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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

The barrel loop link is hardly the only beneficiary of the 2LK buff. For instance, it (and 5LP) allows you to have OTG-less conversions from throws midscreen on light characters, so you could combo into sliding knockdown xx oki.

I doubt most of the Double changes are going anywhere in any case besides maybe lvl3 sliding knockdown, but no one's done anything with it yet that I know of. The only thing I'd like would be a slight slowdown on lvl3 as it still seems too fast to me.
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Speaking of Double changes- minor thing- the input for Double's lvl 5 has changed since the tutorials were made on account of the gator puddle of doom. Don't know if that's been pointed out or not.
Speaking of Double changes- minor thing- the input for Double's lvl 5 has changed since the tutorials were made on account of the gator puddle of doom. Don't know if that's been pointed out or not.

Yep. We're gonna fix it. And add a lesson for her monster super. Just gotta get to it.
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i'm the opposite. i hate the new speed, i think it looks really dumb. i honestly prefer current retail speed. but i've said this multiple times and no response so i guess it's staying?
One person dislikes =/= changes

It may look silly but it took forever to complete previously
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One person dislikes =/= changes

It may look silly but it took forever to complete previously
i mean i'm not the only one who dislikes it, just the only one willing to say something about it on here. but yeah it's clear that everyone that doesn't play double and some that do love the fact that it's faster. i felt that retail speed was perfect but yeah being part of the minority opinion never really gets anywhere with it lol
anybody notice the damage reductions(like considerably). Probably because i mosty reset but i don't notice anything for the most part.
I need two resets to kill now instead of just one. Probably for the best.
i'm the opposite. i hate the new speed, i think it looks really dumb. i honestly prefer current retail speed. but i've said this multiple times and no response so i guess it's staying?
The new fast NL gave me motion sickness when I first saw it.
i mean i'm not the only one who dislikes it, just the only one willing to say something about it on here. but yeah it's clear that everyone that doesn't play double and some that do love the fact that it's faster. i felt that retail speed was perfect but yeah being part of the minority opinion never really gets anywhere with it lol

I like that it's shorter, but I don't much like that

  1. The screen is rapidly shifting all over the place at a much faster pace
  2. You hardly get to see most of the characters hitting you (an aesthetic complaint more than anything else)

Also if we're complaining about aesthetics, Monster looks kind of weird now that the puddle spawns in front of Double. In the superflash Double still creates the puddle under her, but then it suddenly goes away and is a few feet in front of her?
I prefer the sde speed for doubles level 3.

But i dont really use her anymore which is why ive been silent on the issue. I simply havent taken her into training mode.

But now that i did, the cr.lk buff is a nice thing as well. Im all for any realistic buffs double can get to her point game.
Today's Patch Notes BGM™ is an official remix of Bob Ross that never fails to bring a smile to my face:

Believe that you can do it, 'cause you can do it.

- Final character select screen arrangement. Fukua's no longer invisible, y'see, for the symmetry. Sorry all you DLC character mains, but now you know how console MvC2 players felt. ;^)
- Adjust every character's predetermined assist choices to hopefully more accurately reflect what people really use.
- Sprite file format changed, because it saves a frankly ridiculous amount of memory on consoles.
I MIGHT HAVE MESSED UP SOMEWHERE! If something doesn't seem to work right after this update, please let me know - as specifically as you can.

- Clean Grendel Killa! Colored confetti! He's all cleaned up! Now it's time to fix the errors we know about. We do not need to be told errors yet.
- Palette 22! Original.
- Wulfamania active time 2f->5f, now properly vulnerable after the active period. Thanks (and sorry) Bang Camaro. :^)
- Fix (another!) bug where Throne of Isis and Dive of Horus could be made to not appear as assists even though Eliza does the animation. BIG thanks SonicFox!
- Added real timeout lose pose.
- Adjust every character's predetermined assist choices to hopefully more accurately reflect what people really use.
I know this is so minor, but I've been wanting this forever. This is especially good for new players who have no idea what they should be using as an assist, at least now they get a few good options presented to them.
I know this is so minor, but I've been wanting this forever. This is especially good for new players who have no idea what they should be using as an assist, at least now they get a few good options presented to them.

Yep, totally agree.

The only pre-set assist that I don't really agree with being there is Beowulf cr.HP... seems like most people would rather have s.HP instead but maybe that's just me.
I'd wager those are placeholder considering he's not out yet. It would also be silly considering there's not enough people choosing any assists to really pick out a popular one.
I reckon the c.HP assist is for a point Beowulf that wants to throw away his chair and tag out ASAP.
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Yep, totally agree.

The only pre-set assist that I don't really agree with being there is Beowulf cr.HP... seems like most people would rather have s.HP instead but maybe that's just me.
I use beowulf c.hp, it's pretty damn great.
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- Final character select screen arrangement. Fukua's no longer invisible, y'see, for the symmetry. Sorry all you DLC character mains, but now you know how console MvC2 players felt. ;^)"

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For those of us who are at work and cannot load up the game, would someone mind posting what the new default assists are? I am just curious.
Fortune - H Fiber, sHK
Filia - H Updo, H Hairball
Valentine - H Bypass, Throw
Fukua - H Drill, M Clone
Squigly - 6HP, Drag 'n Bite
Big Band - L Beat Extend, H Brass Knuckles
Peacock - M SoID, Boxcar George
Parasoul - Napalm Pillar, L Napalm Shot
Eliza - Dive of Horus, Butcher's Blade
Painwheel - H Pinion Dash, cMP
Cerebella - Cerecopter, H LnL
Double - M Hornet Bomber, Cilia Slide

Beowulf - H Hurting Hurl, cHP
Robo Fortune - sHP, cMK

Also 2HP is the more popular one for Squigly. I'm not even sure who uses 6HP assist.
Don't know any Double that uses Clide, though I was probably the only one to use L Luger.
I have some minor notes like Eliza H.Spiral, Val cMK, Peacock H.George probably being better than one of the given choices
But largely it is whatever and fine, I can see plenty reasons for the chosen assists to be there

Except for Squigly 6HP .. 2HP or even Center Stage look like much more sensible options; 6HP is just neither good nor interesting nor used?!
You need Squigly f.HP to play team unblockable, and if you arent playing team unblockable then what are you doing with your life

but yeah c.HP would probably be better
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Oh gosh the new character placement is so weird to get used to.

Why? Looks very accurate to me.

1 line - Squigly, BB, Eliza ( Singers, Music. etc.)

2 line - 4 Original Cast

5 line - chars that does not have specific place o shares similitud with others

I like the placement.

I like the new preset assists choices, it was overdue IMO.
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This placement looks good, what with vanilla 8 being arranged around the "random" square and DLC/"bonus" characters being above and under those.

Ever since the option to save teams was implemented a few months back, I pretty much forgot what was the character placement anyway, so I don't mind whatever changes this introduces.
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Everything is good, Bella is still the "right" choice.
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Wait who is that green haired girl in the left corner never seen her before ;)
This placement looks good, what with vanilla 8 being arranged around the "random" square and DLC/"bonus" characters being above and under those.

Ever since the option to save teams was implemented a few months back, I pretty much forgot what was the character placement anyway, so I don't mind whatever changes this introduces.
Even if you go by those rules (OG Cast in the middle, DLC chars around), it seems a bit of.. random? to me.

I was expecting something more akin to this:


1. Fukua+Robo next to Filia+Fortune, respectively
2. Pea+Band next to each other cus Lab
3. Liza+Double(+Val) near each other cus Evil
4. Parasoul opposing Double(+Liza) as "The Good" vs "The Bad"
5. PW+Val next to each other cus Lab
6. Filia+PW next to each other cus School
7. Filia in the topleft of the main 8, as she is the main character
etc stuff
Beo is kind of random to place, Squigly should maybe be next to Band? things
.. You get the idea, this isn't finalized or perfect or anything;
But I would group them together based on their allegiances (and most notably, keep Filia/Fortune next to Fukua/Robo to reinforce the clone-character business)

The way it is, I don't really understand why any character is anywhere (other than OG 8 in the center and DLC on the 6 spots around that)..
perhaps I am just blind to the deeper parts of the lore, or there is some magic going on (such as Val diagonally across from PW because X) that isn't immediately obvious?

In the end it obviously doesn't matter where which character is, and I barely care, but I am still pretty confused as to why the given order was chosen~
Um... if anything, having Filia/Fukua and Ms. Fortune/Robo Kitty close to each other is a really bad thing, on account of accidental presses. The new setup is weird, but I like it.
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Why? Looks very accurate to me.

1 line - Squigly, BB, Eliza ( Singers, Music. etc.)

2 line - 4 Original Cast

5 line - chars that does not have specific place o shares similitud with others


It also has both male characters placed symmetrically, and the DLC characters in chronological release order. Except for Fukua, who came out with Big Band, I think. But having Fukua at the bottom lets us have the music-themed characters together at the top. ;)

We also didn't want to mess with the order of the original cast.
Does it really matter either way? It's not like the Ghost of Character Select Feng Shui is going to haunt Lab Zero if char select doesn't adhere PERFECTLY to the lore. The only thing that really made character select look eh (Fukua making it asymmetrical with her absence) was fixed, so I'm pretty happy

Super happy to see Beowulf fully colored, BTW. Can't wait for March!
It also has both male characters placed symmetrically, and the DLC characters in chronological release order. Except for Fukua, who came out with Big Band, I think. But having Fukua at the bottom lets us have the music-themed characters together at the top. ;)

We also didn't want to mess with the order of the original cast.
Was there any logic/plan/vision behind the placement of the vanilla 8 cast btw?
As opposed to DLC characters it's not the order in which they were created, that much is clear.