With all the hype surrounding your Big Bands and Beowhatsits and Wholizas, people seem to have forgotten the most important character: Robo-Fortune!
Here's a short list of information that's confirmed about the final (confirmed) DLC character:

She's got detachable limbs! She's got cat ears! She's got a crippling case of self-loathing!
Here's a short list of information that's confirmed about the final (confirmed) DLC character:
- She won't be a puppet character.
- She won't be rushdown.
- She's a heavy character like Double, and may not be retaining Fortune's doublejump/airdash.
- (Disclaimer: This info is from early 2013, and may no longer be accurate.) Both Mike and Alex have signed off on the idea, and Robo-Fortune is confirmed to have detonation mode! Similar to the detonation mode of Robo-Ky of Guilty Gear fame, Mike gave a nice explanation of what it is (and how it may work for Robo-Fortune) during Salty Cupcakes:
Mike Z said:Detonation mode is the thing that Robo-Ky has where he pushes his little plunger and gets a countdown above his head for 10 seconds, during which he's sped up and automatically generates meter. At the end of that ten seconds he explodes, doing crazy damage to his opponent and decent damage to himself, losing all of his remaining meter afterwards. And I love it, and it's incredibly fun, AND-
- She may end up being free for everyone, depending on how much work is needed to create her. This is the reason she was not included in the DLC pack IndieGogo backers got with their Skullgirls keys.
- While having original animation, a large part of her frames will be edited versions of Ms. Fortune's animation. Here's how she'll look in-game.
- She's currently being worked on alongside Beowulf! She even has an idle animation and some months-old mockup palettes.
- Alex has heavily hinted at her being a creation of Brain Drain of Lab 0.
- She's currently slated to be released with the PS4/Vita versions of Skullgirls Encore in late Q1 2015.
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