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Beowulf - Aikuro
Cerebella - Gamagoori (because HUGE HANDS)
Peacock - Mako (because cartoon physics)
Was more preoccupied with making my "all the Nui fans are up in arms" quip that I forgot I actually was going to make a few legitimate observations about some of these... -_-"
Glowing crotch Beowulf for optimal online trolling and potential EVO moment.
I think Gamabella/Ceregoori would look AMAZING on its own right - dark skin, blond hair, shining silver VV (or gold if you want Mk.II uniform) and white dress with black diamond patterns.
Should it be the Fight Club costume? Not only to make coloring the robot arms less weird but also because Mako also has all those hidden weapons.
Please have a OTP of cookies for your fine work so far.

EDIT: I wish I could think of someone who could fittingly rock a Dosh King palette...
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The music everything in this show is fantastic
Wait, seriously?
That's an odd number.

No it's an even number :PUN:
don't you hate it when people make puns conflicting with your eloquent vocabulary?

I strongly suggest anyone with good coding abilities to make a fan-made fighting game! they've presented enough action so far!

Ryuko: Multi-stance like Squiggly
Satsuki: Fast close-combat character like Valentine
Gamagoori: grapple-tech,like cerebella plus a regalia(3-star uniform) stance.
Nonon: Ranged/distancing character also a regalia stance
Sanageyama(North-Kanto Monkey):Ever played Blazblue, all of them combined!
Nui: mobile character like Dhalsim.
Ragyo: Double, but not gross.
Berzerk Ryuko: Evil Ryu to Ryuko's Ryu, hey, similar name, coincidence?
Mako: Lots of air capability! fight club projectiles!

Fuck Iori and Nudist Beach!
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Pretty much.

Also, fairly certain KlK is gonna go down as one of those simply magical animes to me.
The kind you just can't forget, even if the ending ends up being shit.
The kind I wanna rewatch at least once.
The only anime I ever rewatched was Panty & Stocking, and FMA: Brotherhood
I seen a Honnouji Academy One Star Goku shirt on Sanshee and im seriously considering buying that shit.

Only two more days for new episode and my body is fucking ready

MGS: Ground Zeroes on Tuesday. Kill la Kill on Wednesday
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OBVIOUS spoiler; the school is shaped like a girl hugging the the courtyard,so the OG life fiber is just gonna plop on there like a ghetto woman's wig
So this thread has spoiler edition in the title. Does that mean I have to spoiler? Or that I dont have to?
Well then It's either current episode or the one before it, I just got caught up
Nui getting both arms hacked off permanently filled me with a great laughter like never before. Bitch deserves it.
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Alright so apparently i spoilered for nothing. cool.

Wonder if she loses legs next or just straight up dies
This has probably been done already, but I'm sad I didn't see it myself, so...

View attachment 2010
Yeap, here you go.
All these sexed-up hot moms, Kakyoin curses the day he got stuck in a series of fabulous dudes posing as they beat each other up.
Maybe next time, Kakyoin. Meanwhile, have fun getting cockblocked by Jotaro and killed by DIO.

Also, plot.

Holy crap, the secret of Ishiin Matoi! 0_0
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Best episode (again)
I for one, accept our Giant Nui Overlord.
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Not with subs, but yeah.
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I think Aniplex deliberately delays the english subs
Anyone else thinking of getting the English DVDs/Blu-rays when they come out?
I almost never do that, and the only other time I thought of doing it was when Panty and Stocking came out.
And that's because the Dub was apparently raelly really good
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I love this episode, all the action was spot on amazing.

I was panicking a bit when Ryuko was almost chopped in half because we are so near the end and not many characters have passed away so far that whenever it looks like they might, I start panicking.
Also I really like that the characters that have been previously fought are going to be back for the final battle.

So Nui is now the Grand Galactic Inquisitor?

good bye Rei, you might not have gotten a lot of screen time but you were definately one of my favorite villains
Welp, when no offspring are in arms reach Ragyo resorts to groping herself, it seems.
Just when she couldn't get any creepier.
You know in any other context self groping would probably be the least creepy thing a villain could do.
Just when you thought things would stop happening, there's even more things happening!


Also I like how life fibers increase all of Mako's stats except for INT.
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So does this confirm that Kill la Kill is a 24 episode series?

The Wikia has been adding stuff at a nice rate.

Anyone else thinking of getting the English DVDs/Blu-rays when they come out?
I almost never do that, and the only other time I thought of doing it was when Panty and Stocking came out.
And that's because the Dub was apparently raelly really good
I hope they have an affordable blu-ray set.