kiriko takes the hit but nothing happens, Chase has no reason to argue with himself.

Kiriko being a robot is a cool idea though. But... Koyomi. Don't want that to happen again.
I can see your reasoning for not wanting Kiriko to be another Koyomi but she has already ben doing better by being far more proactive to the plot than koyomi was at that point.

I guess for me I am trying to guess who is going to be the Phillip/Ankh/Koyomi/Mai of Drive.
That's definetly Kiriko. And I would flip my table in excitement if she becomes Mach. That won't happen, but man would it be awesome. Kiriko for Kamen Rider Mach, do it Japan!

And yeah she isn’t Koyomi (thank god) but I meant they could reuse a lot of tropes (I'm not even alive etc.) from Koyomi and I don’t want to see that again.
I would say that as well Kiriko fits the archetype of super important partner to the main character that will become immensely important to the plot, there is one of those in fourze but you haven't gotten through fourze yet so I can't say who that is.

Also umm Kiriko being Mach would be cool but there is the issue of female riders do not really last long in the series they are in.

Faiz spoilers.

Goddamn you person who wrote Faiz, why did you get rid of my one my favouirte characters, why?
so, if Kiriko is the Phillip/ankh/asthmatic from fourze, we can count on her dying for a little while.

also, I hope you guys noticed that the W for type wild is the W for Kamen Rider W.
I know they only make crossover-movies with the two most recent shows, but god damn that Drive/W crossover needs to happen somehow.
I know they only make crossover-movies with the two most recent shows, but god damn that Drive/W crossover needs to happen somehow.

The buddy cop show featuring Drive and Accel.
Shinnosuke : Who are you and what on earth in you doing in my car?
Ryuu : Don't ask me questions.

Drive/RX needs to happen first. We need the car teamup pushed for Rider Slam!

I did post a while back that Kotaro's actor would be making a comeback sometime in the near future, so potential for rider team which will features Black RX's car.
Looks like the adventures in Zawame City aren’t over just yet!

A new listing for a special Kamen Rider Gaim DVD release has been posted online. This direct-to-video project is said to feature Kamen Rider Baron and Kamen Rider Zangetsu but actual story details are not yet confirmed at the time of writing.

The Gaim SideStories, along with a special new LockSeed (also unseen at this time) will be released April 22 2015!
Moar gaim related thing hype yeah, probably to hype for how my reaction is but have sort of appproiate reaction image

Also I am started making my own ideas for my own rider concept, Kamen rider Sci who has the power of science. Will delve into this more when I have the majority of the ideas finalised.
I have my own Kamen Rider concept as well.

Kamen Rider Grade: the Rider who will go beyond infinity.

more to come later when I can type it up at home.
Sounds cool

I thought I would drop some of my initial ideas so you guys can see what you think.

Sci is more of a normal guy in power armour things and mainly uses his weapons to aid him such as attachments on his arms and legs and other weapons on other places

Kamen ride Sci has the power of things related to science, with hist outfit he can produce energy to create certian elements and allow him to attach it to one of the weapons on his body, eg could attach electric element onto his fists or shoot heat from shoulder cannon.

I bring up those two as one of the gimmicks of Sci is that he can combine the elements to create a fusion weapon to make a different weapon for example combine water and heat to create steam and insert that into one of his weapons slots.
his power isn't bad, might want to add a little bit of variety or writing spice to them, but not bad. might want to rethink the name though. Sci just seems like it'd be easily confused for Psy, Sai, Xai, etc etc. like, why not a name like Arsenal, or even make up a word for it? Sci just seems a bit plain. good start though.
I was mainly going for a science theme initially but as of currently I have been going down the root of combining abilities to make different abilities. The sci thing was just wanting to make it sound less generic from calling him kamen rider science.

I will keep with sort of the science theme with combining elements together to create different elements. If I am interpreting this correctly I think you are advising to add a bit more flair to the names of his abilities that give him his powers which is fairly doable.

So how does this Kamen rider Grade work?
Okay, Kamen Rider Grade. I've actually had this guys story thought about for a while and have been mulling over on whether or not to share my idea with you guys.

Grade's powers come from something everyone has: potential. he has the power to turn potential into energy and physical matter. the name, Grade, actually comes from the ability to make weapons as up-grades. (which would be called "ups" because Kamen Rider is known for making names for weapons that make no sense)

Grade basically is fighting against an alien armada seeking to destroy earth before it becomes too advanced. their main goal is to also find "the infinity prince", someone who the creator of the belt who dies early on, passes this task onto the main cast of characters. also his design would almost crystal like and instead of having the angry looking compound eyes he has really calm green compound eyes.

there's also Kamen Rider Herc, weilder of the Hercules system, which increases the physical capabilities of the wearer. I'll get into his story another time.

and Maverick, whose design would be based on Zolda, but also be a giant love letter to G3. because I love that rider. basically a cop who is involved in the first incident involving the grade system since he was tasked as part of the security team, survived, and would eventually be the "I can't sit around while people get hurt!" character of the team. also he has an ax where instead of cutting his opponent it uses immense gravity to literally obliterate anything it hits.
I really like your ideas, you definitely show you have put some thought into these ideas although my ideas have only been around for a day so I have put much thought into this as you probably have.

I really like the idea of potential being his power and see him being quite powerful due to how powerful he could get is quite high.

Unfortunately one of the difficulties I have is criticising the works of people I am familiar with so I would not be able to given any constructive criticism on your ideas.