This place ain't how it used to be
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What sort of no taste sack of shit doesn't agree with you?
Bug type has Heracross. That automatically makes it the best type.
What sort of no taste sack of shit doesn't agree with you?
You probably won't believe me, but I was JUST thinking about posting my dislike of the Megaman boss weakness system, but for a different reason.I do remember that I wanted to say that I hate the boss weakness mechanic in Mega Man. It's just really dumb to me that they provide a way to bypass (sometimes in the most stupid way possible, trapping a boss in the corner over and over with a weapon that stuns him for example) what is THE most fun and enjoyable part of the game. Every single Mega Man game I end up intentionally doing buster/saber only against the bosses, because the boss fights are just not fun if you just get to stunlock them over and over.
Honestly I usually start off a new skyrim character by completely ignoring my map and just wandering around. I have a mod that starts you somewhere entirely random rather than making you go through the shitty helgen origin thing, and it's very random, and before I've gotten to my first town I've done at least something notable most of the time. It might be just not noticing caves or bandit camps or whatever, but I've found it's very difficult to walk around and not encounter anything at all.I have to admit, I am an action junkie-instant-gratification-need-my-fix-NOW sort of gamer. I love action games, and fighters, and I play in short bursts. Pretty much the only series I have patience for is Zelda anymore, so I need to establish that before I go on.
As for Skyrim not being empty I guess I have to agree, but it feels empty to me because I never knew where to go when I played, who to talk to or what to do. Maybe I'm an idiot who needs to be led around the nose constantly, but that was me.
Yes mods are pretty cool bu it's the base game what matters to me. If that doesn't appeal to me the mods won't help much.
The combat is really bad, like... there's no kind of feedback. I seriously cannot tell when my weapon contacts with something, there's no visceral feedback of any kind. It's baaaad. The enemy doesn't flinch or anything like you'd expect someone to when they take a battle axe to the face.
Agree with some bosses, disagree with others. Sometimes it's an instant win and sometimes it's clever. I dislike it when it makes the entire boss fight unlosable or allows you to win by flailing around without bothering to dodge at all, and I hate it when the boss's weakness has absolutely no base in logic (did you know that ninjas are weak to roundhouse kicks?) but in some cases I like it. I think Megaman X does it better, though.I do remember that I wanted to say that I hate the boss weakness mechanic in Mega Man. It's just really dumb to me that they provide a way to bypass (sometimes in the most stupid way possible, trapping a boss in the corner over and over with a weapon that stuns him for example) what is THE most fun and enjoyable part of the game. Every single Mega Man game I end up intentionally doing buster/saber only against the bosses, because the boss fights are just not fun if you just get to stunlock them over and over.
I like knowledge-based progression like that. Maybe not in megaman particularly, but in general it can be done very well. In particular I like how a DayZ veteran basically acts like a woodsman that licks his finger and puts it up in the air and miraculously knows exactly where to go.You probably won't believe me, but I was JUST thinking about posting my dislike of the Megaman boss weakness system, but for a different reason.
The problem, to me, is that it places an arbitrary gameplay difference between your first playthrough of a Mega Man game and your preceding playthroughs. On your first playthrough, you will not know the weaknesses of the Robot Masters, and you will try to guess what beats what, with varying levels of success. On your second playthrough, you will know all of the weaknesses, and play with this in mind as you go through the Robot Masters in an appropriate order.
I don't feel more "skilled" knowing the weaknesses on my second playthrough; I just feel like I remembered what beats what. I don't even feel skilled figuring out the weaknesses on my first playthrough because the weaknesses tend to feel quite arbitrary ("why does Bomb Man beat Guts Man?").
Ah, so since I never played the game in a way that was completely unintended by the developers I never played the real game.Also, personally I think a lot of people play games, "wrong" for lack of a better word. That is to say, they just playthrough once, and move onto the next game without looking for any deeper nuance or replay value to the game. To be sure, not all games are that deep or enjoyable enough to warrant a deeper look, but many games can become a whole new experience by playing with a higher goal in mind (speed running, 1cc, no death clear, high score run, etc.). For example, imo if you haven't tried for a low death run on Rogue Legacy (clear from new game data with as few deaths as possible, probably under 5 or so) than you haven't played the real Rogue Legacy.
I'm not sure you've ever seen someone act like a dick, but when someone acts like a dick and then add a part at the end that says "I'm not a dick" it usually doesn't negate the part just above that where they are clearly a dick. It's saying like "no offence but..." It's never going to affect whether or not that offends someone. I mean you did very much say that they're playing the game wrong in the first sentence of your post, no amount of "but not really"'s is going to obfuscate that.
I'm not sure you've ever seen someone act like a dick, but when people act like a dick and then add a part at the end that says "I'm not a dick" it usually doesn't negate the part just above that where they are clearly a dick. It's saying like "no offence but..." It's never going to affect whether or not that offends someone. I mean you did very much say that they're playing the game wrong in the first sentence of your post, no amount of "but not really"'s is going to obfuscate that.
It's completely different, though. There is a big button in the menu of blazblue dedicated to multiplayer. The entire game is balanced from the ground up as a multiplayer game. Self-imposed rules are just arbitrary things you come up with to make a game harder; they are not accepted by the game, they're something you brought into the game to make it more entertaining to you.Maybe I phrased things poorly, but think of it in terms of fighting games. There's nothing wrong if you only play Blazblue for the visual novel story mode, that's cool. But if someone walked up to you and acted like that was all there is to it and didn't even know it was possible to play the game in pvp, that maybe they hadn't gotten all they could out of the game? Whether or not it's true, they are at the very least, unaware of a sizable part of the game.
Sure, if they like story mode better, that's fine. But like I said, what I feel is that many people just don't have a concept of playing certain games on a deeper level.
That's how I feel about a lot of really good single player games. There's so much depth that many people leave unexplored, and it's fine that they do. But it seems like they many aware it's even there or don't look for it.
Except in your example, rogue legacy, that is very clearly not intentional, and the devs likely designed the game around dying a lot all things considered.
See, but that still kind of sounds condescending. Like "you get the popcorn experience while I get the truly tasteful one."Like I said, "wrong" was a poor choice of words because I couldn't really think of anything more accurate. As I said, I just feel a lot of people see the idea of playing a single player game competitively or on a deeper level as something extremely alien and impossible, and just treat games as bubble gum/popcorn experiences to be thrown away when done.
not that there's anything wrong with playing a game once and being satisfied. But I think more people should at least know that it's possible to get more out of a game.
TBH I think you and Ruin just saw "wrong" at the top of the post and skimmed through the rest.
This is such an unfair way to judge games.
Still waiting for the Chaos Code netplay patch to come out. :(
I'm actually interested in Chaos Code, but no netplay and no European version yet.
I completely understand what you mean, you just sounded kind of rude when you said it.
You're making the assumption that all of the parts of a game exist in a vacuum.
I like my dungeon crawlers to be like the Sims because I'm an ass trick.
This is such an unfair way to judge games.
If a game has extra content, then that is a plus. In all forms. Inconvenience/expenses factor into how much of a plus that content is, but these should ALL affect your judgment of a game. This is the greatest failing of gaming journalism today; they review the vanilla game and pretend like the evolution of a game doesn't count for anything.
For an example that hits home, even after skullgirls gets every character that it's going to get, there will be hundreds of reviews online that complain about how it only has 8 characters.
like, the old couple's story line will never compare to Dojima's storyline. dem Hierophant feels yo....
...except mods add to the value and quality of the game, so yeah, a mod is essentially the same thing as an add-on. I don't give a shit where it came from if it's new high quality content. Like I said the value is a little less than free DLC simply because modding your game can be a bother if only a small one. If you can perhaps argue against that instead of smashing the caps lock button and making big text to show that I've ruffled your feathers, maybe we could have a discussion about it.a fucking MOD is not the same thing as a fucking ADD-ON!
squigly wasnt made by some dude who made her in his own free time!
so by your logic, all companies should say "hey, look at this guy who made our game better by himself without any budget and only his free time that we couldn't be bothered to do ourselves!"...except mods add to the value and quality of the game, so yeah, a mod is essentially the same thing as an add-on. I don't give a shit where it came from if it's new high quality content. Like I said the value is a little less than free DLC simply because modding your game can be a bother if only a small one. If you can perhaps argue against that instead of smashing the caps lock button and making big text to show that I've ruffled your feathers, maybe we could have a discussion about it.
And you don't think that it takes effort to make a game moddable in the first place?
The thing is, games change, they get new content, they get better, people add their own things to them, people change them to fit their tastes, they evolve without ever needing a sequel and we still judge them like the thing we get on launch day is the thing it's always going to be. It's fucking stupid, and it's the greatest failure of gaming journalism.