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The Wulf Den

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Wow I somehow missed it. I wanted to watch. Zut.
For those who missed it/want to rewatch matches, the stream is temporarily kept on Ninja's Twitch archive at http://www.twitch.tv/explosionforce/b/594399814

Parts of it were muted due to highly illegal and dangerous music, but the video is still there.
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For those who skipped it/want to rewatch matches, the stream is temporarily kept on Ninja's Twitch archive at http://www.twitch.tv/explosionforce/b/594399814

Parts of it were muted due to highly illegal and dangerous music, but the video is still there.
Yay, now I can watch myself get bodied in glorious 720p :)

Seriously though, thanks for running a tournament guys. I needed an excuse to actually start playing again and this was a fun evening.
I'd like to play some of the people I missed in the bracket.

I need to keep practicing. Also I challenge Denizen to a first to ten because of the shots at my waifu.
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Jujube was me. I'm sorry if I got mistaken for juju_for_president.
I call salty run backs on everyone who beat me. Eever. I got a list! *age old list runs off into the horizon joke*

no, but seriously I cant go down like I did. so SALT OF THE BACKWARDS RUNNING FOR EVERYONE
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okay Cats and kittens here is the playlist of the WULFIMANIA~

I'm going to snooze now. and if you come across a video that is muted just play music over it or some shit. I'm too tired to give a fudge.
Most of the videos are muted but I watched my first match to see what I did and to hear what was said.

Ninja I will kill you for laughing, LP+MP Macro makes unintentional supers easy.
For some reason my assist was the Microphone Punch, it should be MP Chair Toss, fuck.
I've gotta remember that DHC is a thing and that it can help me win.
one man can only hold back so much laughter.


we can always play again you know.
well, at least your quarter circle motions got read. mine kept dropping and turning throw into lp>lk for reasons. I should also not throw cerecopter assist at fullscreen
my matches were muted, so I will never hear what was said at my destruction :| dun dun dun
Most of the videos are muted but I watched my first match to see what I did and to hear what was said.

Ninja I will kill you for laughing, LP+MP Macro makes unintentional supers easy.
For some reason my assist was the Microphone Punch, it should be MP Chair Toss, fuck.
I've gotta remember that DHC is a thing and that it can help me win.

For some reason chair toss hasn't been put in as an assist yet.
The same thing happened to Mike at Rebel Up when he was showing off Beowulf's new stuff.
I used MP chair toss assist during and before the tournament, though.

When I saw the microphone assist on stream, I assumed it was meant as a "I'll drop this by the end of our match" taunt assist.
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I have to admit, the appearances of non-tournament players were random though.
mmmhh. i'll stick to my high low oki set up. somehow i feel like that the Wulf Cannon's hitboxes aren't finalized yet so it might not work in the final version. IDK. i'll try it if i mess up my set up and i have to cross real fast.
wulf cannon needs more damage and ten hits of armor, with a small hitbox.
santa is also real, but then again, my dreams never come true

Beowulf has a tackle kinda like Hulks...

Does that mean that there might be a Gamma Crush esque Super?

Beowulf has a tackle kinda like Hulks...

Does that mean that there might be a Gamma Crush esque Super?
It functions much differently than hulk's tackle, it's more like ruby heart's tackle attack from marvel 2
Surely by now we all know "have finished animations" and "be released" are veeery different things.

Yeah, but the fact he will have all his clean lines by Christmas is nuts.
Surely by now we all know "have finished animations" and "be released" are veeery different things.
Yes we all know that, it's just nice to know how hard Mariel is working.
Yo where the fuck are we?
Man this some ol' bullshit, the thread was fine right where it was.
Wait... What happened?
The Wulf Den was moved out of the Beowulf Section and into a new section, next to the Squigly Lovers Thread.
I mean if the mods want to insult us then they should come right out and say it.
You are discussing Beowulf in a general sense, as in this thread is not focused solely on gameplay. The moderators of Skullheart gathered and talked about ways to deal with some of the issues on the site. The regulars at Squigly thread have been trying to discuss the character that they enjoy just like the members of this thread are. There will be a news post soon enough detailing the changes that will be going down so sit tight until then.
My two cents, this thread doesn't belong in a character discussion section seated next to a group of people who fawn over a fourteen year old girl's posterior. We do a lot of things in this thread. We talk about Beowulf, we talk about life, we organize tournaments, we tell jokes, etc. I hope the mods have a more elegant solution to whatever problems they think this forum has, because right now this is only serving to make navigation more difficult.
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Eh..I mean. It is gameplay discussion, not gameplay discussiong once in a blue moon...so I get it.

And I feel like changes within skullheart were inevitable. Just got to roll with the punches guys. The mods are just doing mod things. It's their job to try to make the site better.
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I'm alright with being moved, but our current location makes no sense.
If you have a problem, and would like to talk to me personally about it, please just send a PM.
I mean, there is a redirect at the same spot there used to be isnt there? so temporarily it is not any different navigating here?
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