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The Annie of the Stars Mega Star Cruiser: Giga Dreamy Star Love Redux!!!!!! DREAM COMES TRUE EDITION

I swear the more I see this thread the more it looks like the parody of a cult, positively speaking of course (said the one whose favourite character is an unborn one that was conceived only in concept art and will probably never see the light of day).

Which makes said character unique in an obscure way. I guess.
And then a Night Phyre appeared.
I swear the more I see this thread the more it looks like the parody of a cult, positively speaking of course (said the one whose favourite character is an unborn one that was conceived only in concept art and will probably never see the light of day).

Which makes said character unique in an obscure way. I guess.
And then a Night Phyre appeared.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Annie the Stars wgah'nagl fhtagen.
i miss all the waifu factions
it was like some warring kingdoms shit
Skullgirls Basara
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The waifu wars were a horrible series of wars, ironically the only fandom that survived the war was for a character who's not even in the game. I guess that's the ultimate immunity you can't hate a character who never truly existed.
At first I was like "Wow DDB lost interest", then I realised April fools

Well played DDB but actually Minette should have won.
Minette is best character next to Squigly
Minette is best character next to Squigly
Personaly, Eliza is best girl.
Personaly, Eliza is best girl.

Oh that's Right Eliza is best character but lets not get off topic this thread is about Minette after all.
Oh that's Right Eliza is best character but lets not get off topic this thread is about Minette after all.
minetate is a subpar waifu
*nods* Haha, true, true, Annie can't curse (I suppose "ass" falls into that category).

How is the sword, that looks to be a fair chunk of heavy metal, staying on her waist? Did she follow Beowulf's example with The Hurting and get a strong belt magnet for quick-attaching items? Or did he learn this trick from her?
I would just like to point out in the Beowulf trailer when it flashes the image with Annie he immediately says "WHO'S NEXT?!" which could be compared to the predicate phrase "Annie, who's next". Coincidence.....I think not! (I'm joking of course)
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On second thought,
I regret gluing the sword to my behind."
Clearly the answer is nano-machinesmagnets.
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I would just like to point out in the Beowulf trailer when it flashes the image with Annie he immediately says "WHO'S NEXT?!" which could be compared to the predicate phrase "Annie, who's next". Coincidence.....I think not! (I'm joking of course)
That's thinking with your Annie-based brain, SOLDIER!
Temporarily removed the above post as it pertains to Beo's story mode. Beo still hasn't been released in all regions so there's still a lockdown on discussion. I know y'all are dying to talk about it, but try to hold it in for a week or so until most peeps have had a chance to go into the story unspoiled :)

Or you can hop on over here! http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/super-spoilers-beowulf-story-mode-and-other-lore.6768/

(Stopping Beo from talking about his own story mode. I truly am a god.)
You are no god, for your worship those of the sea. You desire waitresses and joke characters instead of cosmically-bound superheroines and spacerabbits. I say to ye, he who would call himself a god

I'm Poseidone with ya.

So when's Annie
Step 6: All becomes Annie.
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Those are the opponents' names right?

Hey I'm not here to criticize, I'm really starting to appreciate some Annie
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Yes but

EVERYONE is beginning to hop on the Annie train all over again.

We were already the most prominent of them all, now we only grow even moreso.
The next step: Whittling away at those front 3...