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Blood for the Blood Goddess! Eliza BETA Gameplay Discussion

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so Sekhmet is really fun to use and all, but I'm sorta torn apart here, its definitely not worth it to just do a long combo with sekhmet for slightly higher damage than a normal combo since youll waste about 3 meter or so. So I would assume theres an optimal ratio of comboing with eliza and using sekh for extra damage (i suppose early in the combo for those hard hitting axes). So i tried my hand at finding some good spots in a combo to summon sekh, but im having trouble since she build heavy meter with everything and mostly uses up your otg, so lets theorycraft here a little bit, what do you think would truly enhance elizas combo damage, when should you use sekhmet?

Resets that can't be reversal'd. Something like Sekhmet crosses up while calling an assist, then gets the high/low off the blockstun if that didn't get a hit. Other than that I think anything but using her in the unscaled hits of the combo to use her hit properties like the wallbounce will be meh

I assume her other level 1 will be what you can tack on at the end of a combo for a kill or 2-bar kill with a DHC unless Mike is set on making her an oddball character.
Also the blood mechanic is totally ditched right? I don't mind but I want a confirmation that we won't see it in the next days.
Eliza's low stun damage is ludicrous, even off throw you can break 4k in a couple of strings easily.

Eliza is looking more and more like a really good anchor the more I play around with her.
I just tried out qcb+mp as an assist. Definately a powerful choice, I think it would blow through all the current top tier assists even if it isn't an optimal lockdown.
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I just tried out qcb+mp as an assist. Definately a powerful choice, I think it would blow through all the current top tier assists even if it isn't an optimal lockdown.
I think it will carve its own niche. Not an updo or HP brass but a very very good assist.
why would the blood mechanic be ditched? just cause its not there yet? it took ages for big band's parries to show up on the beta
why would the blood mechanic be ditched? just cause its not there yet? it took ages for big band's parries to show up on the beta
Last I heard Mike said that Eliza was missing two supers and her servant summons and after that she was "pretty much" done. I'm hoping this turns out like when people weren't sure whether or not Sekhmet was going to be a thing but there hasn't been any indication of her blood mechanic since the IGG campaign so...
So I guess sekhmet's attacks count as projectiles to IPS? You seem to be able to block out of burst if you were hit by sekhmet. Probably a good idea since she can armor through a burst.
So I guess sekhmet's attacks count as projectiles to IPS? You seem to be able to block out of burst if you were hit by sekhmet. Probably a good idea since she can armor through a burst.
@dragonos451 you know what this may mean?
Although would she really be affected by it?
So I guess sekhmet's attacks count as projectiles to IPS? You seem to be able to block out of burst if you were hit by sekhmet. Probably a good idea since she can armor through a burst.
they are not projectiles Cerebella can't reflect her, the reason that you are able to block after you burst with Sekhmet is that the burst hit something making it safe, It didnt look like sekhmet was hit because she isnt colored in yet so she can't do the super armor flash
stop giving me weird mood jumps and use your eyes to gather useful info around this marvelous forum set that is skullheart before starting to make stupid assumptions.
@Broseidon Rex , @Horseman , I now officially hates both of you >:(
Basically what DeathArcana said.

Sekhmet can burst bait just like any other character. The reason your burst baits aren't working is because the burst is actually hitting Sekhmet, which allows the opponent the opportunity to block out of burst (same as a projectile triggered IPS burst). It doesn't look like it's hitting since Sekhmet doesn't have any hit stun animations, so she kind of just powers through the burst with her armor. You just have to make sure the burst doesn't hit you, especially since Sekhmet can't even follow up a failed burst bait with a throw.
So, solo Eliza just wrecks Marie so easily. You can spam nothing but cr. HK for the first two forms and have Sek destroy her last form with j. MP -> s.HP
So, solo Eliza just wrecks Marie so easily. You can spam nothing but cr. HK for the first two forms and have Sek destroy her last form with j. MP -> s.HP
It takes a boss to stomp another boss.

Marie can just


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no, he said "stop asking about it"

Yeah that answer can be:

"It is totally ditched."
"It isn't ready yet."
"We still thinking how to implement that correctly if we don't find a way to do it, it is totally ditched"
"Stop asking about it."

With Sehkmet I think we are happy with the character right now but well I guess we only need to wait for the Salty before EVO to know the answer.
Yeah that answer can be:

"It is totally ditched."
"It isn't ready yet."
"We still thinking how to implement that correctly if we don't find a way to do it, it is totally ditched"
"Stop asking about it."

With Sehkmet I think we are happy with the character right now but well I guess we only need to wait for the Salty before EVO to know the answer.
That answer clearly says "stop asking about it" so naturally you should probably stop asking about it
Yeah that answer can be:

"It is totally ditched."
"It isn't ready yet."
"We still thinking how to implement that correctly if we don't find a way to do it, it is totally ditched"
"Stop asking about it."

With Sehkmet I think we are happy with the character right now but well I guess we only need to wait for the Salty before EVO to know the answer.
no actually he means "stop asking about it" not all that complicated :^)
Do try to remember that regardless of tomato tech demos, everything listed in the IGG character profiles is subject to change, so there very well could be no blood mechanic. Besides, even when I first read that profile I thought it was kind of... dense. Having two major mechanics like character switching AND blood control seemed like too much for a single character in a game as busy as SG.
Plus all that blood would probably start lagging the game after a bit.
Mike Z also said, "If you’re hoping specifically for leaving blood around and doing stuff with it, you might be really sad. [long pause] You might be really happy. I dunno."

Personally, I thought there were some implicit problems with some of the features of the blood mechanic. The summary said that she would be able to recover health by attacking enemy, with the amount being proportional to how much damage she did. The SG Wiki says:
"As the hottest lounge act in New Meridian, Eliza spends her nights mesmerizing crowds at Club 28 with her silky smooth voice, shiny tan, and timeless sense of style. Her skills on stage have also taught her to wield the Staff of Ra, her golden microphone stand, like a massive hammer, spade, or even a scythe. She shows her true strength when she starts taking damage, spilling parasitic liquid from her veins to the stage floor. Eliza can use the pools for special moves that teleport her around, form projectiles, or even summon minions. Blockbusters get stronger as Eliza takes damage and coats more and more of the screen. Her parasite hungers for the blood of others, so Eliza regains health based on damage dealt to the enemy team when she recalls and re-absorbs her fluids."

First off, it's kind of weird that you aren't at your best until you get hurt. You don't even have access to most of your abilities; it's basically a big limitation. Secondly, for her to be able to heal herself, there would have to be balance designs to keep this from being too broken. Is she's expected to be a decent character who can compete without that ability or does that ability allow her to be viable? Normally, I would think that every SG char should be a char who can fight the entire cast reasonably well and expect to win without having to rely on a regeneration crutch. This would make regeneration a pretty unfair tool unless the amount of health recovered was pretty much always a small-ish amount, regardless of how well she's been playing. However, that summary said it would be based on how much damage she dealt, so that may not be the case. That brings up the possibility of the other side of the spectrum: regeneration makes the character viable. In other words, if the ability to regenerate is anything more than a minor feature that barely affects matches, then to compensate, the char might have to always be heavily disadvantaged (at high health, at least) to make it fair. IMO, that seems like a limitation simply to justify the ability to heal.

Tl;dr - If Eliza regenerates health proportional to damage dealt, would she still be a good character without it, or would she fluctuate between bad/good depending on how much health she has? How much would the ability to regenerate impact her viability?

All that being said, there's no confirmation on what we're getting but I would be fine with no blood, and of course this large post is only my opinions so let's keep that in mind, yeah?
Healing has been done...for Elena in 3s and now in Ultra sfiv. BTW sucks in both games, so it could very easily not be overpowered without gimping the character's other tools.

The healing mechanic could require super meter, which would make it much easier to balance. Eliza is going to be very meter hungry if she wants to use Sekmet, so do you use super meter to summon the spilled blood towards her? Getting hit could cancel the summoning, so she would likely have to land a knockback assist like hornet bomber or brass knuckle to use it. However then you may be wasting a chance to convert massive damage on your opponent and seizing momentum.
Mike Z also said, "If you’re hoping specifically for leaving blood around and doing stuff with it, you might be really sad. [long pause] You might be really happy. I dunno."
I love it when people cite extremely obvious sarcasm as evidence.

Personally I think the blood thing should be reworked. Having it be your own blood is a little on the shit side. Not only is it a bad game play idea (suddenly getting combo'd isn't a lose state- you're just thinking "good, now I can use my full power") but it's awkward in lore considering the parasite that constantly hungers for blood is apparently dropping blood like it means nothing to her. That would be like if you punched scrooge mcduck and a million dollars flew out of his jacket, scattered all over the floor, and he just kept doing his duck thing as if to say "whatever I don't even care." It would make an awful lot more sense if it was your opponent's blood on both fronts, but that would also change it from a come back mechanic to a pressure mechanic (and a really good one at that), which would be much harder to balance correctly.
Tbh, I agree. The idea of being hit in a game like SG to use your full power is not all that good to me. I was saying a while ago that instead it would be better to just use her blood by herself by using specials or something, but now it seems like if she didn't have it, I don't think it would matter that much to me. I like how she plays so far and I think she'll be fine.
I'm surprised she doen't have a blood drinking command grab. She didn't have an issue drinking peasant blood before.....
Apparently all the SG cast are below even the serfs...
Big Band’s running on motor oil, Valentine is apparently on tons of drugs, Painwheel has skull-blood or whatever, Squigly may not have any, Double's a blob, and maybe Sekhmet doesn’t like idea of drinking from Sampson’s host. So, it’s really only Cerebella, Peacock, and Ms. Fortune that are gutter trash.
Big Band’s running on motor oil, Valentine is apparently on tons of drugs, Painwheel has skull-blood or whatever, Squigly may not have any, and maybe Sekhmet doesn’t like idea of drinking from Sampson’s host. So, it’s really only Cerebella, Peacock, and Ms. Fortune that are gutter trash.
Ojou-sama drinks whatever the hell she wants! Neither the black blood of machine nor the fermented blood of the undead phases her.
[shoos peasant]
While it was meant to be hardcore, it made her sound like a hobo vampire.
Big Band’s running on motor oil, Valentine is apparently on tons of drugs, Painwheel has skull-blood or whatever, Squigly may not have any, Double's a blob, and maybe Sekhmet doesn’t like idea of drinking from Sampson’s host. So, it’s really only Cerebella, Peacock, and Ms. Fortune that are gutter trash.
Big band still has a not-cyborg torso and head, he can bleed. By that logic peacock lost all her limbs and her eyes so she doesn't bleed either.
Valentine's drugs don't really matter that much.
Squigly isn't that jarring, I mean if we're using actual logic on how her body should decay she really should be a skeleton.
Double actually has blood floating around her. Pretty sure she bleeds. I mean she could probably turn into something that doesn't but then again she could also turn into a giant fleshy death star and blow up the world considering there's apparently no real limit to her shapeshifting powers. She's like green lantern- she has an ability that should be ridiculously powerful, but she uses it on doing stupid mimicry shit instead.
Painwheel is a good point, however- I doubt she could absorb skullgirl blood, that sounds a bit dangerous. What if absorbing painwheel's blood actually hurt her? That would make their match-up pretty interesting.
Not that I was really all that serious, but I think it was said somewhere that Big Band had a full transfusion of some experimental synthetic blood that was supposed to help feed his hardware while still taking care of his organic bits.

I wouldn’t image that any “blood” from Double would stay that way and that could be a problem.

I was aslo kind of thinking that feeding on Valentine could give one hell of a bad trip, but I got nothing to base that on really.
Big Band's blood is some kind of oil mixture according to his char profile. Since it isn't natural I don't imagine Eliza would be able to get anything out of it. Although the command grab idea sounds cool, she'd be drinking some weird stuff.
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