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Souls Series and Bloodborne

From being like 2/3 through the game, I'm going to say both, especially because they brought back most of the weapons from all three prior games.
Info on the Sun Bros, I need it.
All I know about the Brotherhood is that they do have a covenant item, and (I'd assume) it functions the same way it did before. I don't think that there are any NPCs for any Covenant so far (I don't really count castle chick), but to be honest, Solaire is probably in the game somewhere, considering the whole way the game is structured, but I haven't seen him yet, probably in the last 66% that isn't allowed to be shown.
Really hope there's a ref to that hidden ass bit of dialogue that if
Solaire lives to the end of the game, and you choose to NOT Rekindle the flame, he rekindles it
Info on the Sun Bros, I need it.
You find a sunlight medallion in what is technically the third area of the game, when you equip it, you're a sun bro.

The full Solaire set is available in the game, though I don't know if there is any context to it.
As to your spoiler, the game is about hunting down those who have rekindled, so take what you will from that.
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Yes, it's back. And there's this, which is just a spoiler if you don't want to know about weapons.
DaS1 Knight's Honor update:

currently at NG+ Gwyn. He seems way more difficult than the first playthrough. And my parrying sucks so that doesn't help much either.
I just beat the DLC for DaS1. The game hasn't made it clear if I'm just supposed to warp out of the past or find a cutscene or something. Also, can someone confirm if the 4th knight shows up anywhere? I met Gough, got his bow (Gough is great, love him), and got the twin dagger things from the lady knight whose name passes me right now, and obviously Artorias is gone (at least we saved Sif...oh wait...).

Currently I'm running a hybrid build. In an effort to give myself some range and not hit the soft cap too early I put a bunch of points into intelligence, so I use a mix of melee with my Dark Knight sword I got off the first Dark Knight (the luck was with me that day), and the Lion Greatshield, or pull out my pyromancy flame+5. I dont know if this is well optimized, but thanks to the Dark Knight Sword I was able to turn some of the game's tougher bosses into 3 hit dead wimps. I dont have my exact stats on hand, but they're honestly a bit of a mess lol. I'm running Guardian Helm, upgraded Paladin armor, Guardian gloves and leggings as well. I'm just shy of 50% load capacity thanks to Havel's Ring and Ring of protection (whihc also boosts my health, yay). I want to try out the twin daggers I got from the knight lady though, they were fun to mess around with even though they did dirt for damage compared to a single swing of my DK sword lol.

The toughest boss for me so far has been kinda up in the air. Bloodborne's bosses all felt harder but I was new to the series then, and thanks to my broken sword here, I made mutton chops out of a lot of the bosses in the game. Though the DLC bosses did give me a lot of trouble. Malakeet was extremely infuriating, not because of the fight, I actually enjoyed the close dual tbh, but all I got was a stupid ring that doubled the damage I took. Yeah thanks game. Manus however can go die in a fire. Freaking bayonetta arm combos and weird hitboxes. Ugh, so annoying.

I'm on the last lord soul I think but I have no idea where to go cause I took a break form the game for awhile. I've gotten Seath (a really easy boss fight for my playstyle and setup), the Necromancer guy, and the giant tree boss. I've heard the tree is one of the harder bosses and I remember getting infuriated at some of cheat tactics it employed, as well as screwing up and let the onion knight AND Solaire die (even though I'd tried to take precautions to stop that). So yeah, Underworld stage can go to hell or somewhere deeper. I'm just stuck on what I do now.

Tldr; I suck at Darksouls and get easily lost lol
Oh, that guy? Huh...Well no wonder I didn't remember that, he left a pretty small impression on me tbh.

Also, its so weird how so many of these bosses have apparently lived for centuries according to the DLC, but I don't know if much of a reason is given? Are these two guys both undead? Is Gwyn undead? I'm just so confused to how some of these guys are still alive by the time the game rolls around lol.
The flow of time is distorted in Lordran. Also wow how could you guys be so mean to Ornstein and Smough they are both cool characters that contrast each other in cool ways. You might know ornstein as the guy who put a bunch of dragon heads on the wall of his room in anor londo man who are you how many dragons did you kill probably not more than one yeah thats right.

I think the way its kinda implied to work in souls games is that if you have a bunch of souls you basically get to make the rules. Wanna get really good at rolling around? sure. Want to turn a shitty normal weapon into a cool weapon someone else had? got it. Wanna invest a bunch of human souls into making a pompous asshole castle? Who's gonna stop you?

I'm fairly certain most of the people bosses you fight are just regular dudes that were cool enough to get a bunch of souls and get huge and not have to worry about human problems like dying of old age cause they're big dick g's.
So that's who room it was...I distinctly remember that room. I'm not saying they weren't cool, they were. They just didnt leave much of an impression cause I had more trouble with the optional fight against the guy who killed the Firelink Shrine girl.
And Smough is so muscular he is wearing the heaviest armor while wielding the biggest weapon in the game. But in all seriousness, I just think Executioner is a badass title.

Realize that he's standing next to a lion-man with a spear that shoots lightning and then ask that question again.

Come on you could do better than that. There's also the fact that Ornnsteen is also:
-Commander of one of the strongest NPCs in the game
-Takes down fire-breathing dragons while weak to fire (and no shield)
-Named after one of the oldest music composers to live
-Has a kickass ring
Having beaten Dark Souls 3 (only one ending so far, halfway to a different one with a different build) I honestly think it's my favorite in the Dark Souls series. Seriously, the prince Lothric fight is some of the most fun I've had in these games (specifically DaS 1-3).
Multiple endings, huh? Anything that affects them or is it a choice and a secret thing like Bloodblood?
Oh, that guy? Huh...Well no wonder I didn't remember that, he left a pretty small impression on me tbh.

Also, its so weird how so many of these bosses have apparently lived for centuries according to the DLC, but I don't know if much of a reason is given? Are these two guys both undead? Is Gwyn undead? I'm just so confused to how some of these guys are still alive by the time the game rolls around lol.
Gwyn and all the other anor lando fun-club are either Gods, which are technically a different species with its own rules, or are fake like gweneviere (or however the fuck its spelled). Think of the gods as super-duper mega cool people (something like a god) that can live forever cuz the game doesn't say otherwise.

Also important ds3 question,
Anything that affects them or is it a choice and a secret thing like Bloodblood?
There is the regular ending you get by doing what you're supposed to do, there is a bad end that requires you to find a secret item in a hidden area, there is a second bad end (requires the item as well) that's a DeS callback, and a fourth that requires you to complete two specific NPC quests to get.

Also, NPC quests don't necessarily get lost if you complete an area having missed them, I found an NPC three areas back once, when I was wandering around looking for upgrade materials. I wouldn't recommend waiting on them though.
There is the regular ending you get by doing what you're supposed to do, there is a bad end that requires you to find a secret item in a hidden area, there is a second bad end (requires the item as well) that's a DeS callback, and a fourth that requires you to complete two specific NPC quests to get.

Also, NPC quests don't necessarily get lost if you complete an area having missed them, I found an NPC three areas back once, when I was wandering around looking for upgrade materials. I wouldn't recommend waiting on them though.
Wait, bad ending? Really? Holy shit
Are we talking a premature game ending bad ending, an ending that sucks, or an ending that's depressing?
Are we talking a premature game ending bad ending, an ending that sucks, or an ending that's depressing?
We're talking about an ending where an NPC flat out says "I don't want you to do this, please kill me". And then the second variant of that ending requires you to straight up be a dick on top of choosing to do something horrible. (Think DeS bad end)
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Ok so they don't end the game prematurely, there's that at least.
Neat though, and I assume all four endings have their own trophies?
I think I'm actually going to go for 100% achievements for this one.
I was actually really close to doing it for Bloodborne, but then I read the words 'Chalice Dungeon' and promptly said 'fuck that'



This game doesn't have Chalice Dungeons, right?
Isn't Honouring Wishes the one where you just give up and don't even get the fucking Burial Blade for your trouble
Nah, that's Yahrnam Sunrise, Honourable Wishes is the one where you kick in Gehrman's shit, but because you practiced proper hygiene and didn't eat some chick's rotting umbilical cord, the Moon Presence says 'Nah, bro,' and then you are the Gehrman. Plus you get to avoid one of the most dissapointing final bosses ever, so that's pretty good.
Oh no I did that. That was the ending I got the first time.
I was gonna do True Ending first but I thought it'dbe a good idea to say
Nah I'll do that on New Game Plus like every other player!
I assume all four endings have their own trophies?
The two bad ends, since they have the same set up, count as one, but the other two endings also have trophies.
I got all of them except for Blood Gem Master, Yahrnam Pthumerian Queen, and Honouring Wishes, and fuck getting exactly 66.6% of those.
I platinumed BB close to release, just put an audio book on and step to, it's not that bad. Lovecraft is of course the recommendation for this.
Ok so three trophies, fair enough. That's the same as Bloodborne.
hope you get a premium theme like you do w/ Bloodborne Platinum
I platinumed BB close to release, just put an audio book on and step to, it's not that bad. Lovecraft is of course the recommendation for this.

I respect that you got it, but I really don't have the patience to go through the same 8 rooms for 5 hours, distraction or no. I resigned myself to the fact basically the instant I realized Chalice Dungeons suck eggs.