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Tabletop Games Thread (And Roll20)

Been a while since this thread was posted in (And woop, Double post, my bad), but I have a question for the people that have checked this thread out.
Say we get an RPG Group together, and we play on Skype or Roll20, would anyone want to play?
I ask because I'm starting to feel the pains of trying to find agroup as a player (Wanting to play dat World of Darkness), plus it could be fun, so, worth a shot asking.
Didn't know we had a tabletop thread.

I'd be down to play and maybe DM a one-shot for the practice.
I'm familiar with GURPS, FATE (and FAE), and have read the hell out of my Mage: The Ascension manual but never ran/played in a campaign.
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Mage: The Ascension? More feeling the New World of Darkness (Awakened 2E comes out this year), but yaeh, we got a TTRPG Thread, has lapses of life here and now.

I'd be fine with anything, tbh, I'm mostly interested in Call of Cthulhu (Already got so groups set up, I'm DMing)
But I'D LOVE to play D&D 5E, Pathfinder, andd...pretty much any of the New World of Darkness lines.

I do feel you about reading the hell out of a manual and never playing a campaign, I'm worried that'll be my life with NWoD, buy a bunch of books, never play 'em.
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I'm a huge fan of the Warmachine universe.

Anyone here play their RPG?
Can't say I have.

I also have a manual for 3:16 Carnage among the Stars which is basically Starship Troopers the RPG.
Interesting thing about World of Darkness 2nd Edition books.
Ya don't need jack shit, got the core book? You're ready to play.
They ARE Still making a World of Darkness 2nd Edition Core Rulebook though
At the moment they got 2Es of Vampire: The Requiem, and Werewolf: The Forsaken
2Es of Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, and Changeling: The Lost are coming before the end of the year, no word on the other three remaining gamebooks.

Also, looked up War Machine, not quite a fan of games with miniatures (Look expensive as FUCK), but man, those are some NICE miniatures
Interesting thing about World of Darkness 2nd Edition books.
Ya don't need jack shit, got the core book? You're ready to play.
They ARE Still making a World of Darkness 2nd Edition Core Rulebook though
At the moment they got 2Es of Vampire: The Requiem, and Werewolf: The Forsaken
2Es of Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, and Changeling: The Lost are coming before the end of the year, no word on the other three remaining gamebooks.

Also, looked up War Machine, not quite a fan of games with miniatures (Look expensive as FUCK), but man, those are some NICE miniatures

Yeah, Warmachine is a hyper competitive miniature game (plays like a pseudo-chess since you can lose by having your warcaster killed off), but it has a D20 RPG as well based on that world.

Bringing this thread back due to a small renewed interest in a possible Skullheart TTRPG Group, so far we have 1-2 players intereted, but we'd need more and a GM depending on the game.

What kind of game would anyone be interested in playing
Some RPG stuff, like Pathfinder and D&D?
Some Horror, like World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, or maybe All Flesh must Be Eaten (Zombie game)
Or maybe some laid back Anime games?
There really are a lot of options
I DM'd a 3.5e oneshot with my pals and it ended with a lizardfolk hobo getting into a fistfight with a skeleton warrior that lost his weapon on a nat 1 attack roll and was left with 1 HP
They traded blows for a few solid minutes because neither could actually hit each other and the lizardman demanded everyone else back off because the fight became a matter of personal pride

this is why i like D&D
Allegedly, Pathfinder is 3.5-ish, but wow, D&D sounds crazy too.
I'd be fine w/ either of those as a first thing, really.
I just prefer Pathfinder since the race choices there are way cooler
Pathfinder is more or less 3.5+
We're gonna move into 5e soon enough, with enough time and stuff.
I'm fine with either, really. There's actually a fully fleshed out Cthulhu Mythos book for Pathfinder coming out soon enough that is just
Every single time Pathfinder referenced Cthulhu but fixed up by Sandy Petersen

Though, I'm not against D&D 5E since my Sister has that book on hand
I mentioned this in the COC thread, but I am taking a nutso summer class right now, so it'll be about a month or so before I can participate, but after that's over I'd be excited to dive in.

As for preferences, I'm not really into horror at all, or at least not pure horror. Only horror I like is the original Silent Hill quadrology, and mostly for the music and writing (mostly the writing, actually). Not that I wouldn't be happy to go along with it if everyone else did, but my vote would be for something else adventure related.

I'm kinda interested in Exalted in particular because it sounds like the kind of setting and style Platinum Games would make a game about. But I'm good for anything. Dungeons and Dragon's might be a good starting point for a newcomer maybe?

That Lizard X Skeleton anecdote made me laugh for a good minute, and I'm hoping I get to run into something like that.
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Bringing this thread back due to a small renewed interest in a possible Skullheart TTRPG Group, so far we have 1-2 players intereted, but we'd need more and a GM depending on the game.

What kind of game would anyone be interested in playing
Some RPG stuff, like Pathfinder and D&D?
Some Horror, like World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, or maybe All Flesh must Be Eaten (Zombie game)
Or maybe some laid back Anime games?
There really are a lot of options
Sign me up. I have minimal GM experience (Ran a single session) but I'd be down to learn.
I'm not picky on what system I would play in. But as far as what I have on my shelves to run I have
  • GURPS 4th edition - Ruleset with no specific setting and adaptable to any setting
  • GURPS Cyberpunk - supplement for GURPS focusing on the cyberpunk genre. Hacking, corporate structure, futuristic drugs and weapons. It's got that covered
  • GURPS Espionage - Supplement for spy fiction, covers a wide range of gadgets and abilities seen in spy fiction in general.
  • Operation Endgame - a 4 part GURPS campaign set in the 1990s set at the end of the cold war. Players are intelligence agents working to curtial the various defectors and black market dealers that threaten to tip the balance of war.
Lot of GURPS basically, real big fan of the series but don't get to play it often. Aside from that I have
  • FATE accelerated - very scaled back version of FATE that gives a taste of the main system (which is available as a pay-as-you-want game)
  • Mage: The Ascension 1st edition - White Wolf at it's finest in terms of settings, but if I ran this I would use the official GURPS conversion to make it actually playable and just use the story elements.
Stuff I've seen but haven't played, but would like to run that will definitely scratch the anime itch would be Double Cross and Jovian Chronicles. The former is about a world where a thing called the Renegade virus has infected the entire world but it's usually dormant. People that the virus becomes active in develop powers and abilities but at a cost. Overusing your powers can result in the individual going completely losing their humanity and becoming a literal monster or worse.

Jovian Chronicles is a mech game set in the future where Earth was able to colonize every planet in the solar system (sorry pluto) but after going dark for years re-emerged to find that it's former colonies have declared independence in their absence and developed their own unique political structures. Looks fun, have heard good things about it and it looks like it's not as impenetrable as the Robotech RPG.
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    • GURPS 4th edition - Ruleset with no specific setting and adaptable to any setting
Two words: Skullgirls campaign.

I just wouldn't make it a quest for the Skullheart, because:
1: With meta knowledge, nobody is gonna actually wanna make a wish on it.
2: Limits everyone to female player characters.

But it would be cool to try something in that universe.
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Two words: Skullgirls campaign.

Thread challenge: Give me some character ideas and I'll try and stat them out over the weekend with GURPS. Going to see if I can stat out the main cast now.
i'd say to try cerebella but you can't roll a character with zero intelligence or wisdom
I couldn't wait, I felt inspired today so I decided to go on RPG Drivethru NOW
Anyway, let's start with RPGs I know and want to play (and haven't mentioned here)

Dark Heresy, as mentioned earlier is basically an RPG where you play as Space Marines in the Warhammer 40K universe, which is known for being hilariously dark. There are other Warhammer 40K books, including ones where you are the Imperial Legion (Hilariously Underpowered), part of a special squad, space traders, or the bad guys, all them sound good but it is a rather large universe with a high bar of entry, though nothing you can't brush up on in sites

All Flesh Must Be Eaten, which is basically a zombie game with an absolutely massive number of supplements and settings (Sci-fi, Kung Fu, Wrestling ). I'd DM this one since I actually own the book, though I'd definitely do some checking to see what setting/supplement people like most

Pretty much any of the World of Darkness (Old World of Darkness) or Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness), but one I'd really love to play is:
Changeling: The Lost , a grimm fae story where you are a changeling, snatched from your home by the true fae, replaced with a perfect copy, you are transformed by your keeper, and one day escape to live again, but since you are no longer human, and someone else is living your life for you, your options are quite limited...

Though if you guys wanna Anime it up, maybe O.V.A. is your speed? Make your own anime character or setting, then have fun
But if you're feeling more slice-of-life, Golden Sky is a game where you're a trickster spirit animal, with a small bit of power, or the spin-off expansion, Faerie Skies, which is the same, but with Fairies!

While we're still on anime, how about you have a gander at Ryuutama? A game where you are the merchants, farmers, anything but the hero, as you go on a journey across the lands, learning about yourselves and others, combat is there, but muted

But enough anime and slice of life, let's get back to Action!

Feng-Shui 2 is a Hong Kong inspired cinematic action RPG, be one of 36 archetypes, and have adventures in many zones and time-lines inspired by action movies

Jadepunk is a very interesting sounding game that's Steampunk Wuxia, sounds like

I'll be linking my last two, so how about we get away from action and get to more fantasy

The One Ring is a fantasy game where you play in Middle Earth, after the Hobbit, yet before Lord of the Rings. All I can say is, damn, that art.

Exalted is a game where you are a powerful hero, as Grooktook said, it's basically Platinum Games in RPG form
Thread challenge: Give me some character ideas and I'll try and stat them out over the weekend with GURPS. Going to see if I can stat out the main cast now.


Random brainstorming character/plot concepts off the top of my head, don't take these too seriously
-Experimental egret soldier infused with a parasite by Braindrain (parasites should be a thing)

-Secret order of monks/nuns (could be western or eastern style) dedicated to training their minds to be absolutely pure so they can with on the skullheart without getting corrupted.

-Little Innsmouth street urchin turned politician trying to rise through the social ranks

-Mage who (supposedly) draws upon the power of the holy trinity. Warning: magic may randomly cause brain explosion or summon horrors. Maybe he's modeled after H.P Lovecraft. Racist against fish people. Okay with cat people.

-I don't even know how you'd do a paladin-esque character in this setting. Maybe a WW1 German Soldier vibe with a big spiked helmet or something.


I'll probably have to sit down and come up with something that's actually decent and fits in with the universe. Might take a few days, but we have a few weeks of preparation here.
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So, would anyone want to play 7th Sea?
Sounds like a really cool, charming, swashbuckling RPG, I was actually considering Kickstarting it, but (as always) lacked the funds and drive to do so, I think this might be good for a group game though
^^^I'd be fine with it, but I'm still gunning for something with a kookier setting or aesthetic like Exalted, Dark Heresy, Demon: The Descent, or a custom GURPS campaign*. Although reading up on the setting on 1d4chan it sounds cool.

*still brainstorming a Skullgirls adventure and character ideas.
We could do somethign kookier, then lead up to 7th Sea, which kinda feels like Princess Bride in some respects, and that is not a bad thing at all.

So wait,you have a vote for Demon: The Descent?
I wouldn't be against playing that, it is one of the weirder Chronicle of Darkness settings, it's basically Spy Drama Matrix stuff
Yeah, that sounds like the most interesting setting to me. Scratches that SMT urban-daemon-punk vibe with some matrixy/gnostic shit thrown in for extra fun. Read nothing but good things about it too.
I wanna play all the Chronicle of Darkness settings, but Demon: The Descent is a good start I think.

Though I wanna play World of Darkness too...
And that One World of Darkness which is the newest upcoming one
We should all add eachother on Steam and talk this weekend. I had some ideas for the whole GURPs prospect.
Possibly, Steam would be better for me than Skype, Skype is where all my ultra privateness is.
I wouldn't trust anyone here with my Skype.

But yeah, that sounds fine to me. We could finally decide wtf to play.
I've been chatting with Squire and it seems like we will be attempting a GURPS campaign in the future. I will go ahead and drop what's called GURPS lite. It's a free download from the creators and contains a basic overview of how the GURPS system works and how to generate characters.

I will also follow through with what I said earlier and drop some sample characters into the thread this week and explain how they get made.


In other news some kind individual was able to dump a usable translation of a Japanese TTRPG system called Tokyo Nova. It's been on my radar for a while and it's an interesting system that uses cards for conflict resolution instead of dice. I'm still breaking down the rules but I love the class system in this game and there are a lot of non-combat skills for the classes that would make for interesting situations. One class straight up has the pheonix wright "OBJECTION" as a move.

I plan to run a game with my friends and if it goes well I would love to run it here too.


  • GURPS 4th - Lite.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 453
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Oh hey, the threads back! Awesome, I'll give GURPs a try, if only to try and RP and get the things going.

That other game sounds pretty awesome too, I like that.

I've still been looking at Pathfinder, and I'd def love to play it, but not DM it.
It has a class called "Vigilante" which is basically any person hat's a normal citizen, but also a super hero.
You could be a magical girl if you wanted.
Speaking of J-TRPG's, I'm personally kind of interested in Nechronica. It came up a while back in a conversation about how to run a Dark Souls TRPG.

It has most of the trappings. A gloomy post-apoctalyptic death-world setting filled with monsters. All the player characters are undead. There's a humanity/sanity mechanic (interestingly fused to character relationships) to prevent your character from turning into a mindless undead. Etc. Only difference is, all the characters are lolis.

So its better then Dark Souls, is what I'm saying.

Anyway, Jutsei. Here's the archive of my convo with Paperbag Sniper from earlier today. There are some ideas for the possible skullgirls campaign, as well as an original setting I suggested based on something an acquaintance brain-stormed up. Think on this, any input is appreciated.

Squire Grooktook: oh dang, steam says you were online 1 hour ago
Squire Grooktook: I wasn't looking at screen so I missed you
Squire Grooktook: just send me a message if you see me online, and I"ll try to do the same!
Sun Jul 24 2016
Paperbag_Sniper: roger
Squire Grooktook: Ooh there you are
Squire Grooktook: I'll get to you in a sec, I just got up lol
Paperbag_Sniper: kk, playing league of legends right now
Squire Grooktook: okay that's cool, I'll just get breakfast than first lol
Paperbag_Sniper: breakfast? Right the time difference :D
Squire Grooktook: Yeah, though I did sleep in today lol
Squire Grooktook: Well earned after all the sleepless nights I spent studying
Squire Grooktook: Alright, back
Squire Grooktook: Soooooo
Paperbag_Sniper: still in game
Squire Grooktook: Alright, I'll just leave a few things for when you're out
Squire Grooktook: If you're still interested in the Skullgirls gurps campaign idea, I did have an idea for a character, based on a long running personal in-joke I had with friends within any game with a character editor, that might fit into the sg universe.
Squire Grooktook: Other possibility:
Squire Grooktook: I was talking with an amateur writer I'm acquainted with on another forum, brainstorming ideas for that srpg I had in the works
Squire Grooktook: and he came up with a pretty original and interesting concept
Squire Grooktook: I was thinking, if you wanted to try and original setting in Gurps (since, as I understand, its a good system for brewing up just about anything), maybe you'd find this concept interesting.
Paperbag_Sniper: care to drop some details about the character? GURPS is a point based system that divides characters into 4 major parts. Attributes (Strength, Dex, etc) Advantages (positive traits), Disadvantages (negative traits) and skills. I can look through my books and start statting things out for you if you'd like.
Squire Grooktook: Alright, I'll just give a basic concept and you can let me know if you like the idea
Paperbag_Sniper: I will also drop a blank character sheet into the forum so you can see what you're working with if you haven't already seen it
Squire Grooktook: So way back when me and a friend were playing Soul Calibur 4, we were messing around and doing lots of goofy shit with the character editor
Paperbag_Sniper: GURPS also has a free introductory component called GURPS lite. It's just the basic rules. I'll post those as well
Squire Grooktook: One thing I did once was create a fairly standard, ordinary looking knight in shining armor. Except he had an afro under his helmet. Which resulted in a pretty big laugh out loud moment when SC4's breakable gear meant he ended up rocking that in a middle of a battle.
Squire Grooktook: We ended up naming him and turning him into a memetic/in-joke character that I'd make in every game we played with a character editor (mmo's etc.)
Squire Grooktook: So I was thinking, the idea of a "disco knight" might kinda fit in sg
Squire Grooktook: I mean you already have Big Band with the music motif, and it is quirky enough
Paperbag_Sniper: Sounds like he would fit.
Paperbag_Sniper: any particular area he hails from?
Squire Grooktook: Only problem, is that SG is mostly based on 1920-30's-ish jazz/art-deco culture. Where'as disco is the 70's. But the setting is eclectic enough that it could work I suppose
Squire Grooktook: Hmmm, didn't think of that. I'd have to look into the series lore lol
Squire Grooktook: I only remember the main areas
Paperbag_Sniper: WEll we have two time travelers and one of them is effectively a god
Paperbag_Sniper: There are also teh chess kingdom and gigant kingdoms
Squire Grooktook: One thing I thought of, is that every character should probably have some kind of symbiote or organic/magical/technological weapon which gives them a unique combat gimmick. Ala most of the characters in the main cast.
Paperbag_Sniper: true
Squire Grooktook: To fit in with the disco theme, I was thinking maybe a cane/krieg type hybrid. Like maybe its a cane that transforms into a whip ala the threaded cane in bloodborne
Squire Grooktook: maybe it also has a projectile ala krieg, but maybe an opposite element like water, wind, ice, etc.
Squire Grooktook: One thought was to maybe have it be a water projectile that travels along surfaces and slows down opponents. Maybe call the weapon "Noah" to fit the biblical/mythological motif that most weapons and symbiotes in sg have
Paperbag_Sniper: fyi just hopped into another game so my replies may come in irregular intervals.
Paperbag_Sniper: threaded can sounds cool, how much armor does he wear being a knight and all
Squire Grooktook: Hmmm, kinda varies in each of the games I've made him in
Squire Grooktook: In Soul Calibur it was basically full knight suit
Squire Grooktook: In Pso2 we went a bit more garish http://i.imgur.com/R88t9NF.jpg
Squire Grooktook: so it could go either way
Paperbag_Sniper: Yeek that fro though.
Paperbag_Sniper: Axe looks rad though
Squire Grooktook: Yeah PSO2's character customization are off the hook.
Squire Grooktook: My favorite weapon is the big sword that's actually a flaming half motorcycle half chainsaw with an eye of sauron on it.
Squire Grooktook: the most metal weapon ever conceived (was added to the game as the winner of an art contest, actually)
Squire Grooktook: ah here we are http://i.imgur.com/VW8sEh2.jpg , http://i.imgur.com/8Tx2SAH.jpg
Squire Grooktook: speaking of sci-fantasy, I believe you said the other game you were experienced with is RIFTS. I wouldn't mind playing that either if SG fell through or if we couldn't think of a good plot premise or whatever.
Squire Grooktook: Which also brings me to what I mentioned earlier
Paperbag_Sniper: That is a metal weapon
Squire Grooktook: So talking with that writer acquaintance earlier, he suggested a pretty creative concept for my srpg, which might work in GURPS if you were interested.
Squire Grooktook: Basically:
Squire Grooktook: Mafia/film noir/crime drama with demon summoning
Paperbag_Sniper: Unfortunately I don't have much experience with RIFTS. I have been looking into a different system though that's got a cyberpunk theme and uses cards for conflict resolution
Squire Grooktook: Gothic secret socities and underground crime cabals control the world with daemonic magic. Players work as hitmen, enforcers, and mafia dons in a world where deals with the mob become literal deals with the devil
Squire Grooktook: It would be fun to base characters and plot premises on classic film noir and crime drama films. Strikes me as a uniquely western take on the SMT premise, since the west has such a rich history of film noir, crime drama, etc.
Squire Grooktook: It's a pretty elegant concept so it probably wouldn't be too hard to write up some quick lore for such a setting, I think
Squire Grooktook: ultimately its up to you though, whatever you think would be the easiest/best/most fun to run.
Squire Grooktook: I've encountered a lot of game systems and settings I find interesting snooping around, but those can wait
Paperbag_Sniper: We can work that out in the thread I guess. The reason I've stuck with GURPS is because it's a very modular system and can accomodate different playstyles. But other systems create their own "feel" which may work better with certain settings or playstyles
Squire Grooktook: Yeah
Squire Grooktook: My understanding of it is that its a bit complex but that you can basically do anything with it
Squire Grooktook: On that note, maybe I'll just archive this whole convo and post it on the thread for jutsei to see
Squire Grooktook: Oh, actually, now that I think about it, should I maybe try searching for a third player?
Squire Grooktook: I know a few cool dudes on steam who might be interested
That's a lot of text, I might be willing to play a Skullgirls game if you get a few more people, I cna't really find myself to motivate myself for games with less than three people, and I'd have to work hard to have a Skullgirls-ish character.
I wouldn't wanna recycle any of my OCs, at least at he moment
I'm down
I can bullshit a character pretty easily
if this is over steam too that means I'll have to get off my butt and actually get steam too
Yes I have that system as well. You left out the part where the game's fluff states that the necromancers that go about creating the "dolls" that roam the wastes have used the bodies of little young girls as vessels. Obviously the game doesn't hold a gun to your head and make you stick to that but it's very much so a "Horrifying cute girls in a post apocalypse" setting and I love the idea for as creepy as it comes across. Here's the cover but beware the gore and blood.

Something interesting to say about how Japanese tabletop games are laid out is that the rules tend to favor "oneshot" mentalities. Owing to the fact that in the early days of Japanese tabletop gaming, people didn't usually go to someones house but instead would meet at conventions or scheduled gatherings. So systems evolved to have fast character creation, give plahers relationship ties to other cast members, and have structured campaigns that have opening scenes, climaxes, and conclusions within single sessions.

It's interesting to compare to western systems which tend to favor long term campaigns with the same characters.
Did the Berserk guy make that cover? Holy shit.

Interesting though, for sure, I never see many Japanese TTRPGs, I know Call of Cthulhu has a few Japanese players, thoguh.

I might play that if it's not too bad, though. it does look pretty RPG Maker Horror to me
Yes I have that system as well. You left out the part where the game's fluff states that the necromancers that go about creating the "dolls" that roam the wastes have used the bodies of little young girls as vessels. Obviously the game doesn't hold a gun to your head and make you stick to that but it's very much so a "Horrifying cute girls in a post apocalypse" setting and I love the idea for as creepy as it comes across. Here's the cover but beware the gore and blood.

Oh, I didn't see the vessel stuff when I skimmed through the PDF. It seemed like the apocalypse and the necromancers were intentionally left fairly vague, so players/gms could come up with their own stories behind it. (another Dark Souls comparison point)

Speaking of gore though, that does remind me of another key component I forgot to mention: combat and gear is based around destructible body parts (with each limb having its own hp/wounds rating) and grafting more onto yourself from fallen foes. I was reading a thread on it, and it seems like it actually makes for a pretty tactical and fun combat system.

I also like this cover:


Something interesting to say about how Japanese tabletop games are laid out is that the rules tend to favor "oneshot" mentalities. Owing to the fact that in the early days of Japanese tabletop gaming, people didn't usually go to someones house but instead would meet at conventions or scheduled gatherings. So systems evolved to have fast character creation, give plahers relationship ties to other cast members, and have structured campaigns that have opening scenes, climaxes, and conclusions within single sessions.

Yeah, that is interesting. Personally, I feel like I'd like to go for a middle ground: I'd like to have enough sessions for a proper story arc to develop, but at the same time, I'd prefer to jump into a new game or setting after that one is finished. Can't see myself going with the same thing for several years unless it was really good.

I guess you could say that most of my tastes have evolved around my ADD lol.

Did the Berserk guy make that cover? Holy shit.

Not enough rape.

But yeah, the game seems fairly well liked and has something of a fanbase.

Also just reading the flavor text for the character classes in the core book gets me hype.

Dolls that use firearms.
Requiems of the end.
Fantasias for those without souls.
The sole notes heard within this world.
The specialty of this Class is range. Created to defend important positions, they also excel as guerillas. The report of their guns are the only melodies that resound within this ruined world, like bells tolling for those whom they lay to rest.
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so players could come up with their own stories behind it.
You get the option of choosing memory fragments because the souls that get stuffed into the vessels aren't necessarily the ones that belonged to the original body.
Also just reading the flavor text for the character classes in the core book gets me hype.
I mentioned it in the /tg/ thread but the class Baroque may be a callback to one of my favorite games of the same name. The game features a world where humans have become twisted, warped, monsters and it's reflected in that class.

I'd play it, I mean it doesn't sound much worse than Call of Cthulhu which I REALLY wanna play.
I like that there are enough systems getting thrown around in the thread but I do think that before we start scheduling anything we should figure out which systems we are actually going to dive into and who will be running the games. I told Squire that I wouldn't mind being a GM but I won't be avaliable for a couple of weeks.

What I would suggest is that everyone pick a system they are either willing to run, or want to play and we put it to a vote. Obviously we don't have to stick to a single system and we should rotate around as time goes on.

Does everyone have a roll20 account as well?