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Street Fighter 4

I might try her out. But if you really hate her use Oni and just win against her. You'll see em crush her face.
a new 3d model (not THAT expensive, and makes such stupid decisions less in-your-face)
bringing back a fan favorite (more people would buy the game for a character they love than for this mockery)
not forcing people to buy it to get the balancing update (that'd show a minimum respect for their customers)

Pretty certain Ravidrath said that Capcom officials commented on how cheap 250 K was for a Skullgirls character and it took close to 1 million to create a character from scratch in Street Fighter 4.
The Ono as wrong... he says the 5th character will be unlike for some people........ the 5th character are now hated by the most SF player....

And not because she is a doll, a clone, etc... because all this good mystery to this...

If their reveal Decapre AND reveal a plan to make DLC characters, Decapre not get all this hate.

She was hated because Capcom, not because who she as...

(and no one can forget the silence after the reveal... the hype go frozen really fast).
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"M.Bison’s plans for domination are only getting stronger with the addition of Decapre to the USFIV roster. The final challenger has arrived and she’s ready to share her pain with the rest of the warriors. Will Cammy and the other Street Fighters be able to escape her wrath?"

Is almost impossible to not compare Decapre with Painweel...

Masked: check
Used in experiments: Check
So much pain: Check
So much wrath: Check
Red Eyes: Check
Purple colored powers: Check

I'm hoping that Decapre's alternate skin is her extra crispy version.
That's not unlikely, seeing as you can see the scar tissue on her face in some of the frames.
I love how last night you guys said you weren't salty yet you guys are still talking about disappointment. Considering capcom probably doesn't have alot of money to develop a new character from scratch, it does make sense in a way when you think about ir
Yes it does. I had posted something like "I can see why the brought who they brought, but not how they brought." over in the Eventhubs forums. I haven't checked the trailers yet, but it should be interesting, considering how much I've used Cammy.
Okay, after my previous statement that was „begun the Clone War has…” (sorry, couldn’t help myself), I’m stating my real point of view now.

I like her. I was one of the people who wanted her among the other possible fits for the various hints, under the condition that her gameplay is really different and she doesn’t look like a bland Cammy-clone. Well, my wish was half granted. Her gameplay seems really different, and she doesn’t reuse all of Cammys specials, and the ones she does are charge-based or otherwise changed, that’s a plus for me.

Of course, she reuses much of Cammy’s animation, and I even heard she uses some left over animation from SFxT as well. But if she really plays different, it doesn’t bother me too much.

I think the rage about her isn’t justified, but Capcom really did wrong with marketing her and the game. While the "gambling out" with the Alpha-graphics in her reveal trailer was funny, they shouldn’t have done this in the first place. If you reveal the game with completely reused stuff from SFxT, saying there will be a totally new character too, but then deliver a character that is also constructed with spare parts, while hyping it up with months of teasing, that’s never good.

And they are totally aware of that, Ono said it would happen, he was right.

I look forward to her and I will try her out, but the overall marketing for Ultra was a total disaster. The rage is really nasty right now; I’m preparing myself to get hate mail just for playing Miss Decapre in the future.
Yeah, I know man. First bit of rage I got was because I used Cammy. So I can't wait to see how Decapre plays.
After getting over my initial disappointment and rage at the shitty PR..... I'm kinda sorta okay with Decapre. Still not happy about the reveal, and it may not be enough to get me back into SFIV. I agree that they should have done this a whole lot better, and the SFA intro was completely unnecessary.
They really should at least give her different grabs eventually like Evil Ryu and Oni had.

Evil Ryu’s grabs are exactly the same as the ones the regular Not-Evil Ryu has. With Oni, only his forward throw is new, his backward one is also exactly like Akuma’s.

I think a lot of people, not pointing at anyone here, judge Decapre by her appearance alone right now. While she looks like Cammy with a mask, she brings a lot more new gameplay to the table than for example Evil Ryu did. Evil Ryu really is just a hybrid of Ryu and Akuma, the same moves with the same execution, besides the Axe Kick of course. Decapre has a lot of new moves and even the ones she shares with Cammy are different to do, giving her a really new playstile as opposed to Cammy.

I’m not saying Evil Ryu is cheap or bad, I like him very much, but I’m not accepting people giving credit to this character while hating on Decapre. If Decapre is bad and a waste of space, so is Evil Ryu. Again: Not speaking to anyone here, but I have seen some guys already saying how awesome Evil Ryu is in comparison to Decapre. And that sucks.
I think a lot of the snap judgments stem from all the hype and speculation behind the mysterious 5th character. I think a lot of people were expecting a completely original character with their own unique fighting style. Granted, the speculation pool was narrowed down by the hints of being female and from the comics. But still, seeing something where the first impression is "Cammy clone" is a let-down. First impressions are important, especially if you have a shoddy track record like Capcom. Unfortunately, they dropped the ball as far as presentation, when looking back to all the hype and the mystery.

Also, the "Evil Ryu is a waste of space if Decapre is" argument is something I'd have to disagree with. Evil Ryu, while essentially a what-if character, has history in the sense that if he actually were a waste of space, he wouldn't have made appearances throughout multiple games. Decapre, not so much; I think the general reaction to Decapre would be the same if any of the other Dolls were chosen to be the 5th: "Oh, it's a Cammy clone with [insert distinct feature here]." Look at Juni and Juli; they were only in A3, and you don't really see 'em much after that. Decapre may or may not have that same fate, depending on her final build; Combofiend did say they still have to hash out frame data before her release.
I think the biggest problem with Decapre is that the game was announced to have "4 imported characters and a new one never playable before".

Since most of the characters had a kind of half-assed job (with the exception of Poison, who looks great), most hopes were placed upon the mysterious never-seen before character, which led to greater disappointment when everyone saw it was basically Cammy.

In the end she's kinda ok though.
I like Decapre and I wanted her the most in the first place.


If they won't give Vega back his buffs then I'll probably switch my main to her.
Honestly, it was expected. It's mainly the delayed reveal that's making the salt overflow beyond belief. Like seriously they were hyping up a Cammy clone for 6 months? The R.Mika trolling in the trailer didnt help either, that just made it way worse coz R.Mika would've been a million times better than this..

I think people would've been totally fine if the same moveset was slapped on another doll. Just change the hair and adjust the face a bit and name her October or whatever.. there: "new" character.

Seems almost all FG companies are going the clone route recently with "hype" announcements before it too.

KOF: 5 NEW characters for XIII console release. Ended up with Saiki (the only real new char), Billy and the 3 EX characters.

BB: NEW character= ends up a clone. They did this twice (Mu and Terumi)

TTT2: 10 new characters as DLC! many were just straight up palette swaps, but these were free so no one complained.

Injustice: NEW character! Ports Scorpion from MK with a new costume..

DoA5U: Phase 4 recently announced, idk if she's free or not tho.

Hell we're even getting that with Robo-Fortune (we havent any of here yet tho so idk..)
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Can they really advertise ultra has having "5 New characters" when 4 are just ports from sfxt, and the last is a cammy clone?

Considering that Street Fighter hardly happens on streets... Yes, yes they can.
BB: NEW character= ends up a clone. They did this twice (Mu and Terumi)

Haven't been in touch with CP too much, but I don't think Mu qualifies as a clone, she's a lot different from Lambda/Nu both in gameplay and visuals, they just share the same thematics (like, say, Yun and Yang).

Honestly it wouldnt be a clone if it was any of the other dolls with the same moveset. . .

I believe that too. They HAD to get the one that looked exactly like Cammy, didn't they?
Yeah I'm kinda pinning the disappointment on overhyping the fifth rather than the fact that she's one of the Dolls. It's kind of hard to not have the Dolls have glaring similarities in their fighting styles with Cammy. I literally hit up an SFA3 video on Youtube and bam, Juli, Juni and Cammy sharing moves.

The recycling process doesn't really surprise me either. Even if they did pick one of the other Dolls, all they had to do was slap a brand new head on and rig a new skeleton for their hair. Why go through all that work when there's one that, for all intents and purposes, is literally something you can slap a mask and new textures on?
It's pretty standard in the industry to recycle anything you can use to cut down development costs, and recycling Cammy honestly fit the bill perfectly as making a brand new character from scratch is expensive. Anyone remember how much creating an actual new character costs in terms of assets? *whistles*
I'm not exactly a fan of it either, but when you want to cut costs...

With all that said? I'm still waiting kind of waiting for something a bit more definitive than "Here's Decapre, she's a charge character that has huge mixup potential".

She gets bonus points for using energy katars though.

EDIT: And then I saw footage of the exhibition matches between Ryan Hart and Combofiend. Looks alright.
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you're so brave for speaking up what no one had the strength to say
Except she really is. I enjoy that she has a different move set, but I miss Cammy's Anti-Air super from Alpha. Unless Decapre has that. In which case, kick ass.

But srsly, read the comics. Decapre is a Cammy clone in the sense of the word Clone.

EDIT: I've added a Fortune head to the above comment on Decapre so people know it's a joke.
Wait, she has three supers, or are you counting the ultras? And since you didn't specifiy one, I assume none of them have her spiraling upwards dealing damage?
Ah, alright. I wonder what colors she'll get... Hell, she may be a third character I'm picking up with Ultra. Though she's a charge, so I don't know.