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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

yeah. i would love to see the backer preview here soon, but i would think that it'd have to wait a tad ad the current spotlight's been stolen by Cuphead and A Hat in Time
Bazilmesh! i-it reminds me of Final Fantasy's Gilgamesh...
Where did that come from? Because that actually fits the game's aesthetic perfectly. To the point where I would have trouble accepting any other design.

yeah. i would love to see the backer preview here soon, but i would think that it'd have to wait a tad ad the current spotlight's been stolen by Cuphead and A Hat in Time

I don't think L0 has even been the type to even think about popularity or the "spotlight". My guess is they're still waiting on consoles, but now that you've got me thinking, it could be a possible factor. They should have another update very soon since they're past their deadline and all.
@Kit Ballard LZ said that they would have the build submitted on the 4th and with some luck about a week and a half later we would get it. So now to like next Monday we should be hearing news on it.
I thought I remember hearing that submission date got pushed back to the 11th. So they're only just now sending it off to MS and Sony, who will inevitably Murphy's Law us for more than Two Weeks.
What exactly is that new skirt? I hate to be another instance of "all change is bad" but the grass skirt seemed like a perfect fit to me.
This new skirt is pretty and looks like actual Hawaiian clothes, I like the change

Also the chainsaw change is nice too, looks better as a sword
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What exactly is that new skirt? I hate to be another instance of "all change is bad" but the grass skirt seemed like a perfect fit to me.

While strongly associated with Hawaii now, grass skirts are actually Micronesian in origin. And over the years have become a trope that is semi-offensive to many Hawaiians.

Based on our research, this kind of netting is more authentically Hawaiian.
The chainsword was already a sword, it just had a strange handle.
I like this design better, to be honest.
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oh she's really nice. I love it

so bright and happy! I can't wait for her and Ajna to be god friends.

Aww.. it's more like a sword now instead of a chainsaw sword. Always a fan of the chainsaw looking ones..
While strongly associated with Hawaii now, grass skirts are actually Micronesian in origin. And over the years have become a trope that is semi-offensive to many Hawaiians.

Based on our research, this kind of netting is more authentically Hawaiian.
Huh, TIL.
Still feel like grass skirt is aesthetically cooler though. I dunno, maybe could've just retconned her to be fantasy-Micronesian instead of fantasy-Hawaiian instead?

also wait what's this about it not being a chainsaw anymore D:
all change really is bad D:
Calm down. It still has chainsaw teeth. The main difference is in the hilt.

Also personally I find the current skirt more inspired. Never saw the appeal of the grass skirt, since it was simply... well a skirt made of grass.
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It still looks like a chainsword and not a historical shark teeth sword, I think we're fine.
While strongly associated with Hawaii now, grass skirts are actually Micronesian in origin. And over the years have become a trope that is semi-offensive to many Hawaiians.

Based on our research, this kind of netting is more authentically Hawaiian.

So more or less the exact same reason as Nuna's "too on-the-nose" design changed, only this time explained. Which I support greatly.

And not only that, but what other non-indie dev would actually go out of their way to avert Reality Is Unrealistic and greatly improve the character's designs at the same time? (As in, instead of impoverishing the character designs solely for the sake of averting said trope, which i'm sure has happened countless times.)

Let's just pile more stuff on to this orgy of evidence that L0 is in fact the greatest :PUJNA:.
*see Leilani's pictures*
Why there is SEGA's Logo in the background?

Other than that, we NEED Leilani in a Warhammer 40k fanart!!!
Before you say anything, yes, the saw sword is a real weapon.
I always miss the streams... :(
oh well, Leilani is there! I like the redesign she got, she looks really nice! I love that confident look she got on her face
My two cents:

- Leilani got better. I honestly didn't care about her original skirt being/not being offensive, but I think blue suits her better.
- Sangmu looks different, but I think that's okay since I always thought her original design looked more like a healed Painwheel/Carol from SG with another outfit, one a bit too similar to Razmi's even; the new one has parts that remind me more of mandalas, which is her theme. My only complaint is that there are not enough freckles on her nose(!!!1!!111!). Needs a bit more there; they were hella cute.
Let's keep in mind the fact that Leilani's new skirt is probably harder to animate than the old one.

L0 has some serious dedication to keeping the characters authentic.
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Unless stated, the changed sword design is more of a "Sharktooth Sword" than a "Chainsaw with Shark teeth, but it's also a sword" to me =\

Else, I'm digging mah gurl.
With the last info we got it could be out at any moment now.
I don't know about that, when something gets pushed back this much they usually tell us "it's been submitted" whenever it ends up happening. That said, they did tell us it was supposed to be submitted on the 4th on the 2nd so maybe that was enough, in which case it's any time now, yeah.
Just noting none of this is any form of complaint, I understand there have been porting issues or there might have been other issues in general, stuff gets delayed until it works, that's fine, I just don't want to personally get excited that it's coming out "any moment now" when that might not be the case.
In the recent animation stream, I believe I saw Peter saying that they were planning to submit it next Tuesday. He also mentioned something about 505 Games celebrating Jewish holidays, so they aren't able to do so earlier.
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The BackerKit pre-orders will be charged then, along with the handful of $5 and $15 contributions that upgraded to $30+.

It's roughly half of the total funds that will be charged when we do, and the rest will happen at the end of the year.
Bringing this back because these people Peter mentioned will be charged on 10/20.

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Oh crap.

I wasn't really planning on being this p️oor.

Won't I be charged later if I backed during the "initial" crowdfund then upgraded my tier? Or is everyone being charged at this date no matter what?

Waaaaait, am I only paying my upgrade amount? I kinda totally forgot if I already paid my initial contribution it was so long ago. If that's the case I don't have much to worry about. If that's not the case, then I reeeeealllllllllly hope L0 is ok being paid money that doesn't actually exist yet, but will exist either on that date or a day or two after, depending on how my new job's pay periods work.

Oh crap.

I wasn't really planning on being this p️oor.

Won't I be charged later if I backed during the "initial" crowdfund then upgraded my tier? Or is everyone being charged at this date no matter what?

Waaaaait, am I only paying my upgrade amount? I kinda totally forgot if I already paid my initial contribution it was so long ago. If that's the case I don't have much to worry about. If that's not the case, then I reeeeealllllllllly hope L0 is ok being paid money that doesn't actually exist yet, but will exist either on that date or a day or two after, depending on how my new job's pay periods work.

If your initial IGG tier was under $30 and you paid X amount to get it to 30 or above, you'll be charged X amount.

If your initial tier was at $30 or above, you won't be charged on 10/20.
I'm confused, I thought we already payed for our contributions
This is only for people that upgraded through Backerkit.
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The twitter notice reminded me to check to see what I filled out the survey form.

I did it back in January and I set it to steam since Skullgirls was pretty much best on PC in terms of consistent support via patches/updates.

This is very exciting.