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The Generically Named Thread Where We Come Up With Ways To Help Skullgirls

I guess I can try to use the word-of-mouth method, maybe simply asking youtube gamers to simply try the SG out instead of asking them to review it directly. Plus I've been telling my friends about it the whole time I've played it, and every time I tell them, I have this smile I can't hold back! I got my friend to try the demo out at his house because I wanted him to try out the full game, but there was "suspicious activity" on my debit card. I tried to get the game I brought to another playstation 3 but at first it didn't work out. I guess I should find a place to show SG on stream. Also, I guess the point has been made NUMEROUS TIMES that this thread is not about getting more people into tourneys, but I feel there are tourney places that should be aware Skullgirls exists. So I made a thread for Texas! I plan to take action for Skullgirls existence, but without forcing it down everyones' throats.
Put it simply, we need more tits fanimation advertisment.

I mean, the voice actors have been working with fans to do animations to promote the work, not for pay, but just as really big fans, Joshua Tomar states it himself in the Stanley's Lecture animation. Hell, he even worked with z0ne on a Skullgirls porn flash and Erin Fitzergerald nearly agreed to help with another, but that was due to misunderstandings. Basically, given the dedication of everyone that has put work into Skullgirls, and the awesome fanbase, there is a lot of potential in that, and can get the game recognized even more than it currently is.

Oh, and another fundraiser wouldn't hurt either when Lab Zero have completely finished working on everything that came as a result of the IGG campaign.
Put it simply, we need more tits fanimation advertisment.

I mean, the voice actors have been working with fans to do animations to promote the work, not for pay, but just as really big fans, Joshua Tomar states it himself in the Stanley's Lecture animation. Hell, he even worked with z0ne on a Skullgirls porn flash and Erin Fitzergerald nearly agreed to help with another, but that was due to misunderstandings. Basically, given the dedication of everyone that has put work into Skullgirls, and the awesome fanbase, there is a lot of potential in that, and can get the game recognized even more than it currently is.

Oh, and another fundraiser wouldn't hurt either when Lab Zero have completely finished working on everything that came as a result of the IGG campaign.
I like what is said at the top, but L0 does not want to do another IGG or KS campaign because they don't want to seem selfish or needy on others' money. I guess I want to do youtube videos and cover SG along the way. Maybe a variety channel.
I like what is said at the top, but L0 does not want to do another IGG or KS campaign because they don't want to seem selfish or needy on others' money. I guess I want to do youtube videos and cover SG along the way. Maybe a variety channel.
But in all honesty, it wouldn't really be greedy given the amount that was raised last time, which shows the fans are dedicated and are willing to contribute to help their favorite game, and that it'll take a while before they finish everything they need to do as a result of the IGG campaign, i.e the DLC characters and voice packs. That'll take at least another year or two, maybe more, but I doubt THAT long.
That's what you think about it as a member of the Skullgirls community. Others may not see it that way.
But that's the thing, I don't see how people could think it's greedy given the time gap between the start of the campaign and the ultimate end of the campaign i.e when all DLC is done. But in the midst of it all, you will always get a few scrubs who claim that Lab Zero are greedy dickbutts.
The next girl I ask out, I'm doing it naked.
Do it, girls like confidence.

Seriously though, if someone walked up to me and guaranteed me that I could save Skullgirls by appearing naked on national television, I'd totally fucking do it. Hell, I'd do it for less.
Who cares what people think? So long as the game we love gets to continue, I'm happy.
I could be wrong, but I think it's not so much an issue of what people thing, but rather the Team itself is tired of such a campaign and maybe are looking for something more stable. Fundraising may help them for more content, but longterm stability with a publisher (free from legal nightmares) is what they really need. I wish I had a suggestion, but I'm clueless.
I could be wrong, but I think it's not so much an issue of what people thing, but rather the Team itself is tired of such a campaign and maybe are looking for something more stable. Fundraising may help them for more content, but longterm stability with a publisher (free from legal nightmares) is what they really need. I wish I had a suggestion, but I'm clueless.
You are never wrong. Ever. But my idea is that the Team isn't going to work alone in this. I think really reaching out to capable fans (such as yourself, for instance) would be a great booster for them.
@Shockdingo No, you're likely right on the money. And I do hope L0 is able to find a publisher, it'd be the ideal outcome. But if Beowulf is released and that hasn't happened, it might come down to either a second fundraiser or L0 disbanding. I'd much rather have the chance to donate again than for Skullgirls to just end, even if that's just me being selfish as a fan.
I see your points and I'd be down for donating multiple times, the only problem I see is that L0 itself seems to be tired of that avenue (at least that's the vibe I got from another thread with Mike Z talking to some people about this very issue), I'm not sure if they've completely given up on such an idea, but I do hope that with enough outpouring of support they consider it again. I'm more than willing to do anything I can to play my part in their overall success; it'd be a crime if they did disband. I don't even like to think of that outcome.
they actually make their money off of Eightysixed shirt sales and other products.
Does this also include Sanshee products as well?

I was wondering as I got an SG shirt at Pax East two weeks ago.

Well kind of. I presented my proposal and they weren't opposed. I just have to draw up a price cost list and marketing plan for them to see next week and the final decision will be made! Say it with me folks: "Skullgirls curse, go away, come again no other day"
I feel kind of useless here, I mean all of my ideas are awesome but they all involve breaking the law in some form. Oh well, I guess I'll just continue buying EightySixed merchandise.
Maybe you could tell your wrestling team about Skullgirls. Tell the whole school! Chances are there will be at least one person that feels interested to play. I'm having a field trip tomorrow, so I'll just blabber it to everyone and sneak it into a conversation or two. I wish I could spread the existence of this game more, but the Fukua? trailer seems to have done that well enough!
Um, excuse me, what exactly is Shark Tank? I don't know, probably because I'm Scottish.
It's the American version of an international show called Dragon's Den where investors and businessmen in need of funding try to negotiate funding in exchange for a certain amount of control over the idea or company. I know there's an Irish version, but probably not a Scottish one.
Maybe you could tell your wrestling team about Skullgirls. Tell the whole school!
I can guarantee you that will accomplish nothing besides making me look like a huge fool. It's a college in the city, nobody likes each other. I'd rather get sneaky and underhanded to save Skullgirls.
It's the American version of an international show called Dragon's Den where investors and businessmen in need of funding try to negotiate funding in exchange for a certain amount of control over the idea or company. I know there's an Irish version, but probably not a Scottish one.
I know Dragon's Den, so yeah, I can get behind the idea of Shark Tank.
Can I throw an idea in here? I've heard of Patreon which is basically IGG/KS only you donate every so often for constant content.

However, I'm not that confident in it, especially since Mike has said he didn't want to do crowd funding.
Can I throw an idea in here? I've heard of Patreon which is basically IGG/KS only you donate every so often for constant content.

However, I'm not that confident in it, especially since Mike has said he didn't want to do crowd funding.
Patreon isn't meant for this sort of thing. It's for people who deliver content on a frequent, consistent basis and not people who need to fund their content on a project by project basis. Lab Zero can't just say "every 3 months we'll release a character" because they need ton of funding before they can start, something patreon will never give them. Plus that's a super high budget patreon; they would need around $100,000 a month to keep making high quality characters at least, and that's definitely not something you can pull off on patreon.
Patreon isn't meant for this sort of thing. It's for people who deliver content on a frequent, consistent basis and not people who need to fund their content on a project by project basis. Lab Zero can't just say "every 3 months we'll release a character" because they need ton of funding before they can start, something patreon will never give them. Plus that's a super high budget patreon; they would need around $100,000 a month to keep making high quality characters at least, and that's definitely not something you can pull off on patreon.
Yeah, i figured as much.
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I think we should simply wait for Skullgirls to be on the PS4. That may be unlikely, but its a great start! I wouldn't know about it being on the Xbox One, though, L0 and Microsoft have such a love-hate relationship, in my opinion.
@Horseman I recently read the PS4 PS+ thread you commented a long time ago, and I agree that its a little risky to transfer system to system with the amount of money they have now.
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Now that Big Band is released, THAT would be a good opportunity to suggest some reviewers to revisit their Skullgirls reviews.
Who's in?
In other notes, Big Band has the best Story Mode so far.
It's probably been said but word of mouth is the most powerful tool we have. Minecraft spread by word of mouth and while Skullgirls is a bit more niche it will still go a long way. Personally I intend to bring my computer to a bi-weekly gaming event in the area and set up shop there. I'm pretty sure it's the kind of game that will resonate with quite a few of the people that go there.
It may get easier now that all the systems will be synced up. For now, be online more and make high-profile videos. The second to increase interest, the first to make sure they stay when they start playing (instead of Xbox Vanilla "Wait 40 minutes for a quick match").
I think we should simply wait for Skullgirls to be on the PS4. That may be unlikely, but its a great start! I wouldn't know about it being on the Xbox One, though, L0 and Microsoft have such a love-hate relationship, in my opinion.
@Horseman I recently read the PS4 PS+ thread you commented a long time ago, and I agree that its a little risky to transfer system to system with the amount of money they have now.
Mike talked about this on salty a while ago, just a little while after that post.
He said he would port it, but someone else would have to publish it and that he's tired of seeing little to none of the money skullgirls makes so lab zero would need a much more significant cut of the profits than they've had in the past.
And while I agree that they should wait for that sort of scenario to port it, I also don't think that's happening any time soon.