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The Annie of the Stars Mega Star Cruiser: Giga Dreamy Star Love Redux!!!!!! DREAM COMES TRUE EDITION

So this has been bugging me. What's annies power exactly does she have any or does she just use a sword?
I gather that Annie herself has no powers aside from never aging, but that means she's had several lifetimes to learn the fighting skills to take on Skullgirls. She's probably proficient in basically every fighting style in the Skullgirls universe. I know Alex said she didn't always use a sword.
Along the way she also gave one of her eyes to Sagan, her remote parasite, so she has access to his vaguely space themed powerset.

Also, I never noticed before that in that Season 2 Power'd Up Mode at the bottom she gets her eye back.
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So basically, she could be Space Dante.
I gather that Annie herself has no powers aside from never aging, but that means she's had several lifetimes to learn the fighting skills to take on Skullgirls. She's probably proficient in basically every fighting style in the Skullgirls universe. I know Alex said she didn't always use a sword. Along the way she also gave one of her eyes to Sagan, her remote parasite, so she has access to his vaguely space themed powerset.
Having a parasite does a lot for you, though. Sagan likely gives Annie a wide series of, "buffs," is he's anything like the other parasites. I've never been clear on whether or not this is actually the case, though, or if the enhanced strength/durability of the parasite pairings is just plot power/armor.
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When did Annie get Sagan, though? When did Annie decide to become the Skullgirl Slayer? Sagan seems more to be his own entity, unlike Eliza and Sekhmet.
Old enough :PUN:
I can't not read that in Kitty Jung's voice.

Didn't her age lie around somewhere in the "hundreds of years old in an unaging body" category?

A Skullgirl knocked Annie's ice cream cone down one day and from then on, Annie thought "Imma fuck all y'all up"
If you're looking for the Umbrella thread, it's over there.
All that "actor reincarnation" discussion sounded Doctor Who-ey a lot.
Ok so annie just changes her hair every couple of years and no one notices? How does no one notice the facial structure being the same between annies?
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While everyone in the DC universe are idiots for not noticing (especially Clark Kent's close friends that don't notice he is obviously Superman with or without glasses), Annie's eternal youth helps fool even the most ardent Annie fans. Logic will always supercede any notion that she's secretly immortal. Easier to accept a perfect replacement than to think the child actor isn't aging.

Speaking of haircut disguises, there was one style that didn't last long...


Thinking of a pictogram for calling someone an idiot was hard! In case it doesn't translate, Annie is saying Filia is dumber than a box of rocks.

When did Annie get Sagan, though? When did Annie decide to become the Skullgirl Slayer? Sagan seems more to be his own entity, unlike Eliza and Sekhmet.

  • I think Annie got Sagan when her mom wished on the Skull Heart. Becoming the host to the cosmic radiation-powered remote parasite brought her eternal youth. Unlike Eliza, Annie doesn't need external blood sources to stay the way she is. It is either parasite power, or the Skull Heart has mysterious magical powers that stopped Annie's telomeres from unraveling.
  • Like Squigly, perhaps her first Skullgirl she had to take down was her own mother.
  • Eliza and Sekhmet had centuries to melt into one being. Plenty of time to share a mind, chat with each other. I don't see Annie and Sagan doing that. Hell, can Sagan even talk? He has Annie's eye jammed in the back of his mouth.
  • I think Annie got Sagan when her mom wished on the Skull Heart. Becoming the host to the cosmic radiation-powered remote parasite brought her eternal youth. Unlike Eliza, Annie doesn't need external blood sources to stay the way she is. It is either parasite power, or the Skull Heart has mysterious magical powers that stopped Annie's telomeres from unraveling.
That was because her mother wished for her to be eternally young and it's canon.
EDIT: Wait, do you mean that the way the Skullheart made her eternally young was that or what?
Alex has confirmed Sagan can talk in some form.
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I kinda wanna agree with Headcrab, but then i'm biased because I think more huge afros like Filia's are way cooler. Still, light blue afros are cool too
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Speaking of haircut disguises, there was one style that didn't last long...
I imagine that would be yet another detractor of immortality: Endless pictures that you look at and think to yourself: "What am I wearing?! Can't believe I thought that looked cool! I must've been high."
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lurking in this thread saw again Annie´s concept attacks, damn wish she will playable, where is my qkasar, da best move.
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I think Annie got Sagan when her mom wished on the Skull Heart. Becoming the host to the cosmic radiation-powered remote parasite brought her eternal youth. Unlike Eliza, Annie doesn't need external blood sources to stay the way she is. It is either parasite power, or the Skull Heart has mysterious magical powers that stopped Annie's telomeres from unraveling.
I can't recall exactly when it was said, but I'm pretty sure Alex said at some point that Annie did not always have Sagan. She got him much(?) later after she was given eternal youth.
I can't recall exactly when it was said, but I'm pretty sure Alex said at some point that Annie did not always have Sagan. She got him much(?) later after she was given eternal youth.

I remember saying that in one of Salty streams when Alex have the mic.
That was because her mother wished for her to be eternally young and it's canon.
EDIT: Wait, do you mean that the way the Skullheart made her eternally young was that or what?

Oh, I was trying to figure out the mechanics of Annie's eternal youth. Up until Cellsai mentioned that tidbit (that isn't in the canon thread's first post. Think of all the hidden info undocumented!) about Sagan coming later, my main assumption was the parasitic bond kept her young.

I mean, the Skull Heart is like the Proto-Parasite, the very first of their kind. The strongest of their kind. The canon thread mentions that it might be the origin of all parasites. Thus I like to believe when the Skull Heart grants a wish, it accomplishes it through parasites it generates.
  • Selene wants her family back. So the Skull Heart generates a cloud of microscopic mindless primitive parasites to strip the flesh and animate the bodies of the gunned-down guests. Something has to puppet those bones. Why not drones that follow the will of the hive mind Skull Heart.
  • Perhaps Sagan was manufactured in answer to Annie's parents' wish. Which is easier: modify every DNA strand in Annie's body somehow (retro virus? more tiny parasites?), or give her a powerful parasite to bond with. But if Sagan appears later, then the whole idea crumbles.
Or, forgetting all that, the other possibility being the Skull Heart is magic so science and logic fly out the window.
So the newest arc of Annie LADY OF THE STARS was pretty good. It dragged on a bit but with a show that's been going for as long as Annie has it's to be expected.

I wonder how the feature film will turn out. Word is they actually traveled to space to film it.
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I must question the decision to change the title to LADY instead of GIRL, though. To try and appeal to more mature audiences?
Many small boys think "girls" equals cooties.And they wouldn't want to alienate half of their targeted demographic,and "lady",just sounds more eloquent and open(and a hell of a lot more mature).
But does that mean annie is the "Lady of slaughter?"
Beowulf has an Annie call.

Where? How? Why?

Are we talking about an intro quote that have been extracted from the beta? Something similar to the protobanner?
Where? How? Why?
He doesn't, DDB just misheard Andy as Annie. Beowulf sometimes calls out Andy since he's a big fan.
Poor DDB, his love for Annie is clouding his senses.
Andy anvil? Cool! I clearly didn't see that coming!

I wouldn't be surprised if he'll get his own version of punchout one day, it would takes some even more overpowered opponent to punch throught all that metal!
Lets admit it, making Beo call Andy was mike trolling ol' DDB
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Well, it IS deserved, as i see no one wondering "when's Andy" after all...things must balance out!