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Quality of Life Changes Suggestion Thread

sorry just thought my invincible reversal working should be considered quality of life
Can we get a slight increase in Peacock's c.MP, or even make it two hits so that both hits vacuum? First hit pulling out the arm, second hit the eyes coming out. Or even halfway through the eye animation being 1 hit and then the second when they are fully out.

Or even item drop vacuuming SLIGHTLY more when it combos.
I'd like you to post a video of the context that inspired this suggestion, im having trouble picturing situations for this
I'd like you to post a video of the context that inspired this suggestion, im having trouble picturing situations for this
Sorry for taking a while, but before I do a recording lemme try again.

so the situation is iad j.MP from near max range
c.MP, c.MK, c.HP, s.HK, Item drop, essentially a basic conversion.
What I've recently learned is to do microdash j.MK into j.HK I have to eliminate c.HP

It really just seems that Peacock needs to buy an engagement ring for her combos with c.HP countering the vacuum of c.MP, c.MK, and just do
c.MP, c.MK, s.HK, item drop instead. Makes no sense just how it feels like Peacock's combos are more difficult, "just cuz'.
If fortune is using any of her head off hp buttons for her assist can she act immediately out of alpha counter instead of having to wait a bit for her to be able to move? it would be a really fun option to have.

Bella's airthrow has this tendency to miss in situations where it REALLY feels and looks like it should. Idk what could be done about it without just straight up buffing it, but it's very very frustrating.

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my eyes just bled
kind of bleeds over into features category but fits QoL

Unfortunately missed last chance qualifier, it happens. usually stay off twitter to avoid getting distracted & couldve looked there so thats me but just as well we have this cool feed in game & an official discord but (tmk) wasnt brought up in a formal capacity on either... Overall was really surprised the in-game feed didnt bring it up at all when all the others were. its a great feature so people dont have to repeatedly look elsewhere for info. Even minor tourneys were listed. After putting in so much time to stay fresh it's disheartening not finishing the last sgc of the series. For the future can that please be more consistent in-game as well as discord announcements. that'd be dope.
Just reduce the meter gain on Bella's command run. Other than that, I have nothing else to say about Bella so far.
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Can Painwheel's H pinion (and by extension I think M pinion would need to as well) go slightly further to compensate for the qcf input itself? Robo is going to move slightly forward which allows the camera to pan out when the pushback of beam is in effect.

Basically unless you're getting L beam frame perfect or 1 frame after, it's going to whiff at any other point if your forward input lasts 2f or longer. Idk if this happens for other fullscreen-ish assists and I'm honestly too lazy to check. I'm even too lazy to check what characters this can happen on but fortune is one of them so we got one down.

I know it can just be considered a limitation of the move much like stuff like bypass doesn't go all the way but I think it's maybe fair for something that's very minutely off?

I think an 8th or even a 16th of a unit square would do a lot but idk just thought I'd mention it
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I also wanted to present this, I know in the early alpha I was told to "hold that" but I just really think that being 1-2 units off is an okay fix to be making to hurtboxes, and currently this is the only character you have to hold forward on meaning you have to micro walk for a frame or two and 236LK K 3 jLP 5MP is already a 6f link, holding forward 1 frame makes it a 5f link which is now harder although I think if you have to account for pw falling for 2f iirc it's actually like 3 because you have to micro walk? idk I just don't think it's a very big ask.
Could bella's cMP have the hitbox reach a little bit lower? It's one of her main otg buttons but it still whiffs for no reason sometimes and you can get some crazy instances like this: https://streamable.com/nqpvzm

lmao look at pw's hurtbox what is this


Pummel horse also just leaves the opponent pretty unnecessarily far and cLK whiffs on some characters like beowulf and squigly without microdashing. I don't see a reason to not have them right in front of you at the end like when you're in the corner.
Can you please also make Valentine's j.MP trigger a hitstun on hit? Also, please fix the H Bypass bug on her j.MK as well.
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Could bella's cMP have the hitbox reach a little bit lower? (...)

Pummel horse also just leaves the opponent pretty unnecessarily far (...)
Yeah, either or both of these suggestions sound good. Could just do the pummel spacing thing if we didn't want to buff a button hitbox (though I don't think it would be too crazy of a buff if it was only extended downward, not horizontally)

edit: for those unaware, the pummel horse 2MP whiff happens when painwheel mashes the stagger a little bit but not optimally, and her stagger recovery animation leans back a bit. It's a bit jank

Can you please also make Valentine's j.MP trigger a hitstun on hit?
Do you mean a knockdown or something?

Also, please fix the H Bypass bug on her j.MK as well.
What bug are you referring to?

Also, make Painwheel's Fly assist grab the point character with an overhead air attack.
Not a QoL suggestion
edit: for those unaware, the pummel horse 2MP whiff happens when painwheel mashes the stagger a little bit but not optimally, and her stagger recovery animation leans back a bit. It's a bit jank
That is incredible
Oh, the behavior where the hitbox just doesn't appear in some situations, I see.
Exactly. I know some Val players who would love to see it be fixed. I understand the character's schtick is that she's somewhat blind but still. Any help to her would be nice.
I'm on the side that thinks PW is fine and doesn't need buffs but~
EKG into Death Crawl doesn't combo on big band, not even when EKG was done grounded.
Kinda from the same opera albeit not that severe. Don't forget to delay your DHC just a tiny bit on Band, people.
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There are 2 QoL changes I'd like to see but they're more related to accessibility rather than character changes. It would be nice to have the training mode options split into sub menus so it's easier to get to certain options since some common options require a good bit of scrolling to get to. The other option I would really appreciate is the ability to turn on instant rematch in lobbies that have more than 2 people. A lot of the time I play, it's in groups of 3 and we end up doing a ft3 before switching who plays, so going back to the lobby and choosing our team every time gets a bit tiresome.
There are 2 QoL changes I'd like to see but they're more related to accessibility rather than character changes. It would be nice to have the training mode options split into sub menus so it's easier to get to certain options since some common options require a good bit of scrolling to get to. The other option I would really appreciate is the ability to turn on instant rematch in lobbies that have more than 2 people. A lot of the time I play, it's in groups of 3 and we end up doing a ft3 before switching who plays, so going back to the lobby and choosing our team every time gets a bit tiresome.
Elaborating on that, options you can assign as quick toggles to each of the 8 directions of the right analog stick -- bypass menus altogether after assigning. Or perhaps holding both triggers + directional buttons for stick/hitbox users...whatever makes sense. If you wanna get a bit more aesthetic, borrowing the quick-select wheel from strive would streamline a ton. No more videos with people in training menu all the time either lol -_-

Replay mode already does this without a UI per say to toggle display, slo-mo, etc...so i'd assume it's possible in training mode. Just allow people to assign them. Simple. Toggling blocking options in an instant has been a dream of mine so i feel that. If all FGs had this, it'd make everything so much damn easier.


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Old Active Salt Grinder Frames, so that jHP -> Salt grinder doesn't get dropped.

Retina Reflector fix out of corner: Doing Tongue Twister -> Immediate Retina causes the combo to drop on most characters as it ends up too far away. I guess Retina relies on the camera to an extent?

Old Retina Reflector hit timings: This way run up 6HP, which used to be possible, are possible yet again. This change seemed weird to happen in the first place.

Retina/Contact Lens Input Change: This overlap has caused numerous drops for various Umbrella players. My suggestion would be making Contact Lens QCF PP, Retina QCF KK, and UTW QCB KK. That or swap Retina and UTW, making her inputs similar to squigly SBO.

OTGLess Wish Maker: sMP x2 Wish Maker has a strange timing, which would be cool to see made a bit more consistent.
Eliza's LoS is a massive gamble to DHC out of early given how it side-swaps, this is relatively niche and therefore unimportant but you are effectively punished for having extra meter in specific scenarios. For example, Band can convert off SSJ with otg and a few specific assists when he does it from out of(reverse) corner, although getting SSJ in the right direction is finickity by itself. This inconsistency however is not the main issue; the main issue is that with more meter, it is, to my knowledge, a complete tossup as to whether you will get SutB or SSJ. Having so many different things that can go wrong seemingly at random completely takes away from my agency as a player:
-I might get into corner SutB, which gives me a conversion, but spends more meter than I wanted for no reason as well as neutering the damage of the super.
- Or I could get reverse corner SutB, no conversion worth squat but the super does full damage.
-I might even get an into corner SSJ which has about the same conversion ability as reverse corner SutB
-And finally I could get reverse corner SSJ, which is the result I wanted in the first place.
TLDR: super that side-swaps a lot is annoying and inconsistent to DHC out of, issue is compounded with 2 bar and 236PP/214PP super overlap, please add a way for inputs to determine which super you use and what side it comes out on or remove the inconsistency entirely by only allowing DHC from one side so no side swap is possible
In light of EVO's Top 8 and another round of dropped happy birthdays within, I would like to resubmit my idea for updating stage visuals to show the maximum distance needed for a Outtake (snap-back) to trigger happy birthday on an assist. This would help players making snap decisions into snap-back to better decide on whether it would be successful.
Since one of these dropped happy birthdays happened on the EVO NMO Arena stage, I'll use that as an example. The visual could be something like a noticeable scuff/scratch mark on the ring canvas, or a small corner border sign. The idea is going into either corner, say left side, both players could look at the mark and know from a glance that the right side of the mark is the maximum defense a snapback into the corner would trigger a happy birthday.

Some examples for other stages I had in mind: new carpet borders on River King, a brighter/darker plank on the Innsmouth boardwalk, and a darker floor pattern on Medici Tower.

Would be interested in hearing what others think about this idea.
Would it be possible to make the off screen circles (like P1 and A1 when the point or assist aren't visible) to make them a little bigger or more noticeable? Like a more highlight-able color or something to better distinguish from in most stages? Maybe it's just me but I have a hard time seeing them.
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Hi, I'd like to suggest a few Umbrella changes to make her less annoying to combo with.

jHP Salt Grinder whiffs against Parasoul and Double if done with no delay. It's just something I could do without. Not hard to deal with, just really annoying.

jHP Slurp and Slide whiffs against Parasoul and Cerebella in ravenous with no delay. This one actually worsens some corner routing because it makes Slurp and Slide go a little further, but it's not a big deal. It's actually kind of hard to time against them, unlike Salt Grinder, specially if calling an assist at the same time as the slurp.

jHP Snap shouldn't require OTG if you're hitting a light and a heavy. You can avoid this by cancelling before the last hit of jHP. Therefore it counts as QOL give Snap a bigger vertical hitbox please

Change Contact Lens input to something else. The overlap it has with reflector leads to so many misinputs cause it's a reversal super, your main reversal, and you have to mash it somewhat. Nope suggested making Contact Lens 236PP and Reflector 236KK. I think that's a great idea. Moving 214KK would be fine.

5HP is a bit unreliable when reflecting big projectiles like H Crescent Cut, I feel like the reflector hitbox should at least cover the hurtbox area so you don't just straight up lose to the projectile. This wouldn't be a big buff and would still be a pretty bad reflector in the most important matchups and most situations but it'd make it feel better.

2HP's first hit is hella tiny and the first hit has an awkward tendency to knock people out of the second hit for some reason? At least I've had it whiff way more than it should have. Giving it a vacuum effect and/or increasing the hitbox would make it much nicer to use while not changing any other aspect of her (no one would anti air with 2hp while having 6lp).

This is the only thing I think might be unreasonable to ask. Give jHP a hitbox on the back, too. IOH jMP jHP conversions are hella inconsistent cause Umbrella tends to cross up. even jMP jMK conversions can be pretty wonky against the smaller bodies. This would make converting from jMP a lot more consistent and also please i beg you it drops so often in combos cause she decides she wants to cross up
Recently I have changed from keyboard to hitbox and I had to give up on my extra 2 macros, so I no longer have a P+P macro. And since then I get hit more often (tbh I`d never get hit in these situations on keyboard) when I try to unfly and block, I lot of the time I end up getting a button and getting counter hit.

So I was wondering, what if we could unfly with an airdash input (66 or 44)?

TL;DR Let me unfly with an airdash input.
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I got your fix right here:

In all seriousness though I'd rather it not be a dash input, esp because that would mean you can't micro space flight with a change like that (this is useful for very precise adjustments) and the last thing I'd want is something messed up like 4 6 4 causing unfly because of some buffer weirdness.
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You are right, I didn't think all the way through with it. I'm just frustrated for getting hit on situations I'd never be hit. Thoughts on other possibilities tho?
Like, is it that useful for 214K to be fly while you are flying? Or something like 22K
Iirc pressing 2 assist macros at the same time was an OS of sorts, where (if the macros were set up correctly) you'd tech throws, call an assist or stop flying. I'll dig for it when I get home, dunno if it'd help.

Also, I feel like an input with 3 different button presses (specially 22) would take a really really long time to do compared to the 1 frame unfly of PP. I think 214K could be unfly just fine, if you wanted to refresh your flight time you could just do a normal before it.
inputting fly again to unfly as an alternative is maybe fine? I can't really think of anything that would cause problems atm other than instead of buer or your K normal you'll get fly in cross up situations which could be its own can of worms.

Reflying just shouldn't be a thing at all but it is what it is. But if 214K during fly is an alternate unfly you could just PP 214K to refly though that might 'cause input errors too but pw has 0 j214 P type specials or supers so maybe that's okay 'cause even in cross up set ups it's not like you can avoid accidental buer or fly anyway (those situations suck).

Personally I'm fine with just the PP input but I'm totally down for alternatives other people can do, I just don't know what would work without it causing weird issues.

Frame 1 unfly inputs are great 'cause you can take advantage of unfly guard cancels, PP is nice for that so I'd never want that to go away, alternatives I'm open to since I likely won't use them myself but if it helps other people without issues then why not.
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Does unfly have input leniency like dashes? If not, that seems like it'd be the ideal solution (though it might be a ton of work to implement given how tough dash inputs were).

214K to unfly seems like it'd only exacerbate the existing issue of PW's inputs getting messed up in scrambles/cross-up situations.

If input leniency wasn't an option 22K seems the least likely to cause issues given it's not dependent on the direction you're facing and I don't think it'd come up accidentally in matches? Navigating Pea zoning into a jMK sticks out to me as the only place where it might happen accidentally (though I may be missing an obvious case).
PP is nice for that so I'd never want that to go away
Me neither, I'm just asking for another option that is easier to input without a macro.
j214 P
That one sounds interesting
Or 22PP, 22KK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Does unfly have input leniency like dashes?
It does
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im still waiting for eliza 2 get some I frames on Nekbreaker so she gets an air reversal..u know..a lvl 1 reversal. haha.