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Robo-Fortune: "Why Do I Feel Pain, Creator" edition!

3. I also expect her to ask "who is my motherboard?"
Vs Fortune
"Are you my Motherboard?"

referece to the children's book "are you my mother"

Also, for a stage, I'd personally like something with a factory piecing together robo fortunes in the back.
Inside Yu-Wan's restaurant would be cool too, sort of like her trading card.
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Kinda wish for robo fortune stage theme raps.
Remember this?
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The robot factory/lab with the members of Lab Zero as scientists would be pretty cool, yeah. Good opportunity for the cameos.
We need secret Gordon Freeman in the background of the factory, holding his trademarked crowbar.
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So I had an idea....that probably wont be implemented:

A maintenance move where she gives her self a tune-up called Tuna....:PUN:
Perhaps a taunt.

Or just call her DP "tune-up" or "Tune-up fish"

.....I'll go hang my head in shame now.
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Since Fortune's DP is Omega Red's maybe in Robo we'll see more like ORed in various angles and going back after hit a button.
the mix up cross up(or down) and back again.
Are there any plans to give Robo Fortune a rocket punch? Either extending limbs or detatching rocket powered fists? That seems like a reference she should have.
Picking up the stage theme-topic again:

Kinda wish for robo fortune stage theme raps.

I wish for something like a mix of classic horror-music and synthrock. Kinda like Black Beet's theme from Juukou B-Fighter (minus the lyrics of course):

I would love the shit out of it.
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Ok, lets struck a deal.
Raps with cheesy synthpoprockish samples.
Can she have terrible attacks based off of gundam battle assault?

or better yet a boss version that can kill people via walking forward. Big Robo.
Picking up the stage theme-topic again:

I wish for something like a mix of classic horror-music and synthrock. Kinda like Black Beet's theme from Juukou B-Fighter (minus the lyrics of course):

[awesome video]

I would love the shit out of it.
Reminds me of Big Bad Beetle Borgs. I wouldn't be surprised if it borrowed footage from B-Fighter.
Reminds me of Big Bad Beetle Borgs. I wouldn't be surprised if it borrowed footage from B-Fighter.

That’s actually the case, B-Fighter is the original series from Japan and Big Bad Beetleborgs reused the props and action scenes. The costumes, weapons etc. are exactly the same, only the story is different. Kinda like what they did with Super Sentai -> Power Rangers, only a little bit more extreme because the story of the Beetleborgs isn’t even close to B-Fighter.

But both shows are really cheesy and fun, in the end it’s about personal preferences what’s actually better.
That’s actually the case, B-Fighter is the original series from Japan and Big Bad Beetleborgs reused the props and action scenes. The costumes, weapons etc. are exactly the same, only the story is different. Kinda like what they did with Super Sentai -> Power Rangers, only a little bit more extreme because the story of the Beetleborgs isn’t even close to B-Fighter.

But both shows are really cheesy and fun, in the end it’s about personal preferences what’s actually better.
[drops mic]
I am now intersted in B-Fighter

Is it also safe to assume that B-Fighter is the great-great-grandfather of Kamen rider?
[doesnt feel like googling since this sorta-trivia is fun]
Is it also safe to assume that B-Fighter is the great-great-grandfather of Kamen rider?
[doesnt feel like googling since this sorta-trivia is fun]

Not quite, no. Juukou B-Fighter debuted in 1995 as a part of Toei's "Metal Heroes"-series, the very first Kamen Rider series came out in 1971. Just watch the intro and you can tell:

Kamen Rider is one of the very first popular Tokusatsu-series, following "Ultraman" from 1966 and preceding the first Super Sentai-series, "Himitsu Sentai Gorenger" from 1977. But B-Fighter is more close to Super Sentai then it is to Kamen Rider anyway, Kamen Rider is more like a Japanese superhero (like Spider-Man and Batman are in the west) who is always very different in powers, style and origin in every new series while Super Sentai always features a team that largely follows the same setting (Same colored Rangers but with different origins/powers, but always with robots that combine).

If you want to know more, we have a Kamen Rider topic here and a general Tokusatsu topic for everything else here. Or just shot me a PM.
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Q spreading that Rider info, good on you man.

Slightly more on topic has any though of the idea of Robo fortune with Shining Finger command grab but her instead of the opponent blowing robo fortune herself blows up. Apologies if this has been mentioned before.
Let's be real. Having her stage be a metallic futuristic "robitized" Innsmouth featuring Robo-Yu wan and Robo-Minette would be some pretty hype shit. I guess it would kind of like Nightmarecrest.
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Let's be real. Having her stage be a metallic futuristic "robitized" Innsmouth featuring Robo-Yu wan and Robo-Minette would be some pretty hype shit. I guess it would kind of like Nightmarecrest.
or perhaps a hype-train stage? Complete with robofortune-faced engine, of course.
or perhaps a hype-train stage? Complete with robofortune-faced engine, of course.
Immediately reminded me of:
How about all of it together? Train inside the Robo-Fortune factory (the symmetry could make the background simple to loop) with either Mike or Alex as the train engineer/scientist. :3

OR, a lab inside the train. Even easier to loop the moving background.

Haven't heard this song in ages, now that I think about Necro's stage.
I still think it's going to be Lab Zero related and the people who worked on the game are going to be Background Scientist NPCs. You know give they guys who worked in the background some lime light. and the choo choo robo train seems something that the 1950's batman would have. The dude had a helicopter with a lab in it. geeze the old batman was so much more kickass.
Considering that Lab Zero's staff are already breaking the fourth wall in Beowulf's intro, I'm not sure they'd want even more self-indulgent cameos of themselves ingame. :p

Additionally, seeing as Robo-Fortune's story mode budget was the same as every other funded character's, I can't imagine they'll treat it too lightly by making a stage out of their own office or anything silly like that. There are far more interesting options with more lasting appeal than the one-off joke that a literal Lab Zero Games stage would be.
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Considering that Lab Zero's staff are already breaking the fourth wall in Beowulf's intro, I'm not sure they'd want even more self-indulgent cameos of themselves ingame. :p

Additionally, seeing as Robo-Fortune's story mode budget was the same as every other funded character's, I can't imagine they'll treat it too lightly by making a stage out of their own office or anything silly like that. There are far more interesting options with more lasting appeal than the one-off joke that a literal Lab Zero Games stage would be.
I know. but still. Robo-Kitty is going to be a great "purr"grammer.:PUN:
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What if our resident robot kitty ends up referencing Mega Man a couple times?Just food for thought.
Out of pure curiosity, since I am pretty hyped for Robo-Fortune. Do you think her normals will be similar to Nadia's, or wil they have their own spark to it? Either way, I'm pretty content since I would most likely love using her regardless.
Out of pure curiosity, since I am pretty hyped for Robo-Fortune. Do you think her normals will be similar to Nadia's, or wil they have their own spark to it? Either way, I'm pretty content since I would most likely love using her regardless.
Actually I've got a feeling that Robo-Fortune is going to have multiple normals that are different from regular Ms. Fortune. They did announce that they had the budget to animate new moves for her to use, and there are several animations from Nadia's non-normal moveset that I believe can be repurposed into normal moves (Namely, the animations for her cat swipes).
Actually I've got a feeling that Robo-Fortune is going to have multiple normals that are different from regular Ms. Fortune. They did announce that they had the budget to animate new moves for her to use, and there are several animations from Nadia's non-normal moveset that I believe can be repurposed into normal moves (Namely, the animations for her cat swipes).
Awesome, I would love if any reused animations had different purposes. Although, I wouldn't mind if some weren't changed too hard because I can base my Robo-Fortune playstyle and combos off of Nadia's. Either way, it's nice to learn some new tricks.
Well with any luck Robo-Kitty is going to have her Electron-TailWhip attack. might be a great finishing special move before a super, or a nasty lockdown assist.
I imagine she'll have a mix of new and old normals. She'll probably have very different specials, so as said above they can likely take her existing special animations and reshape them into normals too.
I can almost see Robo fortune having Cyrax teleporting move from MK9. Manly becous of Ms fortunes "The 5th of Dismember" blockbuster move!
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So does anyone know when robo-fortune's coming out? I remember hearing that it was gonna be by the end of the year, but thinking about how long Beowulf's gonna take, I don't know if that sounds right.
So does anyone know when robo-fortune's coming out? I remember hearing that it was gonna be by the end of the year, but thinking about how long Beowulf's gonna take, I don't know if that sounds right.
She'll be released after Beo is finished. He'll likely take 3 months from now, and Robo will take 2-3 after that. My purely hypothetical best case scenario has her early next year I'm afraid.
Maybe we'll get beta access before the end of the year, but clearly not the finished version.