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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

I guess this is also where the "all the bio pictures are made by one of the various artists and will be modified as necessary" comes in.

But right now Kampan looks so much more like a Skullgirls character than an Indivisible character, and even in Skullgirls it's a little crazy since Panzerfaust is huge and Kampan is tiny, as the closest comparison.

what if... Kampan, my cute steam punk thief girl... is actually Panzerfaust's daughter from another universe?!

this would be amazing.
I guess this is also where the "all the bio pictures are made by one of the various artists and will be modified as necessary" comes in.

Honestly I'm really curious about this. I was stunned when Nuna's art came out, I thought they were already taking Backercarnations lol. It seems like the creative direction is gonna be more spread out this time, with other members of the art team getting to create Incarnations instead of Alex coming up with everything. As obsessed and inspired as I am with Alex's utter genius, I'm glad to see the rest of the team is gonna be able to strut their stuff too. I'm pretty curious about who's Incarnation is who's, though. Brady helped make Kampan, and I don't know where I saw this, but I think Lanshi was Mariel's idea, right?
I don't think Ajna is in the same nation considering they were at war... more "continent."
Well, they both (Ajna and Rvnnvr) from "South", while Iron Kingdom is on the "West". Rvnvr is South warlord who monopolized resource created and left by Kala (she happenned to arrive in South so he was able to seize them). Now he tries to not let foreign forces such as Iron Kingdom to get ahold of them. He also has a strong pro-Kala allignment and punishes anyone who refuse to worship her. Which is why Ajna's village was destroyed.
Meanwhile Iron Kingdom is militaristic country in the West which leads conquest of their own. But they don't have as direct of an impact on Ajna personally as Rvnvr does, since she lives basically on his turf so to speak. IK tries to invade South though to seize Kala's legacy which Rvnvr owns.
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That post from Alex feels like it happened yesterday. Great moment.
That post from Alex feels like it happened yesterday. Great moment.
Definitely doesn't feel like that was a year and a half ago.

what if... Kampan, my cute steam punk thief girl... is actually Panzerfaust's daughter from another universe?!

this would be amazing.
Reminds me of something I asked Alex to draw at the last AX.
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Wouldn't be a LabZero update without spelling errors.
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I really like Qadira's updated design. Previous was always bothering me for a reason I couldn't specify. Maybe it was too busy, or clothing looked a little to big on her.
Wouldn't be a LabZero update without spelling errors.
I thought that was some exotic word at first to fit with her... Arabian? Chinese? theme.

But then, "animationl."

The problem with Qadira's older design is that it just looked like she had disconnected shoulders, kinda like Samus with the Varia Suit. It was a little overdesigned too (although sometimes that works). I'm really liking the new look in general.

I was already considering putting her on my A-team, now it seems even more likely. She has to compete with Zahra though, and I think it comes down to whether I want to use barehanded Ajna and when we meet the incarnations...
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...Qadira is tall. Using a ruler and a calculator, it looks like if Ajna is 5'3, Qadira is about 6'5 measuring to the hairline of the transparent one (and that's with some margin for error - it seems more like over 6'6).
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Ginseng and Honey are inseparable, so much so that people don’t actually know who is who.
I love this detail. I wanna see a running gag where any time someone addresses one of them by name, she insists it's the opposite every time.
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I love this detail. I wanna see a running gag where any time someone addresses one of them by name, she insists it's the opposite every time.
Reminds me of when I played Day of the Tentacle recently with the twin brothers. Couldn't tell who apart except one was left handed... but you still didn't know who as they never specified who WAS the lefty XD
new plant based character. Uh oh Nuna, competition.
Is ginseng/honey a they? Can't really tell if they are a girl or boy. I'm getting a frisk vibe.
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Are ginseng and honey a they? Can't really tell if they are a girl or boy. I'm getting a frisk vibe.
"They" is the proper term when addressing two people. :PUJNA:
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The human looks like a she, I think. Dunno about the bean thing though.
The human looks like a she, I think. Dunno about the bean thing though.
Ehh I know it's up to opinion but I could see either or, or nonbinary tbh. That's usually nice to see u know?
Too bad we didn't get to see Dhar in action this time. We saw the screenshots, so we know he's in there!
Good update though, all of the new stuff looks pretty sweet. I'm excited to see more redesigns.
Meanwhile Iron Kingdom is militaristic country in the West which leads conquest of their own. But they don't have as direct of an impact on Ajna personally as Rvnvr does, since she lives basically on his turf so to speak. IK tries to invade South though to seize Kala's legacy which Rvnvr owns.
I like that so far there isn't a "Fire Nation," i.e. one definitive bad guy army aside from Kala herself. From the lore we know, pretty much every region has its bad side. Ravannavar in the South, IK military in the West, Druglords in the East, Civil Wars in the North, along with the Vetala and whatever the Golath are doing. Ravannavar seems like the meanest of them all, but you can sort of understand why he'd want to maintain strong control over his region with how aggressive the other regions are being as well.

Since Ajna's picking these people up from all over, it will be interesting to see how she manages to mediate these rivalries between them, if she can at all.
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I really like Qadira's updated design. Previous was always bothering me for a reason I couldn't specify. Maybe it was too busy, or clothing looked a little to big on her.

Definitely too busy, but the update is a pretty big swing in the opposite direction, too. Where's that gold circlet?

Also, I love the new Incarnation. That little root creature's blank expression is hilarious, and it's apparent goopy consistency looks fun as hell to animate.
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So where did Ginseng and Honey come from? Just curious.
So where did Ginseng and Honey come from? Just curious.
my guess, someplace not too far from Ajna's village. In the post about her, the team states that they didn't have an early game healer. So the likely hood of Ginseng coming from a village in the same area is pretty high.
Speaking about Frisk, how many of you are going to pull the Frisk BS and exclusively refer to the human character as a her even if the game never refers to them using said pronouns

Like either way I know from basically every anime thing ever made that people jumping to conclusions can be a problem haha
Speaking about Frisk, how many of you are going to pull the Frisk BS and exclusively refer to the human character as a her even if the game never refers to them using said pronouns

Like either way I know from basically every anime thing ever made that people jumping to conclusions can be a problem haha
Um. Toby Fox's official statement on it is "I don't care." Frisk is the archetype of silent protagonist at its purest. Frisk is not canonically anything more specific than human, but is interpreted by players.
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Or maybe we can pull off anything because Ginseng oh Honey Honey is not Frisk and L0 will tell us in the game who is who and if both of them are female or male and female or male and a bag of rice with eyes painted on it.

Like either way I know from basically every anime thing ever made that people jumping to conclusions can be a problem haha

Like in which anime thing ever made?
So its been reconfirmed there will be a minimum of 25 playable incarnations, with the rest acting as NPCs or having some other function in the inner realm, not including the guest characters. This may include other characters that weren't officially revealed during the campaign like Ginseng and Honey, such as the scottish samurai. So I'm gonna give my thoughts/predictions on who'll likely make the cut.

Definitely Playable

Ginseng and Honey

I Can't See These Guys Not Being Playable

Naga Rider
Quadira (basically confirmed?)

Might Not Make The Cut

Kushi and Altun
Scottish Samurai

Rest In Fucking Pieces
Crusty Whistler

Assuming every other playable character is from the officially announced list, four of them won't make the cut.
My four picks would be:
and Nuna.
With the exception on Kushi, I didn't see much of a response to these characters, and I could see Kushi being re-purposed into a fast travel unlock. What do you guys think?
Like in which anime thing ever made?
Well I mean like games, shows, etc. (Chihiro, Blazblue, Soul Eater, even a One Piece filler did it) I've seen enough stuff that intentionally misleads you to know that a character that's androgynous and referred to as they at the start shouldn't be gendered in the first 5 minutes of their existence
Or maybe we can pull off anything because Ginseng oh Honey Honey is not Frisk and L0 will tell us in the game who is who and if both of them are female or male and female or male and a bag of rice with eyes painted on it.
Yes, and my point being we haven't even got there yet, and people are exclusively referring to them as a she already, despite them not knowing! Lab Zero might just very well not tell at all, my problem is if they stick to them being referred to as they, never once referring to them as a girl or a boy, will you still refer to them as a girl?
Um. Toby Fox's official statement on it is "I don't care." Frisk is the archetype of silent protagonist at its purest. Frisk is not canonically anything more specific than human, but is interpreted by players.
I've seen that argument thrown around and, to this day, have NEVER seen a source. But I found a good explanation to what I mean by Frisk BS
if a character is exclusively referred to as they, thats… telling. If the game has a huge plot point about how the player character is their own person with a name and the characters STILL refer to them as they, thats even more so. to look at these characters who are exclusively referred to as they and to interpret them as anything but nonbinary displays an internalized transphobia. It’s maybe not malicious or active, but you never would have arrived at the conclusion these characters were not nonbinary if you hadn’t internalized that transphobia in the first place. it only becomes malicious when you start telling people it’s a headcanon and they don’t know what they’re talking about
Like I understand I'm probably being kind of a dick, but I feel this really has to be nipped in the bud alright? My bottom line argument is: Nonbinary people exist and we've got a character so far that's only referred to as they. Lab Zero has stated themselves they want this game to have pro LGBT themes, so I think we as a community and as fans should follow in their footsteps.

Also so sorry about posting after your post Chillbean I don't mean to distract attention from yours, I'm interested in who's gonna make it too
It was on his Twitter ages ago. That's as official as Toby Fox gets. Players are free to refer to Frisk as "he" "she" or "they" with the inherent implication that we don't know. Saying Frisk is nonbinary is as much conjecture as saying Frisk is a girl, so don't push it.

As for playable characters... how is Thorani guaranteed? This isn't just my love of Zahra speaking, I admit she could provide the passive buffs for incarnations in the Inner Realm. But Thorani over Ren, Tatanka, George, Antoine? Well, Antoine I could see as the training room guy.
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This is just my subjective list, and I didn't put Thorani in the guaranteed list, shes at the top of the list that I think has really good chances. My personal reasons for thinking she is so likely is the fact that Alex shared quite a lot of move concepts for her fairly early on, along with a silhouette of her stood next to Ajna and Dhar, so I think she may be the second incarnation you obtain. This could mean nothing, but I think she was one of the most fleshed out characters early on.
Well I mean like games, shows, etc. (Chihiro, Blazblue, Soul Eater, even a One Piece filler did it) I've seen enough stuff that intentionally misleads you to know that a character that's androgynous and referred to as they at the start shouldn't be gendered in the first 5 minutes of their existence
You might be thinking of traps. Those are a totally different thing.

Yes, and my point being we haven't even got there yet, and people are exclusively referring to them as a she already, despite them not knowing! Lab Zero might just very well not tell at all, my problem is if they stick to them being referred to as they, never once referring to them as a girl or a boy, will you still refer to them as a girl?
The "they" pronoun isn't referred to one of them but to both. The gender thing is not even mentioned there.

Do you really expect to never have one of them during the game tell the other something like "What do you say X?", thus clearing the doubt? It's going to be a running gag even, so you might expect the human going "No I'm Y, my pet is X".

I've seen that argument thrown around and, to this day, have NEVER seen a source. But I found a good explanation to what I mean by Frisk BS
if a character is exclusively referred to as they, thats… telling. If the game has a huge plot point about how the player character is their own person with a name and the characters STILL refer to them as they, thats even more so. to look at these characters who are exclusively referred to as they and to interpret them as anything but nonbinary displays an internalized transphobia. It’s maybe not malicious or active, but you never would have arrived at the conclusion these characters were not nonbinary if you hadn’t internalized that transphobia in the first place. it only becomes malicious when you start telling people it’s a headcanon and they don’t know what they’re talking about
...the hell has transphobia anything to do with "you're supposed to identify with the character even in the gender"?

Lab Zero has stated themselves they want this game to have pro LGBT themes, so I think we as a community and as fans should follow in their footsteps.
1. That was Ravidrath
2. What he said here was about the possibility of a gay character and consideration of some LGBT themes, not making the whole game about it. To quote:

The Gay Gamer: You mentioned in your initial e-mail to me that Indivisible will have some sort of gay content. Can you tell me more about that? What form will it take? Are we talking about a major element of the game--the protagonist Ajna being gay or discovering she's gay--or something a little less major, like a side character being open about being LGBT?

Bartholow: A lot of these ideas are still forming, and talking about the ones we do have in mind right now would probably be considered spoilers. But, yes, we do plan to have LBGT representation in the game. I don’t think it’ll be a major element, mostly character detail and context. It’s important that we strike the right balance in making it feel natural, but also not call so much attention to it that they’re defined by their sexuality or gender identity.

First and foremost, we want to make characters that are defined by what they do and say, not by what they happen to be. So, for example, a side-quest line might be about an Incarnation that Ajna has absorbed that’s worried about their lover. As you do the quests, and you find out the lover is the same gender. Not really meant to be a big reveal, but it’s there, and if you think back on the character and other situations in the game, you’ll realize it makes sense.

The Gay Gamer: What prompted you to add gay content to this game? Why do you think it's important?

Bartholow: One of Indivisible’s central themes is how a diversity of viewpoints is stronger than a monolithic one. Even though the game isn’t set in America, that’s a pretty American ideal, and that was one of the reasons for the title. So we wanted to extend those viewpoints beyond country and skin color and into sexuality, gender identity, disabilities and other aspects of the human condition that inform our worldviews.

For example, while Ajna grew up in a remote village, she’s strong, has never had to struggle and probably doesn’t have the perspective and vulnerability of someone like, say, Yan, who was abandoned by her parents because she was born without arms. So as Ajna meets and fuses with these varied characters, it will give her perspectives and the accompanying empathy she might’ve otherwise lacked.

Again, it’s really important to us that we treat this with sensitivity. While including these kinds of characters is a goal of ours, we don’t want to force it. If we don’t feel we can do it right, we’ll hold off until we can.

My bottom line argument is: Nonbinary people exist and we've got a character so far that's only referred to as they.
A couple of pages ago we talked about how token characters (characters whose only shining """"quality"""" is being speshul) can be bad for a story. You are basically talking about G&H's pronoun based on a joke of who's who. That's superficial as fuck mate, no offense.
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Sangmu is playable. Confirmed by Mike in this thread.