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The Wulf Den

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Has anyone ever told you that you have the best sense of humor on this forum?
Be that way then.

As for a Wulf question, one that I've been wondering is, well...

Is he afraid of spiders like Arn Anderson?
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What would be his finishing move if he were an actual pro wrestler, instead of essentially being a gladiator under the pretense of pro wrestling like how Skullgirls depicts them?
Hey there's no Salty tonight right?
Thanks Walrus.

So we have a little bit more time to come up with some Beowulf Questions for Alex Ahad. Saturday night we should compile the best ones we've come up with and send them to @Chrono_Tata.
Thanks Walrus.

So we have a little bit more time to come up with some Beowulf Questions for Alex Ahad. Saturday night we should compile the best ones we've come up with and send them to @Chrono_Tata.
good idea dude. let's start now.
Fair enough. :P

Anyhoo, think they'll go ahead and use the old Beowulf concept for a flashback!Beowulf in his story mode?
Anyhoo, think they'll go ahead and use the old Beowulf concept for a flashback!Beowulf in his story mode?
OH GOD I HOPE SO. Youngwulf is such a badass, I almost wish Alex Ahad kept that design.

Oh that's a another question to add to the list. Beowulf's early concept art showed that he was originally supposed to be a young man wielding and oddly shaped sword. Could this still be canon as Beowulf's younger self?
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I dunno, I don't really like Youngwulf. Seems too generic edgy badass guy.
New Beowulf Question.

We kind of know what Grendel looks like from some old sketches, but what does his Mother look like?
A non-Beo question, but important nonetheless:

Is there a civillian use for Theonite? As in, we know it powers parasites, living weapons, and Isaac's Time Glove, but is it also usable for things that aren't supernatural or physics-breaking, like powering lights?
Wasn't it the thing that Scythana was trying to get in the middle of that town square? Either way I'm pretty sure that it's not safe for some sort of human use, the Canopy Kingdom seems to have it illegal at the moment.
If what you're talking about is what Isaac's using for his Time Glove, it is apparently a unique variant of Theonite. I'm wondering if the regular stuff has pedestrian uses.
If what you're talking about is what Isaac's using for his Time Glove, it is apparently a unique variant of Theonite. I'm wondering if the regular stuff has pedestrian uses.
Send that question to @Chrono_Tata before Sunday night, that's when he stops taking questions.
If no one else wants to do it then sometime tomorrow I'll go over the last few pages and compile all of the Beowulf questions to send to Chrono.
I went over the last 3 pages of this thread and I compiled every Beowulf Question in order of importance and type.
I've also added a few extra questions of my own, if anyone wishes to add more then now is the time to do it because tonight at 5:00 PM I'm sending these to @Chrono_Tata for submission.

-How old is Beowulf exactly?

-How long was Beowulf's retirement?

-What did Beowulf do during his retirement?

-Did Beowulf fight in the Grand War?

-What was Beowulf's childhood like?

-When did Beowulf start using The Hurting?

-Has he always had The Hurting with him or was it something he found?

-Of all the different ways the original poem could've been twisted, what led to choosing professional wrestling?

-Beowulf's early concept art showed that he was originally supposed to be a young man wielding and oddly shaped sword. Could this still be canon as Beowulf's younger self?


-What's Beowulf's personality like after all the showbiz and glamor?

-Does Beowulf have any prejudice against Parasites(and/or hosts) or non-humans?

-Since Wulf is a bit older than the rest of the cast and been around for a while, has he previously met any of the cast?

-What's the extent of Beowulf's relationship with the other members of the cast?

-Is Beowulf well-read, or intelligent?

-Is Beowulf afraid of spiders like Arn Anderson?


-What is the status of Grendel and his Mother, are they alive?

-Other than Grendel, has Beowulf fought any other superhuman or mythical opponents?

-We kind of know what Grendel looks like from some old sketches, but what does his Mother look like?

-One time you said that Beowulf retired as a result of his match with Grendel. What happened during that match that caused Beowulf to step down?


-How tall is Beowulf?

-Any ideas for what Beowulf's taunt could be?

-What would be Beowulf's relative popularity as a celebrity compared to Eliza and Annie?

-What was Beowulf's win/loss ratio during his career?

-What weight class would Beowulf be in, in wrestling terms?

-Is the hoodie and leg guards real pelt or just synthetic?


-Is Beowulf... A FAN OF ANNIE, and vice-versa? (No not the Living Weapon)
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Is Beowulf... A FAN OF ANNIE, and the other way around?
Oh wow that's a lot of questions. :P Yep, I'll be closing submission for questions today so if anyone have anything send them in asap!
What is Beowulf's favorite variety of yogurt
Oh wow that's a lot of questions. :P Yep, I'll be closing submission for questions today so if anyone have anything send them in asap!
Well we had to make up for the fact that there was not a single question on the offiial list pertaining to Beowulf.
Time's up, I sent the questions to Chrono so if you have any further questions you'll have to send them yourself.
Is Beowulf... A FAN OF ANNIE, and the other way around?

Wasn't this already answered.
In the last Skype interview.
Alex said they probably know each other and have some respect for each other since they're both in entertainment and probably have a lot of kid fans.

Sorry if I'm taking your joke question too seriously.
Wait, weren't you in that stream?
Of course I was! There was Annie to be heard so I was there! But you don't have to personally know someone to be a fan of them.
Wasn't this already answered.
It's not exactly the same, DDB is asking whether they're a fan of each other's work, not if they know each other.
Maybe it's only because I interpreted the "know each other" part of the question as a "know of each other" type thing.
I dunno, I guess feel free to ask if it's really that important to you.
It's Annie-related. It's probably more important than life itself to him.
Well the dragon would definitely die I can guarantee that...
Wrll yeah but do you remember what happen inthe original story of beowulf? What if the same thing hapens here?
I know what happens, that's why I said that the Dragon would die and didn't elaborate any further. The Wulf Pack had this discussion a while ago so I understand you not knowing since you're new. Basically we've decided that we don't know what will happen to Beowulf until he's released, but there's a distinct possibility that he could die.

Remember that there are two stories here, Beowulf's "What If Story" and the "Canon Story" which we haven't seen. Personally I don't think that Beowulf will die in the Canon Story based on the fact that the original Beowulf lived to old age until he fought the Dragon. Also I don't believe in the theory that Bloody Marie is Beowulf's "Dragon".
As for Beowulf's What If Story, I really have no idea. All I know is that it will be spectacular, regardless of whether Beowulf lives or dies.
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