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Eliza SPOILERS - Eliza Story Mode Discussion

So, what's the deal with The Staff of Ra?
Anything special there or is it just a microphone with a blade on it?
They didn't say anything about it in the story mode so i guess it was reduced to just a weapon.
That sucks too, I theorized that it was a Magic Weapon that allowed Eliza and Sekhmet to separate.
Well to be fair, not all people who work for/with the bad guys are bad by default. But I will agree that it shouldn't have come as a surprise, at least in regards to Albus. Horace seemed pretty calm and reserved, Albus was the one that wanted to eat someone for just looking at Eliza wrong.

And I don't know but I want one, I love scythe like weapons.
she needs some dessert.
What about some blood puddi- *shot*.....

Garnished with a sugar glazed blood orchid leaf?! *full auto*....

-or maybe some blood-red velvet cake? I'm invincible! *howitzer'd*

Clearly if Lab Zero gets the opportunity to make comics for the lore of this game half of them should be devoted to Albus' and Horace's shenanigans.
I could see them peppered throughout the story. If there was an adaptation of the game events, I could see them having cameos here and there till we be a big and fancy introduction to Eliza at some event. Then, whether canon or non-canon, I can see the duo in amusing back-up comics before the letters segments.

Speaking of Albus and Horace, I really liked their personalities and presentation, but they left me surprised at parts. I find it cool how they know all of Eliza's secrets and how powerful she is, yet they'll step in to defend her honor. Speaking of honor, I was partly expecting them to have some standards of thugish goonery, but they did have strong loyalty to her, even when things got hairy they didn't want to cut and run.

The other day, in this thread there was discussion on how Eliza is fond of ferals and it may be due to her disgust of humans. That got me thinking that either Albus and Horace are from a family of her past servants (though people may notice if some strangely entrancing woman has gone on through history as a performer and always is followed by a bird and jackal feral) or she at some point in her life took them in when they were down trodden. I like to think that Horace has always had a bit of class to him, but never had a chance to show it off, but when Eliza took him under her wing (haw!) she provided him with clothes, education and other things, thus why he's so refined. Albus is the new guy so he's still got time, but I get that he's trying (he does drop "love" in some of his dialog to the ladies, maybe he's trying to refine himself slowly?)

Also I found this line about Squigly in the ending interesting "I'll find her a guest room. It'll be cramped, but...those chambers have a certain old-world charm." I expected him to crack a corpse joke, especially with him being the "Joisy/Bronx talkin' thug" type, but he shows enough to be a unique take on that. I dunno, maybe I'm reading into that, but it seemed rather polite without sounding overtly sympathetic, but not harsh. Also, Albus liking the interiors of churches because of the homey and cozy feeling is another interesting point. I love L0 for taking what could have been reduced to dumb muscle and making him rather interesting. Again, like the Squigly line, I expected him to do something typical, but he went in the other direction. I thought he'd say the place was boring and stuffy, and would rather be in a bar. It also gave us a funny moment with Horace saying "I don't get you two sometimes".

I found the line by Horace interesting as well. He's full of loyalty and chivalry in Eliza's presence, but it's interesting that he feels so at easy he can say something like that to her. Overall, the three of them have an understanding, they're her hired muscle, but also trusted with her secret, the security of her public image, and able to participate in her shows as musicians.

This isn't a Bebop and Rocksteady situation from the old TMNT toon. Sure they did the heavy lifting and good stuff, but Shredder wouldn't let them speak a peep about any of his preferences or likes. He's always berating them and chastising them. On the flipside, Eliza's precious stage performances include her hired help. This shows that one, they're capable in performing, two, she trusts them enough in doing one of the few things that bring her joy in this "troubled" modern world where she, until later, could not revel in public wide-spread bloodshed.

Anyways, that's just me overthinking again, hah!
Also thanks for posting those sketches Balder, might want to doodle them at some point.
No prob. As I said I'm in my dusty old archive topic, the Eliza art assets are being gradually added to the Wikia. Anyone interested (that doesn't have the whole thing already), would benefit in keeping tabs on it.
(I hope the model sheets with all the notes are in the gallery, those usually make a interesting/educational read.)

I don't know, Horace seems pretty chill. Like, he's doing it for the paycheck or something.
I'd argue that the calm and collected are the ones who should be feared the most.
But Horace fights because his honor as a Sunbro moves him so. FOR JOLLY COOPERATION! \[T]/

Also I found this line about Squigly in the ending interesting "I'll find her a guest room. It'll be cramped, but...those chambers have a certain old-world charm." I expected him to crack a corpse joke, especially with him being the "Joisy/Bronx talkin' thug" type, but he shows enough to be a unique take on that. I dunno, maybe I'm reading into that, but it seemed rather polite without sounding overtly sympathetic, but not harsh.
I personally thought it was very subtle sarcasm.
Leviathan is just a worm with a fancy voice. Nobody cares


Anybody have any ideas on how this stuff relates to the connection between Leviathan and Abaddon, Venus's parasite?? We saw at the start of squigly's story mode leviathan is shown as one of Abaddon's heads, and we have concept art that directly reinforces that, and we know squigly has spacial manipulation powers (controlling the camera, her 6 feet over super, what she did with albus, etc)
Hello everyone i forgot what site I made the account on and found this site and wanted to see a eliza story discussion thread and found it all your guys info is amazing i keep the skullgirls boards alive i post on gamefaqs

ok this is one i was thinking about living weapons can be manmade weapons with parasites like peacock,celebella,parasol,umbrella, weapons is there not what there used to be

the lab has them to i believe the orphans has parasites if my memory serves me right
They didn't say anything about it in the story mode so i guess it was reduced to just a weapon.
That sucks too, I theorized that it was a Magic Weapon that allowed Eliza and Sekhmet to separate.

It can still be that. We now know Eliza likes collecting magic artifacts, so maybe the staff's significance just escaped everyone's notice this time.

By the by, if this were Fortune's story, she would've totally just level 3'd her way out.
Right in Eliza's FACE.
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ok this is one i was thinking about living weapons can be manmade weapons with parasites like peacock,celebella,parasol,umbrella, weapons is there not what there used to be

the lab has them to i believe the orphans has parasites if my memory serves me right
Don't mean to nitpick, but Peacock has two synthetic parasites and doesn't own a living weapon.
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Correct, Peacock and Painwheel stand out as people that somehow manage to each have two synthetic parasites.

ok this is one i was thinking about living weapons can be manmade weapons with parasites like peacock,celebella,parasol,umbrella, weapons is there not what there used to be

the lab has them to i believe the orphans has parasites if my memory serves me right

There are three groups: Parasites, Synthetic Parasites, and Living Weapons. They are divided as natural, man-made, and possibly former parasites (it is hinted in Eliza's story mode that living weapons are modified/regressed parasites).

Samson, Leviathan, Sekhmet, Sagan

Synthetic Parasites
Argus System, Avery, Gae Bolga Matrix, Buer Drive

Living Weapons
Vice-Versa, Krieg, Hungern​

The key thing about parasites is they need a host. Once joined, only death can separate them. Roberto Contiello died to pass Leviathan to his daughter (Squigly).

Most synthetic parasites appear non-sentient. It is difficult to say in the case of Peacock. Hive, Leduc, and Ileum all have synthetic parasites, but they don't use them to summon sentient inanimate objects like a boxing anvil or a tough-guy weight. For them, their synthetic parasites are just used as weapons. Big Band is only a cyborg it seems.

Cerebella's strong-arm hat, and the Canopy Kingdom princesses' umbrellas are living weapons. They don't talk, but they appear to have some range of emotions (Vice-Versa's face changes expressions, perhaps only mirroring Cerebella's moods).
Ballot boxer you're right on all points but you forgot about a fourth group.

Remote Parasites
Sagan, Muse

Remote Parasites seem to be as sentient as Leviathan and Samson, the key difference being that they can survive separated from their host. However they they need a piece of the host in order to survive. This may also imply that if the Parasite dies then the host will live on.
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Ah jeez, I always forget about remote parasites. I just file them under natural parasites as a subclass.
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Well, I really never considered Marie a evil person, more along the lines of a center of conflict, she hasn't done anything but take out the trash and defend herself. The only thing that would go wrong is when she loses control. Which hasn't been shown in any of the stories yet.

The massacre of Lab 8.

It could be said that it was taking initiative in self-defense. Well, Lab 8 was created to be self-defense against Skullgirls who kills a lot of people.

Marie is not 100% evil, but she IS in a path that will lead to evil. The massacre was a huge step in that path and evil by its own merits.

I like Marie but I can't condone such actions. As a character it is great story.
Don't mean to nitpick, but Peacock has two synthetic parasites and doesn't own a living weapon.

yea i don't mind i just forgot. i have not played the stories for a long time except squiggy big band and eliza there very recent

i have to refresh my memory
Correct, Peacock and Painwheel stand out as people that somehow manage to each have two synthetic parasites.

There are three groups: Parasites, Synthetic Parasites, and Living Weapons. They are divided as natural, man-made, and possibly former parasites (it is hinted in Eliza's story mode that living weapons are modified/regressed parasites).

Samson, Leviathan, Sekhmet, Sagan

Synthetic Parasites
Argus System, Avery, Gae Bolga Matrix, Buer Drive

Living Weapons
Vice-Versa, Krieg, Hungern​

The key thing about parasites is they need a host. Once joined, only death can separate them. Roberto Contiello died to pass Leviathan to his daughter (Squigly).

Most synthetic parasites appear non-sentient. It is difficult to say in the case of Peacock. Hive, Leduc, and Ileum all have synthetic parasites, but they don't use them to summon sentient inanimate objects like a boxing anvil or a tough-guy weight. For them, their synthetic parasites are just used as weapons. Big Band is only a cyborg it seems.

Cerebella's strong-arm hat, and the Canopy Kingdom princesses' umbrellas are living weapons. They don't talk, but they appear to have some range of emotions (Vice-Versa's face changes expressions, perhaps only mirroring Cerebella's moods).

yeah!! now were talking i forgot about synthetic parasites and remote parasites.

man all you guys info and this need to be on the wiki this is like full details of the different parasites
Isnt Avery a remote patasite?
Nope, just a figment of Peacock's imagination. If I were to take a guess Avery would be Peacock's interpretation of what the Avery System (Synthetic Parasite) would look like.
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The massacre of Lab 8.

It could be said that it was taking initiative in self-defense. Well, Lab 8 was created to be self-defense against Skullgirls who kills a lot of people.

Marie is not 100% evil, but she IS in a path that will lead to evil. The massacre was a huge step in that path and evil by its own merits.

I like Marie but I can't condone such actions. As a character it is great story.
Glad you brought that up, I was on my phone when I was writing that post and I wanted to expand on the ASG labs but ran out of time.
Well, I really never considered Marie a evil person, more along the lines of a center of conflict, she hasn't done anything but take out the trash and defend herself. The only thing that would go wrong is when she loses control. Which hasn't been shown in any of the stories yet.

She's an anti-villain who's doing evil for a greater good: which is the destruction of the Medici Mafia. Any evil acts she commits are likely just an ends-justify-the-means kinda deal as far as she's concerned, or possibly she's too blinded by her desire for revenge to care at all. And she's pretty young to be wielding such a large amount of power responsibly, so her actions have very likely hurt innocent people (the Rooftops Assault event, attacking Lab 8. targeting families on Maplestreet, ect), the biggest being the fact she made a wish in the first place; Skullgirls always go berserk and become genocidal, based on what we've seen of every other Skullgirl.

Altogether this probably leaves her as a neutral antagonist, especially while fighting the "evil with a capital E" characters like Eliza, Double and the Mafia. Can't fault you for rooting for her over them, she's way, way more sympathetic.

Also sorry for the rather off-topic post everyone.
Doesn't Parasoul have some kind of weapon of parsite? I've seen pictures of her umbrella in human form so
Doesn't Parasoul have some kind of weapon of parsite? I've seen pictures of her umbrella in human form so
nope, 100% Living weapon.
Side note, thinking a bit more about that post credits scene, I'm surprised there hasn't been any pleas for a new gimmicky boss fight that we'll all end up hating and make feature request topics to skip it. :3
Marie's 4th form or Mistress of Dread boss fights a la Apocalypse or Arcana Heart's Ragnarok (biased towards later because ultra rad theme).
I think people are taking mega maid a little too serously, its probably just a joke.
Side note, thinking a bit more about that post credits scene, I'm surprised there hasn't been any pleas for a new gimmicky boss fight that we'll all end up hating and make feature request topics to skip it. :3
Marie's 4th form or Mistress of Dread boss fights a la Apocalypse or Arcana Heart's Ragnarok (biased towards later because ultra rad theme).
I get the feeling that the giant colossus Eliza turns into was supposed to be said gimmicky boss fight suffering from SNK Boss Syndrome in the scenario where we got a Skullgirls 2. Maybe that's also where Mega Maid Marie came from?
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But if mega-maid is a joke, who holds the falling building in the "final assault" stage?
her big ass skeleton hands
Side note, thinking a bit more about that post credits scene, I'm surprised there hasn't been any pleas for a new gimmicky boss fight that we'll all end up hating and make feature request topics to skip it. :3
Marie's 4th form or Mistress of Dread boss fights a la Apocalypse or Arcana Heart's Ragnarok (biased towards later because ultra rad theme).
That's because gimmicky boss fights ruin fighters and having a character with 2 supers that require you to hit confirm into a grab (or pseudo grab) only for them to not work is terrible. :(
Glad you brought that up, I was on my phone when I was writing that post and I wanted to expand on the ASG labs but ran out of time.

One more thing, it is very easy to forget that Marie (also Patricia) is still a child.

A child that got old too quickly.


Simple art, but one of of my favorites. Really put her state of mind in perspective.
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So what's up with Horace and Albus? Are they gods or just hired goons? Their dialogue makes it seem like they've known Eliza for a long time.
So what's up with Horace and Albus? Are they gods or just hired goons? Their dialogue makes it seem like they've known Eliza for a long time.
Horace has been Eliza's bodyguard for a while, and Albus is new and rough around the edges.
I find it quite disappointing that no one here grieved Vice Versa! I love that guy! He might not talk, but he's super cool and his facial expressions are enough to show his personality. He is a LIVING Weapon after all! (Krieg is pretty lame, huh?)
I was so upset when he got his arm torn off and was killed. Poor little guy.


A tear shed for those lost...
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Why can't lab0 just give squigly a happy ending? Having her pass out when the skull heart dies, IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR.
hopefully she lives in the canon story (at least have someone save her).
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Why can't lab0 just give squigly a happy ending? Having her pass out when the skull heart dies, IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR.
hopefully she lives in the canon story (at least have someone save her).

Whenever evil rises and darkness covers the world, Squigly will rise from her grave to smack it with her massive zombie booty. ^_~

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