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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Whenever I get a "EA575 replied to the thread Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty..." alert I know I'm in for a treat from Kinuko's Twitter. It's almost Pavlovian at this point. :)

Oujo-sama looks ready to merc some fools. ~Cold blooded!~
I wonder if that's a move like Val's HK HK HK?

Very random note, while peeking at Mariel's Twitter, I noticed the link to a article showing her father in his younger years. Seems he's also a big shot in the animation industry. Interesting. Must be nice to have someone that can support one in the endeavors one chooses to pursue...
I hope she has a fair amount of attacks using her scythe/mic kinda afraid 99% of her moves might be blood related and I like her weapon a lot to be honest.
oh lawdy those attack animations, nanto powah da. Also hope she uses her scythe often, looks so good there.
They think they can keep things away from me. ME! Of all people! Scandalous.




1. The blade projectiles which go in 3 directions (but short distance) and can be done in air as well, if it hits u can follow up with super or combo.

2. The blood bubble, unblockable but doesn't hit crouching opponents, can be used as a situational anti air. BTW, it is a claw swipe with small hitbox, only if that hits do they get wrapped in this huge bubble.

3. Something similar to his command grab where he pumps the enemy full of blood til they explode. Subsequently maybe Eliza could use opponent's spilled blood against them.
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Anyone have any thoughts as to what Eliza's character icon might be? My first thoughts were maybe a drop of blood, or the eye of Horus. But then I thought nah, not quite iconic enough. Then it hit me.

Anyone have any thoughts as to what Eliza's character icon might be? My first thoughts were maybe a drop of blood, or the eye of Horus. But then I thought nah, not quite iconic enough. Then it hit me.
It's already confirmed that her character icon will be an Ankh.
You have to really focus to see what has changed
Really focus? Only if you see things at 30fps. :P
Considerably more fluid and some frames are more detailed.

Interesting how even the ankh is weaponized. But if that whole thing is s.HP, better play smart with it.
I wonder if she will have any kicks or those buttons will be assigned to more attacks of the arsenal she's carrying...

Side note, a shame Persona's stream ended in a somewhat sour way. Poor guy getting his work "heckled" by arguments in the office. :(
Don't judge me :p
You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. :3

Bearing in mind we got a sneak peek of it on Persona's latest stream, emlan was kind enough to share the illustration in better resolution. Yes, the move was a idea she pitched (though it seems it got allocated from c.WP to j.WP).

What he needs is switching to Diet Haterade. Much less calories.

Anyway, the last stream wasn't all that exciting (caught a bit of it just before calling it a night) but it gave a good glimpse of Eliza's character emblem (the ankh), her place in the character select screen opposite of Big Band (a wholly blank slot so no artwork yet) and her name already inscribed in the game's font.

Starting to think those claims of "Eliza in beta in May" might hold some truth to them, after all...
Boo! I was all aboard your campaign for eventually adding Annie due to your incredible dedication, however your trying to destroy Eliza in the process has turned me off. No...Annie......EVER!
Boo! I was all aboard your campaign for eventually adding Annie due to your incredible dedication, however your trying to destroy Eliza in the process has turned me off. No...Annie......EVER!
Don't worry Eliza's a small loss, Annie will mean more in the end.
can't wait to get me some of that :F
gonna pair her up with Painwheel and gonna make it look so painful and bloody (while I make them look so scrubby)
oh oh oh
no wait I have a funnier idea. Eliza beat boxes (it works like Big Band Trumpet)
After see the post about more information of Skullgirls universe...

So, Eliza is a Vampire Mummie with a living Skeleton inside... ummmmmmmm

(yes yes... she is not a Mummie "as per" but as an Egyptian Old one like one :PUN:)
"Wait Sekhmet, what are youAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Ra's shriveled ball sack! That hurt like hell!"

If someone can so nonchalantly do this to oneself, I can't even begin imagining what she'll do to the fools that cross her. And I dare say, I do have a pretty vivid imagination.
Oujo-sama is not to be trifled with.
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