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Anime/Manga General Discussion

I'll be watching Pokemon Origins on Saturday with some friends. Gonna be good.
Think of Pokemon Adv. as a hard spin off from the game.

The only two who are really from the game in any sense are Red and Green.
I'm gonna take it you've never read Pokemon Adventures?

Yellow is a girl.
Nah, never read it. I know the gist of it, though, I just didn't know Pokemon Oranges Origins was based on it.
It certainly seems like it's better than Ash's anime, I really wish they had followed a new trainer each new season. I always thought it would be cool if they said "fuck the timeline" and did a thing where the next trainer each season was the last one's son, and it always started with them passing down one of the original pikachu's children as their 10th birthday gift. Would have been 10x better.

That suit in Kill La Kill is ugly though. And it's not even about sexism. It just doesn't look good. Well IMO.
See, @Denizen? I'm not the only one!
Whatever to everything, bottom line @Horseman is that Ryuko's outfit doesn't bother me in the slightest and you're in the minority that IS bothered by it. What I find strange is that a fan of Skullgirls can't handle this.

Also, I don't think I am reading to far into it, maybe it's YOU that isn't looking deep enough. I believe Kill la Kill's mission is to be stupidly awesome, and Ryuko's dumb sexy outfit reflects that.

I think her outfit looks AWESOME.
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From what I remember.

Red is the Battler

Green is the Trainer

Yellow is The Breeder

Silver is The Trader

Green is the....I don't even know how to word it, like she helps pokemon evolve or something.

Or do I have that wrong?

I thought Gold was the Breeder and Yellow was the healer. Besides that, Crystal was the Catcher
I thought Gold was the Breeder and Yellow was the healer. Besides that, Crystal was the Catcher

Oh yeah, I forgot about Crystal, because she's Crystal.
Whatever to everything, bottom line is that Ryuko's outfit doesn't bother me in the slightest and you're in a minority that is bothered by it. What I find strange is that a fan of Skullgirls can't handle this.
Also, I don't think I am reading to far into it, maybe it's YOU that isn't looking deep enough. I see Kill la Kill as a mission to be stupidly awesome, and Kyuko's dumb sexy outfit reflects that. It's Great.
I'm in the minority... in this thread. Like I said, I'm not even close to the only person who thinks this. Seriously, google New "Kill la Kill" Costume and look at how many people got upset about it. Either way, that's completely irrelevant unless you're going to claim that your side is more correct simply because it's the popular opinion.

And yes, you are definitely reading into it too much.
Sexuality -> not wearing proper clothing in public therefore stupidity (?) -> "There is a fine line between stupidity and bravery" therefore bravery.
That's three degrees of separation, you can't draw symbolism when you stray that far away from the original subject.
For an example:
Outfit has an eye on it -> "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" therefore teeth -> Dentists operate on teeth therefore dentistry
The outfit represents dentistry. This is technically exactly as plausible as saying it symbolizes bravery.
I'm not saying that this show can't have symbolism or complex themes or that stuff, but that's just not how you draw symbolism. If you're okay with those logical jumps, for all intents and purposes, everything symbolizes everything.

I've said multiple times, it's not because she's showing skin. She really, really looks like a prostitute. There is no hyperbole in that statement. If you compare her outfit to stuff straight from a fetish porno, it would fit in perfectly.

Edit: Also, I kind of think that the costume is going to grow over time from the thread thing that it absorbed. I was really hoping that would happen right when the thread came off, but I'm still holding on to that hope.
Man, I've got to get around to this kill la kill shit.
I thought it was more of a tooth than a stud.

It just seems odd to me that people have issues with the costume in the context of this series. Absolutely everything thus far has been insanely over the top.
@Horseman you're overcomplicating a really simple concept. I'm saying it's brave of Ryuko to go out and fight in such an outfit. I'm saying it's brave of Trigger to make a show out of such a concept. When I said look deeper I meant look at it from a different perspective, which it doesn't seem like you're willing to do.

I don't like your attitude about this whole thing. You're throwing around words like slut, trashy, fetish, porno, and prostitute as if it objectively describes Ryuko. Those are really offensive words commonly used in slut shaming and you should NOT be so quick to use them just because you don't like a revealing outfit. In fact, go ahead and type those words in google and see what comes up. Not Ryuko that's for sure.

Repeating "SHE HAS STUDS TO COVER HER NIPPLES" isn't helping you to convince people that Ryuko looks bad, which you shouldn't be doing in the first place. If you didn't like the outfit you should have done what @BZ Choy did and simply gave a short unoffensive opinion and left it at that. But you didn't, you had to go and directly insult a character design because you didn't like it.

THAT, is not cool man.
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That outfit wasn't even that bad.

Like, at all.

And considering what happened near the end, I expect that outfit to fully cover her body near the end.

You're complaining about the outfit, which everyone acknowledges as stupid, but not the fact that 2 people were stripped naked and killed AND that was seen as normal?

to each his own
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I can't believe we've been going on for a page about that outfit
Man, I dont want to video game, read a book, and it's raining outside.

I need something.
@Horseman you're overcomplicating a really simple concept. I'm saying it's brave of Ryuko to go out and fight in such an outfit. I'm saying it's brave of Trigger to make a show out of such a concept. When I said look deeper I meant look at it from a different perspective, which it doesn't seem like you're willing to do.

I don't like your attitude about this whole thing. You're throwing around words like slut, trashy, fetish, porno, and prostitute as if it objectively describes Ryuko. Those are really offensive words commonly used in slut shaming and you should NOT be so quick to use them just because you don't like a revealing outfit. In fact, go ahead and type those words in google and see what comes up. Not Ryuko that's for sure.

Repeating "SHE HAS STUDS TO COVER HER NIPPLES" isn't helping you to convince people that Ryuko looks bad, which you shouldn't be doing in the first place. If you didn't like the outfit you should have done what @BZ Choy did and simply gave a short unoffensive opinion and left it at that. But you didn't, you had to go and directly insult a character design because you didn't like it.

THAT, is not cool man.
But in the context of the show, why is it brave of her? She's actually kind of forced into it. Heck, she tries her hardest not to wear it. And then... why is it brave of Trigger to make an anime with a skimpy outfit in it? What? Are we even still talking about the costume there? What is brave about making Kill la Kill? You sound like you're talking about Maus or something...
You know what's not perfect about Kill la Kill? The crappy fetish the main character puts on half way through. Although I have to give them some props, considering they at least acknowledged that it was stupid looking. Either way, I'm hoping for a costume change. I'll still watch it, though, because Trigger animation is gorgeous.
That is my original post on the subject. It's... not much longer than BrandX's, and really not that much different unless calling a sexy schoolgirl outfit fetishy makes it a whole different issue somehow.
Speaking of that... How in the world was I supposed to describe those things without saying slut, trashy (the word trashy is offensive?), fetish or porno in the same way? This is what it looks like to me. I'm not using these wordsto demean or mock another human being, so how is it offensive to anyone? I can't just repeat the same adjective over and over when I write a long post, and I've never seen someone offended by the word slutty outside of the context of an insult, and I hang out with feminists quite a bit. The other words I've never seen someone be offended by at all, so I have no idea what you're talking about- yet again, put it in the context of an anime costume, I doubt I'm offending anyone.
I responded to someone else's response to it. I've even said plenty of times after that that they did a good job of showing the costume without changing Ryuko's character for the worse or ruining the suspension of disbelief, which a lot of shows do very poorly. And I can appreciate that. And it hasn't entirely ruined the anime for me. I'm still entitled to be put off by it.
Lastly, I said this before and I'll say this again. This is a subjective discussion. This is not a debate, and I'm not treating it as one. I am not trying to win anyone over, if you look up an image of the costume you will gain an opinion on it within 30 seconds.
@Horseman if you can't see what you're doing wrong then I'm not going to spare the extra effort to explain it to you.

I am curious though, how can you like Skullgirls if Ryuko's outfit offends you so much?
I am curious though, how can you like Skullgirls if Ryuko's outfit offends you so much?
Seriously, I've said this like 10 times.
It's not about how skimpy it is. It's about whether it fits the character, whether it fits the rest of the media, and whether the actual design of the outfit is well made. The kill la kill outfit fails on all of those levels. It's so unfitting for Ryuuko that they actually have to think of a reason, plot-wise, for her to be forced to wear it. The rest of the characters are, aside from the dead ones, not wearing anything near that tier of skimpy clothing, and even she has a dissonance in costume change. And it has that tacky "take regular armor and cut it up until 3/4 of it is gone" style of costume design erotic elder scrolls mods have. Skullgirls manages to do well on all of those levels. All of the characters have costumes that are fitting to their character, so Valentine has the skimpiest costume but also speaks in sexual innuendos, while the more serious Parasoul is wearing a sweater and skirt that really only become overly skimpy because she's in a fight and the art doesn't attempt to hide anything. Most of the characters are overtly sexy, so they all support each other by keeping each other from seeming out of place. And the designs are genuinely well done.
Just because I like Skullgirls doesn't mean I can never say that I dislike something sexual ever again.
Well I disagree with every single aspect of your opinion and there are plenty of people who think the same way.
The difference between you and me is that I actually expressed my opinions in the right way.
I was clear, unoffensive, and I always kept in mind that my opinion wasn't any better than anyone else's.
You failed on all of those levels and it's clear from everyone's reactions to what you said.

I stand by what I said before, next time PLEASE follow @BZ Choy's example so you don't anger people and ruin your own reputation.
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Well I disagree with every single aspect of your opinion on Ryuko's outfit and there are plenty of people who think the same way. The difference between you and me is that I actually express my opinions in the right way.
I was clear, unoffensive, and I always kept in mind that my opinion was not better than anyone else's. You failed on all 3 of those accounts and it's clear from everyone's reactions to what you said.

I stand by what I said before, next time PLEASE follow @BZ Choy's example so you don't anger people and ruin your own reputation.
Nobody really got that angry about it besides you. Heck, the discussion was done before you commented. And I've said two times before this that everyone is entitled to like or dislike the costume, if that wasn't clear originally then it's certainly clear now (in my first few posts I assumed that I didn't have to directly address that no one perspective is more valid than the other since we're talking about something so subjective.) So yeah, stop making a strawman argument and especially stop taking some sort of strange moral highground like I personally offended a bunch of people by saying a fictional outfit looks slutty. That gets on my nerves. If you really treated your posts like your views are no better than anyone else's, you wouldn't have done that.

I think someone needs to make a Kill La Kill Thread already since it's taken up a chunk of this thread XD
That would be good, although I don't think there's much to talk about until the next episode comes out unless we want to talk about the costume all over again.
I'm certain I'm not the only person here pissed off by what you said.

I'm not going to respect your opinion when you call something I like slutty and trashy.

I do NOT make strawman arguments, the moment you called Ryuko's outfit a crappy fetish you were in the wrong. YOU DON'T INSULT THE THINGS PEOPLE LIKE. If you don't like it that's fine, but DON'T call it slutty, or trashy, or any other offensive word like that!


I have to go to class now, I don't want to see any more out of this unnecessary discussion.
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Them Titans, I tell ya what.

Well, this soldier has been winning against them while you've been drinking a beer in the alley. So, you can taste the meat and the heat.

Well, this soldier has been winning against them while you've been drinking a beer in the alley. So, you can taste the meat and the heat.

But this soldier works all day and all night fighting titans.
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Well, this soldier has been winning against them while you've been drinking a beer in the alley. So, you can taste the meat and the heat.

Man, I acknowledge I'm not that good of an artist but I wish more people would take the simple step of roughing their character's pose and doing the figure without the breasts, first. Then go back and draw the breasts onto the figure. It'll help avoid awkward looking poses like that.

Though I am totally guilty of terrible anatomy as well so I suppose I shouldn't be throwing stones in this glass house...
Man, Kill la Kill! It's rare for there to be a show were I watch an episode then turn around and immediately watch it again.
Another manga I'm thinking of reading is Gintama.
Heard that's awesome

Expect dirty/mature humor gag situations, Japanese pop culture wordplay (there is some western though), many many references/parodies of various other anime/games/RL people/etc from subtle to blatantly obvious , constant 4th wall breaking that would rival Deadpool comics such as making jokes about the manga/anime "canceling" numerous times, a colorful cast of main and support characters, surprisingly sad moments (< Don't click that link if you don't want spoiler) out of nowhere, and occasionally the serious arcs that quite honestly IMO would put One Piece/Naruto/Bleach to shame with how the fighting is displayed despite being so widely spaced especially in the anime format.

There are currently 465 chapters ongoing and 6 anime seasons (250+ episodes with anime currently done for now and 2nd movie recently released).

The negatives though from my first impression is the manga art-style leaves little to be desired (don't know if intentional since they joke about that although the anime is much better presented), the start of the manga is relatively slow compared to the later chapters because of the numerous character introductions that will have a role in the later chapters, and arguably the hit-and-miss comedy moments due to not understanding the Japanese culture inspired punch lines. Also expect a lot of "straightman" style comedy as well from various characters so that is a negative if you don't like that.

However the anime in contrast brought out a much more enjoyable experience to me compared to the manga despite the manga being ahead by a few arcs right now.

Besides the first two episodes which are filler, the next 20~ initial episodes portrayed as sit-com style with only real purpose is introduce the recurring characters (Gintama has a cast that would rival the Simpsons..) so its a slow start, but then its downhill after the initial episodes when things get much better. It fixes some of the manga flaws and takes advantage of the anime production to bring out a unique experience.

From the music/openings/endings (They fuck around with the openings numerous times...), the Voice Talent Like Tomokazu Sugita (Joseph Joestar, Hidenori Tabata, Brock, etc), Rie Kugimiya (Alphonse Elric, Shana, Taiga Aisaka, etc) and Kazuya Nakai (Zoro Roronoa, Mugen, Date Masamune, etc.) and the extra stuff not present in the manga like random shorts like if the Gintama cast was in a typical anime highschool.

The beauty that with the sole exception of season 6 (Only reason they did "remix" episodes was because of the movie.), the first two episodes, and whenever they "recycle" animation scenes to fuck around. They don't do filler arcs at all unlike other long-running shonen anime, but in exchange they have to keep taking breaks so they don't catch up to the manga.

There is also a reason why Gintama is considered one of the biggest troll manga/anime ever created.

I also need to start on that Kill La Kill whenever
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Watched a lot of stuff since a new season started, so I'm going to write down some impressions to get it off my chest. Please remember it's just my opinions? I don't have it in me to add "I think" or "in my opinion" to every statement I make.

Kill la Kill
A ton of fun. Love all the animation quirks, the voice cast is full av cool voices i recognize. The action isn't exactly an exciting back an forth yet, but man do they go for it. I haven't had such a good time with an anime in a while.

Ryuko Matoi's costume is skimpy and stupid. Was expecting this sort of outfit from the people who gave us RE: Cutie Honey, Panty & Stocking and Gurren Lagann. But Trigger specifically also made that witch thing, which had no fanservice at all, and I remember thinking it would have been worse if it did. FLCL didn't do a lot of fanservice either. Kill la Kill wouldn't suffer one bit from Ryuko wearing something that's not a fetish costume or not waking up thinking she's being molested two times in one episode. Still, I like this sort of fanservice way better than how shows like Queen's Blade do it. A little bit of humor and this art style goes a long way.

Speaking of Queen's Blade. Man, this is not my thing. Got no enjoyment out of it.

Kyoukai no Kanata
The first episode was very weird for me. No one acts like I'd expect, and not in a way I enjoyed. Guy talks a girl down from a the edge of a roof, she responds by killing him. Then she discovers he's immortal, and rather defenseless, and starts killing him as a way to avoid doing any real monster killing? I can't remember a more unsympathetic female lead off the top of my head. And the guy just snarks and runs away, barely getting upset at her gutting him every day. I guess he's really into her? She's clumsy and daft in a K-On kind of way, too, which I think is supposed to make her look cute but to me it seems insane when it's in this setting instead of a slice of life thing. This show looks pretty, but I'm not a fan at all. At least they are dressed nicely. Cool sweaters.

Episode two is immediately better because of a very nice looking fight scene, a quick break when the female lead wants to let a monster get away, and then runs right after it again when the male lead brings up how she's going to make rent and pay for groceries otherwise. It's better at setting up the world and the stakes, so yeah. I'll keep watching.

Nice world. Good mood, and looks good, and is well animated. Not very interesting characters, and the loud girl actively annoys me. Don't know what to say. I watched two episodes, and in the first they just walked around and created a mood while they had a tragedy that didn't feel very earned in part two. I'll probably keep watching for a while longer, but I'm not very enthusiastic about it.

Pokemon Origins
I've only seen the first two parts so far. It's a nice and nostalgic special, but it lacks a lot of personality compared to the original show. I'm glad they went the way they did back in the day rather than adapt it like this. Poor Charmander. Poor Marowak. Poor Cubone.

BlazBlue Alter Memory
If this is the story and characters of Blazblue, I'm happy that I never got into it. Boring, unrelatable, confusing and generic. Sort of liked Taokaka from a design standpoint before I watched this, but if this is her personality I'm filled with regret.

Samurai Flamenco
It's alright? A comedy show about a model who wants to make the world better by being a superhero and make delinquents and jaywalkers behave themselves, somewhat grounded in reality. I think this kind of thing would be funnier to me with a great dub, so maybe I'll wait for that. My hope: he drops his speeches and starts making motivational rap and songs instead.

It's a show about a spirit medium that uses the spirit of her shrine, a huge Baloo-like fox to help people in her town. To like, find people's lost pets. And learn lessons. I'm obviously not the intended audience, but it's pleasant.

Noooooo, I don't get it at all. It's fun when it's all action, but when it's just weird dudes talking about unexplained things, it's boring. It's a real visual treat, though. I knew I was in for something weird when the summary I read only stated "The main character fights using a hammer".

Tokyo Ravens
What a pleasant surprise this was. Like Kyoukai no Kanata, set in a real world full of magical elements, but without the secrecy and with a lot more coherency. For as generic as it looked, I was expecting it to be terrible, but I actually ended up really enjoying it. All the characters are pleasant, even the ones that are types I generally dislike. The main character isn't anything special, but he's nice, has some faith in his friends and can have arguments with them without being snarky. He's got a thing that gets him riled up, but he's quick to apologize and takes a while to get agitated about it. His childhood friend with a crush on him(and vice versa) is very likeable, though I have a hard time explaining exactly why. She acts… believably and pleasantly?

The powerful girl he's probably going to partner with as a weaker male lead sort of thing(Like everything based on a light novel, I mean) doesn't seem to like him in the usual way, since he's family, and she's a funny character despite being very serious herself. His male friend is cool and silent, but it seems more like it's to give the main character and his childhood crush some room rather than posing or anything. He's understanding. There was a sort of villain type girl introduced at the end, and I thought she was a ton of fun in a very vulgar way. It's the sort of woman villain that wears skimpy clothing, talks about balls and sucks on stuff suggestively a lot, but she felt believable as well. Her clothing wasn't unbelieveable, just really out of place in that setting, and her body wasn't overly sexualised. She seemed pretty self-aware and confident. Reminded me more of the more vulgar friends I know in real life rather than the archetype.

Maybe it's that they all seem reasonably rational? I watch Kyoukai no Kanata and think the main girl is dumb for the sake of being cute, and in Coppelion tragedy seemed to strike because everyone were acting stupid as well. The cast of Tokyo Ravens don't think everything through Hunter X Hunter style or anything, but I feel like I'm watching people that aren't morons or crazy. If there's anyting I'm skeptical about, it's this branch family stuff, because I don't know what that means, in practice.

(The animation is real nice, full of little touches. The sound design is wonderful with lots of good sound effects, and the vulgar girl especially has an amazing whistling theme. There is.. sort of bad 3d in it, but it's not that it's poor, it just doesn't mesh with 2d very well at all, so i'm not sure how to feel about it yet. Maybe it becomes like valvrave and 3d stuff generally only interacts with 3d stuff)

For other stuff, Hunter x Hunter is still messed up and great. The way they ended Attack on Titan's first season was silly, much better done in the comics. I've read a lot of Gantz, which was.. not how I expected it would be. Also read about half of Flowers of Evil, which wasn't like I thought either, but was really good anyway.

Hidimari Sketch OST is still the best OST to just have on for no reason at all.
I mean, just clean your room or do an essay or have your earphones around your neck when hanging out and you'll see what I mean.

This is pretty great.
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Anybody read the manga of this? How is it?
Animation looks a lot better than I expected of Studio Deen though.
Thoughts on Kill La Kill episode 2:

Good things: Hilarious. I was dying when Mako kept talking as she got pelted by tennis balls, and during the whole family scene thing. They also made a game of tennis seem pretty badass, so points for that. Also I like the irony of the protagonist being the one to say "I'll be back!" at the end of every encounter.
Bad things: During the whole teacher scene I was confused. Was there ANY reason for him to take of his shirt and them to start playing softcore porn music? And as soon as Ryuko got her Senketsu activated, there was literally a boob or ass shot every 10 seconds. I mean, they can have her in a skimpy outfit, but don't waste so much time on just shots of the outfit, especially when they don't fit.
By the way, did anyone notice that all the tennis girls looked kind of like Rosa from BW2?
OTL I unfortunately have gotten into Sekirei.

NOT because of what you think the most obvious reason, I just like super humans fighting each other.....

its like no one wears a bra in this anime! D:

I now await the responses of shame from everyone who knows what sekirei has and will put up with it.... I hate my love of superhuman stories now because of this series.
Sekirei in a nutshell = if Pokemon instead of being various creatures who were captured and was battling each other for competition was instead various girls who were captured in all shapes/sizes equipped with unique super powers/abilities battling each other in a competition.

"Ashikabi" = Pokemon Trainers

"Sekirei" (They even have "Evolution" moments and 108 of them exist) = Pokemon

"UnWinged" = Wild Pokemon

"Winged" = Captured Pokemon

Minato Sahashi = Ash/Red

Musubi = Pikachu

Kissing = Pokeballs

Jinki (There are even 8 of them...) = Pokemon Badges

"Sekirei Plan" = Pokemon League
Sekirei in a nutshell = if Pokemon instead of being various creatures who were captured and was battling each other for competition was instead various girls who were captured in all shapes/sizes equipped with unique super powers/abilities battling each other in a competition.

"Ashikabi" = Pokemon Trainers

"Sekirei" (They even have "Evolution" moments and 108 of them exist) = Pokemon

"UnWinged" = Wild Pokemon

"Winged" = Captured Pokemon

Minato Sahashi = Ash/Red

Musubi = Pikachu

Kissing = Pokeballs

Jinki (There are even 8 of them...) = Pokemon Badges

"Sekirei Plan" = Pokemon League
Oh Lordy, does this means Tsukiumi is Charizard.... or Primeape?