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Eliza A Song of Blood and Beauty - Eliza Lore & Speculation

Yeah, I expected a more deeper, sadistic tone
I guess that's for D.Violet or Black Dahlia

The cheery yet slightly condescending tone matches her divaness
It reminds me of Elizabeth's tone in P4A that implies that she gives no fucks

I'm really liking her voice, I initially thought it was higher than I expected, but when she gets angry with "cut you down!" and "Leave my sight!" she hits that darker place that I was looking for. I love the diva 'tude! I love how she says "Boys, prepare the limo!"

This is going to be so awesome! :D
NOT expecting Oujo-sama to sound like that but I ain't complaining.
Indeed. But I am glad it is a bit different than her usual voices (Kat and Viper sound practically the same).

*Eliza Arcade mode run*
That finale... SHAMEFUR DISPRAY!!! >:[


01 - default
02 - customary RGB flip palette
03 - customary black/white/gold palette (might move to #5)
04 - ???
05 - Eliza (Tekken)
06 - Midnight Bliss Jedah (Vampire Savior)
07 - Kikuri-hime (Shin Megami Tensei series)
08 - Crimson Viper (Street Fighter IV) (a character also voice by Michelle Ruff)
09 - Original
10 - Princess Iset (Vindictus)
11 - Tharja (Fire Emblem)
12 - Urien (Street Fighter III)
13 - ???
My poor Dai Goten Maou will remain lost in the abyssal darkness... (.__.)

Side note, I might revise my intent for Team Bloody Tears. Been spending a lot of Bella lab time lately and she has been showing me how to Lock n' Drop into a better life; and now, the uneasy LizBella alliance adds a extra scintilla of justification to running it. Besides, it seems widely accepted that duos are the worst choice.
NOT expecting Oujo-sama to sound like that but I ain't complaining.

I expected her to sound more sultry for some reason, Ah well
As long as she sounds boss i'll be happy
hey guys, her win quote depends on what she wears
:LP: (robe stuff?): "how do I look?"
:MP: (fur coat): "Yes, I AM rich!"
:HP: (bathing suit): "I could go for a dip right about now"
:LK: (red carpet dress): "Boys, Prepare the Limo!"
:MK: (scandolous outfit): "haha, Deal with it!" probably directed towards @Mike_Z lol
:HK: (Ragyo dress): "mmm, Victory looks good on me!"

Edit: I didnt realize some one else posted this :(
"Yes, I am rich!" (Fur coat)

I expected her voice to be more adult and serious like Parasoul's, but it's neat. If Sekhmet won't sound like Gollum THAT is gonna kill my joy
A commission of Eliza by Mariel
Everyone getting all this cool stuff and here I am stuck in the boonies... Woe betide me! T_T

Anyway, here's a clearer screencap of the Story mode illustration:

You can already tell the Medici got their best person on the job.
Eliza be like "There is no need to be upset."

BRB, gonna try screencap this Blood Bath of Tefnut that chicken speaks of.
I'm loving Eliza's thing with Bella more and more

Eliza and Bella for Team That's Not Actually A Team I Hate That Bitch
Everyone getting all this cool stuff and here I am stuck in the boonies... Woe betide me! T_T

Anyway, here's a clearer screencap of the Story mode illustration:

You can already tell the Medici got their best person on the job.
Eliza be like "There is no need to be upset."

BRB, gonna try screencap this Blood Bath of Tefnut that chicken speaks of.
Woah shit, where'd ya get it that clear?
Oh yeah~! Two Stars of New Meridian, Can they ever get along with each other?! Next Time on the exciting episode of Skull Girls: Bloody Diamonds!
^^ I would watch
Yup, just got it. :)
Seeing a stage that spooky, I think she may get a boss form.

She's pretty much Marie but more fair.

Skull Ram = Eliza's couch
3 Forms = 2 Forms (and can switch!)
Divekick summon = Divekick summon that isn't as annoying
Infinite Armor = Sekhmet (but can still be thrown)
Skulls Everywhere like Doom Rocks = Has twirl like Doom Rocks
Skeleton Grab from underground = Albus Grab from underground
Exploding Skeleton that rises out of the ground = Dragon Punch Hieroglyphic Man that rises out of the ground.
Poor Orphan = SO VERY RICH. She's got a boat!

Truly, Eliza could be the most glorious final boss.
Woah shit, where'd ya get it that clear?
As already answered, from the panel footage. They showed that illustration a couple more times, image was smaller but the lighting a lot more favorable.

"where'd ya get that?" ...in a few months, I'll be the one running around with that question primed. (.__.)

3 Forms = 2 Forms (and can switch!)

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

I hope GLORIOUS ELIZA NEKO-SAMA finds her way into the game. It might be too late for gameplay but at least as a easter egg in the Story mode illustrations.
In all seriousness, let's hope for that. Would be interesting to have two Arcade bosses.
As already answered, from the panel footage. They showed that illustration a couple more times, image was smaller but the lighting a lot more favorable.

"where'd ya get that?" ...in a few months, I'll be the one running around with that question primed. (.__.)
Yeah, I didn't see it all the way through, but I did now and I'm super happy it's so much clearer.
Can we also talk about her tag in, "I hunt again!"

I love how that implies she just fucking wrecked shit.

Agreed, this has to be my favorite line so far. It seems with her long life she relishes the opportunity to fight a worthy opponent and hunt after their blood. The delivery really evokes Sekhmet's warrior-goddess themes. SO BADASS.
Yup, just got it. :)
Not sure if blunder or very well planned teaser.

Not much to see because of the palanquin but it's noticeable. Also looks like the place is very dimly lit.
I'm about to speculate SO HARD RIGHT NOW.

Okay, so maybe "pure hearted" creatures have better blood?

Fortune has life gem blood, maybe non-capatable?
Peacock, BB and Carol are both pretty much cyborgs.
Double is double.
Squigly and Filia hold Parasites.
Parasoul and Valentine are by and far not pure hearted.
So the last person with a strong heart that's worth the trouble for Eliza to get her hands on for a high quality of blood? Our girl Bella.

Maybe Eliza plays Bella and the Medicis, making them think she is using Bella to get to the Vitale, but in actuality she is trying to get Bella away from the Medicis so she can have her blood all for herself without worrying about Dhalia and the rest chasing her down or blowing her current 20 year cover.

Maybe it has something to do with the blood that flows through Bella's body, the blood that is apparently part of some line of people who can use Vice-Versa units, similar to the Reinor family that uses umbrellas?

Maybe that stage is Eliza's "Ritualistic Sacrifice" version of her stage and she's finally got Bella all alone?
Here's my prediction for why Cerebella is in the limo with Eliza. She's just pissed off after finding out that Eliza is plotting to wreck the Medicis and she's confronting her about it. It's a little drama to add to the story and it gives a reason for a fight. Cerebella is far from being pure of heart, if such a thing even exists, and I don't think there's anything special about her or her blood that would suggest that Eliza's story would revolve around her.

I think it makes more sense that Eliza would go after Marie and instead of using the Heart she would simply drink her Skullgirl blood and gain a huge power boost without the adverse effects of making a wish.
Then Eliza would be strong enough to defeat the Medicis and eventually take over the city like the dominating empress that she is. Why stay undercover when you can take over the world? All she needs is the power to do it.
Here's my prediction for why Cerebella is in the limo with Eliza. She's just pissed off after finding out that Eliza is plotting to wreck the Medicis and she's confronting her about it. It's a little drama to add to the story and it gives a reason for a fight. Cerebella is far from being pure of heart, if such a thing even exists, and I don't think there's anything special about her or her blood that would suggest that Eliza's story would revolve around her.

I think it makes more sense that Eliza would go after Marie and instead of using the Heart she would simply drink her Skullgirl blood and gain a huge power boost without the adverse effects of making a wish.
Then Eliza would be strong enough to defeat the Medicis and eventually take over the city like the dominating empress that she is. Why stay undercover when you can take over the world? All she needs is the power to do it.
That honestly sounds likely.
However I just figured Eliza, being blackmailed has a lot of bad shit to say about the Medici and Cerebella ain't having that.
I think its not about her blood. It's about a way to get to the Medicis. And what better way than through an naive girl who seems easily manipulated (based on her relationship with Vitale)? Point is she can get Cerebella to do something for her. Maybe accidentally leak info or possibly get her to wish on the Skullheart (for what ever reason).