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Baby Got Boots: Parasoul Combo Thread

In that case, why not just use one of the light only combos that Skarmand posted earlier that do more damage? I mean, the b.hk crossunder stuff is cute, but it's not bike link cute.

old post, but i felt like replying

A) swag
B) bHK loops work on more people than the bike link
C) bHK loops have more reset opportunities

Bike is still great for the positioning etc but I will never get 'why use x combo when you can use y combo' when it's these kind of combos

use both
Four days into SG and now it's time to focus on Parsoul.

Midscreen combo I'm using is:

cr.LK, st.MP, c.HP > j.MP, j.HP xx MK tear, j.HP > c.MK, s.HP x2 xx LK Egret - Dash > s.LK, s.MK, s.HP x2 xx LP shot > s.LP, s.MP, s.HP x2 > LP Shot xx Sniper [6397].

And for fun, I use the HK Egret/Bike combos (although when it comes to match/tourney viability, I'm putting my money on the above combo).

Combo off of back throw:

(Near Corner) Back Throw > HK Egret > LK Toss > st.LK, st.MP, b.HK xx LK Toss > (step forward) b.HK xx LK Toss > (step forward) st.MP, b.HK xx HK Toss > st.LP, st.MP, b.HP xx LK Egret > j.MK, j.HP > st.HP x2 xx LP Shot xx Sniper [Forgot D:]

Or, I use the one Skarmand posted above in this page.

(All combos taken from this combo thread and various videos. Credits and kudos to the guys who came up with them!)

What I need are 1. Optimal [preferably Universal] Corner Combo(s) (no suave needed, just your bare bones viable stuff). 2. Air-throw combo(s) (again, yer average optimal combo) Midscreen and Corner.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

P.S. If you guys think I can use better combos than the ones I listed, then please let me know. However, do note that my execution isn't the best of all...
Is this combo viable?
2x s.LK, 2x s.MK, c.HP, slight delay j.LP, j.MK, j.MP, jump, j.LK, j.MK, j.HP (restand), 2x s.LK, s.6MP, s.6HP - with j.HP before combo ~4.5k

P.S. I'm new to SG, found this combo myself and dunno was it posted before
so i'm having problems getting things consistent. like i'll do the standard (stuff) into HPx2 into L shot into LP MP b+HK and everything will be fine until my bootstomp connects with absolutely nothing. this especially seems to happen on fucking bella - and since i'm playing lobbies that undoubtedly means i'm gonna hear DIAMONDDDD DYNAMOOOOOO the frame that hitstun ends and possibly eat a combo.

any tips on getting that down? (and to an extent, the j.mp j.hp L teardrop j.hp st.mp thing? that seems to feel completely random on when st.mp activates the tear)

edit: i guess i could just omit the light attack and just do st.mp idk what i'm bitching about. but any if anyone could give me a universal corner combo i'd appreciate it. i'm looking to step up my game a little and start taking more advantage of bike carrying peeps into the corner
this especially seems to happen on fucking bella - and since i'm playing lobbies that undoubtedly means i'm gonna hear DIAMONDDDD DYNAMOOOOOO the frame that hitstun ends and possibly eat a combo.

any tips on getting that down? (and to an extent, the j.mp j.hp L teardrop j.hp st.mp thing? that seems to feel completely random on when st.mp activates the tear)

If bella is falling out of the combo your doing down there, that's because Bella's the only character that consistently drops on midscreen for that specific combo IIRC. The Combos that's like jMP jHP M toss jHP -> sMP sHPx2 egret call -> whatever you want, that also works on bella so you can use that one instead.

If there are other combos where Bella/others are dropping, it could be a range issue which happens sometimes with Parasoul combos depending on what you started with. You can fix it sometimes by switching up your sLP and sLK links since those affect Parasoul position differently, or doing some minor changes to the combo (like using sMKx1 instead of sMKx2), but without you going into more detail about what the combo is I dunno if there's any specific advice other than trying the above or maybe just trying to alter the combo route in general when you know distance will be a factor.

Also for the last part of your post, Parasoul can link off of the normal tear shot loops with sMP as well? Not sure I understand that part.
jMP jHP M toss jHP -> sMP sHPx2 egret call

oh god dammit thats what i've been doing wrong. i kept doing the light version because i figured m toss would leave it too far out.

thanks for the advice amigo
Also for the last part of your post, Parasoul can link off of the normal tear shot loops with sMP as well? Not sure I understand that part.

whoops missed that.

i meant that instead of doing string into HPx2 l shot lp mp b.hk erget call on bella i can just omit the lp and it works more consistently (albeit the link is a tad tougher, but not by much)

are you sure c.HP - j.mp j.mp xx toss, j.hp s.mp works on bella? like the s.mp hits but doesnt set off the tear. i'm trying to steal isa vulpes amazing burst bait for a money match against my buddy who plays bella/fukua friday but all the tech i'm learning seems to have caveats for bella.

whoops missed that.

i meant that instead of doing string into HPx2 l shot lp mp b.hk erget call on bella i can just omit the lp and it works more consistently (albeit the link is a tad tougher, but not by much)

are you sure c.HP - j.mp j.mp xx toss, j.hp s.mp works on bella? like the s.mp hits but doesnt set off the tear. i'm trying to steal isa vulpes amazing burst bait for a money match against my buddy who plays bella/fukua friday but all the tech i'm learning seems to have caveats for bella.

What I told you is basically a different combo; I was telling you a combo with MK tear instead of L tear and you'd have a different followup. AFAIK, no you cannot hit bella with that sort of jHP L Toss jHP sMP like that video.

If you *really* want to try that kind of burst bait in the video, you can use a similar setup if you start the air chain with the jLP jLK jMK jHP string instead. I made a video of the basic concept on bella just so you can see that it can work with a slight change.
A simple version of that IsaVulpes bait that I like to use is:

c.LK c.MK s.HP~HP L Shot
s.LP s.MP s.bHK Egret Call
Dash-s.MK c.HP
j.LP j.MK j.HP (otg)
s.LK c.HP
j.MP M Toss j.LP j.MP
Dash-s.LP c.MP(2) s.HK H Toss

I believe the full bait works on anyone Parasoul's weight or heavier, so: Parasoul, Cerebella, Double, and Big Band. Everyone else usually gets out after the j.LP j.MP.
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emuchu, that works perfectly. many thanks.
i hate bella so very much.
I typed that combo from memory, and there were a couple of errors, namely: a) Use j.M Toss and not j.H Toss (the j.M Toss is ignited by c.MP), and b) I added an extra s.MK after the otg, so the green burst was set off one hit too early. I fixed in my post.
I've been just experimenting Squigly and Parasoul. And I have to say... They have great synergy. Creamtion assist and Napalm Pillar assist.
Pillar is amazing for Squigly. It gives her an anti-air reversal, confusing 5MP(1) midscreen resets, and enables swag-as-hell mid-combo stance charges. The only thing better on Squigs would probably be L Beat Extend.

2HP is not the most optimal thing on Parasoul, but it's still really great as a lockdown / mixup / approach-covering assist, especially with Parasoul's standing overheads. It doesn't really help with Para's hellish Peacock and Fukua matchups, but... I still run 2HP, anyway, since it gets tagged less often than Drag 'n Bite.
I really wanna show this reset, sorry for the double post but this reset is awesome. You may have to reload it to see it.
This reset is pretty nifty. I'm trying it on Double, though, and she grounds during hitstun, so it may not be universal?

I could be performing it incorrectly, though, I don't usually catch Filia as high off the ground as you do.
This reset is pretty nifty. I'm trying it on Double, though, and she grounds during hitstun, so it may not be universal?

I could be performing it incorrectly, though, I don't usually catch Filia as high off the ground as you do.
I just practice on the more commonly used characters. Filia is my main practice person.
due to me not being a steam user and possibly not wanting to use my cell phone i'll write a fun little tag in combo with eliza into a nice oki set up

j.hp, s.lpx2, s.mp, st. hpx2, l. shot, st. lpx2, st. mp, rc soldier, st.lkx2, s. mk x2, st. hp x2, m. shot, sniper, b.hk tag out(eliza)
l. upperkhat (all three), nekhbet breaker
For the Bypass users. Do 7k with oki because why not??

does that still work? it looks dope af but bypass doesnt seem to put them that high when i try it

i'm not a val player (trying to become one) but from what i understand bypass assist was changed up at some point

Good job on doing something easy that I made a year ago, I guess?
Your signature says 0:!2 instead of 0:12, should fix that
I really don't know why you think I have any interest in talking to you, after your funny claim of beating me in a set

rare footage of parasoul actually doing damage
eh. i think you could've done f.HP into Pillar for more damage because s.hp is a multi-hitter. cant really experiment with para stuff right now.
You can do j.mp j.hp xx toss j.hp stuff in the corner if you delay the j.mp a little bit
Here is what I came up with, the entirety of the combo isn't 100% optimized but the idea is of course to use optimal starters along with earlyish resets to get lots of damage and meter like a respectable person
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is that universal? I've been mucking with ways to use that path, but couldn't consistently get the tear low enough on all weights. That may be due to me sucking though.
is that universal? I've been mucking with ways to use that path, but couldn't consistently get the tear low enough on all weights. That may be due to me sucking though.
The starter seems to work everyone I've tried except big band, and I just do my usual midscreen starter against him instead (with the tear landing and being ignited by the second j.hp)
0:47 - 1:18 is the corner versions of the combo I'm mentioning or in general.

The typical j.MP > j.HP > L Tear > j.HP isnt particularly the best combo to go for unless you are for sure it will hit. The only way I find it optimal is that combo then c.LK > c.HP to j.MK tear jump. Gettting that combo with c.LP c.HP with the tear hitting is difficult for me for someone reason. Probably because I'm bad.

@Skiller Pretty optimal combos I guess.
How are you guys doing f.hp to L tear? Do you buffer the tear input, so charge - f.hp - lp , or something like that?
How are you guys doing f.hp to L tear? Do you buffer the tear input, so charge - f.hp - lp , or something like that?

Yes, it's easiest to practice off of cMK->fHP-> L shot. You can enter in the fHP fairly early, so after you input it during the cMK you immediately start holding back for charge as the fHP comes out. Near the end of the fHP there you should have charge. Once you start doing that and learning that charge I find it easier to then learn doing raw fHP->L shot timings, though you can avoid that one for the most part.

It's a pretty combo but it's damage is bad because throw.

I tried making it pretty for Vulpes just because he's to lazy to make it pretty and because I *love* him.

You can delay the j.HP by holding the j.MK if you want to place a tear after the j.HP

@gllt @fenster