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Project Skulldate: Revamped!

Mind doing us a solid and providing rough competition stats for the stories? I want to know who I can seduce.

Well do to my time freeing up I'm back to working on the Cerebella route and will try to get a new demo out ASAP and we have writers like ColdRedBlue writing some routes once they are done I'll try to program them.
Well do to my time freeing up I'm back to working on the Cerebella route and will try to get a new demo out ASAP and we have writers like ColdRedBlue writing some routes once they are done I'll try to program them.
No I mean like, how's progress on everyone?
No I mean like, how's progress on everyone?

That's harder to say all I can tell you is that the routes are being written.
Wow, what a great ending. I especially liked that cheeky nod you gave to a certain someone.
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Err, hi!
I don't write very often on this forum, but I must say something: I like this. I like Skulldate(s?).

I loved the routes, especially Squigly's (talking about that, how many endings are in it?), I love this project and I want to help.
For first, I found a couple of bugs on Squigly's Route!

- During the storm, when Squigly's body starts trembling and all, sometimes it "flashes" on the left side of the screen for an instant. It happens very often, so it's pretty annoying.
- During fights, enemies' splash arts gets stuck when you won.
- Someone needs to "clean up" all the Squigly splash arts from those annoying white dots around her edge.

I love this project. Keep going!
The Annie Route has Re-opened due to the original writer being to busy and is unable to finish it. If you want to write for the Annie Route please PM me.
Err, hi!
I don't write very often on this forum, but I must say something: I like this. I like Skulldate(s?).

I loved the routes, especially Squigly's (talking about that, how many endings are in it?), I love this project and I want to help.
For first, I found a couple of bugs on Squigly's Route!

- During the storm, when Squigly's body starts trembling and all, sometimes it "flashes" on the left side of the screen for an instant. It happens very often, so it's pretty annoying.
- During fights, enemies' splash arts gets stuck when you won.
- Someone needs to "clean up" all the Squigly splash arts from those annoying white dots around her edge.

I love this project. Keep going!

Hi, and thanks for the support! To answer your question, it has four endings: one bad, 2 neutral, and one good or "perfect" end. As for the bugs you brought up:
  • The first two are just issues with the Ren'Py engine; there's no way I know of to fix them without major alterations being made to other parts in the game (especially the battle sprite issue), so I just left those as is as they seemed relatively minor.
  • Those dots are what are referred to as "artifacts", and I don't own or know how to use a program suitable to remove them. They don't really bother me, but if you or anyone else want to attempt to remove them, please go right ahead!
Again, thanks for playing and enjoying the Squigly route!

Also, I'd like to thank @BallotBoxer for being the visual inspiration behind Squigly's appearance in the perfect end with this post. You can see art of the final scene here, done by @Crazyzooka (spoilers!)
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Uh, I see.
By the way, I found another couple of bugs!

- At the beggining, during the conversation with Adam, the background is "not placed", there's a purple screen instead.
- Before meeting Squigly, if you go to the cafè and choose the option "Order Something", this will make a script error.
- Before meeting Squigly, if you go to your apartment and choose the option "Go To Bed", the script will restart in a loop.
I love digging inside the game :3
Hi sorry I haven't posted an update in a while but I feel like I should give you guys the news on whats happening. I am not happy with ow the current Cerebella route was written however since I have more experience now I have decided to re-write it so most likely the next update will be a new build of the Cerebella route.
Uh, I see.
By the way, I found another couple of bugs!

- At the beggining, during the conversation with Adam, the background is "not placed", there's a purple screen instead.
- Before meeting Squigly, if you go to the cafè and choose the option "Order Something", this will make a script error.
- Before meeting Squigly, if you go to your apartment and choose the option "Go To Bed", the script will restart in a loop.
I love digging inside the game :3

The latter two are because those are parts of routes not related to Squigly's. Or at least the cafe one is.
Sounds like an interesting concept. If you need any more writers, I dabble in narrative, but I don't have any experience with interactive stories like this one. I actually write a bit of fanfic but I'm quite self-conscious about my ability, I honestly can't place my skills as a writer. Getting better all the time, though!

Gonna try out the Bella route Magma has posted. I'll see if I can't provide you with some feedback.

Playthrough 1

Clicked "view poster" and went to the circus. After being prompted with whether or not I'd seen Bella's show before, I clicked "no" and got a runtime error.
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Hmm I don't know what the problem is. What you are playing is an old build in guessing I'm actually almost finished with the newest build so expect that soon..sorry.
Yay, so Skulldate is still a thing. Ive been gone too long.
Yeah Skulldate is still a thing I'm currently re-writing the Cerebella route. I'm almost done programing the first act just need a few more assists.
I would be happy to help, but im not 100% if I would be able to do much. I fell off Skullgirls and haven't been using Renpy for like almost 4 months because of school. Since I graduated I have a lot of free time.
I recommend thinking long about writing a route. It requires a lot of time and commitment you won't have to program but you'll need a decent story.
Yea, that's whats killing me. I wouldn't be able to make a decent story I don't know much about the Skullgirls lore like I use too.

Im glad I contributed to the first half of the development with cool ideas :PUN:.
Ok Sorry for the long-ass wait but I finally have the re-written Cerebella Route done. I'm much more happier with this new build. as of right now only Act 1 is one I'll start on Act 2 ASAP

I just started on the Squiggly route, and noticed that some of her portraits aren't cleanly rendered. Would you be willing to let me tidy up the portraits that need white outlines erased?
I would but the problem is I don't have the files to edit. Lockjaw does but he's banned. If you want to tidy up any other sprites for the Cerebella route or any future routes your more then welcome.
Sorry apparently there was a bug in the script that made it crash near the end of Act 1 so I fixed that.
I would but the problem is I don't have the files to edit. Lockjaw does but he's banned. If you want to tidy up any other sprites for the Cerebella route or any future routes your more then welcome.
I'd love to. But, um... where do I get them? I haven't DLed her route yet. Are the files already in there?
All the files are in there. It's under Cerebella route/graphics/Sprites is all the graphics PM me if you finish the cleanup.
Still working on the images. A friend who I told about this encountered an error.
It occurred when trying to order something to eat at the diner. Prior to that, he had picked every option except for going to the graveyard. It sounds like Lockjaw is the one I should be telling this to, but...

so yeah I guess that error comes up because the game expects you to have met her already when you try to order foo
[10:56:33 PM] Sage: d
[10:57:23 PM] Sage: the programmer clearly knows how to set flags to trigger "hidden" options once a certain criteria is met
[10:57:32 PM] Sage: as you can't leave with her until you talk to her about everything
[10:58:05 PM] Sage: so there should be some kind of check to see if the player has met/joined her before the option to order food appears :B
[10:58:43 PM] Sage: or to make it easier, don't even hide it at first
[10:58:51 PM] Sage: just have selecting it bring up a message about not being hungry
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The worst part is I cannot do anything because the files are locked away and the only one who has access is Lockjaw. And he's banned. I have no other way of contacting him.
So thought I might give you guys a bit of an update Im working on the script for Act 2 of Cerebella's route. Right now it is coming along nicely.
Is anyone else helping with the art/sprites? I could bring a few people in to help.
Is anyone else helping with the art/sprites? I could bring a few people in to help.

We have a couple people however they're curently busy right now and we always need new people for sprites and art. Yes you can bring them on.
Thank you so much.

Also sorry for not updating in a while Ive been busy with other things but Ill try to get a new build out soon.
Hey update I'm currently busy with college the project is not canned but it's on hiatus for now. Don't worry when I get the chance I'll get back to working on it.
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I like the fact that there is a sprite of a heart with squiggs butt in it xD
Yeah, that's part of an easter egg in Squigly's route.
Hi! I'm interested in helping out, added you on steam so don't be alarmed when you see my name pop up in your friends list.